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(19811 awed that neither earthquake ruptured into the Shumagin gap, but the evidence is circumstantial. Strah release during 1938 (or 1946) seems at least a possible explanation for the absence of any observed strdn accumulation. At Cape Yakataga, an 18-Une trllateration net- work with e 35-km aperture was measured in 1979 and 19801 included within this network is a seotion of a 1959 dectronio distance traverse. Comparison of the 1959 and 1979-80 surveys shows that the west edge 06 the Yakataga network has been dkphced 3.4 nl S. 40 E. wlth respect to the east edge. We attribute thls deformation primarily to the 1964 Alaska earthqualre, the effects of which apparently penetrated into what Is now known as the Yakataga seismic gap. A cornpar- isan of five lengths common to the 1979 and 1980 sur- veys shows no significant strain accumulation at the 0.5-~gtrain level. REPEREN CES CITED Davfes, J. N., and House, L. S., 1979, Aleutian subdue tion zone seismicity, volcanbtrench separation, and their relation to great thrust-type earth- quakes: Journal of Geophysical Researoh, v. 84, no. B9, p. 4583-4591. Davies, J. N., Sykes, L. R., House, L. S., and Jacob, K. H., 1981, Shumagin seismic gap, Alaska Penin- sulas History of great earthquakes, tectonic settlng, and evidence for high seismic potential: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 88, no. B5, p. 3821-385s. Savage, J. C., 1883, A dislocetIon model of strain accumulation and release at a subduction zone: Journal of Geophysical Research [tn pm. By Rialmd 116 OUnq aad Jane8 I). Hoffman The Anchorage geochemical field laboratory was in operation durlng summer 1981 at 5500 Oilwell Road, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska, as it has been sfnce 1967. The laboratory is managed and operated by the U.8. Geo- logical Survey, Golden, Cola. It is equipped with a drying oven, rock crushers, pulverizers, and sleve shakers to preparc samples of rock, stream sediment, glacial debris, and soil for geochemical analysk. The analytical laboratory include8 two emission spectro- graphs capable of generating semiquantitatlve analyses for 9 1 elements on each sample. -4tomlc-absorption spaatrophotornetry and bercury-vapordetection instruments com~lement the analvticd capabilities. To provide additional space and -faafliti&, a self- contained wet-hemical mobile unit (housed in a 7-m- long fifth-wheel trailer) was brought to Anchorage from Denver in 1880. A minicomputer system, added in recent years, is used to enter, edlt, update, and retrieve analytical data from the rock-analysis storage system (RASS) while the laboratory is in normal. opera- tion. This system circumvents the keypmah operation and timelag involved in processing date through the office in Golden. The field laboratory offers the advantage of central location for last mall service and is able to handle a large volume of samples within a short period. The quick turnaround of analytical results allows M e r sampling or checking of anomalous or critical meas while crews are st111 in their fteld mas. During the 3-1/2-month pericd in 1981 when the laboratory was in operation, about 7,000 samples col- lected from the Mount Hayes, BristoI Bay-Ugashfk- Karluk, Healy, Circle, Wiseman, OancUer Lake, Killik River, Bendeleben?Solornon, Baird Mountains, and Petersburg quadrangles and the Chugach RARE l project area were processed. The results of these analyses were used mainly to generate geochemical maps that aid in mineral-resource assessments and help locate possible mineral deposits. Cornput-ted latitude and la@- template9 for rapid determinatloo d -hie papitiam in Alaslca For the put 8 years, U.S. Geological Survey scientists worklng in Alaska have been aided by computer-generated latitude and longitude ternplat-. These templates were prepared by digital computers a d are reproduced on transparent film, which can be easily laid over maps and plotting sheets. Vgrfous scales and formats have already been prepared and more may become available in the future. Reproduction problems hampered the early distribution of the templates, and their we was originally restricted to Government workers. However, their popularity has shown a need tor wider distribution, which has recently been met by improved reproduction and distribution methods; templates are now available to the public through specified offiaes in Anchorage and Denver per information in the last paragraph below. I Geographic coordinates are an essential com- ponent of any data base designed to show map lo=- tions of field data, but the methods of measuring, recording, and plotting these locations vary. Cartesian coordinates, such as the State grid systems or univer- sal transverse mercator (UTM) grid, are satisfactory for plotting data within local areas, and the coordi- nates can be measured by linear map scales. However, cartesian systems do not provide accurate representa- tions of locations over large areas of the Earth's spherical surface, and so the global system of latitude and longitude is the conventiond way of recording geographic locations in data bases covering large areas. Although most modern topographic maps of the United Sates include the State grid and UTM coordi- nates on their margins, latitudes and longitudes are better labeled and generally include gridmark ticks within the maps. On most map projections, meridional convergence causes longitude scale changes that at high latitudes can be significant even within a single map. Digital computer programs now provide systems for converting from gewaphic to cartesim W- dinates and vice versa, and electronic plotters and digitizers may be used for more accurate measurement and pIotting of locations. Computers, however, are expensive facilities that generally require space, el- tric power, and significant setup time. me templetea i I I

