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Next day Khjvarazmshah accorded Husayn ibn 'AH ibn<br />

Mika'il'an audience, and heaped on him all sort of favours.<br />

"'1 have read the letter," said he, "and have acquainted myself with ^<br />

its contents and with the King's command. Abu 'All and Abu<br />

Sahl are gone, but Ab,u Nasr, Abu Rayhan and Abu'l-Khayr<br />

are making their prepcJratiqns to appear at [Mahmud's] court."<br />

So in a little while he provided their outfit, and despatched them<br />

in the company of Khwaja Husayn ibn 'All ibn Mi'ka'il. And in<br />

due course they came into the presence of Sultan Yami'nu'd-<br />

Dawla Mahmud at Balkh, and there joined his court.<br />

Now it was Abu 'All [ibn Si'na] whom the King chiefly<br />

desired. He commanded Abu Nasr-i-'Arraq, who was a painter,<br />

to draw his portrait' on paper, (YA) and then ordered other artists<br />

to make forty copies of the, portrait, and these he despatched<br />

with prgclamations in all directions, and made /demand of the<br />

neighbouring rulers, saying, "There is a man after this likeness,<br />

whom they call Abu 'Ah' ibn Si'na. Seek him out and send him<br />

So me."<br />

Now when Abu 'Ah' and Abu Sahl departed from Khwarazmshah<br />

with Abu'l- Husayn as-Suhayli"s man, they so wrought that<br />

ere morning they had travelled fifteen parasangs. When it was<br />

morning they alighted at a place where there were wells, and<br />

Abu 'Ah' took up an astrological table to see under what<br />

Ascendant they had started on their journey. When he had<br />

examined it he turned to Abu Sahl and said, "Judging by this<br />

Ascendant under which we started, we shall lose our way and<br />

experience grievous hardships." Said Abu Sahl, " We acquiesce<br />

in God's decree. Indeed I know that I shall not come safely<br />

through this journey, for during these two days the passage/>f<br />

the degree of my Ascendant 1 falls in Capricorn, which is the sector,<br />

so that no hope remains to me. Henceforth only the intercourse<br />

of souls will exist between us." So they rode on.<br />

,Abu 'Ah' relates that on the fourth day a wind arose and<br />

stirred up the dusfr, so that the world was darkened. They lost<br />

their way, for the wind had obliterated the tracks. When the wind<br />

lulled, their guide was more astray than themselves; and, in the<br />

heat of the desert of Khwarazm/ Abu Sahl-i-Masihi, through lack<br />

of water and thirst, passed away to the World of Eternity, while<br />

the guide and Abu 'A\i,<br />

after experiencing a thousand hardships,<br />

reached Baward. There the guide turned back, while Abu 'Ah'<br />

went to Tus, and finally arrived at Ni'shapur.<br />

"There he found a number of persons who were seeking for<br />

Abu 'All. Filled with anxiety, he alighted in a quiet spot, where<br />

he ab*ode several days, and thence he turned his face towards<br />

uMm.<br />

1 The term tasyir is explained at p. Vf. of Van Vloten's ed. of the Mafdtihti 'l-<br />

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