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the deatfi of Qutulmush, who therefore obviously could not have rebelled<br />

against him. Secondly, Qutulmush was not the* son-in-law of Sultan<br />

Muhammad, 'but the first cousin of his great-grandfather. Thirdly, the<br />

title of Qutulmush was Shihabru'd-Dawla, riot Shihabu'd-Din. Fourthly,<br />

he did not bear the name Alp Ghazi. Fifthly, the battle in which he<br />

was killed was near Ray, not Ramadan,*' &nd sixthly, it took place<br />

nearly a century before Nizami of Samarqand wrote the Chahdr Maqdla.<br />

We are driven to suppose that in this passage the original text has<br />

tfeen tampered with. The real Alp Ghazi was the nephew of Sultan<br />

Ghiyathu'd-Din Muhammad of Ghtir, and fell in battle with Sultan<br />

Muhammad Khwarazmsnah near Herat in A.H. 600 (A.D. 1203-4),<br />

fifty years after the Chahdr Maqdla was written. There were two<br />

kings called Ghiyathu'd-Din Muhammad, the one of Ghiir, mentioned<br />

immediately above, who died in A.H. 599 (A.D. 1202-3) and was actually<br />

related to the real Alp Ghazi and the ;<br />

,other the grandson of Alp Arslan<br />

the Saljiiq, to v^hom this anecdote refers, and who died in, A.H. 511<br />

(A.D. 1117-8).<br />

Note XXII. The Khaqani, Khani or Afrasiyabi Kings.<br />

(Text, p. 46; Persian notes, pp. 184-189.)<br />

This Turkish Muslim dynasty, also called Ilak-Khani, ruled for<br />

nearly 230 years (A.H. 380-609 = A.D. 990-1212) over Transoxiana,<br />

supplanting the Samanid and succumbing to the Khwarazmshahi power.<br />

They were sometimes practically independent, while at other times they<br />

paid tribute to the Saljiiqs, Qara-Khita'is or Khwarazmshahs. i Tbeir<br />

history is confused and obscure, nor is it precisely known when their<br />

power arose or when they embraced Islam. Hariin ibn Sulayman,<br />

better known as Bughra Khan flak, and entitled Shihabu'd-Dawla,<br />

conquered Bukhara in A.H. 383 (A.D. 993), and is the first of the<br />

His lieutenant Shamsu'd-Dawla Nasr ibn<br />

dynasty mentioned in history.<br />

'AH ibn Miisa ibn Sutuq, better known as Ilak Khan, again subdued<br />

Bukhara in A.H. 389 (A.D. 999) and finally extinguished the Samanid<br />

power in Transoxiana. The last of the line was Nusratu'd-Din Qilij<br />

Arslan Khaqan 'Uthman ibn Qilij Tamghaj Khan Ibrahim, who was<br />

killed in A.H. 609 (A.D. 1212-3) by Sultan 'Al?Vd-Din Muhammad<br />

Khwarazmshah.<br />

The first historian of this dynasty appears to have been the Imam<br />

Sharafu'z-Zaman Majdu'd-Din Muhammad ibn 'Adnan as-Suikhakati,<br />

uncle of Niiru'd-Dm Muhammad 'Awfi, the author of the often-quoted<br />

Lubdbu'l-Albdb and of the vast collection of anecdotes entitled Jawdmi'dl-*<br />

Hikdydt wa Lawdmi'u'r-Riwdydt. This history, dedicated to Sultan<br />

Qilij Tamghaj Khan, the last ruler but one of the dynasty, is mentioned<br />

by Hajji Khalifa, and 'Awfi quotes from it in the seventeenth chapter<br />

of the fourth part of his I- Jawdmi'tf Hikdydt, composed about A.H. 630'<br />

(A.D. 1232-3). Except for this quotation (of which the text is cited on<br />

pp 185-6 of the Persian notes) this work appears to be entirely lost.<br />

The chief extant sources of information about them are as follows :<br />

(i) Scattered references in such Arabic general histories as Ibnu'l-<br />

Athir and Ib,n Khaldiin.

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