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history here is cc r to that in the higher grade mks, ana epparenrly alifers from that to the southwest In some places, however, the actual west limit of metamorphism and deformation is known to lie to the east of the boundary selected here. The first part of this report describes the northern Coast plutonic-metamorphic complex as it now exists; the second part is a brief speculation on the driving forces behind its evolution and their relation to the accretion of the Chugach terrane (Plafker and others, 1977). 17rroughout this report, the reeder should bear in mind that most of the events inferred from the geologic record occurred elsewhere than at the present position of the northern Coast plutonicmetamorphic! complex. Some of the earlier events may have transpired thousands of kilometers away, but no consistent paleomagnetic evidence exists to establish control on movements. DESCRIPTION Throughout the northern region, the Coast plutonic-metamorphic complex can be divided into four more or less parallel wnes (fig. 791, described here from southwest to northeast es the western metamorphic zone, the central metamorphic zone, the central granitic zone, and the eastern metamorphic zone. These four wnes have been subdivided lmally according to the proportions of intrusive and metamorphic rocks and of different metamorphic-rock types. The Ges of metamorphism and intrusion differ in part between these zones. The western metamorphic zone consists mostly of progressively metarnor~hbsed (higher grade to the northeast) low- to intermediate-temperature low- to high-pressure faciesseries metamorphic rocks, scattered mesdzonal to epkonal granitic bodies, and rare concentrically zoned mafic-ultramafic messes. Rare fossils indicate that the protolith ranges in age from at least Permian to middle Cretaceous. Various compositions are present: The Lower Permian rocks are dominantly greenstone/greenschls t, lirnestone/marble, and slate/phyllite/semischist; the Upper Triassic rocks are geenstone/greenschist, slete/phyllite, and minor lirnestone/marble; end the ~urassic(?) to midme Cretaceous rocks are metaconglomerate/slate/phyUite/semischist derived from a nysch wedge, and greenstone/penschist derived from volcanic flows and breccia. Various plutons are scattered throughout the zone. The crosscutting concentrically zoned mafic- ultramafic Mies that intrude these rocks, which were described by Taylor (1967), belong to the Klukwan- Duke bland belt of J3rew and Morrell (1980d; they are probably 100 to 110 m.y. old (Lanphere and Eberlein, 1966). Generally concordant granitic bodies consist dominantly of diorite, quartz diorite, rnonzodiorite, and granodiorlte, probably 80 to 90 m.y. old; they belong to the AdmiraIty-RevllIagigedo belt (Brew and MorreU, 1980; Burrell, 1983) and have hornfels aureoles associated with them. Crosscutting granitic bodies, consisting mostly of biotite granite, granodiorite, and quartz rnonzodiorite but including significant amounts of syenite, rnonzonite, and monzodiorite, belong to the Kuiu-EtoLin intrusive belt (Brew and others, 1979; Brew and MorreU, 1980a; Brew @ 4 $so 0 50 100 CPG 150 200 KILOMETERS Figure 79.-Northern Coast plut6hicmetarnorphic complex (CPC), southeastern Alaska and northwestern British Columbia, showing zones and units as foUows: WM, western metamorphic zone; CM, central metamorphic zone; CG, central granitic zone; EM, eastern metamorphic zone; SL, Soko Volcanics; LE, Level Mountain and Mount Edziza volcanic fields. Boundaries are approximately located. and others, 1981; Hunt, 1983); they are probably 20 to 25 m.y. old and are epizonaL The central metamorphic zone consists of abundant synkinernatic to postkinematic mesozonal to

