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love with such-ar;jd-such a girl, so-aryd-so by name, in such-andsuch<br />

a* house, in such-and-such a street, in such-and-such a<br />

> . t ><br />

'quarter: union with that girl is his remedy, and the sight of her>'<br />

his cure." The patient,*who was listening, and heard all that'<br />

Abu 'Alf .said, hid his, face in shames beneath the bed-clothes.<br />

When they made enquiries, it was even as Abu 'All had said 1<br />

.<br />

Then they reported this matter to (^abus, who was mightily<br />

amazed thereat and said, "<br />

Bring him before me." So Abu 'All<br />

ibn Sina was brought before Qabiis 2 .<br />

, Now Qabus had a copy of Abu 'AHis portrait, which Sultan<br />

Yamfnu'd-Dawla had sent to him. (A.) "Art thou ABu 'AH?"<br />

enquired he.<br />

"<br />

Yes, O rnqst puissant Prince," replied the other.<br />

Then Qabu? came 'down from his throne, advanced several paces<br />

to meet Abu 'AH, embrace^ him, sat beside him on a cushion<br />

before ^he throne, heaped favours upon him, and^enquired<br />

of him<br />

graciously, saying, "That most illustrious aijd accomplished man<br />

and most perfect philosopher must without fail explain to me<br />

ihe rationale of this treatment." "O Sire," answered Abu 'All,<br />

" When I inspected his pulse and urine, I became convinced that<br />

his complaint was love, and that he had fallen thus sick through<br />

keeping his secret. Had I questioned him, he would not have<br />

told me the truth; so I placed my hand on his pulse while they<br />

repeated in succession the names of the different districts, and<br />

wheji it came to the region of his beloved, love stirred him, the<br />

movements of his pulse altered, and I knew that she was a<br />

dweller in that quarter. Then I bade them name the streets, and<br />

when he heard the street of his beloved the same thing occurred<br />

again, so that I knew the name of the street also. Then I bade<br />

them mention the names of the households in that street, and<br />

the same phenomenon occurred when the house of his beloved<br />

was named, so that I knew the house also. Then I bade them<br />

mention the. names of its inhabitants, and when he heard the<br />

name of his belqved, he was greatly affected, so that I knew the<br />

'*<br />

.<br />

1<br />

Compare the prepisely similar narrative in the first story of the first book of the<br />

Mathnawi of Jalalu'd-Din Riimi, and also a passage in the section of the Dhakhira-i-<br />

Khivdravm-shdhi (Book vi, Guftar i, Juz' i, ch. 3) dealing with the malady of love,<br />

of which this is a translation<br />

"<br />

: Now J;he<br />

lover's pulse is variable and irregular,<br />

especially when he sees the object of his affections, or' hears her name, or gets tidings<br />

of her. In this \%ay one can discover, in the case of one who conceals his love and the<br />

name of his beloved, who iSjthe object of his passion, and that in the following way.<br />

The physician should place his finger on the patient's pulse, and unexpectedly order<br />

the names of those persons amongst whom it may be surmised that his sweetheart is<br />

to.bs found to be it repeated, whereupon will appear from the patient's behaviour who<br />

his beloved is, and what her name is. Avicenna (upon whom be God's Mercy) says:<br />

'<br />

I have tried this plan, and have succeeded by it in finding out who the beloved<br />

object'was.' " 'Avicenna's actual words are quoted from the Qdmin on pp. ct^ V of<br />

Jhe Persian notes.<br />

2 We have it on Avicenna's own authority that he arrived in Jurjan just too late to<br />

see Qabus, who had been deposed and cast into prison, where he was soon afterwards<br />

put to death in 403/1012-1013. (See pp. C Vo i of the Persian notes.)<br />

I<br />

>'<br />

i<br />

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89<br />

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