Lisø PhD Dissertation Manuscript - NTNU

Lisø PhD Dissertation Manuscript - NTNU Lisø PhD Dissertation Manuscript - NTNU


1.2 The extent of building defects in Norway The historical development of Norwegian building traditions implies both an adaptation towards different preconditions for use of buildings and varying styles of architecture, but also an adjustment towards the extreme climatic variations in Norway. Changes in building practice also reflect the economic development and new demands in standard of living. The extremely varied climate and topography in Norway puts great demands on the design and localization of buildings and the correct choice of materials and constructions. A definitive minimum requirement for a building is that it should tolerate to be left outside. Natural disasters caused by extreme weather events are one of the major challenges confronting the built environment. However, the amount of building defects not covered by natural disaster insurance is also tremendous. The increasing demands in the construction industry for profit and shorter construction periods, combined with extremely varied climatic impacts during the construction process, prove to be a difficult circle to square (Lisø et al. 2003). Investigations carried out by SINTEF Building and Infrastructure indicates that the cost of repairing process induced building defects in Norway amounts to 5% of the annual capital invested in new buildings (Ingvaldsen 1994). Ingvaldsen also found that this estimate was in good agreement with 13 corresponding investigations or sources of information in other European countries (with a mean estimate varying between 3-5%). Correcting faults and repairing defects in buildings during the construction process is estimated to cost roughly the same amount as repairing buildings in use, e.g. another 5% (Ingvaldsen 1994). With an annual investment in refurbishment and new construction of NOK 130 billion (as in 2003), it is reasonable to estimate that approximately NOK 13 billion is being spent on repairing defects or damage to buildings every year. The Danish Building Defects Fund is the primary source of information on building quality for the past 10-15 years in Denmark. The Fund carries out yearone and year-five inspections on all publicly subsidised housing. The Fund’s database comprises information on more than 2.000 building defect inspections carried out by use of random sampling. Major deficiencies (the definition of “deficiency” is by and large equivalent to Ingvaldsen’s definition) have been registered in 5% of the year-one inspections and in 25% of the year-five inspections (Byggskadefonden 2005). 1.3 Government regulatory measures and building quality Ways to strengthen institutional capacity to implement appropriate building performance requirements and standards, and thus reducing the sensitivity of the built environment, is an important element in ad- aptation to climate change (Lisø et al. 2003), and naturally also when trying to adapt the built environment to the prevailing climate. The present general trend in legislation and regulation away from prescriptive rules to performance-based codes will increase the need for interaction between regulatory decision makers and substance matter experts (Rasmussen 1997). The most important government regulatory measure to ensure adherence to building codes and standards is the Technical Regulations under the Norwegian Planning and Building Act (PBA), which since 1997 have been performance-based. The principal motive for a transition from a prescriptive code to a performance-based code in Norway was to contribute to an increase in the quality of buildings and a reduction of the amount of building defects. Preliminary findings from a case study of process induced building defects suggest that the adoption of a performance-based building code has indeed led to a positive change in quality (Mehus et al. 2004). However, even if the amended PBA appears to be contributing towards improved quality of construction, defects, flaws, and premature damage are still flourishing in new construction. Furthermore, design of details crucial to durability and service life of buildings is often omitted or they are improvised on site (Stenstad et al. 2005). The transition from a prescriptive to a performance-based code has strengthened the demand for supporting standards and design guidelines. The Building Research Design Sheets in the SINTEF Building Research Series comply with the performance-based requirements in the building code, and are important references to “pre-accepted” solutions in the technical regulations. The principal objective of the Design Sheets is to adapt experience and results from practice and research in such a way that they can be of practical benefit to the construction industry. The main purpose is to provide guidelines, solutions and recommendations that encourage high quality in the planning, design and construction of buildings. The series consists of more than 800 design sheets, the first sheets being published in 1958. It is by far the most used planning and design tool amongst Norwegian architects and engineers and is found on nearly all construction sites. The Design Sheets are continuously being updated to comply with the building code and experience-based knowledge. However, the technical solutions presented in the Building Research Series are in general meant to have a reliability level suitable for all parts of the country. The “robustness” of the Norwegian building stock, including the development of methods for classifying different climatic parameters and their impact on building envelope performance, are now being addressed as part of the research & development programme “Climate 2000”.