epizonb'l granitic Miss, mixed with intermediatetemperature intermediate- to high-prme faciesseries roaks. The ages of the protoliths are not known, but a L40-m.y. age (Smith end others, 1979) has been determined for some orthogneiss masses. Most of the metamorphic rocks consist of migmatite, biotite schist, gneissose schlst, biotite gneiss, marble, and lqe orthogneiss units. The protoliths of the migmatite, schist, and paragneiss cannot be unequfvocfdly determined, but they probably were dominantly clastic sedimentary rocks and Limestone containing only minor amounts of volcanic material, their age is not known. The most important intrusive unit is the conspicuous tonalite sill that runs almost the whole length of southeastern ALaska (Brew and others, 1976; Brew and Ford, 1981). This sill and some nearby less continuous dominantly granodiorite sills make up the Coast plutonic-metamorphic complex sill belt (Brew and Morrell, 1980a). Some evidence suggests that these sills are probably 55 to 60 m.y. old (J. G. Smith, oral commun., 1979; Smith and others, 1979). The central granitic zone consists of generally crosscutting mostly unfoliated grartodiorite and quartz monzodiorite plutons, with subordinate screens and pendants of metamorphic rocks like those in the central metamorphic zone to the southw~t. Most of these plutons, which arc about 50 m.y. old wherever they have been dated (Brew and others, 1977; Wilson and others, 2979; Forbes and Engels, 19701, are mesozonal to epizonal. They define the Coast plutonic-metamorphic complex belt 1 (Brew and Morrell, 1980a). Mapping in progress near the Stikine River suggests that these bodies may in part be closely related to some of the granodiorite sills within the Coast plutonjc-metamorphic complex sill belt in the central metamorphic zone (S. M. I(&, unpub. data, 1981). The Sloko Volcanics (fig. 79) of British Columbia, which is approximately coeval, is interpreted to be the extrusive equivalent (Souther, 1971). Several 20- to 30-rn.y.ald granite and grandiorite plutons occur in the Behm Canal belt (8cew and Morrell, 1980a1, which overlaps both the central panitlc and the central metamorphic zones. These epizonal bodies, which are notable for their sparseness and their association with molybdenite deposits (Hudson and others, 1979), somewhat resemble those noted above in the Kuiu-Etblin belt within the western metamorphic zone. The eastern metamorphic zone consists of lowto high-temperature generalIy low pressure faciesseries metamorphic rocks and scattered to abundant epizonal granitic bodies. This zone is separated from the central granitic zone because (1) it is dominantly metamorphic and (2) the metamorphism differs; the boundary between the two zones is both arbitrary and gradational. The gr~nitic rocks in the astern zone resemble those in the central granitic zone, whereas the metamorphic rocks are dominantly hornfek derived from pmtoliths of intermediate to mafic volcmic, semlpelltic, and carbonate composition. The age of the protoUths are not known everywhere, although Carboniferous, Permian, and Triassic rocks are present at some localities. Not far northeast of the Coast glutan1~- metamorphic complex (fig. 79) are the extensive late Miocene to PIeistocene volcanic fields of Level Mountain and Mount Rdziza (Souther and others, 197'9). They apparently have no c~unterparts within the Coast plutonic-metamorphic complex except, possibly, for some dikes, although they are probably related to the general evolution of the complex. A few Holocene basalt flows occur within the bounderies of the Coast plutonic-metamorphic complex but show m clear relation to the complex. They are as young as 360 years B.P. (EUiott and others, 19811, and more flows can probably be expected ta be erupted In the future. The three most significant strueturd features in the northern Coast plutonic-metamorphic Complex are (1) the Chatham Strait fault (fig. 79), (2) the Coast Range megalineament (CRML), and (3) n narrow linear area straddIing the boundary between the wester11 and central metamorphic zones in which the deformation and metamorphism were apparently most intense. The Chatham Strait fault to the north (Ovenshine and Brew, 19721 Sonnevll, 1981) truncates the southwest margin of the Coast plutonic-metamorphic complex. The CRML ls a profound structural element (Brew and Pod, 1978) that probably has a long and cornplex hlstory. Because of map scale, the CRML is Iocaily shown on five 79 as the boundary between the western and central metamorphic zone; in those places, the CRML actually lies within the western metamorphic zone but close to the boundery with the central zone. Although the narrow linear area of intense deformation and metamorphism is probably related to the CRML, this area may simply mark the locus of greater uplift of the Coast plutonic metemorphlc complex. Other structural boundaries stated to be present in the Coast plutonic? metamorphic complex, such 8s tectonostratigraphic- terrane contacts (Berg and others, 19781, either coincide with the CRML, are not verifiable in the field, or are related to sedimentary, Intrusive, or metamorphic processes that are only indirectly linked to the accretion of the exotic Chlrgach terrane to the west (fig. 79). The Coast plutonicmetamorphic c6mplex Is lnterpre tad to have resulted primarily horn the effects of n major Cretaceous and early Tertiary accretionel event that occurred about 100 km to b e southwest, at which time the Chugach terrane kame attached to the Alexander and Wrargellia terranes (Plafier and others, 1977). The effects of that distant event were superposed on both upper Paleozoic and lower Mesozoic Alexander-terrene rocks and on an upper Mesozoic overlap assemblage (the Grevina belt) that probably accumulated in a rifted backarc envlmnment. These effects are Interpreted to include two ages of penetrative deformation, two ages of progressive metamorphism, four main Lntruslve events, and sporadic volcanism. The main part of the Alexander terrane, which intervenes 'between the Coast plutonlcrnetamorphic complex and the accreted Chugach terrane to the southwest, apparently was lea

