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. .<br />

r I ^\VO reasons haVe led me *o publish this revised translation<br />

-*- of the Chahdr Maqdla* or "Four Discourses," of Nizaifif-i-<br />

'Arudi of Samarqand. The first is that the translation which I<br />

originally published in the July<br />

and October numbers of the<br />

Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society for 1899, and which also<br />

appeared |is a separate reprint, is exhausted, and is now hardly<br />

sbtainable. The seccflid is that that translation contains many<br />

defects and errors which it is now possible to amend and correct,<br />

partly through the learning and critical acumen brought to bear<br />

on the text by Mi'rza Muhammad of Qazwfn, whose admirable<br />

edition, accompanied by copious<br />

critical and historical notes in<br />

Persian, was published in this Series (xi, i) in 1910; and partly<br />

from the fact that the most ancient and correct MS. of the work<br />

at present discovered 1<br />

, that preserved in the Library of 'Ashir<br />

Efendi at Constantinople (No. 285), was not available when I<br />

matfe my original translation, while it has served as the basis for<br />

Mi'rza Muhammad's text. Hence my old translation is not only<br />

practically unobtainable, but, ap*rt<br />

from the defects inherent in<br />

,<br />

a first attempt of this sort, no longer entirely corresponds with<br />

what is now the accepted Persian text, so that it is at times<br />

liable to confuse and puzzle, rather than to help, the student. The<br />

old translation l&s been carefully revised throughout, and the<br />

proofs have all been read by Mi'rza Muhammad, who supplied<br />

many valuable criticisms, together with a good deal of new<br />

material in the note t s. They have also been diligently read by<br />

Muhammad Iqbal,<br />

one of the Government of India Research<br />

Studcvnts at Cambridge, who has made, many useful suggestions<br />

and saved me from numerous small errors. To these and to other<br />

i<br />

friends who have helped me in a lesser degree I am deeply in-<br />

debted, but, special thanks are due to Mr Ralph Shirley, editor<br />

1 It was copied in Herat in 835/1431-2. ,<br />

I<br />

i<br />


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