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east+entral Alaska, & Coonrad, W. L., and Elliott, R. L., eds., The United States Geological Survey In Alaska: Accomplishments during 1981r U.S. Geological Survey Circular 868, p. 60- 62. Holdsworth, B. K., and Jones, D. L., 1980, A provision- al Radiolaria biostratigrnphy, Late Devonian through Late Permian: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Pile Report 80-876, 32 p. Mertie, J. B., Jr., 1937, The Yukon-Tanana region, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 872, 276 P. Strueturd obematio~ in the CireIe qmdmgle, Yukoa-Taneaa Upland, Al&m By Grant W. Clrshing and Helen L. Foster particularly conspicuous; these zones are typically characterized by complexly folded large torlike out- crops. One such zone has been traced southwestward in the Circle B-4, 55, and A-6 quadrangles; other, smaller zones have also been recognieed in the higher grade rocks to the southeast. The fold styles and orientations of planer features in the highly folded zones do not significantly differ from th- of rocks in the adjacent areas. A possible expbation for these highly folded zones is that they occur on the noses of large recumbent folds, where minor folds are abundant owing to thickening of the fold hinge. The less folded sections are on the limbs of large structures, where minor folds are less abundant and the gently dipping foliation results from the recumbence of largescale folds. This Interpretation does not preclude the possi- bility of tectonic movement between the lower Umb and nose of the recumbent fold. Folds and associated planar structures observed in the metamorphic rocks of the Circle quadrangle south of the Tinttna fault (area 5, fig. 23) during the course of reconnaissance geologic mapping are being analyzed to help determine the deformatIana1 history of the metamorphic terrane of the Yukon-Taaana Upland. The study has concentrated on minor folds, ranging in wavelength and amplitude from a few cen- Axial.plane schistosity timeters to several meters, which are believed to be developed Schistosity folded related to large-scale regional structures throughout most of the quadrangle. D4 / / me metamorphic terrane consists of interlayered quartzite, quartzitic schist, pelitic schist and gneiss, marble, amphibolite, and greenschist. These rocks range in metamorphic grade from middle greenschist to upper arnphibolite facies. The protoliths / were dominantly sedimentary rocks and probably Refolded Open folding Precambrian and (or) Paleozoic. Pour distinct deformational events are recoec nized in-the metamorphic rocks on the besis of fzd Figwe 39.4chematic representation of results of four styles and the type and orientation of p W and lineur deformationgl events in the Circle quadrangle, features (fig. 39). The first reaognized deformational Alaska. Solid lines represent compositional Layering, event (Ill) produced a penetrative schistosjty that is dashed lines sliow schistosity, dash and double dot lines parallel or subparallel to gently dipping adal planes of indicate cleavage subparallel to axial plane of l& rarely observed ti ht to isoclinal recumbent folds. folds. This schistosity (gl k corn monly parallels compositional layerlng and is everywhere prevalent in the metamorphic rocks. The folds associated with the second deforma- Structural features of a third deforrnational tionttl event (D ) are ubiquitous and vary considerably event (3) are difficult to distinguish from features of both in style &?I size. FoM styles range fmm tight to the I& event because the fold styles and orientations isoclinal recumbent and include rounded and chevron- of final phes are similar. The folds of the D generfold hinges; folds range in amplitude end wavelength ation are recumbent, tight to isoclinal, and, dere obfrom microscopic to several meters. A second schist- served, have a horizontal or gently dipping axial osity ($) has developed locally owing to mechanical plane. These folds, like folds, rarely have an rotation of the preexisting El schistosity. In the axial-planar cleavage. Because the style of both the pelitic rocks, this 3 Schistoslty is observed only g2 ~d D folds are so similar, the two folds ore disrarely, as an axial planar fabric, and in quartzite and tinyshde only in a few fortuitously oriented outcarbonate rocks it is incipient to absent. 'Ihe orienta- crops. Commonly, two sets of recumbent folds are tion of the S scNstositg is generally subhorizontal to observed, but their relative age cannot everywhere be horieontal thus esocntidly parallels the gl fabric. determined. In one outcrop in the Circle 5 2 quad- At some fold hinges, these two schistosities can be dif- rangle, one set of fold axes trend from N. 30' to 50' ferentiated; the folds mciated with this second E. and plunge from 0' to 5' SW.; the other set of fold event deform the gl schistosity and compositional axes trend from N. 30' to 60' W., with no significant layering U ig. 3 9). Plunge. Several zones have been recognized throughout In many outcrops, the 9 deformational event is the quadrangle where folds of this generation (g2) are evidenced by convergent foliation surfaces, but very