epizonb'l granitic Miss, mixed with intermediatetemperature<br />

intermediate- to high-prme faciesseries<br />

roaks. The ages <strong>of</strong> the protoliths are not known,<br />

but a L40-m.y. age (Smith end others, 1979) has been<br />

determined for some orthogneiss masses. Most <strong>of</strong> the<br />

metamorphic rocks consist <strong>of</strong> migmatite, biotite<br />

schist, gneissose schlst, biotite gneiss, marble, and<br />

lqe orthogneiss units. The protoliths <strong>of</strong> the<br />

migmatite, schist, and paragneiss cannot be<br />

unequfvocfdly determined, but they probably were<br />

dominantly clastic sedimentary rocks and Limestone<br />

containing only minor amounts <strong>of</strong> volcanic material,<br />

their age is not known. The most important intrusive<br />

unit is the conspicuous tonalite sill that runs almost<br />

the whole length <strong>of</strong> southeastern ALaska (Brew and<br />

others, 1976; Brew and Ford, 1981). This sill and some<br />

nearby less continuous dominantly granodiorite sills<br />

make up the Coast plutonic-metamorphic complex sill<br />

belt (Brew and Morrell, 1980a). Some evidence<br />

suggests that these sills are probably 55 to 60 m.y. old<br />

(J. G. Smith, oral commun., 1979; Smith and others,<br />

1979).<br />

The central granitic zone consists <strong>of</strong> generally<br />

crosscutting mostly unfoliated grartodiorite and quartz<br />

monzodiorite plutons, with subordinate screens and<br />

pendants <strong>of</strong> metamorphic rocks like those in the<br />

central metamorphic zone to the southw~t. Most <strong>of</strong><br />

these plutons, which arc about 50 m.y. old wherever<br />

they have been dated (Brew and others, 1977; Wilson<br />

and others, 2979; Forbes and Engels, 19701, are<br />

mesozonal to epizonal. They define the Coast<br />

plutonic-metamorphic complex belt 1 (Brew and<br />

Morrell, 1980a). Mapping in progress near the Stikine<br />

River suggests that these bodies may in part be closely<br />

related to some <strong>of</strong> the granodiorite sills within the<br />

Coast plutonjc-metamorphic complex sill belt in the<br />

central metamorphic zone (S. M. I(&, unpub. data,<br />

1981). The Sloko Volcanics (fig. 79) <strong>of</strong> British<br />

Columbia, which is approximately coeval, is<br />

interpreted to be the extrusive equivalent (Souther,<br />

1971).<br />

Several 20- to 30-rn.y.ald granite and<br />

grandiorite plutons occur in the Behm Canal belt<br />

(8cew and Morrell, 1980a1, which overlaps both the<br />

central panitlc and the central metamorphic zones.<br />

These epizonal bodies, which are notable for their<br />

sparseness and their association with molybdenite<br />

deposits (Hudson and others, 1979), somewhat resemble<br />

those noted above in the Kuiu-Etblin belt within the<br />

western metamorphic zone.<br />

The eastern metamorphic zone consists <strong>of</strong> lowto<br />

high-temperature generalIy low pressure faciesseries<br />

metamorphic rocks and scattered to abundant<br />

epizonal granitic bodies. This zone is separated from<br />

the central granitic zone because (1) it is dominantly<br />

metamorphic and (2) the metamorphism differs; the<br />

boundary between the two zones is both arbitrary and<br />

gradational. The gr~nitic rocks in the astern zone<br />

resemble those in the central granitic zone, whereas<br />

the metamorphic rocks are dominantly hornfek<br />

derived from pmtoliths <strong>of</strong> intermediate to mafic<br />

volcmic, semlpelltic, and carbonate composition. The<br />

age <strong>of</strong> the protoUths are not known everywhere,<br />

although Carboniferous, Permian, and Triassic rocks<br />

are present at some localities.<br />

