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one tongue continued 5 km downvalley, engulfing a charring trees but not toppling all of them. At .a point only 10 km from the vent, where the VTTS narrows slightly, the main ash flow formed primerg depositional ridges that stand as much as 15 m mxd Rhyolilic I pumlce ove its otherwise smooth surface. In the same area, . e moving flows left thin veneers of poorly sorted but fines-enriched tuff that feather up the valley waU to elevations 30 to 40 m higher than the general level of the adjacent valley-fii ash-flow sheet. In the upper VTTS, however, the 'high sand mark" (Grlggs, 1922; Fenner, 1923) is not a veneer but a marginal bench formed In thick tuff largely by differential compaction; the 30- to 60-mdevation difference between the valley floor and the fissured hingeline of the bench suggests a thickness of 150 to 250 m for the tuff in the upper YTTS, in agreement with Curtis' (1968) estimate from comparative stream profiles. In the lower VTTS, the distally thtmhg rhyoliterich tuff is wholly nonwelded, and its base is widely exposed. In the central VTTS, gorges floored in partially welded tuff have reached a maximum measured depth of 33 m; some of these gorges hod been incised to more than 20 rn within 5 years after the eruption (Grm, 1922). In the upper VTTS, high-temperature andesite-rich now units that were emplnced late in the ash-flow sequence created partially welded tuff and sillar that are widely exposed. Debrfs flows of remobilized rhyolitjc tephra looally swept onto the ash-flow surface from surrounding mountainsides before the emplacement of dacitic fall units C through H. Flding Prom the adjacent glaclers locally created a few meters of fluvial depos- Its, but within several hours such runoff was sup pressed md overwhelmed by the heavy tallout of dacitic pumice. After the dadtic eruptions, phreatic expl6sians in the &-flow sheet created dozens of craters, the fringing surge deposits 6f whieh contain ejected blocks of tuff more densely welded than any part of the primary material yet exposed. Deposits from one cluster of craters dammed a 1-km-long lake in upper Knife Creek, where more than 15 I ~ I of pumiceous diamicton and mud accumubted &top the tuff. Breaching of this lake caused a cetestrophic flood that stripped the ash-flow surface in the central VTTS, deposited a Sheet of distinctive debris as much as 50 rn higher than the ash-flow surface on the banks of lower Windy meek, and carried SO-cm blocks of welded tuff mofc than 20 km to the lowermost \PIYI'S, where the flood deposit is as much as 6 m thick. AU these events took place before the incision of gorges in the tuff, presumably in the summer of 1912. Phenwryst contents (by weight) of the ejects are: rhyolite 0.5 to 2 percent, and dacite and andesite, 30 to 40 percent. All the ejeeta contain plagioclase, hypersthene, titanomagnetite, ilrnenite, apatite, and Figure 22.-Variations of major elements (in weight percent) for materiels from the June 2912 eruption in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes (VTTS); new X-ray fluorescence analyses by U.S. Geological Survey laboratories, Menlo Park, Calif., and Denver, Colo. For internal comparability, all data are normalized to 100 percent, excludlng R 0 and C02 but including halogens and 30 trace oxicks. Pileup of points at 77.1 to 77.6 percent SiO represents 11 analyses of rhyolitic pumice. ~osf samples are 1912 pumice and scoria from air-fall and ash-flow emplacement units, except: (1) mxd, Pennerls (1923) analysis of rhyoltic lava slightly eontamineted by coeruptive dacite in the pyrrhotite; a trace of olivine ( ~ o ~ occurs ~ - in ~ the ~ ) Novarupta dome--new analyses of Least contaminated scoria. Quart2s is present and sugi e absent only in the bands in the dome are pIotted here at 65.1 and 76.9 rhyolite. The saning ranges of rhyoEtic plagioclase percent SiO ; and (2) H.L, Fenner's (1950) analysis of and orthopmxene (Enpg-51) do not overlap horseshek?and lava on Katrnai caldera floor. Pre- those o Bacitic phenocrysts (Angk7l, h594,). 'Ihe 1912 points are for precaldera lava domes, Falling quartz-free dacitic magma is clearly not a product of Mountain and Mount Cerberus, aM1 a fluvially dlrect mixing between the rhyofitic and andesitic stratified depudt of pumice lapilli in lower VTTS, megrnas. which plot, respectively, at 64.2, 64.0, and 63.7 Chemical analyses (fig. 22) show the Si02 percent SiO and partly ocoupy a possible second contents (anhydrous) to be: rhyolite, 77.Oi.6 percent, cornpositiond gap apparent in the 1912 mnation. Note daette, 84.5 to 66 percent, and andesite, 58.5 to 61.5 that linear-regression lines fit 1912 andesitedaci te percent. The dacitic and andesltic ejecta contrat In data rather weU but do not pnsj !tly toward color end density, and it remains uncertain whether rhyolite data arrays. they form a compositional continuum; so far, Only one

