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' ii4'<br />

NOTES<br />


i<br />

4<br />

Riidak, & district situated n/iar Samarqand. His full name was Abu<br />

'Abdu'jlah Ja'far ibn Muhammad; he was "the first to produce good<br />

poetry in Persian," and he died in 329/940-1. See the late Dr Hermann*<br />

1<br />

lathe's monumental paper Rtidagi, der Salnamdendifhter . The vocalization<br />

Rawdhaki also occurs, with the addition of the names of the<br />

poet's grandfather (Hakim)*, great-grandfather ('Abdu'r-Rahman), and<br />

great-great-grandfather (Adam). See rhy Hand-list of Muhammadan<br />

Manuscripts (Cambridge, 1900), No. 701, pp. 125-6.<br />

Abu'l-'Abbas as-Ribanjani's<br />

fulr name was Fadl ibn 'Abbas.<br />

See 'Awfi's Lubdb, vol. ii, p. 9. Ribanjan (the correct reading is due to<br />

the late Professor de is Goeje) a city near Sughd and Samarqand, given<br />

It is also mentioned in<br />

by Yaqiit in the corrupt form " Rabaykhan."<br />

the Ansdb of as-Sam'ani (Gibb Series, Vol. xx, ,ff. 23 b ,.and 248 b ) as<br />

Atbinjan and Rabinjan. Mirza Muhammad has furnished me with a<br />

fresh reference to this Abu'l-'Abbas in the Thimdrrfl-Qulub (Cairo ed.,<br />

p. 147) of ath-irha'alibi, where some Persian verses (a good deal<br />

corrupted in the printed text) from an unlucky qasida which he com-<br />

posed on the occasion of a festival in the thirty-first and last year of the<br />

reign of his patron Nasr ibn Ahmad the Samanid (A.H. 331 = A.D. 942-3)<br />

are cited.<br />

Abu'l-Mathal of Bukhara is mentioned in the Lubdb (ii, 26)<br />

and in Asadi's Glossary (ed. P. Horn, p. 28). The vocalization "Mathal"<br />

is proved by a verse of Mintichihri's in which mention is made of ten old<br />

Persian poets, all of whom are identified by Mirza Muhammad, who<br />

cites the verse (pp. 127-9 f the Persian notes). Of these the most<br />

interesting is Shahid of Balkh, who resembles 'Umar Khayyam in this,<br />

that his real fame as a philosopher has amongst his countrymen been<br />

eclipsed by his fame as a poet, though he was much more notable in the<br />

former than in the latter capacity. He is mentioned in the Fihrist,<br />

p. 299, as a doughty antagonist of Abii Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya ar-<br />

EJazi (the great physician), who wrote a treatise in refutation of some of his<br />

opinions. Yaqut also mentions him in his article on Jahudhdnak near<br />

Balkh, the village in which he was born, while Tha'alibi reckons him as<br />

one of the four greatest men produced by that ancient city. The correct<br />

reading in this last case is given in the Paris MS.' of the Yatimatu'd-<br />

*'Dahr; in the printed text it appears as "Sahl ibn'u'l- Hasan" instead of<br />

"Shahidu ibnu'l-Husayn." That he predeceased Riidaki, who died in<br />

329/940-1, is proved by a verse in which that poet laments tys death.<br />

He is casually mentioned, as Mirza, Muhammad points ouf. to me, in<br />

two passages in Yaqiit's " Dictionary of Learned Men"<br />

( (Gibb Series, vi,<br />

i, pp. 143 and 149), and an article on him was included in the lost<br />

fourth volume of this work. 'Awfi also relates* a short and rather pointless<br />

story about him in the Jawdmfrfl-Hikdydt (Brit. MUS. MS.<br />

Or. 2676, f. 235 b ).<br />

Abu Ishaq-i-Juybari's personal name, according to tiie^Lubdb<br />

(iif 1 1) and Asadi's Glossary (p. 17), was Ibrahim, and his father's name<br />

was Muhammad. The Juybar from which he derived his nisba was<br />

apparently situated near Bukhara.<br />

1<br />

Gottinger Nachrichten, 1873, pp. 663-742.

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