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lngutar volcanic quartz (Folk, 1968) and euhedral and structural setting that the rocks on the Screen feldspar, and the abundance of soft-sediment deformation. Quiet intervals may be reflected by the accumuhtion of the well-bedded silty limestone. Although fossils are common in this limestone, they Islands are herein assigned to the Burnt Island Conglomerate of the Hyd Gmw (~uffler, 19671. The Hyd Group is a component of the Alexander terrane, which forms a belt of Paleozoic and lower are pelagic types, including ammonoids and belemnoids, rather than fossils typical of carbonatebank deposits. Even bedding, absence of upper-flowregime sedimentary structures, and fine grain size suggest deposition in moderately deep water. Recent faulting and jumbling of the sequence preclude estimates of sectlon thickness and any distinction between sedimentary versus tectonic repetition of section; however, the three rock type are all Mesozoic rocks in southeastern Alaska. Hillhouse and Gromrnb (1080) drilled basalt oC the Hound Island Volcanjcs (an Upper Triassic formation overlying the Burnt Island Conglomerate in Keku Strait, also Included In the Hyd ~roup); their paleomagnetlc results indicate that the Alexander terrane apparently ha not moved northward with respect to the North Amerlcan craton since Late Triassic time (Hillhouse and Gromm6,1980). interbedded, and the limestone seems to increese in abundance upsectlon. The sbucCurfdy highest and apparently youngest rocks In the Screen Islands appear to be the calcareous turbidites on the southernmost island; this observation, also made by Buddlngton and Chapin (1929), suggests a deepening environment and a REFERENCES CITED Berg, H. C., Jones, D. L., and Coney, P. J., 1978, Map showing preCenozoic tectonastratlgraphk terranes of southeastern Alaska and adjacent change in depositional regime. DEFORMATION areas: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Flle Report 78-1085, scale 1:1,000,000, 2 sheets. Buddington, A. F., and Chapin, Theodore, 1929, Geology and mineral depmlts of southeastern m e conglomerete, sandstone, limestone, and mudstone have been jostled by strik~lip faultw into a relation other then that in which they were originally deposited. Considerable shearing is associated with the faulting, generally northwestaouthe&tw8rd, parallel to the trend of Clarence Strait, although the deformation is not penetrative. Clasts in the conglomerate are neither broken nor flattened, although the matrix may appear aheared within shear zones. Original textures and structUrs of rocks between faults and sheer zones are generally weU preserved. C. S. ~romrnk and J. W. Hillhouse drilled three holes in the best dated and structurelly most coherent limestone section on the Screen Wsnds for a paleomagnetic study. Their results, however, did not pass the fold test; that is, the scatter in the data Increased when the rvcks were unfolded. They concluded (J. W. Himouse, oral commun., lD8l) that the magnetization in these rocks is postfolding and, therefore, not primary. Although feuIting has been signsicant On the Screen Islands, no metamorphic minerals have been Alaske; U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 800, 398 P. Polk, R. L., 1968, Petrology of sedimentary rocks: Austin, Tex., Hemphill's, 170 p. Hillhouse, J. W., and Grommd, C. S., 1980, Paleornagnetism of the Triassic Hound Island Volcanics, Alexander terrane, southeastern Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 85, no. 05, p. 2594-2602 Loney, R. A,, 1964, Stfatigraphy and petrography of the Pybus-Gamb~er area, Admiralty Island, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1178, 103 p. Muffler, L. J. P., 1967, Stratigraphy oi the Keku &lets and neighboring parts of Kuiu and Kupreanof blands, southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological - Survey Bulletin 1241-C, p. ClG52. A preuw w m m t i c of &e -vine- Nuteotin Mlt, -them and southeastern Alnska gg c Pan-1, john B. DedterZ, H- C. observed, and the rocks are entlreIy ~ag unm etarnorphosed. The conodont-cdor-alteration index of 3.0 indicates maximum host-rock temperatures of 110' to 200' C, which is unusually low The Gravina-Nutzotin hlt consists of m Upper for rocks in this part of southeastern Alaska (Bruce Jurasslc through Lower Cretaceous sequence of Wardlaw, wrlttan commun., 1980). andesIte and flysch in southern and southeastern Alaska. These rocks constitute an overlap assemblage, CORRELATION depasited on both Wrangellla and the Alexander I terrane (Berg and others, 19721, and thus provide a Nearly identical conglomerate, sandstone, and minimum sge of amalgamation of these two terranes. limestone coeval with the rocks on the Screen Islands We selected an interbedded sedimentary and volcanic have been observed in Keku Strait, to the northwest of sequence fmm the Gr-vha-Nutzoth belt on Marsh Clarence Strait, along the sAme general str~ctural Bland for paleamagnetic study (loc. 9, fig. 72). The trend. These similar rock in Keku Strait, which were described by Muffler (19671, comp the Burnt kltlnd Conglomerate of the Hyd Group. In fact, the rocb on l~eo~hysict~l Institute, UnlversHy of Alaska, and the Screen lslands r e mble the Burnt lsland Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, Conglomerate, as well as the basal breccia of the Nyd CoUeq, Ahska. Formation (~oney, 1964) of the Pybus Bay area on Alaska Division of Geological and ~Geophysieal Admkdty Island(fig. 761, socloselyh~e,~thoIogy, Surveys,CoLlege,Alaska. 117

