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logical Survey in Ataska: AceompUshmsnts burhg 1979: U.S. Oeolcglcal Survey CircW 823-B, p. 821-B24. 1981b, Surficial geologic map of the Survey Peas quadrengle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field StudIes Map MF-1320, scale lr250,OOO. Hampton, M. A., 1981, Grain dee and cornpodtion of seafloor sediment, Kadiak Shell, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-659, 78 P. Hampton, M. A., and Bouma, A. H., 1980, Notes on the acquisition of high-relution seismic reflection profiles, sidecanning sonar records, and sediment samples from lower Cook Met and Kodlak Shelf, R/V SEA SOUNDER cruise SB-79-WG, July-August, 1979: U.S. Geologlcal Survey Open-Pile Report 80-985, 52 p. (mumbred). Hampton, M. A,, Johnson, K. H., Torresan, M. E., and Winters, W. J., 1981, Description of seafloor sediment and preliminmy geo-environmental report, Shelikof Strait, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-ll33, 87 p. Heh, J. R., Mckan, Hugh, and Vdier, T. L., 1981, Reconnaissance geologlc map of Atka and Amlia Islands, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Pile Report 81-159, scale 1:125,000. Heash, T. D., Speckman, W. S., Crenshaw, G. L., Hoffman, J. D., and Cmley, 3. P., 1980, Analytical results of various typas of samples taken in the West Chichagof-Yakobi Wilderness Study Area, Sitka quedrangle, southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 80- 905, 72 p. Rillhouse, J. W., and ~rornm~,Sherrncm, 1981a, Paleo- Latitude of Tr~ssic basalt In the Clearwater Mountains, south-central Alaska, Albert, N. R. D., and Hudson, Travis, eds., The United States Geological Survey in Ahska: Aecompllshments durin 1979: U.S. Geological Swey Circular 823-8, p. B55-856. -1981b, Paleomagnetic investigation in the Chulitna terrane, south-central Alaska, Albert, N. R. D., and Hudson, Travis, eds., The United States Qeolcgical Survey in Alaska: Accomplishments during 1979: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 823-B, p. B58-B61. Himmelberg, G. R., and Loney, R. A,, 1982, Petrology of the ultrarnafic and gabbmlc rocks of the Brady Glacier nlckel-copper deposit, Pairweather Range, southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1195, 26 P. HItzrnan, M. W., 1981, Geology of the BT claim group, southwestern Brooks Range, Alaska, Silberman, M. L., Field, C. W., and Berry, A. t., eds., Proceedings of the symposium on mineral deposits of the Paoific Northwest1 Geologlcal Society of America, Cordilleran Section Meeting, Corvallis, Oreg., 19801 U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-355, p. 17- A,. aa. Uoare, J. M., and Jones, D. L.r 1981, Lower Paleozoic radiorerian chert and associated rocks in the Tikchik Lakes area, southwestern Alaska, Albert, N. R. D., and Hudson, Trevis, eds., The United States OeoIogIcal