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gneiss and pre-2 10-m.y.-B.P. intrusion of the unmeta- morphosed Taylor Mountain batholith (Aleinikoff and others, 1981). In conclusion, our interpretation of the data presented above is as follows: (I) Re-350 m.y. B.P.- depasitlon of the protolith of the sillimanite gneiss containing detrltal zircons from provenance(s) ranging in age from about 2.0 to 2.3 b.y.; (2) between 350 and 210 m.y. B.P.-highwade dynamothermal metamor- phism formed the gneiss and new euhedral zircons which contain inherited Proterozoic radiogenic lead; Pb isotope data: b t h and Planetary Sdence Letters, v. 46, no. 2,p. 212-220. Mason, Brian, 1966, Principles 01 geochemistry! New York, John Wiley and Sons, 329 p. Cammht bands of wen gneb rrtthfn metasedime~r tary mdcs in the Big Iklta 0 2 quadmgle, east- cenm Abska (3) about 115 m.v. RP.--a thermal event that ~artiall~ By Cynthia Bml-Bacm and Charles TI Baeon reset zircons in the gneiss and resulted in emplacement of the crosscutthg granite. Because a strong Augen gneiss is a fakly common rock type in the dynamothermal event at about 350 m.y. B.P. is indica- ampMbolite-facies metamorphic rocks of the Yukonted by independent lines of evidence (3. N. Aleinikoff, Tanantt#Jpland and crops out both as large bodies (max unpub. data, 1981; J. K. Mortensen, oral commun., 700-km area) and, locally, as concordant bands 19811, me tarnorphkm of the sillimanite gneiss probably (commonly less than Z m thick) within similarly metaoccurred at that time. Subsequent lead loss, coupled morphosed and cataclasized metasedimmtary and (or) with Inheritance, has caused the present scatter in the rnetavolcanic rocks. Determination of pmtoliths for data. When these data are integrated into the growing this augen gneiss has been complicated by observations body of radlometrlc data for the upland, there appears of these two modes of occurrence. Study of a Ierge to be considerable evidence that a majar metamorphic area (area 7, fig. 23) of wen gneiss in the southevent occurred during the 'Barly Mississippian, followed eastern part of the Big Delta quadrangle (Dusel-Bacon by Mesozoic and Cenozoic thermal events. and Aleinlkoff, 1980; Meinikolf and others, 1981) supports a plutonic origin for this batholith-size body. Eividence for a plutonic origin consists of1 (1) the large REFERENCES CITED extent md uniform granitic eomposltlon of the body; (2) a contact with metasedirnentary wallrocks that dips Aleinikoff, J. N., Dusel-Bacon, Cynthia, Foster, H. L., steeply and is strongly disuordant to regional subhorimd Futa, Kiyoto, 1981, Proterozoic zircon from zontal foliation where mapped along part of one augen gneiss, Yukon-Tanana Upland, east-central margin of the augen gneiss body; (3) the presence of Alaskat Geology, v. 9, no. 10, p. 469-473. fine-grained inclusions, believed to be xenoliths, within Aleinikoff, J. N., Poster, H. L., Nokleberg, W. J., and the gneiss; (4) concentricity of zones of plagioclase Dusel-Bacon, Cynthia, 1983, Isotopic