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east of the gnelss dome and is separated from it by the generay the case. We presumed that the clear eunorthewt-trending Shaw Creek fa~llt. The sillirnanite hedral zircons grew during metamorphism, end so we gneiss on both sides of the fault is petrographically selected those zircons in the +I 50 size fraction and the similar was probabIy continuous before faulting. The entire population in the -325*400 and -400 size fracsense and extent of movement dong the Shaw Creek tions of semple 80APr 114 for analysis. In sample fault ~equired for the palinspastic reconstruction agree 81ADb 35A, greater than 75 percent of the zircons arc with the 50 km of left-lateral movement postulated by clear and euhedral, with anvx ratio of 1 to 3, whereas Griscom (1980), primwily on the basis of aeromagnetic less than 25 percent me subhedral and btown. Aldata. though the yleld of zlrcons in sample 8kADb 35B was Three Yimpla of sillimanlte gneiss from the very small, most were euhedral and light brown. Algneia dome were studied, including one sample (BOA Fr though many of the zircons in sample 81ADb 38A are 114) from an area of Typicaln sillimanite gneiss and detrital, in marked contrast to the other sillirnanite two samples from n locality where partial melting may gneiss samples, a few clear euhedral crystals ore also have occurred. One of these samplea (81ADb 3SA) is present; these were the only zircons analyzed from another "typicalM sillimanite gneiss; the other (81~Db this sample. Sample 79AFr 2010, an unfoliated 35B) is a weakly foliated equigranular granitic rock, granite, contains zircons that range in color from dear possibly 61 leucosome In the slllimanite gneiss. An to light brown; all are euhedral, and the ratio unfollated crosscutting granite wa5 sampled (7BAPr ranges from 2 to 8. There is no optical evidence for 2010) to provide evidence for a minimum age of the cores or overgrowths. gneiss. Finally, a sample (BlADb 38A) of what appears both in hand semple and thIn section to be "typicaiTt sillimanite gneiss from east of the Shaw Creek fault Table was studied for comparison with those from the gneiss 8 .--Major-element data for selected sm les of sflllmanire gm ~ z!!%!21e &imLj7v, dome. Table 8 lists m40relement mdyses for the - Alaska three samples of silllmanfte gneim. The chemical [All analyses in weight percent by quantltatlve X-ray compositions of the rocks are compatible with a sedi- spectroscopy 1 mentary protolith proposed for the gnelss, in that potassium is greater than sodium, magnesium greater - than calcium, and normative quartz close to or greater Smplc------------- 8IADb 35A 8LADb 36A 81ADb 38A thnn the 50percent value considered to indicate a sedimentary potolith (M-, 1866, p. 249). Normative quartz values, calculated on the assumption that sfo2-------- ---- --- 69.3 74.0 74.7 two-thirds of the iron is ferric, are: 49 percent ~ 1 ------------ ~ 0 ~ 14.9 9.65 10.5 (sample 81ADb 35~); 59 percent (80~Pr 114); and 52 percent (81ADb 38A). The major-element abundances Total Fe (as FcgOj)- 6.21 3.43 5.49 for a sample of the sillimmite gneiss collected east of go----------------- 2.18 1.20 1.81 the fauit (8lADb 38A) are intermediate between those Ca&---------------- .41 .84 .77 for the two samples from the gneiss dome for all elements except Na20 and MnO and thus are permissive Naq&--------------- .66 1.02 1.14 evidenoe for these areas having had the same proto- ~~0 ----------------- 3.53 2 -89 3.34 lith. Tfo2-------------- -76 .52 .75 The fntent of this study was to determine the P~O~---~~-----"- .05 age(s) of metamorphism of the sillirnanite meIss .07 .05 bodies and to examine the morphology of their zir MnO----------------- .06 ,04 .08 cons. Zircons were extracted from approximately 40 Loss oh Ignltton---- 1.58 .81 .81 kg of rock and processed by routine ion exchange (modified from Krogh, 1973) for the separation of uranium and lead isotopes; these elements were Total---------- 99.64 99.47 99.44 analyzed on a 30-em NBS mass spectrometer with digital control and data processing. Interpretation of zircon morphology is perticularly important for this study because of the possible occurrence of both detrital artd metamorphic popula- Table 9 lists the botopic data plotted in figure tions. In sample 8OAPr 114, about 25 percent of the 27. The most geolagically reasonable interpretation d +I50 size fraction are clear euhedral crystals with these data (fig. 27) involves calculating the best-fit length-to-width WE) ratios of 1 to 3; approximately 50 line through only the upper four data points for the percent of the crystals are brown in color, subhedral to coarsest size fractions of zircons from all three sillieuhedral, with partly pitted faces and anl/xratio of 1 rnanite gneiss samples (8OAPr 114, 01ADb 35A, 8IADb to 5; and the remaining 25 percent are broken and (or) 38A). me discordia through these points has concordia rounded brown grains. In the finer grain sizes, at least intercepts of 302f156 and 2,383i398 m.y. The three 75 percent of the pains me clear and euhedral, lower data points, from two finer grained zircon fracwhereas 25 percent or less are brown and partly tions from sillimanite gneiss (sample 80AFr 114) and rounded. Although euhedral zircons that are unequivo- one coarse fraction from the probable leucosome cally detrital in origin have been found in metasedi- (9Etmple 81ADb 358), were not used in determining tile mentary mcks (Grauert and others, 19731, this is not discordia. The zircons from these fractions contain

