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Figure 8a.-Geolaic sketch map of gabbro complex near Ketchikan, Alaska. 2:1, rarely as small as 6:l. Pine albite twinning is common in most plqioclase crystals; Carlsbad twinning is also common, and perlcline twinning occurs in minor amounts in mast of the samples exernined. The plagioclase crystals are unzoned to very strongly zoned; zoning is gradational progressive (normal), progressive concentric stepped, and locally oscillatory with as many as 6 or more cycles. Cornpition of most grains lies toward the calcic end of the range An to An which is the optically measurable range of ?Ke mor!hrongty zoned erpta. A few grains in samples from throughout the complex have a clear untwinned core area with high relief, yellow interference colors, and irregular fractures. These cores ere probably early-formed and partially resorbed plagioclase of extremely oalcic composition, probably close to pure anorthite. The plagioclase commonly has myrrnekitic borders where it contacts potassium feldspar. Mafic mlnerals make up from about 12 to at kast 50 percent of the rock, and the relative proportions of different mafic minerals vary markedly from place to place. With local exceptions, however, a crudely sequential change in these relative proportions appears to occur from the olivine-bearing core area to the quartz-bearing outer areas. In the core area, the maf ic assemblage includes olivine, ort hopyroxene, clinopyroxene, hornblende, and biotite. Away from the core area there is generally a diminishment and, finally, loss of the maftc minerals olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene, commonly in that order. The pyroxenes are anhedral to subhedral and commonly form cores in brown hornblende or are rimmed by brown hornblende, with sharp or gradational boundaries between the two miner&. The brown hornblende Is anhedral to subhedral and generally within the mediumwained size range; it locally forms large pokilitic crystals wIth many pyrnoxene Inclusions. Biotite b strongly colored dark reddish brown. Opaque minerals occur as discrete disseminated anhedra in trace emounts to 7 percent of the rack in a few places. Where the opaque minerals are abundant, they also form densely packed inclusions in pyroxene. Apatlte occurs in most samples a8 trace amounts of

I I thy euheclra. Sphene anhedra and zfrmn are also present in trace amounts in some of the quartz-bearing samples. Alte-ration of primary minerals is slight throughout most of the complex but is locally significant. Most fel6par is clear, with only scattered trace amounts and local small patches of serlcite. In only a very few localities, the rock contains strongly sericitized plagioclase and (or) shows notable alteration of pyroxene and brown hornblende to colorless and paleqeen secondary amphibole. Primary textures are intact throughout Ole complex, and no penetrative deformation is evident. The gabbro intrudes greenschist-facies metavolcenic and metasedimentq rocks of dominantly pelltic and semipelitic composition, and plagioclaseporphyritic garnet-bemlng biotltequartz diorite of probable middle Cretaceous age. Contacts are sharp where observed, and several large dikes extend outward from the main complex. In small areas near some contacts, the gabbro is loaded with country- rock xenoliths. Thermal metamorphism of the schist has resulted in a zone of hornfels and spotted schist, ranging from less than 0.5 to nearly 3 km in apparent width. The broadest ewes of contact-metamorphosed rocks may be underlain by gabbro. Immediately adjacent to the contact, the country rocks reaahed pyroxene-hornfels facies. The gabbro is cut by highly leucocratic (color index, 1-31 finevained dlotriomorphic biotite granodiorite dikes. Because no known felsic igneous rocks of Tertlary age occur in the vicinity and because the apparent compositional- differentiation(?) trend of the gabbroic rocks is clearly toward rock of a composition similar to that of the granodiorite, these dikes probably represent a late- stage differentiate of the gabbro. The aeromagnetic pattern over this gabbro complex Is distinctly bimodal (U.S. Geological Survey, 1977). Most of the body has a flat, featureless magnetic expression indistinguishable from the regional aeromagnetie pattern. A conspjcuous elongate 230-mGd anomaly is located over the southwestern part of the complex, at the comer of the complex that was originally mapped as leuaogabbro (Berg and others, 1978). me proportion of opaque minerals in this part of the complex is low, as in most of the gabbro, and the source of this anomaly is not hown. The gabbro may have been intruded In several discrete but closely timed pulses, the evidence for which Includes: (1) The irregular pattern of compositional zoning b reversed from that whlch normnl onsite differentiation and cmling would create; (2) the aeromagnetic pattern of the complex is distinctly bimodal; (3) strong textural variations within some small areas may reflect separate intrusive pulses; and (4) the granodiorite dikes, interpreted aa a differentiate of the gabbro, represent a discrete (the last) intrusive pulse. Constraints on the ege bf thfs gabbro Include: (1) The unrnetamorphosed (undeformed and generally ~~Rltered) condition of the gabbro and contact metamorphism of the surrounding schist, whose metamorphic age Is pre-middle Cretaceous and possibly pre-latest Jurassic; (2) intrusion of gabbro lnto plagioclase-porphyritic gernet-be- bibtitquartz dlorite of probable rnlddle Cretaceous age (Berg and others, 1978; Smith and Diggles, 1978); (3) potassium- argon determinations on biotite and hornblende from a mmple of quartz-&ring augite-biotite-hornblende leucogabbro (sample 75SJ417; origtnaUy called granodiorite by Smith and Dlggles, 1978) yield ages of 23.2i 0.70 and 24.9-LO.15 my., respectively. The probable intnrslve age of the gabbro is late Oligocene. RBFBRENCES CTTBD Berg, H. C., Blliott, R. L., Smith, J. G., and Koch, R D., 1970, Geologic map of the Ketchlkan and Prince Rupert quadrangles, Alaskat U.S. Geologioal Survey Open-File Report 78-73-A, scale 1:250,000. Smith, J. G., and Digglw, M. P., 1981, Potassium- argon determinations in the KetchUcan and Prince Rupert quadrangles, southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-73-N, 16 p. U.S. Geologlcnl Survey, 1977, Aeromagnetlc map of the Ketchikan, hince Rupert, and northeastern Craig quadrangles, Alaska: Open-Pile Report 77- 359, scale 1:250,000. Preliminarg study of a ganef3 leuc6creaegnmite budy on central Etolln Island, rpwtbeastem Aleska Several similar-appeering leuc~ratie granftlc bodies have been mapped within the Kuiu-Btolin volcanic-plutonic belt (Brew and others, 1979, 1981) in the Petersburg quadrangle. These bodies have been tentatively assigned an age of 19 to 23 may. on the basis of potassium-argon ages of 19.7 m.y. on biotite from a leucocratic quartz rnonzonIt8 on southern Etolin Island (Koch and others, 1977) and of 21.5 m.y. on biotite from a granitic rock on northwestern Etolin Island (Ken Pink, oral comrnun., 1978), es weU as on comparison with Miocene plutons to the southeast in the Ketchikan and Prince Rupert quadrangles (Berg and others, 1978). Detailed petmgmphic study of rocks from the lergest and mast complex of these plutons, on central EtoUn Island, has reveal4 some unusual features that provide Insight lnto the probable origin of these distinctive Mi-. This pluton, hereln referred to inforqally as the Burnett lolet body, undecLies about 250 km of central Btolin Island between Anita Bay and the south hunda of the Petersburg quadrangle (area 6, fig. 72; I fig. 8 The body intrudes ti sequence of metamorphosed turbidites and mdic to intermediate valcmic rocks, probably Jurassic to mlddle Cretecws (Berg and others, 1972). The country rocks are also intruded by bodies of garnet-bearing plagjoclase- porphyritic tonallte to quartz dorite, believed to be approximately 90 m.y. old, which crop out east of Menefee Inlet and in the area around McWenry lnlet. Preliminary studies indlcate that the Burnett lnlet body is zoned, with a homogeneow leucocrntic granitic core zone and a complex inhomogeneous outer zone that Includes mks varying widely in lithology and texture. The relation between these two zones Is not

