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north <strong>of</strong> Twelvemile Summit (fig. 321, Q a more alumi- assemblages: (I) cryp tocrystallhe black marble, (2)<br />

nous quarte~l@~~+muscovite+Pe-~~orite~~o~ clinohumiteYbrsterIte+dolomite+calcIte+Ma-*NoritoIdf<br />

garnet sahist. These assemblages indicate Ite+MgserpantCne marble, (3) green acdno~te+calgarne<br />

t e e mediumpressure faciesseries metamor- eite+epidote+diopside+quartz+pl~gi0~109e+sphene eels<br />

phism; they are steble from about 400'~ at 0.1 to 0.4 with sllky white trernolite layers, and (4) massive red-<br />

GPs (limited by the breakdown <strong>of</strong> pycophyllite) to brown grossularite+green hedenbarg~te+quartz~dclte<br />

550 C at 0.7 GPa (using the petrngenetic grid <strong>of</strong> fels.<br />

Labotka, 1881, big. 11). An increase in metamorphic<br />

grade within this range <strong>of</strong> temperatures is seen toward<br />

the east, as indicated by increasingly Mg rich chlorite<br />

and Ca rich plagioclase in the less aluminow assemblage<br />

(fig. 32).<br />

North <strong>of</strong> the lineament, the pelitlc rocks are [Ydutlength-dl%pers(ve analyses an a CMZCA mobel *81 clacVon alcroroh.<br />

ustnq Tram-r-Uartbrn model IN-1310 buurmatlon. ccnvarrpd to wight percant<br />

composed <strong>of</strong> qunrtz+pIag;Ioclase+m uscovite+bio- according ta the Bencc-Albce whniaye VIU nlbee-RW correction Ixurs.<br />

AccelOrdtlnQ voltape 15 kY. sample current 12 nA on brass- spot stre. 16 tr<br />

tite*Fe-chlorite. Garnet is rare and wcurs only in a for plsgt~lbsc IVLG~ rnd ~ 'm for garnet lu01 And pymrcn; (PVII, n.d.,<br />

few samples as resorbed grains or as inclusions in pla-<br />

not dchmined. SEc figure J2 far mlt local lrfcs. Pn, FOR. a d d\G<br />

nonml(zM to total cations <strong>of</strong> 4. 5, an 6. res IIVcly; A) and Al<br />

gioclase. The porphyroblas tic plagioclase resembles rrslgnrd from asrued stolchl-: feq' anl Fmj5 .%timated frp. afrrenl<br />

charge b ~ dncsl l<br />

that <strong>of</strong> pelitic rocks south <strong>of</strong> the lineament. Two generations<br />

<strong>of</strong> biotite are present. The first occurs as<br />

alined inclusions in plagioclase that define a weak<br />

folintion, which were apparently formed during<br />

regional metamorphism. The second k randomly Hlneral------ GAR PIX PLC<br />

oriented biotite that crosses the early foliation and<br />

gives the rock a hornfebic texture. These<br />

observatiorts suggest that contact metamorphism was<br />

superimposed on a preexisting garnet-grade epidoteamphibollte-facies<br />

regional metamorphism. Contact<br />

effects do not extend south <strong>of</strong> the lineament.<br />

Petrographic examination indicates that the plagloclase<br />

porphyroblasts are <strong>of</strong> albite In the pelitic<br />

schist south <strong>of</strong> the lineament near Twelvemile Summit,<br />

but farther east they are zoned and have albite cores<br />

( ~ n ~ , and ~ ! oligoclase rims (An24,27E. In contrast,<br />

prelirn~nacy electron microprobe data (table 12) on<br />

zoned phgioclase froin near the pluton Indicate that<br />

the cores are An23, and the rims are Anl. -More<br />

data are needed to ieterrnine whether this zoning is<br />

continuous and, if not, to assess whether the cores and<br />

rims represent polymetamorphism or equilibrium<br />

mineral growth across the peristerite gap, which would<br />

confine the metamorphic temperature to between<br />

approximately 400' and 550' (Smit3 1872, fig. 9).<br />

Metamorphic temperatures above 600 could not have<br />

been reached on either side <strong>of</strong> the Uneament or else<br />

the pelitic rocks would have undergone partial melting.<br />

South <strong>of</strong> the lineament, mafic schist contains<br />

amphibole+plagioclase+quartz+M~hlorite+biotite+epidote+garnet+sphene.<br />

Petrographic data suggest that<br />

the amphibole has an actlnoUte core and a hornblende<br />

rim and that the plagloclase porphyroblasts have cores<br />

<strong>of</strong> albite rimmed with oligoclase. Coexistence <strong>of</strong><br />

hornblende with oUgoclase is consistent with the garnet-Jlgoclase<br />

qede <strong>of</strong> the intercalated pelitic rocks<br />

(Laird, 1980, fig. 2).<br />

Mafic rocks north <strong>of</strong> the Uneament are mineralogically<br />

and texturally distinct. The assernbhge is ollgocW+quartz+actinolite+biotite+epidotephene<br />

Fe- AssembIege 2 may be described by the<br />

chlorite. Garnet is rare and occurs as resorbed grains equilibrium lor8 terite+dolorn ite+ A O=clinohumite+calor<br />

a8 inclusions in plagioclase. Actinolite needles form eite+Co2, which constrains the rnaarnorphie temperasmall<br />

radial clusters; random orientations <strong>of</strong> white ture to a minimum <strong>of</strong> about 450'~ (Rice, 1980).<br />

mica, blotite, and tourmaline imply contact metarnor- Absence <strong>of</strong> evidence <strong>of</strong> partial melting <strong>of</strong> the inter*<br />

phism. Coexistence <strong>of</strong> actinolite with oligoclase l&ed pelitic rocks sets the upper temperature limit at<br />

rather than albite also indicates low-pressure facies 600'~. This range <strong>of</strong> metamorphic temperatures is<br />

series metamorphism (compare Laird, 1980, figs. 2, 5). consistent with asembhges 3 and 4 and with the pres-<br />

Calc-silicate rocks, which crop out only north <strong>of</strong> ence <strong>of</strong> calcitequartz rather than wouastonite<br />

the Uneament, include four thin-bedded mineral twinkler, 3979, figs. 9-5, 9-6, 10-2). Low values <strong>of</strong>

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