1 slgnlficarrtly more umnlum (73&1,009 ppm U, in com- parlson with 289-501 ppm U in the upper four data pohts), and so they probably lost relatively more lead as the result of a well-documented regional thermal event about 115 m .y. B.P. (Aleinikoff and others, 1981; J. N. Aleinikoff, unpub. data, 1981; M. A. Lanphere and others, oral cornmun., 19821 J. N. Neinikoff, unpub. data, 1981). Pls\Pe 27.--Concordia plot of zircon from siUirnanite gneiss (circles) and crosscut tlng granite (diamonds). Best-fit line calculated through four upper sillirnanite gneiss poknts. The upper-intercept age of 2,383i398 m.y. hdi- cates the provenance age of the sedimentaryprotolith of the siUlmanite gnelss. This age Is not unexpected because most upper-intercept ages on metamorphic rocks Ln the Yukon-kana Upland, interpreted to be lnherltance and provenance ages, are hrly PrOterO- zoic (Aleintkoff and others, 1981, 1983). Ahalyses of zircons from the Mount Hayes quadrangle (J. N. Alelnikoff, unpub. data, 1981) a h Indicate that 2.0- b.g.-old primary igneous and detrital zircons are present in that part of the Upland. Thus, the age of the inherited material could range fmm 2.0 to 2.3 b.y. (Aleinikoff and others, 1981). We propose that the lower concordia intercept of 3022 156 m.y. reflects the growth of metamorphic zircons durlng the Paleozoic or Mesozoia. The Large uncertalnty is probably due to lnherltance of radio- genic lead from a heterogeneous population of Pro- terozoic zbcons and (or) multiple episodes of post- metamorphism lead loss. The most likely cause.of such lead loss Is the intrusive event that produced the crosscutting granite (sample 80APr 2010). If a dlscor- dia were calculated through the three granite data points, it would have a lower concordia intercept of 116fS rn.y., hterpreted as the age of crystallization. Its upper-intercept age of approximately 2 b.y. would indicate inheritance of Early Proterozoic material, a likely source of which would be the elrcons from the slllimanite gneiss. The Large uncertalnty in the lower- intercept age of the chord calculated throug-h the upper four slllimanite gneiss points (fig. 27) cm be more tightly constrained by the age Limits we have placed on dyrmmothermal metamorphism in the Yukon- Tanana Upland on the basis of additional geochrono- logic data Prom related pacts of the Upland: Meta- morphism is post-345-m.y.-B.P. intrvsIon of augen Table 9.--U-Pb- jsotopic data for zircons from st11 lmaojte gneiss and granl te, 049 Delta quadrangle, east- central A1 aska [Constants used In calculation of ages: 235~=0.98485x1~-9/yr, 238~=0.155124xl~-9/yr, 235~/238~=l/~37.88 (Steiger and Jhger, 1977). LT, Ilght; CL, clear} Concentrations Atomic percent (~Dln) Age (rn.y.1 cr . SI ze Lat U., fraction long W. 206pb 2 0 7 ~ 2~ 0 7 ~ ~ U Pb 2O4pb 2O6pb 207~b 2oEpb - - - 238" 235" 2Mpb