were deslgned to impMve the accuracy and encourage the use of latitude and longitude for recording geo- graphic posltlons in the field and office, where expen- sive computer facilities might not be readily available. Use of a computer to generate templates serves as a method of extending the precleion and flexibility of computer facilities to work areas where only less wphlsticated facilities are available. The Survey's use of template for determining geographic coordinates was started in 1974, when 4s- tematic aollection of' geochemlcd md geophysical data was accelerating in the Alaskan Mineral Resource Assessment Rogram (AMRAP). They were, however, ao outgrowth of older techniques that had developed during the previous 25 years for determining the geo- graphic coordinates required for early files of gravity data used in U.S. GeoIogicaI Survey computers. Such geographic coordinates were generally measured by interpolating from linear scales and using multlplica- tion factors for scale conversion. Later, adjustable lo-point dividers and elastic scales were commonly used. To calculate gravity anomalies in the fleld, D. P. Barnes began using handdrawn latitude templates covering 5- by 10-minute areas on all Altlskan I: 63,360-scale maps, and for detailed surveys these were supplemented by hand-drawn longitude templates coverin the full height of a few maps. Meanwhile, Plodf Ress) naa written computer programs to plot station locations on UTM and polyconic projections and to verify these locations before kther data process ing. Many of these plots revealed lwatlon- measurement errors, and the advantages of the geo- graphic over the artesian system sometimes seemed less important than the errors made in measurements involving scales and conversion factors. After dls- cussions of mutual needs and problems, Plouff wrote a computer program to produce tempbates that comblned the features of D. F. Barnes' handdrawn indlvldual latitude and longitude templates. Flexbility was pro- vided In the computer program for drawing templates at any latitude, any map scale, on either of two map projections, and at any multiple of 1 second for fine interpolation. Discussions with Henry C. Berg end other geologists assisted in improving format, line spacing, and labeling to standardize the three principal template types now used with Alaskan topographic maps. The primipal tdpographle-map scales in Alaska are 1:250,000, or 4 miles to the inch (covering a 1- degree latitude rage aild either 2 or 3 square degrees), and 1:63,360, a? 1 m1le to the inch (ooverlng a ltminute Latitude range with widths varying from 20 to 36 minutes), Standard templates cover the full notth-South dirnenSim of each map, and 30 minutes of longitudind wfdth of the 1:250,00O*aie maps and 10 minutes longitadinal width of the 1:65,380-scale maps so that each template is about 10 by 45 cm. The 1:250,0OOsc11le templates have lines every minute of longitude and every halt-minute of latitude, and every fifth Line is usually drawn thicker and Labeled. There are two categories of 1:63,360-scde templates: One wlth each minute divided into units representing seconds, ami the other with each minute divided into decimal parts. Templates with divisions In seconds have Unes every 10 seconds (each minute divided into slx parts), and the lines at every minute are thioker and labeled. Templates wIth minutes divided declmal- ly have llnes every 0.1 minute of latitude and every 0.5 minute of longitude, and the Lines at every minute or half-minute are thicker and labeled. The separate sets of templates, one with minutes divided into seconds and the other into decimal parts, were prepared be- cause both these systems of recording locations are in common use. Templates In decimal pats of degrees or , other scales (some new Alaskan maps are now being published at scales of 1:25,000 and 1:50,000) can be easily prepared if (when) needed in the future. The templates were origlndly plotted on paper on a drum plotter and were photographically duplica- ted as contact prints on either positive olear fflm or negative fiim. Attempts to plot directly on Mylar have been only partly succsssful, mainly because of pen-an&M problems. Ihe hlgh cost of photographic reproduction initially Umlted widespread template dis- tributlon. However, a set of negatives for template reproduction has recently been sent to the National Cartographic Information Center, U.S. Geoioglcal Sur- vey, 218 IS. Street, Anchorage, AK 99501. Upon re- quest, the Center can arrange for the dbtrlbution of clear-fllm copies of the templates to the public in ALaska. In addition, a copy of the computer program was transmitted to Denver, where It w e used to produce a set of smaller templates (Campbell and Van Trump, 19828, b) covering half the latitude range of each tler of standard quadrangle maps. Copies of these templates are reproduced on xerographic film for distribution through the Open-Plle Services Section, Western Distribution Branch, U.S. Deological Survey, Box 25425, Federal Center, Denver, CO 80355. REFERENCES CM%D Campbell, W. L., and Van'bump, George, Jr., 1982a, Catalog of avaLZable clear mylar templates used to determine latitude and longitude of sample localltles between the latitudes of 51°00'~0" and 71°30'~0n at the geale of 1:63#60, and between the latitude of 49 00'0OM and Ti 30'00" N. or S. at the scale of 1:250,000: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-723, 4 p. -1982b, Clear mylar templates used to measure latitude and longitude of sample locaiities at scales 1163,380, and 1:250,000 between the latitudes of 40~00~00~ and 71°~0t~~" N. or S.: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-724,214 p. Plodf, Donald, 1968, Determination of rectangular coordinates for map projection~odlfieation of basic form- and appUcatIon to computer plottlngs, & Geological Survey researah 19681 U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 600-C, p. C174-C176. The U S S,oglcd Survey Public InqdAes Office in hhorage The Public Inquiries Office (PI01 In downtown Anchorage (Skyline Building, 218 "En 'Street) Is part of a network of 10 such U.S. Geological Survey PI0 facilities throughout the country. These ofP1ce.s serve

