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i logic hazards, sedlmentology, and bathymetry, Onshore and offshore studies, Amlla Island area, Navarin basin province, northwestern Bering Aleutian Ridge, Albert, N. R. D., and Hudson, Sea: U.S. Geologtaal Survey Open-File Report Travis, eds., The United States Geological '81-1217, 149 p. Survey in Alaska: Accomplishments during -1981b, High-resoluUon seismic reflection profiles: 1979: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 823-B, p. Navarin 'Basin province, northern Bering Sea, 8134-B137. 1 980: U. S. aeological Survey Open-Pile Report Cobb, E. H., complier, 1981, Reports on 1Uaska pub- 81-1221, 3 p. + 1 pl. lished by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1979, & Carter, L. D., and Robinson, 9. W., 1981, Minimum age Albert, W. R. D., and Hudson, Travb, eds., The of beach deposits north of Teshekpuk Lake, United States Geologlcd Survey in Alaska: Ac- Arctic Coastal Raln, in Albert, N. R. I)., and complishments during 1979: U.S. Geolagical Hudson, Travls, eds., The United States Geo- Survey Circular 823-0, p. 8138-8145. logical Survey in Alaska: Accomplishments Cobb, E. H., 1981a, Summaries of data on and Lists of during 1979: U.S. Geological Survey Circular references to metallic and selected nonmetallic 823-8, p. BB-B9. mjneral occurrences In the Skegway quadrangle, Carter, R. D., 1981, NBtiOnd Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, supplement to Open-Pile Report 78-3161 Alaska-data release, Albert, N. R D., and part A--Summaries of data to January 1, 1980: Hudson, Travis, eds., The United States Geo- U.S Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-82logical Survey in Alaska: Accomplishments A, p. A1-A10. during 1979: U.S. Geological Survey Circular -4981b, Summaria of data on and Lists of references 823-B, p. B3-B4. to meat and selected nonmetallic mineral Case, J. E., 1981, Magnetic expression and minerd- mcurrences In the Skagway quadrangle, Alaska, vttion of some Tatiarg plutons on hhce supplement to Open-FUe Report 78-316; part & WIlUarn Sound and the Alaskan Peninsula, -Lists of references to January 1, 1980: U.S. southern Alaska abs. , Silberman, M. L., Geological Survey Open-Pile Report 81-82-B, p. Field, C. W., and Berry, A. L., eds., Proceedings B1-B9. of the syrnpbslum on mineral deposits of the -1981c, Summaries of data on and Usts of references Pecific Northwest: Geologictl Society of to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral Amerlca, Cordilleran Section Meeting, occurrences in the Mount Pairweather quadran- CorvaUis, Or-., 1980: U.S. Geological Survey gle, Alaska, supplement to Open-File Report Open-Pile Report 81-355, p. 29-30. 