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manner of railing^ accusations, rejoicing malignantly<br />

. .'..' ''.<br />

97 .<br />

over their<br />

reverse? In the midst of this state of things, I' changed one night<br />

to* be in the house of a certain great man. When we had eatenf<br />

bread, I went out to satisfy a need.' .That nobleman by reason<br />

of whom I came to be there happened to praise me during my<br />

absence, saying, " Menknow him as a<br />

poet, but, apart from his<br />

skill in poetry, he is a man of great attainments, well skilled in<br />

astrology, medicine, polite letter-writing, and other accomplishments."<br />

, When<br />

I returned to the company, the master of the house<br />

shewed me increased respect, as do those who are in' need of<br />

some favour, and in a littl? while came and sat by me, and said,<br />

" O so-and-sb, I have one only daughter, and, save her, no other<br />

near relative, and she is my treasure. Lately she has fallen a<br />

victim {o a malady such that during the days ,pf her monthly<br />

courses ten or fifteen maunds 1 of sanguineous matter come from<br />

her, and she is greatly weakened. We have consulted the<br />

physicians, several of whom have treated her, but it has availed<br />

nothing, for if this issue be checked, she is attacked with pain<br />

and swelling in the stomach, and if it be encouraged, it is increased<br />

in amount, and she is much weakened, so that I fear lest<br />

" "<br />

her strength may wholly fail." Send me word," said I, when<br />

next this state occurs."<br />

When (A\) ten days had passed, the patient's mother came<br />

to fetch me, and brought her daughter to me. I saw a girl very<br />

comely, but despairing of life and stricken with terror. She at<br />

once fell at my feet, saying, " O my father ! For God's sake<br />

help me, for I am young, and have not yet seen the world."<br />

The tears sprang to my eyes, and I said, " Be of good cheer, this<br />

is an Qasy matter." Then I placed my fingers on her pulse, and<br />

found it strong, and her colour and complexion normal, while ^<br />

most of the ten indications were present, such as a robust habit<br />

of .body, a strong constitution, a healthy temperament, a clear<br />

complexion, a favourable age, season and climate, suitable habit^<br />

propitious accessaries and skill. Then I summoned a phlebotomist<br />

and ba,de him open the basilic vein in both her arms ; and .<br />

I sent aw,ay all the women. The bad blood continued to flow,<br />

and, by pressure and I manipulation, took from her a thousand<br />

dirhams' weight of<br />

blqpd,<br />

so that she fell down in a swoon. Then<br />

I bade them bring fire, and prepared roasted meat beside her,<br />

and a fowl on the<br />

j^irt spit, until the house was filled with the<br />

steam of the roasting meat, and it entered her nostrils. Then<br />

she came her<br />

f 1,o senses, moved, groaned, and asked for a drink.<br />

Then I prepared for her a gentle stimulant agreeable to her .<br />

t'aste, and treated her for a week until the loss of blood was<br />

*<br />

B.<br />

1 B. has sirs.<br />

7<br />


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