Survey In Alaska: Accomplishments during 19791 U.S. Geological Survey CircW 825-B, g. 844-€345. Holser, A. P., Rowland, R. W., and Goud, M. R., 1981, A compihtlon of subsea energy and mineral resources of the United States including its possessions and trust territory of the Pacific Islands: U.S. GeologlctIl Survey MisceUaneous FIeld Studies Map MF-1360, scale lt20,000,000. Hoose, P. J., Stefty, D. A., and Lybeck, L. D., 1981, Isopach map of Quaterm and upper Tertiary strata, Norton Sound, Alaska: U.S. Oeological Survey Open-File Report 81-723, scale lt250,OOO. Hudson, Travis, and Plafker, George, 1981, Emplece- ment age of the CriUon-La Perouse pluton, Fairweather m e , & ALbert, N. R. D., gnd Hudson, 'lkavis, eds., The United States Geo- logfcal Survey in IUask8: Accomptishments durlng 1978: U.S. Oeological Survey Circular 823-3, p. 090-B94. Imlay, R. W., 1981, Early Jurassic ammonites from Alaska! U .S. Geologlcal Survey Professional Paper 1149, 49 p. + 12 pls. Jones, D. L., Berg, H. C., Coney, Peter, and Harris, Anlta, 1981, Structural and stratigraphic dg- ni ficance of Upper Devonian and Mississippian fossils from the Cannery Formation, Kupteanof Island, southeastern Alaska, Albert, N. R. D., and Hudson, Travis, eds., The United States Geological Survey in Alaska: AccompUshments durlng 19791 U.S. Geological h e y Circuiar 023-8, p. B109-B112. Jones, D. L., Silberling, N. J., Berg, H. C., and Pmer, George, 1981, Map showing tectonastratigraphic terranes of Alaska, columnar sections, and summary description of terrmes: U.S. Geolog- ical Survey Open-PUe Report 81-792, 20 p. + 2 pls., scale 1:2,500,000. Jones, D. L., Silberllng, N. J., Wardlaw, Bruce, and Richter, Don, 1981, Revbed age8 of Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks in the TaLkeetna quad- rangle, south-central Alaska, & Albert, N. R. D., and Hudson, Travis, eds., The United States Geological Survey in Alaska: Accomplishments durlng 1979: U.S. Geological Survey CirrmLar 823-B, p. 846-B49. Jones, D. M., Kingston, M. J., Marlow, M. S., Cooper, A. K., Barton, J. k, Wingate, P. H., and Amal. R B., 1981, Age, mineralogy, physical proper ties, and geochemlstry of dredge samples from the Bering Sea continental margin: U.S. Geo- logical Survey Open-File Report 81-1297, 60 p. Jones, D. R., and Morley, J. M., 1981, Equal-area base map of the Bering Sea; plate 2, Southern Bering shefl: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-456, scale 1:1,000,000. Jones, D. R., and Swenson, P. A., 1981, Equal-area base map of the Bering Sea; plate 4, Aleutian east1 U.S. Geologlcal Survey Open-Pile Report 81-458, scale 1:1,000,000. Keefer, D. K., and Tmaci, N. E., 1981, Bibliography on landslides, soil Uquefaction, and related ground failures ln selected hlatoric earth- quakes: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Plle Report 82-572, 30 p.