evidence and biotite inclusions in some of the more idiomorphic from detrital zircons for Early Proterowic crus- lesa deformed augen; and (5) the euhedral shape of tal material, east-central Alaska, Coonrad, W. most accessory zircons. L., and Elliott, R. L., eds., The United States A smaLI area in the Big Delta C-2 quadrangle Geolcgical Survey in AJsska: AccompLishments (area 6, fig. 23) approximately 25 km north of the durlng 19811 U.S. Geological Survey Circular margin of the large orthoaugen gneks My, was re- 868, p. 43-45. visited in June 1981 to examine concordant layes of Churkin, Michael, Jr., Foster, H. L., Chapman, R. M., augen gneiss within the metasedlmenby rocks (fig. and Weber, P. R., 1982, Terranes and suture 28). The thickest (approx 20-100 m) layer of augen zones in east-central Alaska: Journal of Geo- gneiss (stippling, fig. 28) appears to be a sill that physical Research, v. 87, no. 5, p. 5718-3130. intruded a sequence of sedimentary rocks now metn- Dusel-Bacon, Cynthia, and Foster, H. L., 1983, A silli- rnorphosed to interlayered quartz-mica schist, quartzmanite gneiss dome in the Yukon Crystalline ofeldspathic biotite gneiss, diopside+earlng marble, Terrane, east-central Alaska: Petrography and and biotite-hornblende schlat. Coexisting andtllusite garnet-biotite geotherrnometry: U.S. Geologicd and sillimanite in one sample of staurolite-gcunet- Survey Professional Paper 1170-E, p. El-E25. biotite-white mica schist suggest that metamorphio Grauert, B. W., Ranny, Rudolf, and Soptrajanova, pressures were less than, and temperatures greater Gorice, 1973, Age and origin of detrital zircons than, those of the aluminum silicate triple point (0.38 from the pre-Permian basements of the Bo- GPa and approx 500°c, Roldawny, 1971). FoEatlons in hemian Massif and the Alps: Contributions to the augen gneiss and adjacent layers are essentially Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 40, no. 2, p. 105- paraUel to one another and to mutual Ilthologic con- 130. tacts. The general strike of foliation and contacts is Griscom, Andrew, 1979, Ae~magnetic map and inter- N. 15' W.,and the dip ~~~-40' E., although attitudes pretation of the Big Delta quadrangle, Alaska: vary somewhat owing to subsequent deformation, as U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-529- evidenced by crenulations in the micaceous layers and €3, 11 p. isoclinal folds (mostly less than about 1 m in wave- Kwh, T. B, 1973, A low-contamination method for length and amplitude). TNs band of augen gneiss is hydrothermal decomposition of zircon and ex- considered to be a sill because its texture and compotraction of U and Pb for isotopic age determina- sition resemble those of the large augen gneiss body. tions: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 37, In bth areas, the augen gneiss is characterized by as no. 3, p. 485-494. much as 25 percent potassium feldspar porphyroclasts, Ludwig, K. R., 1980, Calculation of uncertainties of U- up to 7 cm long, set in a medlum-gralned partially