were deslgned to impMve the accuracy and encourage<br />

the use <strong>of</strong> latitude and longitude for recording geo-<br />

graphic posltlons in the field and <strong>of</strong>fice, where expen-<br />

sive computer facilities might not be readily<br />

available. Use <strong>of</strong> a computer to generate templates<br />

serves as a method <strong>of</strong> extending the precleion and<br />

flexibility <strong>of</strong> computer facilities to work areas where<br />

only less wphlsticated facilities are available.<br />

The Survey's use <strong>of</strong> template for determining<br />

geographic coordinates was started in 1974, when 4s-<br />

tematic aollection <strong>of</strong>' geochemlcd md geophysical<br />

data was accelerating in the <strong>Alas</strong>kan Mineral Resource<br />

Assessment Rogram (AMRAP). They were, however,<br />

ao outgrowth <strong>of</strong> older techniques that had developed<br />

during the previous 25 years for determining the geo-<br />

graphic coordinates required for early files <strong>of</strong> gravity<br />

data used in U.S. GeoIogicaI Survey computers. Such<br />

geographic coordinates were generally measured by<br />

interpolating from linear scales and using multlplica-<br />

tion factors for scale conversion. Later, adjustable<br />

lo-point dividers and elastic scales were commonly<br />

used. To calculate gravity anomalies in the fleld, D.<br />

P. Barnes began using handdrawn latitude templates<br />

covering 5- by 10-minute areas on all Altlskan<br />

I: 63,360-scale maps, and for detailed surveys these<br />

were supplemented by hand-drawn longitude templates<br />

coverin the full height <strong>of</strong> a few maps. Meanwhile,<br />

Plodf Ress) naa written computer programs to plot<br />

station locations on UTM and polyconic projections and<br />

to verify these locations before kther data process<br />

ing. Many <strong>of</strong> these plots revealed lwatlon-<br />

measurement errors, and the advantages <strong>of</strong> the geo-<br />

graphic over the artesian system sometimes seemed<br />

less important than the errors made in measurements<br />

involving scales and conversion factors. After dls-<br />

cussions <strong>of</strong> mutual needs and problems, Plouff wrote a<br />

computer program to produce tempbates that comblned<br />

the features <strong>of</strong> D. F. Barnes' handdrawn indlvldual<br />

latitude and longitude templates. Flexbility was pro-<br />

vided In the computer program for drawing templates<br />

at any latitude, any map scale, on either <strong>of</strong> two map<br />

projections, and at any multiple <strong>of</strong> 1 second for fine<br />

interpolation. Discussions with Henry C. Berg end<br />

other geologists assisted in improving format, line<br />

spacing, and labeling to standardize the three principal<br />

template types now used with <strong>Alas</strong>kan topographic<br />

maps. The primipal tdpographle-map scales in <strong>Alas</strong>ka<br />

are 1:250,000, or 4 miles to the inch (covering a 1-<br />

degree latitude rage aild either 2 or 3 square<br />

degrees), and 1:63,360, a? 1 m1le to the inch (ooverlng a<br />

ltminute Latitude range with widths varying from 20<br />

to 36 minutes), Standard templates cover the full<br />

notth-South dirnenSim <strong>of</strong> each map, and 30 minutes <strong>of</strong><br />