1912 sample (a mediumwey pumice block In the top- most ash-flow unit) faUs in the lcange 61.5 to 64.5 percent SL02 (fig. 221, despite concerted search for such material. Analyses reported by Fenner (1913, 1950) within the range 66 to 78 peceent SOa were of mixed lava and of bulk tephra that mechanically frar tionated find (or) mixed durlng emplacement. Ample data confirm the large compositional gap between the rhyolitic and intermediate magmas. The selected compositional parameters listed below Ulustrate the contrast between the rhyolitlc and intermediate ejecta erupted in 1912: Rhyolite Despite this compositional gap, 80 titanomape- Ute-ilmenite temperatures (Buddington and tlnddey, 1964; CarmichaeL 1967) show a continuous ranger rhyolite, 805~- Ob; dacite, 855'-955'; and andeslte, 955°-9900~. % fractionations of 3.9 to 4.2 perrnll between quartz and tftanomagnetite mppart these values, as & measurements of the homogenization te mperatures of vaporglas Inclusions in 1912 quartz phenmrysts by Clocchiatti (1972). Continuity in 2 and for the entire sequence, and continuous varlation kbhenecrystic comporitions in the orystal-rich mde- sitic and dacitic magmas, support the concept of a single zoned s yw; @ does the similarity of all the 1922 ejecta in Sr/ Sr ratio (0.70361, KIBa ratio (about 251, Ce/Yb ratio (abfit S), La/Sm ratio (about 31, Th/U ratio (2.21, and 6 0 (6.1-6.4 perrnil In rhyolite, 5,8-6.1 permil In dacltt%% andesite). If the rhyoLitic liquid separated from dacitlo magma, extraction was so efficient that no dacitic phenocrysts were retained and na 66- to 76percent- SIO compobitions were created; if the liquid were a meltof roof rocks atop an intermedate rnegma body, then such roaks had no Sr-isotopic contrast with the andesitic4acitlc magma and clearly did not in- clude the Jurassic arkosic or granltlc basement. The resence of Holocene domes of pre-I912 dacite PPdng Mountain and Mount Cerbsrus, fig. 22) )dja- cent to the 1912 vent suggests that the 6 km (or more) of high-silica rhyolitic magma (a composition rare in the Aleutian arc) was generated within e few thousand yem. The 1912 vent is semiencircled by a cluster of andesitic stratocones and is es clme to Mngeik, Trident, and Griggs volcanoes as it Is to Mount Katmai. Although Quaternmy bMt Is not known to have erupted here, the intrusion of basaltic rnagrna probably sustains the greater-V'M'S magm atie system (see Wdreth, 1981, fig. 15). Acknowl@ments.-We are grateful to Dan Kosco, Terry !3. C, Keith, Peter Shearer, and tbe late David A. - Jobton for collaboration, debate, and hauling rocks; and to I. S. E. Carmlchael for micro- probe facilities and 1976 field expenses under National Science Po'undatlon Grants EAR-74-12782 and BAG 78-03648. REFERENCES CITED Buddington, A. P., and Lindsley, D. H., 1964, Irontitanium oxide minerals and synthetic equivalents: Journal of Petrology, v. 5, no. 2, p. 310- 351. Carrnichael, L S. E., 1967, The Iron-titanium oxldes of salic volcanic rocks and their associated fernrnagnesian silicates~ Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 14, no. 1,- p. 36-84. Clocchiattl, R., 1972, Lea crlstaux de quartz des onces de La V&e des Dix Milles PU& P Katmal, Alaska) [Quartz crystals from pumlae of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes (Ketmai, Alaska)]! Paris, Corn tes Rendw Hebdomadaires des Shces de llAca dP rrde des Sciences, ser. D, v. 274, no. 23, p. 3037-9040. Curtis, G. H., 1968, The stratigraphy of the ejecta from the 1912 eruption of Mount Katmai and Novarupta, Alaska, Studies in voKcanology: A memoir in honor of Howel Wiuams: Geological Sodety of America Memoir 116, p. 153-210. Pemer, C. N., 1923, The origin and mode of emplace ment of the peat tuff deposit in the VaUey of Ten Thousand Smokes: Washington, National Geographic Soclety Contributed Technical Papers, Katmai Series, no. 1, 74 p. -1930, Mt Katmal and Mt Mageik: Zeltschrift fiir Vulkanologie, V. 13, no. 1, p. 1-24. -1950, The chemical kinettcs of the Ratmd eruption: American Journal of Science, v. 248, no. 9, p. 593-627 (pt. 1); no. 10, p. 697-725 (pt. 2). Griggs, R. P., 1922, The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: Washington, National Geographla Soaiety, 341 p. Hlldreth, Wes, 1981, Gradtents In silicic magma chambers: ImpUeations for Lithospheric magmatkm r Journal of Oeophysjcal Research, v. 88, no. Bll, p. 10153-10192. (Figure 23 shows study areas d lscd New eges of mdioiarinn chert horn the Barnpart d i s t r i c t , e a a t ~ ~ R e ~ ~ n c e geologlc studies In 1981 north and south of the Yukon River in the Rampart district