Not far northeast <strong>of</strong> the Coast glutan1~-<br />

metamorphic complex (fig. 79) are the extensive late<br />

Miocene to PIeistocene volcanic fields <strong>of</strong> Level<br />

Mountain and Mount Rdziza (Souther and others,<br />

197'9). They apparently have no c~unterparts within<br />

the Coast plutonic-metamorphic complex except,<br />

possibly, for some dikes, although they are probably<br />

related to the general evolution <strong>of</strong> the complex.<br />

A few Holocene basalt flows occur within the<br />

bounderies <strong>of</strong> the Coast plutonic-metamorphic<br />

complex but show m clear relation to the complex.<br />

They are as young as 360 years B.P. (EUiott and others,<br />

19811, and more flows can probably be expected ta be<br />

erupted In the future.<br />

The three most significant strueturd features in<br />

the northern Coast plutonic-metamorphic Complex are<br />

(1) the Chatham Strait fault (fig. 79), (2) the Coast<br />

Range megalineament (CRML), and (3) n narrow linear<br />

area straddIing the boundary between the wester11 and<br />

central metamorphic zones in which the deformation<br />

and metamorphism were apparently most intense. The<br />

Chatham Strait fault to the north (Ovenshine and<br />

Brew, 19721 Sonnevll, 1981) truncates the southwest<br />

margin <strong>of</strong> the Coast plutonic-metamorphic complex.<br />

The CRML ls a pr<strong>of</strong>ound structural element (Brew and<br />

Pod, 1978) that probably has a long and cornplex<br />

hlstory. Because <strong>of</strong> map scale, the CRML is Iocaily<br />

shown on five 79 as the boundary between the<br />

western and central metamorphic zone; in those<br />

places, the CRML actually lies within the western<br />

metamorphic zone but close to the boundery with the<br />

central zone. Although the narrow linear area <strong>of</strong><br />

intense deformation and metamorphism is probably<br />

related to the CRML, this area may simply mark the<br />

locus <strong>of</strong> greater uplift <strong>of</strong> the Coast plutonic<br />

metemorphlc complex. Other structural boundaries<br />

stated to be present in the Coast plutonic?<br />

metamorphic complex, such 8s tectonostratigraphic-<br />

terrane contacts (Berg and others, 19781, either<br />

coincide with the CRML, are not verifiable in the<br />

field, or are related to sedimentary, Intrusive, or<br />

metamorphic processes that are only indirectly linked<br />

to the accretion <strong>of</strong> the exotic Chlrgach terrane to the<br />

west (fig. 79).<br />

The Coast plutonicmetamorphic c6mplex Is<br />

lnterpre tad to have resulted primarily horn the effects<br />

<strong>of</strong> n major Cretaceous and early Tertiary accretionel<br />

event that occurred about 100 km to b e southwest, at<br />

which time the Chugach terrane kame attached to<br />

the Alexander and Wrargellia terranes (Plafier and<br />

others, 1977). The effects <strong>of</strong> that distant event were<br />

superposed on both upper Paleozoic and lower<br />

Mesozoic Alexander-terrene rocks and on an upper<br />

Mesozoic overlap assemblage (the Grevina belt) that<br />

probably accumulated in a rifted backarc<br />

envlmnment. These effects are Interpreted to include<br />

two ages <strong>of</strong> penetrative deformation, two ages <strong>of</strong><br />

progressive metamorphism, four main Lntruslve events,<br />

and sporadic volcanism. The main part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Alexander terrane, which intervenes 'between the<br />

Coast plutonlcrnetamorphic complex and the accreted<br />

Chugach terrane to the southwest, apparently was lea

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