Lisø PhD Dissertation Manuscript - NTNU

Lisø PhD Dissertation Manuscript - NTNU Lisø PhD Dissertation Manuscript - NTNU


LisÖ Many different levels of politicians, authorities and actors in the construction industry are involved in the control of a safe and robust built environment by means of regulation, building codes, guidelines and operational procedures. Rasmussen’s (1997) description of the socio-technical system involved in the control of safety provides an excellent illustration of the complexity of risk management in a dynamic society, with a very fast pace of change of information and communication technology, and increasing demands for profit and shorter construction periods. Rasmussen concludes: risk management must be modelled by cross-disciplinary studies, considering risk management to be a control problem and serving to represent the control structure involving all levels of society for each particular hazard category. (p. 183) Cross-disciplinary studies are to be separated from multidisciplinary studies, as in this context it is necessary to ensure cooperation along vertical decisionmaking lines, i.e. from government regulatory bodies via local regulatory bodies and inhabitants, research communities and company management to the craftsmen on site. The importance of horizontal cooperation on all these levels must, of course, still be highly emphasized. Discursive strategy The challenge of adapting to global climate change is especially important for the built environment, having an expected lifetime from 60 to more than 100 years (and far more for cultural heritage buildings). The possible impacts of climate change on the building stock being built over the next few decades must therefore be addressed today. However, present design standards, codes of practice and operational procedures do not take potential climate change impacts into account. A sustainable built environment depends on these questions being sufficiently addressed by all actors in the construction industry. This can only be done if the challenge of climate change is acknowledged amongst the users of the built environment. At present this is not the case (Lisø et al., 2003). A lack of awareness of climate change impacts calls for a third management strategy to be introduced: the discursive strategy. This strategy is both appropriate and necessary where the potential for wide-ranging damage is ignored due to a delay effect as, for example, the impacts of future climate change, i.e. the risk is not being taken seriously because of the delay between the initial event and the damage impact (Klinke and Renn, 2001). Discursive management strategies, however obvious they may appear, are necessary when building awareness and confidence, strengthening regulatory bodies and initiating collective efforts by institutions to take responsibility 6 (the dictionary definition of the word ‘discursive’ is ‘proceeding to a conclusion by reason or argument rather than intuition’). Application of precautionary and discursive risk-management strategies In the above sections, climate vulnerability, adaptation measures and established risk-management strategies were presented in general. In the following sections, the application of precautionary and discursive riskmanagement strategies as a means to increase the robustness of the built environment is discussed in more detail. The building stock some time into the future consists of the building stock of today and of new construction. Parts of the present building stock in the future will be adapted to changes in the environment, while parts are kept as is. Analysis of how the building stock is affected by the risks of future climate change should handle this diversity (Nordvik and Lisø, 2004). A successful implementation of the precautionary principle calls for an understanding and awareness of the potential future risks and a decision model that ensures interaction between all actors in the construction industry, from regulatory bodies at government level to the different actors on the construction site. The task of preparing the construction industry for the unknown risks associated with future climate change impacts is complex. While some adaptation measures can be undertaken by actors within the industry alone, the importance of addressing the underlying causes and constraints of both sensitivity and coping capacity means these measures must be supplemented by ones that go far beyond the construction industry (Lisø et al., 2003). Today, no holistic or conscious strategy or policy for addressing these ‘wider-thansector’ issues exists in Norway. Natural disasters caused by extreme weather events, avalanches, storm surges or landslides are obvious challenges. However, variations over normal everyday impact from different climate parameters in a country with extremely varied climate conditions are also a significant challenge. Climatic impact causes extensive degradation and damage to the built environment every year, e.g. refer to the earlier example on building defects in Norway. The design of building envelopes should be expected to be the result of choices based on optimally utilized information and knowledge on both building technology and the different impacts to which the buildings are exposed (Nordvik and Lisø, 2004). Several sources of uncertainties exist related to both scenarios for global climate change, and to the effects of global warming on regional- and local-level climate in different parts of the country. However, an increased focus