! few fold closures are preserved. In severd places, the 3 fold traces are deformed by the later a folds, and the reslrlting interference forms are distinctive (fig. 39). In one locality in the Circle A-2 quadrangle, gneissic banding outlines a closed interference fI'lgure in two dimensions (fig. 40). This structure is situated in the nose of 8 recumbent a fold. 3 isocli~l folding is also suggested at thls ldty by foliation surfaces converging at a high angle to the =is of me recumbent fold. The angle between fold axes of the 3 recumbent and D isoclinal folds is interpreted to Ix between 60' anddo0. Ramsay (1902), in discussing the Interference patterns produced by the superposi- tion of folds of similar style, concluded that closed shapes are formed when the shear direction of the second fold is close to the &al plane of the f ht fold, as is the case just described in the Circle quaaangIe. PQum 40.--Closed Interference figure (dashed Lines) formed by refolding of & folds by third deformational event (D 1. Knife near upper right corner of photograd ib approrirnntely 8 em long. Stnratmal features of the fourth deformatianal event (3) are characterized by gentle and open folds that deform all previous structures and range from open symmetric to asymmetric kink folds, with wavelengths and amplitudes generally less than 50 cm but as large es 5 m. The interlimb angle of these folb Is generally greater than 120°, md they have a steeply dipping axid plane. Generally associated with the D folds Is a sup cleavage that is subparallel to the axid plane. a folds are recognfzed in many localitlea throughout the Circle quadrangle but we not ublquitous. The minor folds and associated planar structures in this part of the Yukon-Tanana Upland are belleved to be related to regionalscale recumbent folds. The widespread occurrence of such krge recumbent folds explains the subhorizontal to gently dipping attitude of the foliation and compositional layering seen throughout the area. Although differences in intensity and apparent complexity of folding are observed, we tentatively conclude that the major metamorpkic units in the quadrangle have undergone the same deformational events. Field observation end orientation diagrams suggest that recumbent 3 folds are generuy predom- inant, although in a few areas the D recumbent folds may be most evident. For e!carnpls$ the central part of the quadrangle the most conspiouws set of folds have northwesterly trending axes and are probably of the 3 generation. In the southeastern part of the quadrangle, however, folds have northeasterly trending axes and may be of the D generation. One explanation for such a local prdxninanee of -3 recumbent folds may k that the relative intensit~es of the two deformational events (% and 3) vwied regionally. REFERENCE CITED Ramsay, J. G., 1962, Interference patterns produced by the superposition of folds of similar type: Journal of Geology, v. 70, no. 4, p. 466-481. Gold in Tertiary(?) mcks, C ie quadrangle, W Gold was panned kom several deposits of TertiM?) conglomerate wlthh the so-c&ed Tjntina fault zone in the Circle quadrangle (area 13,.fig. 23). Although gold wes previously recovered from Tertiary rocb in neighboring quadrangles (Mertie, 19381, none had been reported from Tertiary rocks of the Circle quadrangle. Pink sandy conglomerate exposed on e tributary of Albert Creek and described by Weber and Poster (1982) has yielded several small lqcolorsn in two separate pan samples. The poorly to moderately consolidated conglomerate and sandstone, which appear to dip & much as 55' SE, weather to hogbacks parallelin the northeastward strike. A pebble count (100 dasts? from the Mnglornerate produced: 44 of quartzite, including "quartz eye" quartzite; 37 of white quartz; 9 of weathered schistose quartzite; and 10 of chert. A thin layer of brown silt overlies what may be a pediment surface developed on the eroded tilted beds. Rocks of possible Tertiary 8ge mi? present near the south fault(?) boundary of the Tintina fault zone. They are expsed in a placer-mine plt near the junction of Crooked and Sawpit Creeks, and within a backhoe trench on the fan of Ileadwood Creek near where the Hot Springs fault(?) crosses Deadwood Creek. The Tertiary(?) conglomerate on Crooked Creek is bright orange to orange brown, In marked contrast to the drab gray overlying gravel. The mining operator scrapes off the overlying 2 to 3 m of low-value gray gravel to mine this underlying unit. The gold values appear to be concentrated In pockets In the aoqmerate; these pockets may be p large as 200 m in volume and run as high as $Elm (t4001troy ox). There are no nuggets; the gold Is all flne, thh, and fl-. The conglomerate contains well-rounded cobble8 of chert and quartzite as the primary rock types. The schht has been almost completely broken down by weathering. Zones exist where the cobbIes are coated by a sooty black substance, probably a mmganese-iron oxide.

east+entral <strong>Alas</strong>ka, & Coonrad, W. L., and<br />

Elliott, R. L., eds., The United <strong>State</strong>s <strong>Geological</strong><br />

Survey In <strong>Alas</strong>ka: Accomplishments during<br />

1981r U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey Circular 868, p. 60-<br />

62.<br />

Holdsworth, B. K., and Jones, D. L., 1980, A provision-<br />

al Radiolaria biostratigrnphy, Late Devonian<br />

through Late Permian: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey<br />

Open-Pile Report 80-876, 32 p.<br />

Mertie, J. B., Jr., 1937, The Yukon-Tanana region,<br />

<strong>Alas</strong>ka: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey Bulletin 872, 276<br />