An important aspect of the programme will be the preparation of a thorough overview of the relevant regional climatic loads that should be taken into account during the total life cycle of the built environment, in order to develop climate adapted highperformance technical solutions, with a reliability level that reflects the different climatic impacts the constructions or materials actually are being exposed to. The basis for calculating characteristic wind and snow loads on buildings in different parts of the country is regulated by Norwegian and international standards. At present there are very few, if any, corresponding, easily accessible design guidelines for assessing geographically dependent climatic exposures related to external moisture loads. 2 METHODOLOGY SINTEF Building and Infrastructure’s project archive contains information on more than 33,000 projects in a wide range of disciplines carried out by the institute in the period from 1964 until today. Key data on these projects are stored in a Microsoft SQLserver database. The institute has undertaken analyses of building defects for more than 50 years, both on behalf of the construction industry and in comprehensive field investigations. Information on these assignments is filed in the institute’s central archive, and registered electronically in the SQL-server database. Information on the following key data is registered electronically: Client, project number, project leader, report date, age of the building, building address, construction method, keywords and summary. The summary provides overall information on the type, location, scope and cause of the defect. However, owing to incomplete summaries and keywords in the database, and also insufficient registration routines for building defect assignments in the early years of registration, a tremendous and time-consuming effort has been undertaken to extract process induced building defect assignments from the archives. Several thousand projects register as hits when searching with “defect” as the keyword. Unfortunately, not all building defect assignments are found in the database even when searching for “defect”. Therefore, a comprehensive investigation of paper copies of assignment reports has been undertaken to isolate the process induced building defect assignments. Detailed information on each assignment is obtained from the paper copies, which are being thoroughly analysed as part of the ongoing investigation and establishment of the institute’s process induced building defects database. The information on each assignment is stored in a spreadsheet program, linked electronically to information in the SQL-server database, allowing for indepth statistical analyses. Altogether it is found that the institute has approximately 5,000 process induced building defect assignment reports from the period from 1964 until today. 3 RESULTS The inflow of building defect assignment reports to the project archive is based on commercial consultancy assignments from different actors in the construction industry, and thus do not represent a systematic or in any way planned selection of building defect cases. Table 1. Existing stock of residential buildings distributed by building type and county, as of January 2005 (source: Statistics Norway,*). Total A B C D E Total 1,400,727 1,104,641 134,496 128,956 28,547 4,087 Østfold 82,498 65,255 8,585 7,389 1,075 194 Akershus 140,349 97,200 17,287 23,707 1,794 361 Oslo 65,810 23,922 12,962 18,792 10,032 102 Hedmark 75,868 67,956 3,985 3,296 431 200 Oppland 73,260 65,182 4,929 2,477 391 281 Buskerud 78,526 65,247 7,562 4,681 855 181 Vestfold 69,649 56,413 6,353 5,814 872 197 Telemark 58,874 52,593 3,141 2,340 606 194 Aust-Agder 38,133 35,177 1,460 1,239 141 116 Vest-Agder 50,920 40,513 4,270 5,357 616 164 Rogaland 121,408 98,408 13,079 8,461 1,213 247 Hordaland 129,218 94,894 11,183 17,550 5,333 258 Sogn og Fjordane 40,206 35,701 2,314 1,907 131 153 Møre og Romsdal 82,274 67,995 8,005 5,342 733 199 Sør- Trøndelag 78,334 56,667 11,291 7,374 2,533 469 Nord- Trøndelag 47,596 40,558 4,060 2,477 292 209 Nordland 88,310 74,174 7,509 5,641 692 294 Troms 51,597 45,141 3,336 2,407 586 127 Finnmark 27,897 21,645 3,185 2,705 221 141 A = Detached house/ B = House with two dwellings C = Undetached house, house built together and house with 3 or 4 dwellings/ D = Block of flats (multi-dwelling building)/ E = Residences for communities * An overview of the existing stock of non-residential buildings (2,285,665 buildings) can also be found at this website. Figure 1 presents a distribution of registered building defects distributed by type of clients. Figure 2 presents a distribution of building defects by building type. 61% of the cases of defects or damage are related to residential buildings. 38% of the total numbers of buildings in Norway are residential buildings. I.e. buildings for residential purposes are over-represented in the archive. An overview of the Norwegian stock of residential buildings is given in Table 1. Domestic buildings are e.g. detached houses, semi-detached houses, undetached houses, houses