on the impacts of different climatic parameters on building envelope performance will lead to a more climate-adapted design in new construction, and also to a more robust performance of existing buildings. The potential benefits or adverse implications of climate change on the building stock can be addressed at different levels (Nordvik and Lisø, 2004): . How will the performance and cost of operating of existing buildings be affected by climate change if the buildings are kept unaltered? . How should existing buildings be adapted to changes in climatic impact? At what costs can this be done, and when should it be done? . How will the technical and economical lifetime of buildings be affected by climate change? . How will the choice of technology, materials and design in new construction be affected? . How will the time path of the level of new construction be affected? Nordvik and Lisø (2004) use tools from economic theory to develop a stylized and abstract model of the decisions of a building owner facing an uncertain evolution of the climate. This is done through the use of a putty-clay model (i.e. building characteristics can only be changed through major economic efforts such as retrofitting or alterations once they are erected). Using the real options approach to building economics, it is found that uncertainty about which climate regimes will prevail in the future enhances the profitability of actions which increases future flexibility. The real options approach starts from the fact that choices today affect (and sometimes determine) the set of future choice alternatives and their profitability. Hence, a positively valued real option may be a part of the pay-off of an immediate action. This is related to the precautionary principle as it explicitly treats the link between present choices and future possibilities – or options. It is argued that uncertainties related to potential impacts of future climate change in fact can reduce maintenance, reconstruction and the occurrence of scrapping of buildings. Hence, future climate uncertainty can in fact increase the economic lifetime of a building. This example illustrates the complexity of the challenge at hand. Efforts made to increase the robustness and sustainability of the built environment must be addressed both at the regulatory and the operative levels. The latter requires the introduction of risk-management models that focus on the behaviour psychology of the different actors in the construction process. The reaction of individuals to external influences is of major Integrated approach to risk management of future climate change impacts importance when addressing risk management and climate change, which is a vast topic that clearly needs more research. Rasmussen (1997) states that the behaviour of a dynamic socio-technical system (i.e. the built environment) cannot be represented in terms of task sequences and errors, referring to a ‘correct’ or ‘rational’ performance. Furthermore, he concludes that task analysis focused on action sequences and occasional deviation in terms of human errors should be replaced by a model of behaviour-shaping mechanisms in terms of work system constraints, boundaries of acceptable performance and subjective criteria guiding adaptation to change. This approach, based on multidisciplinary research on industrial risk management, might also be beneficial for the development of adaptation strategies to meet the unknown risks of future climate change. Raising awareness of climate change: a key discursive strategy The ways in which the construction industry interacts with other sectors (as well as interactions between political, social and economic processes at large) clearly needs further understanding. The Norwegian government has regulated the insurance market by establishing a risk-pooling mechanism in the case of natural perils, including climatically triggered extreme events. Although the Norwegian Pool of Natural Perils addresses collective security and insurance, no climate change-related measures exist that target the underlying causes of sensitivity and coping capacity, or any of the factors constraining institutional capacity to effectuate adaptation (Lisø et al., 2003). Factors that need to be considered are, for example, institutional fit, the interaction between institutions, goal conflicts and power relations, government incentive structures, competing concerns within institutions (Næss, 2002), and the responsibility of the academic teaching environment. The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and NBI envisages the development of a field of expertise in which wide-ranging knowledge about meteorology, climatology, atmospheric science, architecture (building practice) and construction technology is carefully integrated, and it aims to ensure the construction of reliable, climate-adapted buildings and built environments in the future. The challenge of future climate change necessitates academic institutions with long-term strategies on the education of engineers and architects. Raising awareness of this challenge not only make would the actors in the construction industry able to reduce adverse impacts of climate change, but also would lead to a better understanding of the need for local climate adaptation of buildings and other infrastructure. 7