longitudind wfdth <strong>of</strong> the 1:250,00O*aie maps and 10<br />

minutes longitadinal width <strong>of</strong> the 1:65,380-scale maps<br />

so that each template is about 10 by 45 cm. The<br />

1:250,0OOsc11le templates have lines every minute <strong>of</strong><br />

longitude and every halt-minute <strong>of</strong> latitude, and every<br />

fifth Line is usually drawn thicker and Labeled. There<br />

are two categories <strong>of</strong> 1:63,360-scde templates: One<br />

wlth each minute divided into units representing<br />

seconds, ami the other with each minute divided into<br />

decimal parts. Templates with divisions In seconds<br />

have Unes every 10 seconds (each minute divided into<br />

slx parts), and the lines at every minute are thioker<br />

and labeled. Templates wIth minutes divided declmal-<br />

ly have llnes every 0.1 minute <strong>of</strong> latitude and every 0.5<br />

minute <strong>of</strong> longitude, and the Lines at every minute or<br />

half-minute are thicker and labeled. The separate sets<br />

<strong>of</strong> templates, one with minutes divided into seconds<br />

and the other into decimal parts, were prepared be-<br />

cause both these systems <strong>of</strong> recording locations are in<br />

common use. Templates In decimal pats <strong>of</strong> degrees or ,<br />

other scales (some new <strong>Alas</strong>kan maps are now being<br />

published at scales <strong>of</strong> 1:25,000 and 1:50,000) can be<br />

easily prepared if (when) needed in the future.<br />

The templates were origlndly plotted on paper<br />

on a drum plotter and were photographically duplica-<br />

ted as contact prints on either positive olear fflm or<br />

negative fiim. Attempts to plot directly on Mylar<br />

have been only partly succsssful, mainly because <strong>of</strong><br />

pen-an&M problems. Ihe hlgh cost <strong>of</strong> photographic<br />

reproduction initially Umlted widespread template dis-<br />

tributlon. However, a set <strong>of</strong> negatives for template<br />

reproduction has recently been sent to the National<br />

Cartographic Information Center, U.S. Geoioglcal Sur-<br />

vey, 218 IS. Street, Anchorage, AK 99501. Upon re-<br />

quest, the Center can arrange for the dbtrlbution <strong>of</strong><br />

clear-fllm copies <strong>of</strong> the templates to the public in<br />

ALaska. In addition, a copy <strong>of</strong> the computer program<br />

was transmitted to Denver, where It w e used to<br />

produce a set <strong>of</strong> smaller templates (Campbell and Van<br />

Trump, 19828, b) covering half the latitude range <strong>of</strong><br />

each tler <strong>of</strong> standard quadrangle maps. Copies <strong>of</strong><br />

these templates are reproduced on xerographic film<br />

for distribution through the Open-Plle Services<br />

Section, Western Distribution Branch, U.S. Deological<br />

Survey, Box 25425, Federal Center, Denver, CO 80355.<br />


Campbell, W. L., and Van'bump, George, Jr., 1982a,<br />

Catalog <strong>of</strong> avaLZable clear mylar templates used<br />

to determine latitude and longitude <strong>of</strong> sample<br />

localltles between the latitudes <strong>of</strong> 51°00'~0" and<br />

71°30'~0n at the geale <strong>of</strong> 1:63#60, and between<br />

the latitude <strong>of</strong> 49 00'0OM and Ti 30'00" N. or S. at<br />

the scale <strong>of</strong> 1:250,000: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey<br />

Open-File Report 82-723, 4 p.<br />

-1982b, Clear mylar templates used to measure latitude<br />

and longitude <strong>of</strong> sample locaiities at scales<br />

1163,380, and 1:250,000 between the latitudes <strong>of</strong><br />

40~00~00~ and 71°~0t~~" N. or S.: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong><br />

Survey Open-File Report 82-724,214 p.<br />

Plodf, Donald, 1968, Determination <strong>of</strong> rectangular<br />

coordinates for map projection~odlfieation <strong>of</strong><br />

basic form- and appUcatIon to computer plottlngs,<br />

& <strong>Geological</strong> Survey researah 19681 U.S.<br />

<strong>Geological</strong> Survey Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Paper 600-C, p.<br />

C174-C176.<br />

The U S S,oglcd Survey Public InqdAes Office in<br />

hhorage<br />

The Public Inquiries Office (PI01 In downtown<br />

Anchorage (Skyline Building, 218 "En 'Street) Is part <strong>of</strong><br />

a network <strong>of</strong> 10 such U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey PI0<br />

facilities throughout the country. These <strong>of</strong>P1ce.s serve

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