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GusCavson, T. C., Ashley, G. M., and Boothrayd, J. C., 1975, Depositional sequences in glaciolacustrine deltas, & Jopling, A. V., and McDonald, B. C., eds., Glaciofluvial and glaciolacllstrine sedimen- tation: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication 23, p. 264-280. Hamilton, T. D., 1982, A late Pleistocene glacial chronology for the southern Bmks Range: Stra- tigraphic record and regional significance: Geo- logical Society of Amerlca Bulletin, v. 83, no. 8, p. 700-716. . Hopklns, D. M., 1982, Aspects of the paleageography of Beringla during the late Pleistocene, & Hopkins, D. M., MaUlews, J. V,, Jr., Schweger, C. E., and Young, S. B., eds., Pateoecology of Beringia: Mew York, Academic Press, p. 3-28. Jopling, k V., and Walker, R. B., 1968, Morphology and origin of rippledrlft cross-laminati011 with examples from the Pleistocene of Massachu- setts: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 38, no. 4, p. 971-984. PQwC,T. L., 1975, Quaternary stratigraphic nomen- clature in unglaciated central Alaska: U.S. Geo- logical Survey Professional Paper 862, 32 p. Qlacial4ake deposits in the M m t Barpec area, Yukon-Tauana Upland By Florence R Weber and lhomes A. Ages During the past year, two new 14c ages and pollen data have thrown light on some events in the Pleistocene history of the Yukon-Tanma Upland. Woody debris within a volcanic ash layer previously described (Weber, 1982) has been dated, as well as some organic material from farther down in the same section. The locality with the new ages is an actively thawing 15-rn-high cutbank In unconsolidated sediment on the Middle Fork of the Pottymile River about 18 krn southeast of Mount Harper (loc 12, fig. 23; fig. 42). Mount Harper, with an elevation of 1,994 m, is the highest point in the Yukon-Tanana Upland and has repeatedly supported active glacial systems. The lower 3 to 6 m of the dated cutbank section (fig. 43) is made up of stratlftd polymictic gravel and lenticular coarse sand, including subrounded cobbles and boulders as large as 25 cm in diameter. The larger clasts are mainly of granitlc and other igneous rocks but also include gneiss, augen gneiss, quartzite, and some schist. Locally at the top of this lower section is as much as 30 cm of sand. In places, several centimeters of this sand and gravel is oxidized orange. The overlying 9 to 10 m in the middle and upper part of the section (fig. 43) is made up of alternating thin layers of sand and silt. The sand is coarse and gravelly, but, in contrast to the lower part of the section, the gravel is made up of angular bits of schist or quartzite and contains no igneous rocks. The metamorphic~ock clasts are mostly abut 2.5 cm In diameter; the largest schist clast observed wes 20 cm in diameter, although such large flat angular fragments are very rare. Much fine dark organic material is mixed in the silty lagers, particularly near the base. The top meter of the entire section is loes containing some organic material, but because of frost mixing it is unclear whether the contact is sharp or gradational between the loess and the underlying sand and silt. Close to the bottom of this meter of loes is a layer of white volcanic ash 3 to 15 cm thick (here informally designated as the Mount Harper ash). Studies in the Mount Harper area of the upland indicate three major glacial advances, which, for convenience, are here designated I, 11, and 111, from oldest to youngest. Figure 42 maps the extent of recognized glacial advances in the Mount Harper area. The glacier of maximum extent (I) In valley X (fig. 42) opposite the mouth of Molly Creek extended down to and blocked the valley of the Middle Pork of the Fortymile River in two separate episodes. Episode IB is recognized by a well-defined inner terminal moraine. Instead of typical Irregular morainal topography, however, the upper surface of this feature is weathered to a terrace of low relief because of its age; such level morainal surfaces are characteristic of older glacial advances in the upland. Moralne of the earlier episode (IA) is no longer extant, but its presence is defined by erratic boulders at an elevation of slightly more thnn 900 m, by n concentration of large lag boulders in the stream valleys, and only locally by topographic form. A large lake, here Informally named "Lake Harper," formed when the Middle Pork was blocked by glacial ice extending from valley X. The approximate shoreline of Lake Harper is drawn at the 900-m contour (fig. 42); at its maximum extent the water level was probably somewhat higher, Outwash of the advance I glaciers in valleys Y end Z (fig. 42) discharged into the lake and formed alluvial fans. A smaller lake may have formed in the lower valley of MoUy Creek, which was a h blocked by valley X ice advances. The flat f#m of the Lake Harper basin, approximately 40 km in area, at present is covered with unconsolidated sand and gravel. The gravel, mostly of schist or schistose gneiss, is evidently derived from the local bedrock. A few thin sand and clay layers occu~ under loess copping the low bluffs that stand slightly above the flats. The cutbank is in sediment making up the floor of the valley. The basal stratified gravel and sand are thought to represent a distal part of the outwash fan of valley 2, probably of glacial episode IA. The large amount of granite in this gravel indicates that the gravel came from the Mount Harper area to the west. Metamorphic racks surround and probably underlie much of the Lake Harper basin. Granite is found only near Mount Harper at the head of the glacial valleys and at the far southward reaches of the Middle Fork drainage (Poster, 1976). This gravel was exposed and oxidized after glacial episode IA. A sharp break occurs at the tog of the oxidized gravel, above which a thick succession of finely layered organic and finegrained glacial3ilt lakebeds was deposited. This lake (Lake Wpm) Pormed#ainst the terminal moraine of glacial eplsode 19. A C age on fine woody debris collected from near the base of the lakebed section is older than 50,300 years (USGS 1122). A pollen sample (80A Wr 332A) from mentially this dated horizon contains abundnn't fine woody debris and well-preserved pollen. The fossil assemblage includes pollen of spruce (Picea), birch (Betub sp.), alder