78-316; part A-Summaries of data to J~LIary Case, J. E., Barnes, D. F., Detterrnan, R. L., Morin, R. 1, 1980: U.6. Geologicel Survey Open-Pfie L., and Sikora, R. F., 1981, Qravlty anomaly and Report 81-248-A, p. Al-A20. Interpretation map of the Chignlk and Sutwjk -1981d, Summaries of data on and Usts of references Island quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological to metallic and selected nonrnetall3c mineral Survey Mb.cellaneous Pield Studies Map MF- occurrences in the Mount Fairweather quadran- 1053-5, 5 p., scale 1:250,000. gle, Alaska, supplement to Open-FUe Report k, J. E., Cox, D. P., Detra,D. E., Detterman,R 78-316; part &Lists of references to January L., and Wilson, F. H., 1981, Maps showing aero- 1, 1980: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Pile magnetic survey and geologic interpretation of Report 81-249-B. p. 31-B15. the Chignik and Sutwlk bland quadrangles, --1981e, Summaria of data on and Usts of references Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous to metallic and selected nonmetaLUc mineral Pleld Studies Map MP-1053-B, 8 p., scale occurrences In the Bendeleben quadrangle, 11250,000, 2 sheets. Alaska, supplement to Open-File Report 75-429; Chapman, R. M., Chwkin, Michael, Jr., Carter, Claire, part A--Summaries of data to January 1, 1980: and Trexler, J. H., Jr., 1981, Ordovician grapto- U.S. Geological Survey Open-PUe Report 81lites and arly Paleozoic radiolarians In the 363-A, p. Al-A25. Lake Mlnchumina area date a regional shale and -198lf, Summaries of data on and lists of references chert belt, Albert, N. R. D., and Hudson, to metallic and selected nonmetallic minerd Travis, eds., The United States Geological occurrences In the Bendeleben quadrangle, Survey in Alaskar Aocompllshments during Alaska, supplement to Open-Pile Report 75429; 1979: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 823-8, p. part &Lists of references to January 1, 1980: 830-834. U.S. Qeological Survey Open-File Report 81- Chapman, R. M., and Yeend, W m , 1981, Geologic 363-B, p. 81-B26. reconnals~ance of the east half of Kantlshna -198lg, Summaries of data on and lists of references River quadrangle and adjacent areas, In Albert, to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral N. R. D., and Hudson, Travis, eds., The United occurrences in the Teller quadrangle, Alaska, States Geological Survey in Alaska: Accom- supplement to Open-Ple Report 75-587; part A- plishments during 1979: U.S. GealogIcal Survey -Summarfa of data to January 1, 1980: U.S. Circular 823-B, p. B30-B32. Geological Survey Open-Pile Report 81-964-A, Child, J. R., Cooper, A. K., and Wright, A. W., 1981, p. A1-A2S. Residual magnetic map of Umnak Plateau A98lh, Summaries of data on and Usta of references region, southeastern Bering Sea: U.S. to metallic and selected nonrnetallle mineral Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations occurrences In the Taller quadrangle, bka, Map GP-939, scale 1:1,000,000. supplement to OpewPlle Report 75-587; part & Childs, J. R., Scholl, D. W., and Vdier, Tracy, 1981, -Lists of references to January 1, 19801 U.S.