east <strong>of</strong> the gnelss dome and is separated from it by the generay the case. We presumed that the clear eunorthewt-trending<br />

Shaw Creek fa~llt. The sillirnanite hedral zircons grew during metamorphism, end so we<br />

gneiss on both sides <strong>of</strong> the fault is petrographically selected those zircons in the +I 50 size fraction and the<br />

similar was probabIy continuous before faulting. The entire population in the -325*400 and -400 size fracsense<br />

and extent <strong>of</strong> movement dong the Shaw Creek tions <strong>of</strong> semple 80APr 114 for analysis. In sample<br />

fault ~equired for the palinspastic reconstruction agree 81ADb 35A, greater than 75 percent <strong>of</strong> the zircons arc<br />

with the 50 km <strong>of</strong> left-lateral movement postulated by clear and euhedral, with anvx ratio <strong>of</strong> 1 to 3, whereas<br />

Griscom (1980), primwily on the basis <strong>of</strong> aeromagnetic less than 25 percent me subhedral and btown. Aldata.<br />

though the yleld <strong>of</strong> zlrcons in sample 8kADb 35B was<br />

Three Yimpla <strong>of</strong> sillimanlte gneiss from the very small, most were euhedral and light brown. Algneia<br />

dome were studied, including one sample (BOA Fr though many <strong>of</strong> the zircons in sample 81ADb 38A are<br />

114) from an area <strong>of</strong> Typicaln sillimanite gneiss and detrital, in marked contrast to the other sillirnanite<br />

two samples from n locality where partial melting may gneiss samples, a few clear euhedral crystals ore also<br />

have occurred. One <strong>of</strong> these samplea (81ADb 3SA) is present; these were the only zircons analyzed from<br />

another "typicalM sillimanite gneiss; the other (81~Db this sample. Sample 79AFr 2010, an unfoliated<br />

35B) is a weakly foliated equigranular granitic rock, granite, contains zircons that range in color from dear<br />

possibly 61 leucosome In the slllimanite gneiss. An to light brown; all are euhedral, and the ratio<br />

unfollated crosscutting granite wa5 sampled (7BAPr ranges from 2 to 8. There is no optical evidence for<br />

2010) to provide evidence for a minimum age <strong>of</strong> the cores or overgrowths.<br />

gneiss. Finally, a sample (BlADb 38A) <strong>of</strong> what appears<br />

both in hand semple and thIn section to be "typicaiTt<br />

sillimanite gneiss from east <strong>of</strong> the Shaw Creek fault<br />

Table<br />

was studied for comparison with those from the gneiss<br />

8 .--Major-element data for selected sm les <strong>of</strong><br />

sflllmanire gm ~ z!!%!21e &imLj7v,<br />

dome.<br />

Table 8 lists m40relement mdyses for the - <strong>Alas</strong>ka<br />

three samples <strong>of</strong> silllmanfte gneim. The chemical [All analyses in weight percent by quantltatlve X-ray<br />