P.<br />

Strueturd obematio~ in the CireIe qmdmgle,<br />

Yukoa-Taneaa Upland, Al&m<br />

By Grant W. Clrshing and Helen L. Foster<br />

particularly conspicuous; these zones are typically<br />

characterized by complexly folded large torlike out-<br />

crops. One such zone has been traced southwestward<br />

in the Circle B-4, 55, and A-6 quadrangles; other,<br />

smaller zones have also been recognieed in the higher<br />

grade rocks to the southeast. The fold styles and<br />

orientations <strong>of</strong> planer features in the highly folded<br />

zones do not significantly differ from th- <strong>of</strong> rocks in<br />

the adjacent areas. A possible expbation for these<br />

highly folded zones is that they occur on the noses <strong>of</strong><br />

large recumbent folds, where minor folds are abundant<br />

owing to thickening <strong>of</strong> the fold hinge. The less folded<br />

sections are on the limbs <strong>of</strong> large structures, where<br />

minor folds are less abundant and the gently dipping<br />

foliation results from the recumbence <strong>of</strong> largescale<br />

folds. This Interpretation does not preclude the possi-<br />

bility <strong>of</strong> tectonic movement between the lower Umb<br />

and nose <strong>of</strong> the recumbent fold.<br />

Folds and associated planar structures observed<br />

in the metamorphic rocks <strong>of</strong> the Circle quadrangle<br />

south <strong>of</strong> the Tinttna fault (area 5, fig. 23) during the<br />

course <strong>of</strong> reconnaissance geologic mapping are being<br />

analyzed to help determine the deformatIana1 history<br />

<strong>of</strong> the metamorphic terrane <strong>of</strong> the Yukon-Taaana<br />

Upland. The study has concentrated on minor folds,<br />

ranging in wavelength and amplitude from a few cen-<br />

Axial.plane schistosity<br />

timeters to several meters, which are believed to be<br />

developed<br />

Schistosity folded<br />

related to large-scale regional structures throughout<br />

most <strong>of</strong> the quadrangle.<br />

D4 / /<br />

me metamorphic terrane consists <strong>of</strong> interlayered<br />

quartzite, quartzitic schist, pelitic schist and<br />

gneiss, marble, amphibolite, and greenschist. These<br />

rocks range in metamorphic grade from middle greenschist<br />

to upper arnphibolite facies. The protoliths<br />

/<br />

were dominantly sedimentary rocks and probably<br />

Refolded<br />

Open folding<br />

Precambrian and (or) Paleozoic.<br />

Pour distinct deformational events are recoec<br />

nized in-the metamorphic rocks on the besis <strong>of</strong> fzd Figwe 39.4chematic representation <strong>of</strong> results <strong>of</strong> four<br />

styles and the type and orientation <strong>of</strong> p W and lineur deformationgl events in the Circle quadrangle,<br />

features (fig. 39). The first reaognized deformational <strong>Alas</strong>ka. Solid lines represent compositional Layering,<br />

event (Ill) produced a penetrative schistosjty that is dashed lines sliow schistosity, dash and double dot lines<br />

parallel or subparallel to gently dipping adal planes <strong>of</strong> indicate cleavage subparallel to axial plane <strong>of</strong> l&<br />

rarely observed ti ht to isoclinal recumbent folds. folds.<br />

This schistosity (gl k corn monly parallels compositional<br />

layerlng and is everywhere prevalent in the<br />

metamorphic rocks.<br />

The folds associated with the second deforma- Structural features <strong>of</strong> a third deforrnational<br />

tionttl event (D ) are ubiquitous and vary considerably event (3) are difficult to distinguish from features <strong>of</strong><br />

both in style &?I size. FoM styles range fmm tight to the I& event because the fold styles and orientations<br />

isoclinal recumbent and include rounded and chevron- <strong>of</strong> final phes are similar. The folds <strong>of</strong> the D generfold<br />

hinges; folds range in amplitude end wavelength ation are recumbent, tight to isoclinal, and, dere obfrom<br />

microscopic to several meters. A second schist- served, have a horizontal or gently dipping axial<br />

osity ($) has developed locally owing to mechanical plane. These folds, like folds, rarely have an<br />

rotation <strong>of</strong> the preexisting El schistosity. In the axial-planar cleavage. Because the style <strong>of</strong> both the<br />

pelitic rocks, this 3 Schistoslty is observed only g2 ~d D folds are so similar, the two folds ore disrarely,<br />

as an axial planar fabric, and in quartzite and tinyshde only in a few fortuitously oriented outcarbonate<br />

rocks it is incipient to absent. 'Ihe orienta- crops. Commonly, two sets <strong>of</strong> recumbent folds are<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> the S scNstositg is generally subhorizontal to observed, but their relative age cannot everywhere be<br />

horieontal thus esocntidly parallels the gl fabric. determined. In one outcrop in the Circle 5 2 quad-<br />

At some fold hinges, these two schistosities can be dif- rangle, one set <strong>of</strong> fold axes trend from N. 30' to 50'<br />

ferentiated; the folds mciated with this second E. and plunge from 0' to 5' SW.; the other set <strong>of</strong> fold<br />

event deform the gl schistosity and compositional axes trend from N. 30' to 60' W., with no significant<br />

layering U ig. 3 9).<br />

Plunge.<br />

Several zones have been recognized throughout In many outcrops, the 9 deformational event is<br />

the quadrangle where folds <strong>of</strong> this generation (g2) are evidenced by convergent foliation surfaces, but very

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