1 purpose of this study wes to determine whether reliable paleomagnetic data can be acquired from the Gravina-Nutzotin belt in southeastern Alaska that wiU at unblocking temperatures of 450O to 5 0 0 (table ~ ~ 20). 7he two samples collected from one dike did not yield 8 reliable magnetic direction. Two of the three I i ald in the resolution of the much4ebated time of accretion of southern Alaska terranes. We chase Marsh Island for three reasons; (1) The age of the rocks is precisely known (Albian); (2) ancient horizontal and stretigraphic younging directions can be determined from bedding; and (91 the rocks are known to be the least recrystallized part of the Gravina- Nutzotin b%lt in southeastern Altlska. A total of 33 samples were collected from four b& at two locabties (fig. 78). Bed 1 is a 50- to 60cm-thick medium*ained lithic sandstone, interbedded with graded turbidites and shale. Beds 2 through 4 are poorly sorted coarse-grained tuffaceous pebbly sandstone containing angular chts of green volcanic rock, interbedded with graded turbidites, shale, and massive volcanic mudflow deposits containing volcanic blocks as much as 5 m wide. Bed 1 was sampled at regular intervals (17 samples) tor a distance of about 10 metfrs between two andesite dikes, which were also sampled, to determine whether the unit had been thermally remagnetized by the dikes. Beds 2 through 4 (Loc. 2, fig. 781 were sampled at a locality 0.5 km away Prom bed 1. The 2.54-crn-diameter cores were cut into 2-cm lengths. AU samples were subjected to stepwise thermal demagnetization. Replicates of these samples were subjected to stepwisk alternating field (A.F.) cleaning procedures; all magnetization measurements were made on a cryogenicmagnetometer. 1ngenerd, the cleaning procedure ended when the magnetisation appeared to reach a stable end paint md was below 10 percent of the natural remartent magnetization (NRM) or the initial magnetic-intensity value, or when unstable magnetic behavior &came apparent, bed represents an imtant in geologic timer therefore, the sample directions were everaged by bed to provide a spot reading of the geomagnetic field. Samples fmm bed 1 responded well to thermal demegnetization. Stable magnetic directions appeared 13244~~ 132'40' 56°K samples from the second dike, however, yielded stable directions that are similar to the magnetic direction of the nearest sandstone sample in bed 1, 2 cm away. We conclude that the second dike thermally remagnetized bed 1 near the contact but that the thermal effec 1 of the dike dissipated withln 2 m. Bed 1 thus passes the baked-oontact test (McBlhhy, 1973). Most of the samples from bed 1 and the two dlkes underwent rotational rernanent magnetization (RRM) at coercivities of 20 to 80 mT during A.P. treatment or did not reach a stable end point, and so these A.P. data were not used in calculation of the ancient-field direction. One sample, however, did reach a stable end paint and yielded a magnetic direction similar to that of its thermally demagnetized counterpart Cores from beds 2 through 4 responded well to the A.P. cleaning but behaved erratically during thermal treatment. A few of the A.F.4emagnetized samples were suspected of acqubing RRM at C~rcivities of 30 to 50 mT. Most of the samples displayed a stable magnetic dkection before suspected RRM obscured the NRM; these directions were comparable to RRM-free samples In the same bed. One thermally treated sample cleaned to a stable end point that compared well with its A.P.4ernagnetized repLicate. To estimate the average Albim (Early cretaceous) geomagnetic field, the mean of the four bed means was calculated (table 21)- mean mapetic direction for the Marsh bland site was found not to cofncide with the pwsent field. -,the 5- value (pisher's precision parameter; see McEUlimy, 1973) for the mean of the bed means, corrected for tilting, was greater than the individual bed kvalue. BQ~W the WdN attitudes vary by so, a reabtic fold test is not possible. Having passed the baked+ontoct test, and in view of the absence of present-field signature, we consider the magnetic directions from Marsh Island to I represent a measure of the mcient (Albian) geomagnetic field. However, because only four beds or time horizons are reprmented, It may be th0t the secular varlation of the geomagnetia field was not averaged out. Therefore, we regard these results as preUmlnary and likely to be modified somewhat by more complete sampling of stratigraphic section. Within the limitations of thls study, we offer two possible Interpretations of the mean magnetic direatLon. The flrst interpretatJon assumes that the magnetic vector obtained from the Marsh Island sampla represents original dctritd rernanent I megnetization (DRM1. If so, then the equivelent paleolatitude of the vector Inclination is lo0. MoreOver,becausethesero~k~are~ian,theywere 56'06 ? .5 1 KJLDMEJERS almost certainly deposited withln the Cretaceous longnormal-polarity interval (Irvhg and Wah, 1976). As such, the vector polarity Is unambiguous and represents 10" north of the paleoequator. Even if *is paleolatitude estimate Ls slightly In error, owing to a poor time averaging of the geomagnetic field, the . ?&-Part of the Petembhg A-3 quadrangle, showing loeations of palesmagnetic-aample sites on Marsh Island. estimate stu suggests that the Qravlna-Nutzotin belt and, thus, WrangeUia and the Alexander terrane were far south of their present Latitude during Early 118