Gecllogical Survey Open-File Report 81-3 04-8, p. Bl-325. -1981i, Selected Geological Survey, U.S. Bureau of Mines, and Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys reports and maps on Naska released durlng 1980, indexed by quadrangle: U.S. Gedlogiaal Survey Open-File Report 8 1- 442, 164 p. -1981j, Summaries of data on and Usts of references to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral occurrences in the Solomon quadrangle, Alaska, supplement to Open-Pile Report 78-181; part A- -Summaries of data to January 1, 1981: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Pile Report 81-504-A, p. A1-A30. -1981k, Summaries of date on and lists of references to metallic and selected nonmewc mlneral occurrences in the Solomon quadrangle, Alaska, mpplement to Open-Pile Report 78-181; part B- -Lists of references to January 1, 1981: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-50 4-B, p. 81-836. -19811, Summaries of data on and Usts of references to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral occurrences in the Wiseman quadrangle, Alaska, supplement to Open-Pile Report 76-340; part A- -Summaries of data to Janufuy 1, 1981: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Keport 81-732-A, p. A1-A21. -1981m, Summartes of data on and Uski of efer ences to metallic and selected nonmetUc mineral occurrences In the Wiseman quadrangle, Alaska, supplement to Open-Pile Report 76-340; part &Lists of references to January 1, 1981: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81- 732-8, p. B1-021. -1981n, Surnrnaries of data on and lists of references to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral occurrences in the Tamna quadrangle, Alaska, supplement to Open-File Report 77-432; pact A- -Summaries of data to June 1, 1981: U.S. Geo- logical Survey Open-Pile Report 81-1313-A, p. Al-A23. -19810, Summaries of data on and lists of references to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral occurrences in the Tanana quadrangle, Alaska, supplement to Open-Pile Report 77-432; part & -Lists of references to June 1, 1981: U.S. Geo- logical Survey Open-File Report 81-131 3-8, p. B1-B26. 2981p, Summaries of data on and Lists of references to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral occurrences in the Llvengwd quadrangle, Alaska, supplement to Open-Pile Report 76-819; part A--Summaries of data to August I, 1981; U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 8 t- 1342-A, p. Al-A48. -1981q, Summaries of data on and lists of references to metallic and selected nmetallic mineral occurrences in Me Livengood quadrangle, Alaska, supplement to Open-File Report 76-819; part 8-Liats of refernoes to August 1, 1981: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Pile Report 8 1- 1342-8, p. B1-B54. Cobb, E. H., and Chapman, R. W., 1981, Mineral occur- rences (other than mineral fueb and construction materials) in the Kantishna River and Ruby quadrangles, ALaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Pile Report 81-170, 94 p. Cobb, E. H., and Mayfield, C. I?., 1981a, Summaries of data on and lists of references to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral occurrences in the Ambler Rlver quadrangle, Alaska, supplement to Open-Pile Report 75-828; part A--Summaries of data to January L, 1981: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Pile Report 81-570-A, p. Al-A13. -1981b, Summaries of data on and lists of references to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral occurrences in the Ambler River quadrangle, Alaska; supplement to Open-Pile Report 7S620; part E-Lbts of references to January 1, 1981: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Ale Report 81- 570-B, p. El-B11. Cobb, E. H., Mayfield, C. P., and Brosgd,~. P., 1981a, Summaries of data on and lists of references to metaUc and selected nonmetaLlic mineral occurrences in eleven quadrangles in northern Alctska, supplement to Open-File Report 75-628; part A-Summaries of data to Jmuw 1, 1981: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Pile Report 81- 767-A, p. A1-A24. -1 981 b, Summaries of data on and Lists of references to metallic and selected nonmetallia mineral occurrences in eleven quadrangles in northern Alaska, supplement to Open-Pile Report 75-628; part &Lists of references to January I, 1981: U.S. Ceologlcal Survey Open-Pile Report 81-767-8, p. B1-B14. Cobb, E. H., and Miller, T. P., 19%Xa, Summaries of data on and Lists of references to metallic and selected nonmetalllc mineral occurrences In the Hughes, Kotzebue, Melozitna, Selawik, and Shungnak quadrmgles, west-cen tral W, supplement to Open-File Report 75-627; part A-Summaries of data to January 1, 1981: U.S. ~eologIca1 Survey Open-Pile Report 81-047-A, p. Al-A14. 1981b, Summaries of data on and Usts of references to metallic and selected nonmetalllc mineral occurrences In the Hughes, Kotzebue, Melozltna, Selawik, and Shungnak quadrangles, westcentral Alaska, supplement to Open-PUe Report 75-627; part B-LLsts of references to January 1, 1981: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-847-B, p. El-313. Cobb, E. H., and Reed, B. L., 1981a, Summaries of data on and lists of references to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral occurrences in the ILiamna, Lake Clark, Llme Him, and McGrath quadrangles, Alaska, supplement to Open-Pile Report 76-485; part A--Summaries to January 1, 19811 U.S. Geological Survey Open-Pile Report 81-1343-A, p. A1-A25. -1981b, Summaries of data on and lists of references to metallic and selected nonmelallic mineral occurrences in the ILiamna, Lake Clark, Lime Him, and McGrath quadrangles, Alaska, supplement to Open-FUe Report 76-485; part B-Lkts of references to January 1, 19811 U.S. Geologicd Survey Open-Pile Report 61-1343-8, p. B1-B20. Coffman, J. L., and Stover, C. W., 1979, United States

