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NOTES r<br />

*<br />

I. The Dynasty of Ghur or House of Shansab.<br />

(Text, pp. 1-25 Persian notes, pp. 90-2.)<br />

The kings of Ghdr, under whose patronage our author flourished*<br />

claimed descent from Dahhak (Dahak, Azhidahaka) the legendary tyrant<br />

of, ancient Persia, who, after a reign of a thousand years, was finally<br />

overthrown by Firidun. Shansab, the more proximate ancestor from<br />

whom they derived their name, is said to have been contemporary with<br />

the Prophet'?* cousin* and son-in-law 'AK ibn Abu Talib, to have accepted<br />

Islam at his hands, and to have received from him a standard and<br />

recognition of his rule. It was a* source of pride to the family that during<br />

the Umayyad period they refused to conform to the order for the public<br />

cursing in the pulpits of the House of 'AH.<br />

> Our principal source of information concerning this dynasty is the<br />

*Tabaqdt-i-Ndsiri l<br />

, but the history of Herat entitled Raivddtrf l-Janndt<br />

by Mu'fnu'd-Din of Isfizar also contains a pretty full account of them.<br />

This, however, was composed nearly three centuries later (in the latter<br />

part of the fifteenth century), and, moreover, exists only in manuscript.<br />

The independent sway of the House of Shansab endured only about<br />

67 years (A.D. 1148-1 2 is) 2<br />

from the time when ,<br />

they shook off the yoke<br />

of the House of Ghazna to the time when they succumbed to the power<br />

of tne Khwarazmshahs. They were divided into two branches, who<br />

ruled respectively over Ghrir with their capital at Firtiz-ktih, and over<br />

Tukharistan with their capital at Bamiyan. The relationship existing<br />

between the chief members of the dynasty mentioned in this book is<br />

shewn in the following table.<br />

*<br />

'Izzu'd-Din Husayn<br />

1<br />

'Ala'u'd-Din*<br />

Husayn,<br />

Baha'^d-Din Sam Fakhru'd-Din Mas'iid<br />

called<br />

Jahdn-suz, the<br />

World-consumer<br />

9 "<br />

r~<br />

Ghiyathu'd-Din Shihabu'd-Din Shamsu'd-Dfn Husamu'd-Dfn<br />

(or Mu'izzu'd-Din) Muhammad 'All<br />

Of these 'Ala'u'd-Din Husayn of Fi'niz-ktih was the most powerful<br />

and important,' and raised the glory of his House to its highest point.<br />

To avenge the death of *his two brothers Qutbu'd-Din Muhammad and<br />

Sayfu'daDin Stiri he made war on Bahramshah, entered and occupied<br />

, his capital Ghazna, and looted, massacred and burned it for seven days,<br />

thus earning the title of Jahdn-suz, the "World-consumer." He reigned<br />

from VH. 545 to 556 (A.D. 1150-1161).<br />

1 Published in the Bibliotheca fndtca, and translated by Major H. G. Raverty<br />

with bopious notes. Sections xvii-xix (pp. 300-507) of vol. i of the translation are<br />

devoted to this dynasty.<br />

2 See Stanley Lane-Poole's Mohammadan Dynasties, pp. 291-294.

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