ecrSigtallized catadastic matrix of guartz+pIagio- olase+biotite+white mica and minor potassium feld- spar. The porphyraclasts (augen) in rocks from both areas are fairly densely packed and show the effects of bunching up and deformation of preexisting lath- shaped megacrysts (fig. 29A). Inoluslons of biotite, arranged in concentric zones within augm simllac to those In the metaplutonlc body, were aLso observed In the sill Uoc. 1, fig. 28). 0 .5 1 t 5 2 KILOHEI~S - - - 1 K, CONTOUR INTERVAL 500 FEET EXPUMATION lncllned Iolallon snowlng MWng and Dlunpa I Pigtaea8.--GeologlcsketchmapofpartofBigDel& G2 quadrangle, shwing relations between bands of augen gneiss and intervening metasedimentary rocks. Stippling denotes thick orthoaugen gneiss sill at locality 1 (fig. 29A); dashed Unea ouUtne thin orthoaugen gneiss sills at locality 2. Rne-grairred augen gneiss occurs at locality 3 (flg. 29g). Twa thin bands of wen gneiss (appro% I m thick) in which the augen are smaller but aimfiar to those in the thick sill crop out nearby (dashed Ues, loc. 2, fig. 28); these bands Bre also tentatively inter preted as sills. Augenlikc clots of potassium CeldspX, less than 1 cm long, occur in some layers of pelitic schist and biotite gnelss between and below the two thfn augen gneiss dUa; these porphyroblastic clots probably formed during metamolphism. A third, and most enigmatic, textural type of augen gneiss lies above the thick sill b e. 3, fig. 281, in an area compsed of the metasedimentmy-rock sequence previously described. This augen gneiss occurs as thin (approx 1 m thick) lagers in which nearly perfect eyeshaped feldspar augen (1-3 cm long, avg approx 1.5 am long) are evenly scattered in a fine- grained matrix of quartz+plagioclese+potasslurn feld- spar+biotite+white mica (fig. 29B). The augen gnelss is werlaIn by biotite-hornblende schist that contains scattered clots and thin laminae of feldspar. Foliation in the augen gneiss parallels that in the adjacent rocks and the layering. The texture of this augen gneiss, however, differs from that of the metaplutonic augen gneis and the nearby sLU (compare figs. 29A and 2 93 in that! (1) The augen are almost perfectly eye shaped and do not appear to be broken and sheared leth- shaped megacrysts; (2) the augen are less abundant (10 percent versus 25 percent), and the potasslum fdd- spar/plagioclase ratio of the matrb hlgher (0.64 versus 0.321, than in the nearby sill) (3) no concentric zonas of mlneral inclusions were observed in any of the augenj and (4) the augen appear to be eye shaped in all visble sections and & not have a randomly oriented euhedral outhe in a plane perpendicular to bth foliation and lineation, as In certah excellent exposures of the m etaplutonic augen gneiss. These textural differences can be explained by two dUferent roechanfsms for formation of the augen at the third locality. In the first mechanism, the tex- tural differences could be Punctlons of the degree of penetrative deformation. The augen gneiss layer at the third locality could have been intruded as a sill, and, as a result of severe cateclasis, the orlgfnal phenwrysts (which may have been relatively small originally) were oomminuted Into their prent shape. Perhaps the scattered, sparsely distributed, well-formed augen were the largest phenocrysts in the original rock, and smaller ones are now part of the matrix. The survival of the largest megacrysts as more ldiornorphic coherent augen and the grmulatfon of the smaller ones are features that ate commonly observed in the Large body of orthoaugen gneiss. Mdes of augen gneh from the am boc. 1, fig. 28) and the fine-grained layer (loc. 3) were determined to compare bulk compositions and to evaluate the possi- bility that the textural differences are due to com mi- nution and (or) to variations in phenocryst size and abundance. The modes for the sill (total kf=Sl, pl='29, qz=30, bt=D, mu=i percent) and the augen gneiss layer (total kf=28, pl=25, qz=36, bt=9, mu=2 percent) are simb and consistent with the hypothesis that the twt~lral differences are due to comminution alone. More than half (57 percent) of the total amount of potassium feldspar in the enigmatic layer is in the recrysWeed cataclastic matrix, and much less of the totd (31 percent) in the matrix of the sin sample. In the second mechnnlsm, the fine-gralned augen gneiss could be porphyroblastIc arkosic meta9edlmen- tary layers, rather than metalgneous W. Sldkulty of modal compositions would be explained by the fact that analyses of granitic and arkosic rocks are com- monly difficult to distinguish. The incipient clots of