Figure 8a.-Geolaic sketch map <strong>of</strong> gabbro complex near Ketchikan, <strong>Alas</strong>ka.<br />

2:1, rarely as small as 6:l. Pine albite twinning is<br />

common in most plqioclase crystals; Carlsbad<br />

twinning is also common, and perlcline twinning occurs<br />

in minor amounts in mast <strong>of</strong> the samples exernined.<br />

The plagioclase crystals are unzoned to very strongly<br />

zoned; zoning is gradational progressive (normal),<br />

progressive concentric stepped, and locally oscillatory<br />

with as many as 6 or more cycles. Cornpition <strong>of</strong><br />

most grains lies toward the calcic end <strong>of</strong> the range<br />

An to An which is the optically measurable range<br />

<strong>of</strong> ?Ke mor!hrongty zoned erpta. A few grains in<br />

samples from throughout the complex have a clear<br />

untwinned core area with high relief, yellow<br />

interference colors, and irregular fractures. These<br />

cores ere probably early-formed and partially resorbed<br />

plagioclase <strong>of</strong> extremely oalcic composition, probably<br />

close to pure anorthite. The plagioclase commonly has<br />

myrrnekitic borders where it contacts potassium<br />

feldspar.<br />

Mafic mlnerals make up from about 12 to at<br />

kast 50 percent <strong>of</strong> the rock, and the relative<br />

proportions <strong>of</strong> different mafic minerals vary markedly<br />

from place to place. With local exceptions, however, a<br />

crudely sequential change in these relative proportions<br />

appears to occur from the olivine-bearing core area to<br />

the quartz-bearing outer areas. In the core area, the<br />

maf ic assemblage includes olivine, ort hopyroxene,<br />

clinopyroxene, hornblende, and biotite. Away from the<br />

core area there is generally a diminishment and,<br />

finally, loss <strong>of</strong> the maftc minerals olivine,<br />

orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene, commonly in that<br />

order. The pyroxenes are anhedral to subhedral and<br />

commonly form cores in brown hornblende or are<br />

rimmed by brown hornblende, with sharp or gradational<br />

boundaries between the two miner&. The brown<br />

hornblende Is anhedral to subhedral and generally<br />

within the mediumwained size range; it locally forms<br />

large pokilitic crystals wIth many pyrnoxene<br />

Inclusions. Biotite b strongly colored dark reddish<br />

brown. Opaque minerals occur as discrete disseminated<br />

anhedra in trace emounts to 7 percent <strong>of</strong> the rack in a<br />

few places. Where the opaque minerals are abundant,<br />

they also form densely packed inclusions in pyroxene.<br />

Apatlte occurs in most samples a8 trace amounts <strong>of</strong>

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