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and in all branches of Mathematics he wak second only to<br />

Ptolemy; an# Abu'l-Kh'ayr ibnu'l-Khammar was the thiid after<br />

( *<br />

.Hippocrates and Galen in the science of Medicine; and Abu'<br />

Rayhan [al-Binini] in Astronomy hefd the position of Abu<br />

Ma'shar and Ahmad ibn 'Abdu'l-Jalil ; wbjle Abu 'Ah' [ibn Sina]<br />

and Abu Sahl Masihf \yere the successors of Aristotle in the<br />

Science of Philosophy, which includes all sciences. And all these<br />

were, in this their service, independent of worldly cares, and<br />

maintained with one another familiar intercourse and pleasant<br />

*<br />

correspondence.<br />

But Fortune disapproved of this and Heaven disallowed it;<br />

their pleasure was spoiled and thein happy life was marred.<br />

(YY) A notable arrived from Sultan Mahmud Yaminu'd-Dawla<br />

with a letter, whereof the purport was as follows. " I have heard<br />

that there are ii? attendance on Khwarazmshah several, men of<br />

learning who are beyond compare, such as so-and-so and soand-so.<br />

Thou must send them to my court, so that they may.<br />

attain the honour of attendance thereat, while we may profit by.<br />

their knowledge and skill. So shall we be much beholden to<br />

Khwarazmshah."<br />

Now the bearer of this message was Khwaja Husayn ibn<br />

'AH ibn Mika^l, who was one of the most accomplished and<br />

remarkable men of his age, and the wonder of his time amongst<br />

his contemporaries, while the affairs of Sultan Mahmud Yaminu'd-<br />

Dawla were at the zenith of prosperity, his Kingdom enjoyed<br />

the utmost splendour, and his Empire the greatest elevation,<br />

so that the Kings of the time used to treat him with every respect,<br />

and at night lay down in fear of him. So Khwarazmshah<br />

assigned to Husayn [ibn 'Ah'] ibn Mi'ka'il the best of lodgings^<br />

and ordered him the most ample entertainment ; but, before<br />

according him an audience, he summoned the philosophers and<br />

' :<br />

laid before them the King's letter, saying: Mahmud hath a strong<br />

hand and a large army: he hath annexed Khurasan and India<br />

his order or execute<br />

ind covets '<br />

Iraq, and I cannot refuse to obey<br />

his mandate. What say ye on this matter?"<br />

Abu 'All ibn Sina and Abu Sahl answered, "We will not<br />

go"; but Abu Nasr, Abu'l-Khayr and Abu Rayhan w.ere eager<br />

to go, having heard accounts of the King's munificent gifts and<br />

presents. Then said Khwarazmshah, " Do, you two, who have no<br />

wish to go, take your own way before I give audience to this<br />

man." Then he equipped Abu 'All [ibn Sina] and Abis' Sail],<br />

and sent with them a guide, and they set off by the way of the<br />

wolves 1 towards Gurgan.<br />

c<br />

1 I imagine that a word-play is here intended between Gurgan (the old Hyrcania 1<br />

,<br />

of which the present capital is Astarabad) and az rdh-i-gurgdn (" by 1<br />

the Wolves'<br />

Way"), i.e. "across the desert." This is the reading of C. ; the other texts have<br />

" across the desert to Mazandaran."

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