1912 sample (a mediumwey pumice block In the top-<br />

most ash-flow unit) faUs in the lcange 61.5 to 64.5<br />

percent SL02 (fig. 221, despite concerted search for<br />

such material. Analyses reported by Fenner (1913,<br />

1950) within the range 66 to 78 peceent SOa were <strong>of</strong><br />

mixed lava and <strong>of</strong> bulk tephra that mechanically frar<br />

tionated find (or) mixed durlng emplacement. Ample<br />

data confirm the large compositional gap between the<br />

rhyolitic and intermediate magmas. The selected<br />

compositional parameters listed below Ulustrate the<br />

contrast between the rhyolitlc and intermediate ejecta<br />

erupted in 1912:<br />

Rhyolite<br />

Despite this compositional gap, 80 titanomape-<br />

Ute-ilmenite temperatures (Buddington and tlnddey,<br />

1964; CarmichaeL 1967) show a continuous ranger<br />

rhyolite, 805~- Ob; dacite, 855'-955'; and andeslte,<br />

955°-9900~. % fractionations <strong>of</strong> 3.9 to 4.2 perrnll<br />

between quartz and tftanomagnetite mppart these<br />

values, as & measurements <strong>of</strong> the homogenization<br />

te mperatures <strong>of</strong> vaporglas Inclusions in 1912 quartz<br />

phenmrysts by Clocchiatti (1972). Continuity in 2 and<br />

for the entire sequence, and continuous varlation<br />

kbhenecrystic comporitions in the orystal-rich mde-<br />

sitic and dacitic magmas, support the concept <strong>of</strong> a<br />

single zoned s yw; @ does the similarity <strong>of</strong> all the<br />

1922 ejecta in Sr/ Sr ratio (0.70361, KIBa ratio<br />

(about 251, Ce/Yb ratio (abfit S), La/Sm ratio (about<br />

31, Th/U ratio (2.21, and 6 0 (6.1-6.4 perrnil In<br />

rhyolite, 5,8-6.1 permil In dacltt%% andesite).<br />

If the rhyoLitic liquid separated from dacitlo<br />

magma, extraction was so efficient that no dacitic<br />

phenocrysts were retained and na 66- to 76percent-<br />

SIO compobitions were created; if the liquid were a<br />

melt<strong>of</strong> ro<strong>of</strong> rocks atop an intermedate rnegma<br />

body, then such roaks had no Sr-isotopic contrast with<br />

the andesitic4acitlc magma and clearly did not in-<br />

clude the Jurassic arkosic or granltlc basement. The<br />

resence <strong>of</strong> Holocene domes <strong>of</strong> pre-I912 dacite<br />