(Alnus ap.), heaths (Ericaceae, + Ernpetturn), willow (SaLixsp.1 and spores of S ha num and fern. This pollen assemblage Is nearly ident cal to assemblages of middle to late Holocene age in the Tanana River valley and adjacent Yukon-Tanana Uphd (Matthews, 1974; Ager, 1975). The pollen assemblage is interpreted to represent tale& (northern boreal forest) vegetation that probably grew in valleys of the Yukon-Tanana Upland during an interglacial or warm Interstadid before 50,300 years B.P. The volcanic ash (Mount Harper ash) in the loess at the top of the section has been dated from fine woody debrls contained within It at 21,410f190 years (USGS 11231, an age that falls within the last glacial interval of the Pleistocene (approx 25,000-14,000 years B.P.). A sediment sample from near the top of the ash layer contains a pollen assemblage of grass (Gramineae), sedge (Cyperaceae), small amounts of birch (8etula spp.), heath, and various herbs fe.g. Artemisia Caryophylleceae, RanuncuLaceae, Epilobium: Phlox). Sphagnum spores are dw present in the sample. Trace amounts of spruce pollen may represent contaminants, reworked older pollen, or wind-transported pollen from dlstant sources. This assemblage Is interpreted to represent herbshrub tun- dra. Tundra vegetation is consistent with the full- glacial age suggested by the ash-layer radiocarbon age of 21,410690 years. Similar full-glacial pollen assem- blages have been reported from the Tanana River valley and adjacent upland (Matthews, 1970, 1974; Ager, 1975). It Is important to know the actual age of the older-than-50,300-year sample. Is it early Wisconslnan or older? Some evidence suggests that it is older than Wisconslnan. The upper valleys In valley X (fig. 42) show evidence of two major glacial advances, U and III, Figure 42.-Mount Harper region Yukon-Tanana Upland, showing limits of glacial advances (IA-TV), approximate extent of placid Lake Harper &tippled area), valleys referred to in text (X, Y, Z), and location of cutbank section and dated samples in figure 43. 69

