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made good, and that illness passed away, and her monthly courses<br />

resumed their normal condition. And I called her my daughter,<br />

* and 'she called me her father, and to-day she is to me as my<br />

other children. -<br />


My purpose in composing this treatise and inditing this dis-<br />

course is not to flaunt my merits or recall my services, but rather<br />

to guiderthe beginner, and also to glorify my master, the august,<br />

divinely favoured, triumphant and victorious King Husamu'd-<br />

Dawla wa'd-Dunya wa'd-Dm, defender of Isl4m and t the Muslims,<br />

Lord of hosts in the worlds, pride of kings and sovereigns, exterminator<br />

of heathens and infidels, subduer of heretics and<br />

innovators, guardian of the days, protector of the people, forearm<br />

of the Caliphate, beauty of the church, glory of the state,<br />

organizer of the Arabs and 1<br />

Persians, noblest of the world ,<br />

S/tamsu't-Ma'a/t, Malikrfl-Umard, Abu'l-Hasan 'All ibn (AV)<br />

Mas'ud ibnu'l-Husayn Nasiru Amtrtl-Mti'mimn (may God continue<br />

his glory and increase his progress in prosperity !), by<br />

whose high station the Kingly Function is magnified, and for<br />

whose service Fortune hastens !<br />

May God (blessed and exalted is He!) continue to embellish<br />

1<br />

the Empire with his beauty, and the Kingdom with his- perfection<br />

! May the eyes of my Lord's son, that divinely aided,<br />

victorious and triumphant Prince Shamsud-Dawla wdd-Din be<br />

brightened by his excellent conduct and heart ! May the Divine<br />

Protection and Royal Favour be as a buckler to the majestic<br />

statures and virtuous forms of both ! And may tht heart of my<br />

Lord and Benefactor, that august, learned, just, divinely-aided,<br />

victorious and triumphant King Fakhntd-Dawla wa'd-Dm,<br />

Bahdu'l-Isldm wa'l-Muslimtn, King of the kings bf the Mounthecon-<br />

^tains, be gladdened, not for a period but for 'ever, by<br />

tinuance of both 1<br />

!<br />

1 For an account of the House of Shansab or Kings of Ghiir and their genealogy,<br />

see Note I at the end. Fakhru'd-Din MaS'iid, whom the author praises in the concluding<br />

sentence of his book, was the first of the Kings of Bamiyan and the father of<br />

Shamsu'd-Din Muhammad and Husamu'd-Dfn Abu'l-Hasan 'All, bf whom the latter<br />

was our author's r<br />

special patron.<br />


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