Keith, T. E. C, Barnes, Ivan, afrd Poster, H. L., 1981, Lahrnontite occurrences In the Circle A-l quad- rangle, Alaska, & Albert, N. R. D., and Hudson, Travis, eds., The United States Geological Sur- vey in Alaska: Accomplishmants during 1979: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 823-B, p. 828- BZY. Keith, T. E. C., Foster, H. L., Poster, R L., Post, E. V., and Lehmbeck, W. L., 1981. Geology of an alpine-type peridotlte in the Mount Sorenson area, east-central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1170-A, p. A1-A9. Keith, T. E C., Presser, T. S., and Poster, H. L., 1981, New chemical and isotope data for the hot springs along Big Windy Creek, Circle A-1 quad- rangle, Alaska, & Albert, N. R. D., and Hudson, Travis, eds., The United States Geological Survey in Alaska: Accomplishments during 1979: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 823-B, p. B25, B27-B28. KissUnger, C., Billington, S, Bowman, R., Harrison, J. C., lhnen, S., Meertens, C., Pohlman, J., Sougstad, K., and Morrkey, S. T., 1981, A field study of earthquake prediction methods irr the central Aleutian Islands: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-384, 51 p. Kissllnger, C., Billington, S., Bowman, R., hen, S., Cruz, G., Pohlman, J., SOugstad, K., and Morrissey, S. T., 1981, A field study of earth- quake prediction methods In the central Aleutian klends: U.S. Geological Survey Open- File Report 61-93?, 57 p. Koch, R. D., and Elliott, R. L., 1981a, Mqs showing distribution and abundance of gold and silver in geoohemical samples from the Bradfield Canal quadrangle, southeastern Alaska: U.S. Oeolog- ical Survey Open-Pile Report 81-728-C, 2 sheets, scales 1:250,000, 1:500,000. -1981b, Maps showing distribution and abundance of capper in geochemical samples from the Brad- field Canal quadrangle, southeastern Alaska! U.S. Geological Survey Open-PUe Report 81- 728-0, scale 1:250,000, 4 sheets. -l98lc, Maps showing distribution and abundance of Lead in geochemical samples from the Bradfield Canal quadrangle, southeastern Alaska! U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-728-8, scales 1:250,000, 1:500,000, 4 sheets -198ld, Maps showing distribution and abundance of zinc in geochemical samples from the Bradfield Canel quadrangle, southeastern Alaska! U.S. Geological Survey Open-Pile Report 81-728-P, scales 1:250,000, lrSOO,OOO, 4 sheets -l98le, Maps showing distribution and abundance of molybdenum in geochemical samples from the Bradfield Canal quedrangle, southeastern Alaska: U.S. Cleological Survey Open-File Report 81-728-G, scales 1:250,000, 1:500,000, 2 sheets. -19811, Maps showing distribution and abundance of tin in geochemical samples from the Bradfield Canal quadrmgle, southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-728-H, scales 1:250,000, 1:500,000,2 sheets. -1981g, Maps showing distribution and abundance of beryllium in geochemical samplas from the Bradfield Cenai quadrangle, southeastern Alaska: U.S. GeoIogical Swey Open-File Report 81-718-1, scale 1:250,000, 2 sheets. -1981h, Maps showing distribution and abundance of niobium in geochemical samples from the Brad- field Canal quadrangle, southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81- 729-5, scales 1:250,000, 11500,000, 2 sheets. -1981i, Maps showing distribution and abundance of yttrlum h geochemjcal samples fmm the Brad- field Canal quadrangle, southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Pile Heprt 81- 728-K, sceles 1:250,000, 1:500,00D, 2 sheets. Koch, R D., Elliott, R. L., OILeary, R. M., and RisoU, D. A., 1980, Trace-element data for rwk samples from the Bradfield Csnal quadrangle, southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Plle Report 80-910A, 256 p. Koch, R D., Elllott, R L., and Rossiter, Richard, 1981, Tot& gamma ray intensities at ground stations In the Bradlield Canal quadrangle, southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Pile Report 81-840, scales 1:125,000, 1:250,000, 2 sheets. Lahr, J. C., and Stephens, C. D., 1981, Review of earthqudie activity and current status of seismic monitoring in the region of the Bradley Lake hydroelectric project, southern Kenai Peninsula, Alaska! U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-736, 21 p. + 12 figs. Lange, I. M., Nokleberg, W. J., Plahuta, J. T., Krouse, 8. R., Doe, B. R., and Jansons, Uldis, 1981, Lo- topic geochemistry of stratiform zhc-lead- barium deposits, Red Dog Creek and Drench- water Creek areas, north western Brooks Range, IUaska, & Silberman, M. L., Field, C. W., and Berry, A. L., eds., Proceedings of the syrn- poslum on mineral deposits of the Paciflc Northwest I Cleological Society of America, Coldllleran Section Meeting, Cowallis, Oreg., 1980: U.S. Geological Swey Open-File Report 82-355, p. 1-14. Le Compte, J. R., 1981a, Maps showlng interpretation of Landsat imagery of the Survey Pass quadran- gle, Brooks Range, Alaska: U.S. Qeologicd Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF- 1176-H, scale 1;250,000, 2 sheets. -1981b, Maps showing interpretation of Landsat imagery of the Medfra quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Pile Report 80-811-D, scale 1:250,000, 2 sheets. -1981c, Map showing interpretation of Landsat imagery of the Valdez 1, x 3, quadrangle, southern Alaska! U.S. Geological Survey Open- Pile Report 80-892-P, scale 11250,000. -1981d, Maps showing interpretation of Landsat lmegery of the Bradfield Canal quedrangle, southeas tern Alaske: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-728-L, scale lr250,000, 2 sheets. -1981e, Preliminary maps showing interpretation of Landsat Imagery of the Hedy quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Pile Report 81-768, scale lt250,000, 2 sheets. -1981f, Preliminary maps showing interpretation of Landsat Imagery of the UgWik and Karluk