i<br />

logic hazards, sedlmentology, and bathymetry, Onshore and <strong>of</strong>fshore studies, Amlla Island area,<br />

Navarin basin province, northwestern Bering Aleutian Ridge, Albert, N. R. D., and Hudson,<br />

Sea: U.S. Geologtaal Survey Open-File Report Travis, eds., The United <strong>State</strong>s <strong>Geological</strong><br />

'81-1217, 149 p.<br />

Survey in <strong>Alas</strong>ka: Accomplishments during<br />

-1981b, High-resoluUon seismic reflection pr<strong>of</strong>iles: 1979: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey Circular 823-B, p.<br />

Navarin 'Basin province, northern Bering Sea, 8134-B137.<br />

1 980: U. S. aeological Survey Open-Pile Report Cobb, E. H., complier, 1981, Reports on 1Uaska pub-<br />

81-1221, 3 p. + 1 pl.<br />

lished by the U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey in 1979, &<br />

Carter, L. D., and Robinson, 9. W., 1981, Minimum age Albert, W. R. D., and Hudson, Travb, eds., The<br />

<strong>of</strong> beach deposits north <strong>of</strong> Teshekpuk Lake, United <strong>State</strong>s Geologlcd Survey in <strong>Alas</strong>ka: Ac-<br />

Arctic Coastal Raln, in Albert, N. R. I)., and complishments during 1979: U.S. Geolagical<br />

Hudson, Travls, eds., The United <strong>State</strong>s Geo-<br />

Survey Circular 823-0, p. 8138-8145.<br />

logical Survey in <strong>Alas</strong>ka: Accomplishments Cobb, E. H., 1981a, Summaries <strong>of</strong> data on and Lists <strong>of</strong><br />

during 1979: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey Circular references to metallic and selected nonmetallic<br />

823-8, p. BB-B9.<br />

mjneral occurrences In the Skegway quadrangle,<br />

Carter, R. D., 1981, NBtiOnd Petroleum Reserve in <strong>Alas</strong>ka, supplement to Open-Pile Report 78-3161<br />

<strong>Alas</strong>ka-data release, Albert, N. R D., and part A--Summaries <strong>of</strong> data to January 1, 1980:<br />

Hudson, Travis, eds., The United <strong>State</strong>s Geo-<br />

U.S <strong>Geological</strong> Survey Open-File Report 81-82logical<br />

Survey in <strong>Alas</strong>ka: Accomplishments<br />

A, p. A1-A10.<br />

during 1979: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey Circular -4981b, Summaria <strong>of</strong> data on and Lists <strong>of</strong> references<br />

823-B, p. B3-B4.<br />

to meat and selected nonmetallic mineral<br />

Case, J. E., 1981, Magnetic expression and minerd- mcurrences In the Skagway quadrangle, <strong>Alas</strong>ka,<br />

vttion <strong>of</strong> some Tatiarg plutons on hhce supplement to Open-FUe Report 78-316; part &<br />

WIlUarn Sound and the <strong>Alas</strong>kan Peninsula, -Lists <strong>of</strong> references to January 1, 1980: U.S.<br />

southern <strong>Alas</strong>ka abs. , Silberman, M. L., <strong>Geological</strong> Survey Open-Pile Report 81-82-B, p.<br />

Field, C. W., and Berry, A. L., eds., Proceedings B1-B9.<br />

<strong>of</strong> the syrnpbslum on mineral deposits <strong>of</strong> the -1981c, Summaries <strong>of</strong> data on and Usts <strong>of</strong> references<br />

Pecific Northwest: Geologictl Society <strong>of</strong> to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral<br />

Amerlca, Cordilleran Section Meeting, occurrences in the Mount Pairweather quadran-<br />

CorvaUis, Or-., 1980: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey gle, <strong>Alas</strong>ka, supplement to Open-File Report<br />

Open-Pile Report 81-355, p. 29-30.<br />

78-316; part A-Summaries <strong>of</strong> data to J~LIary<br />

Case, J. E., Barnes, D. F., Detterrnan, R. L., Morin, R. 1, 1980: U.6. Geologicel Survey Open-Pfie<br />

L., and Sikora, R. F., 1981, Qravlty anomaly and Report 81-248-A, p. Al-A20.<br />

Interpretation map <strong>of</strong> the Chignlk and Sutwjk -1981d, Summaries <strong>of</strong> data on and Usts <strong>of</strong> references<br />