on the impacts of different climatic parameters on<br />

building envelope performance will lead to a more<br />

climate-adapted design in new construction, and also<br />

to a more robust performance of existing buildings.<br />

The potential benefits or adverse implications of<br />

climate change on the building stock can be addressed<br />

at different levels (Nordvik and <strong>Lisø</strong>, 2004):<br />

. How will the performance and cost of operating of<br />

existing buildings be affected by climate change if<br />

the buildings are kept unaltered?<br />

. How should existing buildings be adapted to<br />

changes in climatic impact? At what costs can<br />

this be done, and when should it be done?<br />

. How will the technical and economical lifetime of<br />

buildings be affected by climate change?<br />

. How will the choice of technology, materials and<br />

design in new construction be affected?<br />

. How will the time path of the level of new construction<br />

be affected?<br />

Nordvik and <strong>Lisø</strong> (2004) use tools from economic<br />

theory to develop a stylized and abstract model of the<br />

decisions of a building owner facing an uncertain evolution<br />

of the climate. This is done through the use of a<br />

putty-clay model (i.e. building characteristics can only<br />

be changed through major economic efforts such as retrofitting<br />

or alterations once they are erected). Using the<br />

real options approach to building economics, it is<br />

found that uncertainty about which climate regimes<br />

will prevail in the future enhances the profitability of<br />

actions which increases future flexibility. The real<br />

options approach starts from the fact that choices<br />

today affect (and sometimes determine) the set of<br />

future choice alternatives and their profitability.<br />

Hence, a positively valued real option may be a part<br />

of the pay-off of an immediate action. This is related<br />

to the precautionary principle as it explicitly treats<br />

the link between present choices and future possibilities<br />

– or options. It is argued that uncertainties<br />

related to potential impacts of future climate change<br />

in fact can reduce maintenance, reconstruction and<br />

the occurrence of scrapping of buildings. Hence,<br />

future climate uncertainty can in fact increase the economic<br />

lifetime of a building. This example illustrates the<br />

complexity of the challenge at hand.<br />

Efforts made to increase the robustness and sustainability<br />

of the built environment must be addressed<br />

both at the regulatory and the operative levels. The<br />

latter requires the introduction of risk-management<br />

models that focus on the behaviour psychology of the<br />

different actors in the construction process. The reaction<br />

of individuals to external influences is of major<br />

Integrated approach to risk management of future climate change impacts<br />

importance when addressing risk management and<br />

climate change, which is a vast topic that clearly<br />

needs more research. Rasmussen (1997) states that<br />

the behaviour of a dynamic socio-technical system<br />

(i.e. the built environment) cannot be represented in<br />

terms of task sequences and errors, referring to a<br />

‘correct’ or ‘rational’ performance. Furthermore, he<br />

concludes that task analysis focused on action<br />

sequences and occasional deviation in terms of<br />

human errors should be replaced by a model of behaviour-shaping<br />

mechanisms in terms of work system<br />

constraints, boundaries of acceptable performance<br />

and subjective criteria guiding adaptation to change.<br />

This approach, based on multidisciplinary research<br />

on industrial risk management, might also be beneficial<br />

for the development of adaptation strategies to meet<br />

the unknown risks of future climate change.<br />

Raising awareness of climate change: a key<br />

discursive strategy<br />

The ways in which the construction industry interacts<br />

with other sectors (as well as interactions between political,<br />

social and economic processes at large) clearly<br />

needs further understanding. The Norwegian government<br />

has regulated the insurance market by establishing<br />

a risk-pooling mechanism in the case of natural<br />

perils, including climatically triggered extreme events.<br />

Although the Norwegian Pool of Natural Perils<br />

addresses collective security and insurance, no<br />

climate change-related measures exist that target the<br />

underlying causes of sensitivity and coping capacity,<br />

or any of the factors constraining institutional capacity<br />

to effectuate adaptation (<strong>Lisø</strong> et al., 2003). Factors that<br />

need to be considered are, for example, institutional fit,<br />

the interaction between institutions, goal conflicts and<br />

power relations, government incentive structures, competing<br />

concerns within institutions (Næss, 2002), and<br />

the responsibility of the academic teaching<br />

environment.<br />

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology<br />

(<strong>NTNU</strong>) and NBI envisages the development of a<br />

field of expertise in which wide-ranging knowledge<br />

about meteorology, climatology, atmospheric science,<br />

architecture (building practice) and construction technology<br />

is carefully integrated, and it aims to ensure<br />

the construction of reliable, climate-adapted buildings<br />

and built environments in the future. The challenge of<br />

future climate change necessitates academic institutions<br />

with long-term strategies on the education of<br />

engineers and architects. Raising awareness of this<br />

challenge not only make would the actors in the construction<br />

industry able to reduce adverse impacts of<br />

climate change, but also would lead to a better understanding<br />

of the need for local climate adaptation of<br />

buildings and other infrastructure.<br />


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