logical Survey in Ataska: AceompUshmsnts<br />

burhg 1979: U.S. Oeolcglcal Survey CircW<br />

823-B, p. 821-B24.<br />

1981b, Surficial geologic map <strong>of</strong> the Survey Peas<br />

quadrengle, <strong>Alas</strong>ka: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey<br />

Miscellaneous Field StudIes Map MF-1320, scale<br />

lr250,OOO.<br />

Hampton, M. A., 1981, Grain dee and cornpodtion <strong>of</strong><br />

seafloor sediment, Kadiak Shell, <strong>Alas</strong>ka: U.S.<br />

<strong>Geological</strong> Survey Open-File Report 81-659, 78<br />

P.<br />

Hampton, M. A., and Bouma, A. H., 1980, Notes on the<br />

acquisition <strong>of</strong> high-relution seismic reflection<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>iles, sidecanning sonar records, and sediment<br />

samples from lower Cook Met and Kodlak<br />

Shelf, R/V SEA SOUNDER cruise SB-79-WG,<br />

July-August, 1979: U.S. Geologlcal Survey<br />

Open-Pile Report 80-985, 52 p. (mumbred).<br />

Hampton, M. A,, Johnson, K. H., Torresan, M. E., and<br />

Winters, W. J., 1981, Description <strong>of</strong> seafloor<br />

sediment and preliminmy geo-environmental<br />

report, Shelik<strong>of</strong> Strait, <strong>Alas</strong>ka: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong><br />

Survey Open-File Report 81-ll33, 87 p.<br />

Heh, J. R., Mckan, Hugh, and Vdier, T. L., 1981,<br />

Reconnaissance geologlc map <strong>of</strong> Atka and<br />

Amlia Islands, <strong>Alas</strong>ka: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey<br />

Open-Pile Report 81-159, scale 1:125,000.<br />

Heash, T. D., Speckman, W. S., Crenshaw, G. L.,<br />

H<strong>of</strong>fman, J. D., and Cmley, 3. P., 1980, Analytical<br />

results <strong>of</strong> various typas <strong>of</strong> samples taken<br />

in the West Chichag<strong>of</strong>-Yakobi Wilderness Study<br />

Area, Sitka quedrangle, southeastern <strong>Alas</strong>ka:<br />

U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey Open-File Report 80-<br />

905, 72 p.<br />

Rillhouse, J. W., and ~rornm~,Sherrncm, 1981a, Paleo-<br />

Latitude <strong>of</strong> Tr~ssic basalt In the Clearwater<br />

Mountains, south-central <strong>Alas</strong>ka, Albert, N.<br />

R. D., and Hudson, Travis, eds., The United<br />

<strong>State</strong>s <strong>Geological</strong> Survey in Ahska: Aecompllshments<br />

durin 1979: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Swey<br />

Circular 823-8, p. B55-856.<br />

-1981b, Paleomagnetic investigation in the Chulitna<br />

terrane, south-central <strong>Alas</strong>ka, Albert, N. R.<br />

D., and Hudson, Travis, eds., The United <strong>State</strong>s<br />

Qeolcgical Survey in <strong>Alas</strong>ka: Accomplishments<br />

during 1979: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey Circular<br />

823-B, p. B58-B61.<br />

Himmelberg, G. R., and Loney, R. A,, 1982, Petrology<br />

<strong>of</strong> the ultrarnafic and gabbmlc rocks <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Brady Glacier nlckel-copper deposit, Pairweather<br />

Range, southeastern <strong>Alas</strong>ka: U.S.<br />

<strong>Geological</strong> Survey Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Paper 1195, 26<br />

P.<br />

HItzrnan, M. W., 1981, Geology <strong>of</strong> the BT claim group,<br />

southwestern Brooks Range, <strong>Alas</strong>ka, Silberman,<br />

M. L., Field, C. W., and Berry, A. t., eds.,<br />

Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the symposium on mineral<br />

deposits <strong>of</strong> the Paoific Northwest1 Geologlcal<br />

Society <strong>of</strong> America, Cordilleran Section<br />

Meeting, Corvallis, Oreg., 19801 U.S. <strong>Geological</strong><br />

Survey Open-File Report 81-355, p. 17-<br />

A,.<br />

aa.<br />

Uoare, J. M., and Jones, D. L.r 1981, Lower Paleozoic<br />

radiorerian chert and associated rocks in the<br />

Tikchik Lakes area, southwestern <strong>Alas</strong>ka,<br />

Albert, N. R. D., and Hudson, Trevis, eds., The<br />

United <strong>State</strong>s OeoIogIcal Survey In <strong>Alas</strong>ka:<br />