Island quadrangles, <strong>Alas</strong>ka: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> to metallic and selected nonrnetall3c mineral<br />

Survey Mb.cellaneous Pield Studies Map MF- occurrences in the Mount Fairweather quadran-<br />

1053-5, 5 p., scale 1:250,000.<br />

gle, <strong>Alas</strong>ka, supplement to Open-FUe Report<br />

k, J. E., Cox, D. P., Detra,D. E., Detterman,R 78-316; part &Lists <strong>of</strong> references to January<br />

L., and Wilson, F. H., 1981, Maps showing aero- 1, 1980: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey Open-Pile<br />

magnetic survey and geologic interpretation <strong>of</strong> Report 81-249-B. p. 31-B15.<br />

the Chignik and Sutwlk bland quadrangles, --1981e, Summaria <strong>of</strong> data on and Usts <strong>of</strong> references<br />

<strong>Alas</strong>ka: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey Miscellaneous to metallic and selected nonmetaLUc mineral<br />

Pleld Studies Map MP-1053-B, 8 p., scale occurrences In the Bendeleben quadrangle,<br />

11250,000, 2 sheets.<br />

<strong>Alas</strong>ka, supplement to Open-File Report 75-429;<br />

Chapman, R. M., Chwkin, Michael, Jr., Carter, Claire, part A--Summaries <strong>of</strong> data to January 1, 1980:<br />

and Trexler, J. H., Jr., 1981, Ordovician grapto- U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey Open-PUe Report 81lites<br />

and arly Paleozoic radiolarians In the 363-A, p. Al-A25.<br />

Lake Mlnchumina area date a regional shale and -198lf, Summaries <strong>of</strong> data on and lists <strong>of</strong> references<br />

chert belt, Albert, N. R. D., and Hudson, to metallic and selected nonmetallic minerd<br />

Travis, eds., The United <strong>State</strong>s <strong>Geological</strong> occurrences In the Bendeleben quadrangle,<br />

Survey in <strong>Alas</strong>kar Aocompllshments during <strong>Alas</strong>ka, supplement to Open-Pile Report 75429;<br />

1979: U.S. <strong>Geological</strong> Survey Circular 823-8, p. part &Lists <strong>of</strong> references to January 1, 1980:<br />

830-834.<br />

U.S. Qeological Survey Open-File Report 81-<br />

Chapman, R. M., and Yeend, W m , 1981, Geologic 363-B, p. 81-B26.<br />

reconnals~ance <strong>of</strong> the east half <strong>of</strong> Kantlshna -198lg, Summaries <strong>of</strong> data on and lists <strong>of</strong> references<br />

River quadrangle and adjacent areas, In Albert, to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral<br />

N. R. D., and Hudson, Travis, eds., The United occurrences in the Teller quadrangle, <strong>Alas</strong>ka,<br />

<strong>State</strong>s <strong>Geological</strong> Survey in <strong>Alas</strong>ka: Accom- supplement to Open-Ple Report 75-587; part A-<br />

plishments during 1979: U.S. GealogIcal Survey -Summarfa <strong>of</strong> data to January 1, 1980: U.S.<br />

Circular 823-B, p. B30-B32.<br />

<strong>Geological</strong> Survey Open-Pile Report 81-964-A,<br />

Child, J. R., Cooper, A. K., and Wright, A. W., 1981, p. A1-A2S.<br />

Residual magnetic map <strong>of</strong> Umnak Plateau A98lh, Summaries <strong>of</strong> data on and Usta <strong>of</strong> references<br />

region, southeastern Bering Sea: U.S. to metallic and selected nonrnetallle mineral<br />

<strong>Geological</strong> Survey <strong>Geophysical</strong> Investigations occurrences In the Taller quadrangle, bka, Map GP-939, scale 1:1,000,000.<br />

supplement to OpewPlle Report 75-587; part &<br />

Childs, J. R., Scholl, D. W., and Vdier, Tracy, 1981, -Lists <strong>of</strong> references to January 1, 19801 U.S.

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