GusCavson, T. C., Ashley, G. M., and Boothrayd, J. C.,<br />

1975, Depositional sequences in glaciolacustrine<br />

deltas, & Jopling, A. V., and McDonald, B. C.,<br />

eds., Glaci<strong>of</strong>luvial and glaciolacllstrine sedimen-<br />

tation: Society <strong>of</strong> Economic Paleontologists and<br />

Mineralogists Special Publication 23, p. 264-280.<br />

Hamilton, T. D., 1982, A late Pleistocene glacial<br />

chronology for the southern Bmks Range: Stra-<br />

tigraphic record and regional significance: Geo-<br />

logical Society <strong>of</strong> Amerlca Bulletin, v. 83, no. 8,<br />

p. 700-716. .<br />

Hopklns, D. M., 1982, Aspects <strong>of</strong> the paleageography<br />

<strong>of</strong> Beringla during the late Pleistocene, &<br />

Hopkins, D. M., MaUlews, J. V,, Jr., Schweger, C.<br />

E., and Young, S. B., eds., Pateoecology <strong>of</strong><br />

Beringia: Mew York, Academic Press, p. 3-28.<br />

Jopling, k V., and Walker, R. B., 1968, Morphology<br />

and origin <strong>of</strong> rippledrlft cross-laminati011 with<br />

examples from the Pleistocene <strong>of</strong> Massachu-<br />

setts: Journal <strong>of</strong> Sedimentary Petrology, v. 38,<br />

no. 4, p. 971-984.<br />

PQwC,T. L., 1975, Quaternary stratigraphic nomen-<br />

clature in unglaciated central <strong>Alas</strong>ka: U.S. Geo-<br />

logical Survey Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Paper 862, 32 p.<br />

Qlacial4ake deposits in the M m t Barpec area,<br />

Yukon-Tauana Upland<br />

By Florence R Weber and lhomes A. Ages<br />

During the past year, two new 14c ages and<br />

pollen data have thrown light on some events in the<br />

Pleistocene history <strong>of</strong> the Yukon-Tanma Upland.<br />

Woody debris within a volcanic ash layer previously<br />

described (Weber, 1982) has been dated, as well as<br />

some organic material from farther down in the same<br />

section. The locality with the new ages is an actively<br />

thawing 15-rn-high cutbank In unconsolidated sediment<br />

on the Middle Fork <strong>of</strong> the Pottymile River about 18 krn<br />

southeast <strong>of</strong> Mount Harper (loc 12, fig. 23; fig. 42).<br />

Mount Harper, with an elevation <strong>of</strong> 1,994 m, is the<br />

highest point in the Yukon-Tanana Upland and has<br />

repeatedly supported active glacial systems.<br />

The lower 3 to 6 m <strong>of</strong> the dated cutbank section<br />

(fig. 43) is made up <strong>of</strong> stratlftd polymictic gravel and<br />

lenticular coarse sand, including subrounded cobbles<br />

and boulders as large as 25 cm in diameter. The larger<br />

clasts are mainly <strong>of</strong> granitlc and other igneous rocks<br />

but also include gneiss, augen gneiss, quartzite, and<br />

some schist. Locally at the top <strong>of</strong> this lower section is<br />

as much as 30 cm <strong>of</strong> sand. In places, several centimeters<br />

<strong>of</strong> this sand and gravel is oxidized orange.<br />

The overlying 9 to 10 m in the middle and upper<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the section (fig. 43) is made up <strong>of</strong> alternating<br />

thin layers <strong>of</strong> sand and silt. The sand is coarse and<br />

gravelly, but, in contrast to the lower part <strong>of</strong> the section,<br />

the gravel is made up <strong>of</strong> angular bits <strong>of</strong> schist or<br />

quartzite and contains no igneous rocks. The metamorphic~ock<br />

clasts are mostly abut 2.5 cm In diameter;<br />

the largest schist clast observed wes 20 cm in<br />

diameter, although such large flat angular fragments<br />

are very rare. Much fine dark organic material is<br />

mixed in the silty lagers, particularly near the base.<br />

The top meter <strong>of</strong> the entire section is loes containing<br />

some organic material, but because <strong>of</strong> frost<br />

mixing it is unclear whether the contact is sharp or<br />

gradational between the loess and the underlying sand<br />

and silt. Close to the bottom <strong>of</strong> this meter <strong>of</strong> loes is<br />