compositions <strong>of</strong> the rocks are compatible with a sedi-<br />

spectroscopy 1<br />

mentary protolith proposed for the gnelss, in that<br />

potassium is greater than sodium, magnesium greater -<br />

than calcium, and normative quartz close to or greater Smplc------------- 8IADb 35A 8LADb 36A 81ADb 38A<br />

thnn the 50percent value considered to indicate a<br />

sedimentary potolith (M-, 1866, p. 249). Normative<br />

quartz values, calculated on the assumption that sfo2-------- ---- --- 69.3 74.0 74.7<br />

two-thirds <strong>of</strong> the iron is ferric, are: 49 percent ~ 1 ------------ ~ 0 ~ 14.9 9.65 10.5<br />

(sample 81ADb 35~); 59 percent (80~Pr 114); and 52<br />

percent (81ADb 38A). The major-element abundances Total Fe (as FcgOj)- 6.21 3.43 5.49<br />

for a sample <strong>of</strong> the sillimmite gneiss collected east <strong>of</strong> go----------------- 2.18 1.20 1.81<br />

the fauit (8lADb 38A) are intermediate between those Ca&---------------- .41 .84 .77<br />

for the two samples from the gneiss dome for all elements<br />

except Na20 and MnO and thus are permissive Naq&--------------- .66 1.02 1.14<br />

evidenoe for these areas having had the same proto- ~~0 ----------------- 3.53 2 -89 3.34<br />

lith. Tfo2-------------- -76 .52 .75<br />

The fntent <strong>of</strong> this study was to determine the<br />

P~O~---~~-----"- .05<br />

age(s) <strong>of</strong> metamorphism <strong>of</strong> the sillirnanite meIss<br />

.07 .05<br />

bodies and to examine the morphology <strong>of</strong> their zir MnO----------------- .06 ,04 .08<br />

cons. Zircons were extracted from approximately 40 Loss oh Ignltton---- 1.58 .81 .81<br />

kg <strong>of</strong> rock and processed by routine ion exchange<br />

(modified from Krogh, 1973) for the separation <strong>of</strong><br />

uranium and lead isotopes; these elements were Total---------- 99.64 99.47 99.44<br />

analyzed on a 30-em NBS mass spectrometer with digital<br />

control and data processing.<br />

Interpretation <strong>of</strong> zircon morphology is perticularly<br />

important for this study because <strong>of</strong> the possible<br />

occurrence <strong>of</strong> both detrital artd metamorphic popula- Table 9 lists the botopic data plotted in figure<br />

tions. In sample 8OAPr 114, about 25 percent <strong>of</strong> the 27. The most geolagically reasonable interpretation d<br />

+I50 size fraction are clear euhedral crystals with these data (fig. 27) involves calculating the best-fit<br />

length-to-width WE) ratios <strong>of</strong> 1 to 3; approximately 50 line through only the upper four data points for the<br />

percent <strong>of</strong> the crystals are brown in color, subhedral to coarsest size fractions <strong>of</strong> zircons from all three sillieuhedral,<br />

with partly pitted faces and anl/xratio <strong>of</strong> 1 rnanite gneiss samples (8OAPr 114, 01ADb 35A, 8IADb<br />

to 5; and the remaining 25 percent are broken and (or) 38A). me discordia through these points has concordia<br />

rounded brown grains. In the finer grain sizes, at least intercepts <strong>of</strong> 302f156 and 2,383i398 m.y. The three<br />

75 percent <strong>of</strong> the pains me clear and euhedral, lower data points, from two finer grained zircon fracwhereas<br />

25 percent or less are brown and partly tions from sillimanite gneiss (sample 80AFr 114) and<br />

rounded. Although euhedral zircons that are unequivo- one coarse fraction from the probable leucosome<br />

cally detrital in origin have been found in metasedi- (9Etmple 81ADb 358), were not used in determining tile<br />

mentary mcks (Grauert and others, 19731, this is not discordia. The zircons from these fractions contain

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