1<br />

purpose <strong>of</strong> this study wes to determine whether<br />

reliable paleomagnetic data can be acquired from the<br />

Gravina-Nutzotin belt in southeastern <strong>Alas</strong>ka that wiU<br />

at unblocking temperatures <strong>of</strong> 450O to 5 0 0 (table ~ ~<br />

20). 7he two samples collected from one dike did not<br />

yield 8 reliable magnetic direction. Two <strong>of</strong> the three<br />

I<br />

i<br />

ald in the resolution <strong>of</strong> the much4ebated time <strong>of</strong><br />

accretion <strong>of</strong> southern <strong>Alas</strong>ka terranes. We chase<br />

Marsh Island for three reasons; (1) The age <strong>of</strong> the<br />

rocks is precisely known (Albian); (2) ancient<br />

horizontal and stretigraphic younging directions can be<br />

determined from bedding; and (91 the rocks are known<br />

to be the least recrystallized part <strong>of</strong> the Gravina-<br />

Nutzotin b%lt in southeastern Altlska.<br />

A total <strong>of</strong> 33 samples were collected from four<br />

b& at two locabties (fig. 78). Bed 1 is a 50- to 60cm-thick<br />

medium*ained lithic sandstone, interbedded<br />

with graded turbidites and shale. Beds 2 through 4 are<br />

poorly sorted coarse-grained tuffaceous pebbly<br />

sandstone containing angular chts <strong>of</strong> green volcanic<br />

rock, interbedded with graded turbidites, shale, and<br />

massive volcanic mudflow deposits containing volcanic<br />

blocks as much as 5 m wide. Bed 1 was sampled at<br />

regular intervals (17 samples) tor a distance <strong>of</strong> about<br />

10 metfrs between two andesite dikes, which were also<br />

sampled, to determine whether the unit had been<br />

thermally remagnetized by the dikes. Beds 2 through 4<br />

(Loc. 2, fig. 781 were sampled at a locality 0.5 km away<br />

Prom bed 1. The 2.54-crn-diameter cores were cut into<br />

2-cm lengths. AU samples were subjected to stepwise<br />

thermal demagnetization. Replicates <strong>of</strong> these samples<br />

were subjected to stepwisk alternating field (A.F.)<br />

cleaning procedures; all magnetization measurements<br />

were made on a cryogenicmagnetometer. 1ngenerd,<br />

the cleaning procedure ended when the magnetisation<br />

appeared to reach a stable end paint md was below 10<br />

percent <strong>of</strong> the natural remartent magnetization (NRM)<br />

or the initial magnetic-intensity value, or when<br />

unstable magnetic behavior &came apparent,<br />

bed represents an imtant in geologic timer therefore,<br />

the sample directions were everaged by bed to provide<br />

a spot reading <strong>of</strong> the geomagnetic field.<br />

Samples fmm bed 1 responded well to thermal<br />

demegnetization. Stable magnetic directions appeared<br />

13244~~<br />

132'40'<br />

56°K<br />

samples from the second dike, however, yielded stable<br />

directions that are similar to the magnetic direction <strong>of</strong><br />

the nearest sandstone sample in bed 1, 2 cm away. We<br />

conclude that the second dike thermally remagnetized<br />

bed 1 near the contact but that the thermal effec 1 <strong>of</strong><br />

the dike dissipated withln 2 m. Bed 1 thus passes the<br />

baked-oontact test (McBlhhy, 1973). Most <strong>of</strong> the<br />

samples from bed 1 and the two dlkes underwent<br />

rotational rernanent magnetization (RRM) at<br />

coercivities <strong>of</strong> 20 to 80 mT during A.P. treatment or<br />