ecrSigtallized catadastic matrix <strong>of</strong> guartz+pIagio-<br />

olase+biotite+white mica and minor potassium feld-<br />

spar. The porphyraclasts (augen) in rocks from both<br />

areas are fairly densely packed and show the effects <strong>of</strong><br />

bunching up and deformation <strong>of</strong> preexisting lath-<br />

shaped megacrysts (fig. 29A). Inoluslons <strong>of</strong> biotite,<br />

arranged in concentric zones within augm simllac to<br />

those In the metaplutonlc body, were aLso observed In<br />

the sill Uoc. 1, fig. 28).<br />

0 .5 1 t 5 2 KILOHEI~S<br />

- - - 1<br />

K,<br />



lncllned Iolallon snowlng MWng and Dlunpa<br />

I Pigtaea8.--Geologlcsketchmap<strong>of</strong>part<strong>of</strong>BigDel&<br />

G2 quadrangle, shwing relations between bands <strong>of</strong><br />

augen gneiss and intervening metasedimentary rocks.<br />

Stippling denotes thick orthoaugen gneiss sill at<br />

locality 1 (fig. 29A); dashed Unea ouUtne thin<br />

orthoaugen gneiss sills at locality 2. Rne-grairred<br />

augen gneiss occurs at locality 3 (flg. 29g).<br />

Twa thin bands <strong>of</strong> wen gneiss (appro% I m<br />

thick) in which the augen are smaller but aimfiar to<br />

those in the thick sill crop out nearby (dashed Ues,<br />

loc. 2, fig. 28); these bands Bre also tentatively inter<br />

preted as sills. Augenlikc clots <strong>of</strong> potassium CeldspX,<br />

less than 1 cm long, occur in some layers <strong>of</strong> pelitic<br />

schist and biotite gnelss between and below the two<br />

thfn augen gneiss dUa; these porphyroblastic clots<br />

probably formed during metamolphism.<br />

A third, and most enigmatic, textural type <strong>of</strong><br />

augen gneiss lies above the thick sill b e. 3, fig. 281, in<br />

an area compsed <strong>of</strong> the metasedimentmy-rock<br />

sequence previously described. This augen gneiss<br />

occurs as thin (approx 1 m thick) lagers in which nearly<br />

perfect eyeshaped feldspar augen (1-3 cm long, avg<br />

approx 1.5 am long) are evenly scattered in a fine-<br />

grained matrix <strong>of</strong> quartz+plagioclese+potasslurn feld-<br />

spar+biotite+white mica (fig. 29B). The augen gnelss is<br />

werlaIn by biotite-hornblende schist that contains<br />

scattered clots and thin laminae <strong>of</strong> feldspar. Foliation<br />

in the augen gneiss parallels that in the adjacent rocks<br />

and the layering. The texture <strong>of</strong> this augen gneiss,<br />

however, differs from that <strong>of</strong> the metaplutonic augen<br />

gneis and the nearby sLU (compare figs. 29A and 2 93<br />

in that! (1) The augen are almost perfectly eye shaped<br />

and do not appear to be broken and sheared leth-<br />

shaped megacrysts; (2) the augen are less abundant (10<br />

percent versus 25 percent), and the potasslum fdd-<br />

spar/plagioclase ratio <strong>of</strong> the matrb hlgher (0.64 versus<br />

0.321, than in the nearby sill) (3) no concentric zonas <strong>of</strong><br />

mlneral inclusions were observed in any <strong>of</strong> the augenj<br />

and (4) the augen appear to be eye shaped in all visble<br />

sections and & not have a randomly oriented euhedral<br />

outhe in a plane perpendicular to bth foliation and<br />

lineation, as In certah excellent exposures <strong>of</strong> the<br />

m etaplutonic augen gneiss.<br />

These textural differences can be explained by<br />

two dUferent roechanfsms for formation <strong>of</strong> the augen<br />

at the third locality. In the first mechanism, the tex-<br />

tural differences could be Punctlons <strong>of</strong> the degree <strong>of</strong><br />

penetrative deformation. The augen gneiss layer at<br />

the third locality could have been intruded as a sill,<br />

and, as a result <strong>of</strong> severe cateclasis, the orlgfnal<br />

phenwrysts (which may have been relatively small<br />

originally) were oomminuted Into their prent shape.<br />

Perhaps the scattered, sparsely distributed,<br />

well-formed augen were the largest phenocrysts in the<br />

original rock, and smaller ones are now part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

matrix. The survival <strong>of</strong> the largest megacrysts as<br />

more ldiornorphic coherent augen and the grmulatfon<br />

<strong>of</strong> the smaller ones are features that ate commonly<br />

observed in the Large body <strong>of</strong> orthoaugen gneiss.<br />

Mdes <strong>of</strong> augen gneh from the am boc. 1, fig. 28) and<br />

the fine-grained layer (loc. 3) were determined to<br />

compare bulk compositions and to evaluate the possi-<br />

bility that the textural differences are due to com mi-<br />

nution and (or) to variations in phenocryst size and<br />

abundance. The modes for the sill (total kf=Sl, pl='29,<br />

qz=30, bt=D, mu=i percent) and the augen gneiss layer<br />

(total kf=28, pl=25, qz=36, bt=9, mu=2 percent) are<br />

simb and consistent with the hypothesis that the<br />

twt~lral differences are due to comminution alone.<br />

More than half (57 percent) <strong>of</strong> the total amount <strong>of</strong><br />

potassium feldspar in the enigmatic layer is in the<br />

recrysWeed cataclastic matrix, and much less <strong>of</strong> the<br />

totd (31 percent) in the matrix <strong>of</strong> the sin sample.<br />

In the second mechnnlsm, the fine-gralned augen<br />

gneiss could be porphyroblastIc arkosic meta9edlmen-<br />

tary layers, rather than metalgneous W. Sldkulty<br />

<strong>of</strong> modal compositions would be explained by the fact<br />

that analyses <strong>of</strong> granitic and arkosic rocks are com-<br />

monly difficult to distinguish. The incipient clots <strong>of</strong>

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