The Nepali Judiciary - Supreme Court Of Nepal

The Nepali Judiciary - Supreme Court Of Nepal The Nepali Judiciary - Supreme Court Of Nepal
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provided to court users. Similarly, in order to strengthen the institutional capacity of courts and tribunals for the purpose of implementing the strategic plan, the following strategic interventions have been identified: to establish and strengthen strategic plan formulation and implementing mechanism, all courts and tribunals shall formulate implementation plan and implement the same, to disseminate the current Plan, monitor, evaluate and formulate forthcoming Plan. 1.10 Risks and Mitigating Measures In the first Plan, the issue of possible risks and mitigating measures had not been mentioned but in this Plan, risks have been identified and mitigating measures have been recommended. It is presumed that the resources as envisaged by the Plan will be easily obtained. Provided, the budged as envisaged by Plan and other executive assistance is not obtained from the government, the Plan will not be able to achieve its targeted result. Likewise, provided the concerned authority does not provide assistance in the review and reform of Act and laws, the expected result cannot be met through external assistance only. Similarly, if manpower pursuant to the post cannot be fulfilled on time and provided majority of post remain vacant for a long period, achievements as desired by the Plan cannot be achieved. Social and political factors such as social insecurity, closures, strikes, conflict and agitations can be a hindrance to the execution of judicial process and this could have direct affect on the activities envisaged by the Plan. The result expected by the Plan can be achieved only through the assistance and cooperation with the concerned stakeholders. Provided, any complexity arises with regards to assistance and cooperation with the concerned stakeholders, the target envisaged by the Plan cannot be achieved. The transition and instability and the possibility of changes in the judicial infrastructure may also call for reformation in the Plan. Technical difficulties, insufficient logistical support and other risks that may come in this sector will have a direct effect on the Plan. 1.11 Implementation Plan of Strategic Interventions Implementation plan of the strategic interventions prescribed under Chapter Six have been prescribed under Chapter Eight. Separate activities have been identified for each strategic intervention and separate results, result indicator, time frame for completion of the initiative and responsible person has been prescribed. 1.12 Budget Projection Ninth Chapter contains the budget deemed necessary to conduct the proposed activities so as to meet the target and objectives as determined by the Plan. While formulating the budget, effort has been made to make the budget factual and practical. During the Plan period i.e. for the fiscal year 2066/067 to fiscal year 2070/071 the total budget estimated stands at 19,118,831,000. From among the total budget Rs. 7,879,787,000 has been earmarked for core functions whereas 11,239,044,000 have been earmarked for strategic intervention. Employees remuneration and allowance that have been increased vide budget statement of the year 2066 has not been included in the said budget. The principal portion of the budget to disbursed to the judiciary will be consumed in the form of remuneration and allowances and other administrative expenses whereas the remaining portion of the budget shall be consumed towards developing the capacity of human resources, construction of physical infrastructure, application of information technology and increasing peoples’ access to justice. vii



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