An important aspect of the programme will be the<br />

preparation of a thorough overview of the relevant<br />

regional climatic loads that should be taken into account<br />

during the total life cycle of the built environment,<br />

in order to develop climate adapted highperformance<br />

technical solutions, with a reliability<br />

level that reflects the different climatic impacts the<br />

constructions or materials actually are being exposed<br />

to. The basis for calculating characteristic wind and<br />

snow loads on buildings in different parts of the<br />

country is regulated by Norwegian and international<br />

standards. At present there are very few, if any, corresponding,<br />

easily accessible design guidelines for<br />

assessing geographically dependent climatic exposures<br />

related to external moisture loads.<br />


SINTEF Building and Infrastructure’s project archive<br />

contains information on more than 33,000 projects<br />

in a wide range of disciplines carried out by the<br />

institute in the period from 1964 until today. Key<br />

data on these projects are stored in a Microsoft SQLserver<br />

database.<br />

The institute has undertaken analyses of building<br />

defects for more than 50 years, both on behalf of the<br />

construction industry and in comprehensive field investigations.<br />

Information on these assignments is<br />

filed in the institute’s central archive, and registered<br />

electronically in the SQL-server database. Information<br />

on the following key data is registered electronically:<br />

Client, project number, project leader, report<br />

date, age of the building, building address, construction<br />

method, keywords and summary. The summary<br />

provides overall information on the type, location,<br />

scope and cause of the defect.<br />

However, owing to incomplete summaries and<br />

keywords in the database, and also insufficient registration<br />

routines for building defect assignments in<br />

the early years of registration, a tremendous and<br />

time-consuming effort has been undertaken to extract<br />

process induced building defect assignments<br />

from the archives. Several thousand projects register<br />

as hits when searching with “defect” as the keyword.<br />

Unfortunately, not all building defect assignments<br />

are found in the database even when searching for<br />

“defect”. Therefore, a comprehensive investigation<br />

of paper copies of assignment reports has been undertaken<br />

to isolate the process induced building defect<br />

assignments. Detailed information on each assignment<br />

is obtained from the paper copies, which<br />

are being thoroughly analysed as part of the ongoing<br />

investigation and establishment of the institute’s<br />

process induced building defects database.<br />

The information on each assignment is stored in a<br />

spreadsheet program, linked electronically to information<br />

in the SQL-server database, allowing for indepth<br />

statistical analyses. Altogether it is found that<br />

the institute has approximately 5,000 process induced<br />

building defect assignment reports from the<br />

period from 1964 until today.<br />

3 RESULTS<br />

The inflow of building defect assignment reports to<br />

the project archive is based on commercial consultancy<br />

assignments from different actors in the construction<br />

industry, and thus do not represent a systematic<br />

or in any way planned selection of building<br />

defect cases.<br />

Table 1. Existing stock of residential buildings distributed by<br />

building type and county, as of January 2005 (source: Statistics<br />

Norway,*).<br />

Total A B C D E<br />

Total 1,400,727 1,104,641 134,496 128,956 28,547 4,087<br />

Østfold 82,498 65,255 8,585 7,389 1,075 194<br />

Akershus 140,349 97,200 17,287 23,707 1,794 361<br />

Oslo 65,810 23,922 12,962 18,792 10,032 102<br />

Hedmark 75,868 67,956 3,985 3,296 431 200<br />

Oppland 73,260 65,182 4,929 2,477 391 281<br />

Buskerud 78,526 65,247 7,562 4,681 855 181<br />

Vestfold 69,649 56,413 6,353 5,814 872 197<br />

Telemark 58,874 52,593 3,141 2,340 606 194<br />

Aust-Agder 38,133 35,177 1,460 1,239 141 116<br />

Vest-Agder 50,920 40,513 4,270 5,357 616 164<br />

Rogaland 121,408 98,408 13,079 8,461 1,213 247<br />

Hordaland 129,218 94,894 11,183 17,550 5,333 258<br />

Sogn og<br />

Fjordane<br />

40,206 35,701 2,314 1,907 131 153<br />

Møre og<br />

Romsdal<br />

82,274 67,995 8,005 5,342 733 199<br />

Sør-<br />

Trøndelag<br />

78,334 56,667 11,291 7,374 2,533 469<br />

Nord-<br />

Trøndelag<br />

47,596 40,558 4,060 2,477 292 209<br />

Nordland 88,310 74,174 7,509 5,641 692 294<br />

Troms 51,597 45,141 3,336 2,407 586 127<br />

Finnmark 27,897 21,645 3,185 2,705 221 141<br />

A = Detached house/ B = House with two dwellings<br />

C = Undetached house, house built together and house with 3 or 4<br />

dwellings/ D = Block of flats (multi-dwelling building)/ E = Residences<br />

for communities<br />

* An overview of the existing stock of non-residential buildings<br />

(2,285,665 buildings) can also be found at this website.<br />

Figure 1 presents a distribution of registered<br />

building defects distributed by type of clients.<br />

Figure 2 presents a distribution of building defects<br />

by building type. 61% of the cases of defects or<br />

damage are related to residential buildings. 38% of<br />

the total numbers of buildings in Norway are residential<br />

buildings. I.e. buildings for residential purposes<br />

are over-represented in the archive. An overview<br />

of the Norwegian stock of residential buildings<br />

is given in Table 1.<br />

Domestic buildings are e.g. detached houses,<br />

semi-detached houses, undetached houses, houses

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