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Untitled - Electric Scotland


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1863-67] SISTERHOODS AND VOWS 453<br />

the same, and, allowing<br />

for their natural differences of<br />

style, there is a quite curious identity, even of language,<br />

in some of the letters which passed between each of these<br />

Bishops<br />

and the heads of the different communities in<br />

their dioceses.<br />

The principal question at issue then, and ever since,<br />

has had reference to the imposition of vows of a binding<br />

character. Some twenty years later this subject was ex<br />

amined with characteristic learning and moderation in a<br />

well-known pamphlet by Bishop Christopher Wordsworth, 1<br />

and his practical conclusions were entirely corroborative<br />

of the line which had been taken in earlier days by Bishop<br />

Wilberforce and Bishop Tait :<br />

&quot; When<br />

you ask me,&quot; wrote Bishop Wilberforce to a clergy<br />

man in the diocese,<br />

&quot;<br />

to give [a sister] the Apostolic benediction<br />

on her public resolution of chastity and devotion to Christ, you<br />

ask me to do what, with my sense of the certain danger and pro<br />

bable unlawfulness of vows which Christ has not appointed, it is<br />

quite impossible for me to do. Such a resolution made publicly,<br />

and in appearance and intention confirmed by a Bishop s act is,<br />

whatever distinction may be discovered by an ingenious mind,<br />

really and bona fide No<br />

a vow. . . .<br />

-one has, without God s<br />

express appointment, a right, in my judgment, to bind themselves<br />

for the future in such matters. Let them follow the guiding<br />

hand of God from day to day and rely for persevering in a course<br />

of right or service on His daily gifts of guiding, enlightening,<br />

strengthening grace, and not on the strength or effect of any<br />

past vow or resolution. As, then, such a benediction as you ask<br />

would, in my judgment, seem to confirm by a dangerous vow an<br />

unwarranted resolution, I must of course, with real regret, decline<br />

2<br />

your request.&quot;<br />

1<br />

And similarly with regard to another much-debated<br />

See Bishop Wordsworth s Miscellanies , Literary and Religioits^ vol. iii.<br />

pp. 267-289. While these pages are passing through the press, the subject<br />

is again under discussion, with no small modification of former opinions, by<br />

the Bishops of the Province of Canterbury.<br />

&quot;<br />

Life of Bishop \Vilberforce, vol. iii. pp. 331-2.

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