Accomplishments during 19791 U.S. <strong>Geological</strong><br />

Survey CircW 825-B, g. 844-€345.<br />

Holser, A. P., Rowland, R. W., and Goud, M. R., 1981,<br />

A compihtlon <strong>of</strong> subsea energy and mineral<br />

resources <strong>of</strong> the United <strong>State</strong>s including its<br />

possessions and trust territory <strong>of</strong> the Pacific<br />

Islands: U.S. GeologlctIl Survey MisceUaneous<br />

FIeld Studies Map MF-1360, scale lt20,000,000.<br />

Hoose, P. J., Stefty, D. A., and Lybeck, L. D., 1981,<br />

Isopach map <strong>of</strong> Quaterm and upper Tertiary<br />

strata, Norton Sound, <strong>Alas</strong>ka: U.S. Oeological<br />

Survey Open-File Report 81-723, scale<br />

lt250,OOO.<br />

Hudson, Travis, and Plafker, George, 1981, Emplece-<br />

ment age <strong>of</strong> the CriUon-La Perouse pluton,<br />

Fairweather m e , & ALbert, N. R. D., gnd<br />

Hudson, 'lkavis, eds., The United <strong>State</strong>s Geo-<br />

logfcal Survey in IUask8: Accomptishments<br />

durlng 1978: U.S. Oeological Survey Circular<br />

823-3, p. 090-B94.<br />

Imlay, R. W., 1981, Early Jurassic ammonites from<br />

<strong>Alas</strong>ka! U .S. Geologlcal Survey Pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

Paper 1149, 49 p. + 12 pls.<br />

Jones, D. L., Berg, H. C., Coney, Peter, and Harris,<br />

Anlta, 1981, Structural and stratigraphic dg-<br />

ni ficance <strong>of</strong> Upper Devonian and Mississippian<br />

fossils from the Cannery Formation, Kuptean<strong>of</strong><br />

Island, southeastern <strong>Alas</strong>ka, Albert, N. R. D.,<br />

and Hudson, Travis, eds., The United <strong>State</strong>s<br />

<strong>Geological</strong> Survey in <strong>Alas</strong>ka: AccompUshments<br />

durlng 19791 U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> h e y Circuiar<br />

023-8, p. B109-B112.<br />

Jones, D. L., Silberling, N. J., Berg, H. C., and Pmer,<br />

George, 1981, Map showing tectonastratigraphic<br />

terranes <strong>of</strong> <strong>Alas</strong>ka, columnar sections, and<br />

summary description <strong>of</strong> terrmes: U.S. Geolog-<br />

ical Survey Open-PUe Report 81-792, 20 p. + 2<br />

pls., scale 1:2,500,000.<br />

Jones, D. L., Silberllng, N. J., Wardlaw, Bruce, and<br />

Richter, Don, 1981, Revbed age8 <strong>of</strong> Paleozoic<br />

and Mesozoic rocks in the TaLkeetna quad-<br />

rangle, south-central <strong>Alas</strong>ka, & Albert, N. R.<br />

D., and Hudson, Travis, eds., The United <strong>State</strong>s<br />

<strong>Geological</strong> Survey in <strong>Alas</strong>ka: Accomplishments<br />

durlng 1979: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey CirrmLar<br />

823-B, p. 846-B49.<br />

Jones, D. M., Kingston, M. J., Marlow, M. S., Cooper,<br />

A. K., Barton, J. k, Wingate, P. H., and Amal.<br />

R B., 1981, Age, mineralogy, physical proper<br />

ties, and geochemlstry <strong>of</strong> dredge samples from<br />

the Bering Sea continental margin: U.S. Geo-<br />

logical Survey Open-File Report 81-1297, 60 p.<br />

Jones, D. R., and Morley, J. M., 1981, Equal-area base<br />

map <strong>of</strong> the Bering Sea; plate 2, Southern Bering<br />

shefl: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey Open-File Report<br />

81-456, scale 1:1,000,000.<br />

Jones, D. R., and Swenson, P. A., 1981, Equal-area<br />

base map <strong>of</strong> the Bering Sea; plate 4, Aleutian<br />

east1 U.S. Geologlcal Survey Open-Pile Report<br />

81-458, scale 1:1,000,000.<br />

Keefer, D. K., and Tmaci, N. E., 1981, Bibliography<br />

on landslides, soil Uquefaction, and related<br />

ground failures ln selected hlatoric earth-<br />

quakes: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey Open-Plle<br />

Report 82-572, 30 p.

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