a layer <strong>of</strong> white volcanic ash 3 to 15 cm thick (here informally<br />

designated as the Mount Harper ash).<br />

Studies in the Mount Harper area <strong>of</strong> the upland<br />

indicate three major glacial advances, which, for convenience,<br />

are here designated I, 11, and 111, from oldest<br />

to youngest. Figure 42 maps the extent <strong>of</strong> recognized<br />

glacial advances in the Mount Harper area. The<br />

glacier <strong>of</strong> maximum extent (I) In valley X (fig. 42)<br />

opposite the mouth <strong>of</strong> Molly Creek extended down to<br />

and blocked the valley <strong>of</strong> the Middle Pork <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Fortymile River in two separate episodes. Episode IB<br />

is recognized by a well-defined inner terminal<br />

moraine. Instead <strong>of</strong> typical Irregular morainal topography,<br />

however, the upper surface <strong>of</strong> this feature is<br />

weathered to a terrace <strong>of</strong> low relief because <strong>of</strong> its<br />

age; such level morainal surfaces are characteristic <strong>of</strong><br />

older glacial advances in the upland. Moralne <strong>of</strong> the<br />

earlier episode (IA) is no longer extant, but its presence<br />

is defined by erratic boulders at an elevation <strong>of</strong><br />

slightly more thnn 900 m, by n concentration <strong>of</strong> large<br />

lag boulders in the stream valleys, and only locally by<br />

topographic form.<br />

A large lake, here Informally named "Lake<br />

Harper," formed when the Middle Pork was blocked by<br />

glacial ice extending from valley X. The approximate<br />

shoreline <strong>of</strong> Lake Harper is drawn at the 900-m contour<br />

(fig. 42); at its maximum extent the water level<br />

was probably somewhat higher, Outwash <strong>of</strong> the advance<br />

I glaciers in valleys Y end Z (fig. 42) discharged<br />

into the lake and formed alluvial fans. A smaller lake<br />

may have formed in the lower valley <strong>of</strong> MoUy Creek,<br />

which was a h blocked by valley X ice advances.<br />

The flat f#m <strong>of</strong> the Lake Harper basin, approximately<br />

40 km in area, at present is covered with<br />

unconsolidated sand and gravel. The gravel, mostly <strong>of</strong><br />

schist or schistose gneiss, is evidently derived from the<br />

local bedrock. A few thin sand and clay layers occu~<br />

under loess copping the low bluffs that stand slightly<br />

above the flats.<br />

The cutbank is in sediment making up the floor<br />

<strong>of</strong> the valley. The basal stratified gravel and sand are<br />

thought to represent a distal part <strong>of</strong> the outwash fan<br />

<strong>of</strong> valley 2, probably <strong>of</strong> glacial episode IA. The large<br />

amount <strong>of</strong> granite in this gravel indicates that the<br />

gravel came from the Mount Harper area to the west.<br />

Metamorphic racks surround and probably underlie<br />

much <strong>of</strong> the Lake Harper basin. Granite is found only<br />

near Mount Harper at the head <strong>of</strong> the glacial valleys<br />

and at the far southward reaches <strong>of</strong> the Middle Fork<br />

drainage (Poster, 1976). This gravel was exposed and<br />

oxidized after glacial episode IA.<br />

A sharp break occurs at the tog <strong>of</strong> the oxidized<br />

gravel, above which a thick succession <strong>of</strong> finely<br />

layered organic and finegrained glacial3ilt lakebeds<br />

was deposited. This lake (Lake Wpm) Pormed#ainst<br />

the terminal moraine <strong>of</strong> glacial eplsode 19. A C age<br />

on fine woody debris collected from near the base <strong>of</strong><br />

the lakebed section is older than 50,300 years (USGS<br />

1122).<br />

A pollen sample (80A Wr 332A) from mentially<br />

this dated horizon contains abundnn't fine woody debris<br />

and well-preserved pollen. The fossil assemblage includes<br />

pollen <strong>of</strong> spruce (Picea), birch (Betub sp.), alder

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