did not reach a stable end point, and so these A.P. data<br />

were not used in calculation <strong>of</strong> the ancient-field<br />

direction. One sample, however, did reach a stable<br />

end paint and yielded a magnetic direction similar to<br />

that <strong>of</strong> its thermally demagnetized counterpart<br />

Cores from beds 2 through 4 responded well to<br />

the A.P. cleaning but behaved erratically during<br />

thermal treatment. A few <strong>of</strong> the A.F.4emagnetized<br />

samples were suspected <strong>of</strong> acqubing RRM at<br />

C~rcivities <strong>of</strong> 30 to 50 mT. Most <strong>of</strong> the samples<br />

displayed a stable magnetic dkection before suspected<br />

RRM obscured the NRM; these directions were<br />

comparable to RRM-free samples In the same bed.<br />

One thermally treated sample cleaned to a stable end<br />

point that compared well with its A.P.4ernagnetized<br />

repLicate.<br />

To estimate the average Albim (Early<br />

cretaceous) geomagnetic field, the mean <strong>of</strong> the four<br />

bed means was calculated (table 21)- mean<br />

mapetic direction for the Marsh bland site was found<br />

not to c<strong>of</strong>ncide with the pwsent field. -,the 5-<br />

value (pisher's precision parameter; see McEUlimy,<br />

1973) for the mean <strong>of</strong> the bed means, corrected for<br />

tilting, was greater than the individual bed kvalue.<br />

BQ~W the WdN attitudes vary by so, a<br />

reabtic fold test is not possible.<br />

Having passed the baked+ontoct test, and in<br />

view <strong>of</strong> the absence <strong>of</strong> present-field signature, we<br />

consider the magnetic directions from Marsh Island to I<br />

represent a measure <strong>of</strong> the mcient (Albian)<br />

geomagnetic field. However, because only four beds<br />

or time horizons are reprmented, It may be th0t the<br />

secular varlation <strong>of</strong> the geomagnetia field was not<br />

averaged out. Therefore, we regard these results as<br />

preUmlnary and likely to be modified somewhat by<br />

more complete sampling <strong>of</strong> stratigraphic section.<br />

Within the limitations <strong>of</strong> thls study, we <strong>of</strong>fer two<br />

possible Interpretations <strong>of</strong> the mean magnetic<br />

direatLon. The flrst interpretatJon assumes that the<br />

magnetic vector obtained from the Marsh Island<br />

sampla represents original dctritd rernanent I<br />

megnetization (DRM1. If so, then the equivelent<br />

paleolatitude <strong>of</strong> the vector Inclination is lo0.<br />

MoreOver,becausethesero~k~are~ian,theywere<br />

56'06<br />

? .5 1 KJLDMEJERS<br />

almost certainly deposited withln the Cretaceous longnormal-polarity<br />

interval (Irvhg and Wah, 1976).<br />

As such, the vector polarity Is unambiguous and<br />

represents 10" north <strong>of</strong> the paleoequator. Even if *is<br />

paleolatitude estimate Ls slightly In error, owing to a<br />

poor time averaging <strong>of</strong> the geomagnetic field, the<br />

.<br />

?&-Part <strong>of</strong> the Petembhg A-3 quadrangle,<br />

showing loeations <strong>of</strong> palesmagnetic-aample sites on<br />

Marsh Island.<br />

estimate stu suggests that the Qravlna-Nutzotin belt<br />

and, thus, WrangeUia and the Alexander terrane were<br />

far south <strong>of</strong> their present Latitude during Early<br />


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