PPdng Mountain and Mount Cerbsrus, fig. 22) )dja-<br />

cent to the 1912 vent suggests that the 6 km (or<br />

more) <strong>of</strong> high-silica rhyolitic magma (a composition<br />

rare in the Aleutian arc) was generated within e few<br />

thousand yem. The 1912 vent is semiencircled by a<br />

cluster <strong>of</strong> andesitic stratocones and is es clme to<br />

Mngeik, Trident, and Griggs volcanoes as it Is to Mount<br />

Katmai. Although Quaternmy bMt Is not known to<br />

have erupted here, the intrusion <strong>of</strong> basaltic rnagrna<br />

probably sustains the greater-V'M'S magm atie system<br />

(see Wdreth, 1981, fig. 15).<br />

Acknowl@ments.-We are grateful to Dan<br />

Kosco, Terry !3. C, Keith, Peter Shearer, and tbe late<br />

David A. - Jobton for collaboration, debate, and<br />

hauling rocks; and to I. S. E. Carmlchael for micro-<br />

probe facilities and 1976 field expenses under National<br />

Science Po'undatlon Grants EAR-74-12782 and BAG<br />

78-03648.<br />


Buddington, A. P., and Lindsley, D. H., 1964, Irontitanium<br />

oxide minerals and synthetic equivalents:<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> Petrology, v. 5, no. 2, p. 310-<br />

351.<br />

Carrnichael, L S. E., 1967, The Iron-titanium oxldes <strong>of</strong><br />

salic volcanic rocks and their associated fernrnagnesian<br />

silicates~ Contributions to Mineralogy<br />

and Petrology, v. 14, no. 1,- p. 36-84.<br />

Clocchiattl, R., 1972, Lea crlstaux de quartz des<br />

onces de La V&e des Dix Milles PU&<br />

P Katmal, <strong>Alas</strong>ka) [Quartz crystals from pumlae<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Valley <strong>of</strong> Ten Thousand Smokes (Ketmai,<br />

<strong>Alas</strong>ka)]! Paris, Corn tes Rendw Hebdomadaires<br />

des Shces de llAca dP rrde des Sciences, ser. D, v.<br />

274, no. 23, p. 3037-9040.<br />

Curtis, G. H., 1968, The stratigraphy <strong>of</strong> the ejecta<br />

from the 1912 eruption <strong>of</strong> Mount Katmai and<br />

Novarupta, <strong>Alas</strong>ka, Studies in voKcanology: A<br />

memoir in honor <strong>of</strong> Howel Wiuams: <strong>Geological</strong><br />

Sodety <strong>of</strong> America Memoir 116, p. 153-210.<br />

Pemer, C. N., 1923, The origin and mode <strong>of</strong> emplace<br />

ment <strong>of</strong> the peat tuff deposit in the VaUey <strong>of</strong><br />

Ten Thousand Smokes: Washington, National<br />

Geographic Soclety Contributed Technical<br />

Papers, Katmai Series, no. 1, 74 p.<br />

-1930, Mt Katmal and Mt Mageik: Zeltschrift fiir<br />

Vulkanologie, V. 13, no. 1, p. 1-24.<br />

-1950, The chemical kinettcs <strong>of</strong> the Ratmd eruption:<br />

American Journal <strong>of</strong> Science, v. 248, no. 9,<br />

p. 593-627 (pt. 1); no. 10, p. 697-725 (pt. 2).<br />

Griggs, R. P., 1922, The Valley <strong>of</strong> Ten Thousand<br />

Smokes: Washington, National Geographla Soaiety,<br />

341 p.<br />

Hlldreth, Wes, 1981, Gradtents In silicic magma<br />

chambers: ImpUeations for Lithospheric magmatkm<br />

r Journal <strong>of</strong> Oeophysjcal Research, v. 88,<br />

no. Bll, p. 10153-10192.<br />

(Figure 23 shows study areas d lscd<br />

New eges <strong>of</strong> mdioiarinn chert horn the Barnpart<br />

d i s t r i c t , e a a t ~ ~<br />

R e ~ ~ n c e<br />

geologlc studies In 1981 north<br />

and south <strong>of</strong> the Yukon River in the Rampart district

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