Lisø PhD Dissertation Manuscript - NTNU

Lisø PhD Dissertation Manuscript - NTNU Lisø PhD Dissertation Manuscript - NTNU


LisÖ Introduction At present, building design codes, standards and operational procedures are based on historic weather data. The existing building stock in the next few decades is likely to be exposed to significantly different climatic strains compared with today due to climate change. We are venturing into the unknown with climate, and its associated impacts could be quite disruptive. (Karl and Trenberth, 2003, p. 1719) The present paper discusses the use of modern riskmanagement theories as a basis for the development of cross-disciplinary strategies to meet the challenges of future climate change within the built environment. First, climate vulnerability and adaptation are discussed in general. Next, a point of departure for the support of decision-making aimed at reducing climate vulnerability in the built environment is suggested using established risk-management strategies and Norway as a starting point. Finally, possible ways of supporting decision-making aimed at ensuring sustainable buildings are suggested by applying a flexible combination of risk-based, precautionary and discursive risk-management strategies. Climate change Modern climate change is now dominated by human influences large enough to be compared with the bounds of natural variability, the main source of global climate change being human-induced changes in atmospheric composition (Karl and Trenberth, 2003). Man-induced climate change can be avoided in the long-term only by reducing global emissions of greenhouse gases to a fraction of present levels within one or two centuries (Hasselmann et al., 2003). Regional changes in climate, particularly increases in temperature, have already affected several physical and biological systems in many parts of the world, e.g. the shrinkage of glaciers, the thawing of the permafrost, and the lengthening of mid- to high-latitude growing seasons (McCarthy et al., 2001). Measures aimed at halting global climate change through greenhouse gas mitigation options need to overcome many technical, economic, political, cultural, social, behavioural and/or institutional barriers that prevent the full exploitation of the technical, economic and social opportunities of these mitigation options (Metz et al., 2001). The possible effects of climate change, and the subject of risk management, adaptation and mitigation, are now being addressed in several parts of the world. Challenges confronting the built environment in responding to the potential impacts of climate change were one of the main themes in a special issue of 2 Building Research &Information (31[3–4]; 2003) (Du Plessis et al., 2003; Hertin et al., 2003; Larsson, 2003; Lisø et al., 2003; Mills, 2003; Sanders and Phillipson, 2003; Shimoda, 2003; Steemers, 2003). An overview of Norwegian climate policies, climate change scenarios, potential impacts (including impacts on building performance) and practical implications of preparing Norway for climate change is presented by Lisø et al. (2003) and O’Brien et al. (2004). Another special issue of Building Research &Information (32[5]; 2004) presents new research on managing risks from natural hazards (Comerio, 2004; Spence, 2004; Spence and Kelman, 2004; White, 2004). Norway’s climate is extremely varied, the rugged topography being one of the main reasons for large local differences in temperature, precipitation and wind speed over short distances. The country’s long coastline and steep topography make it particularly prone to extreme events such as coastal storms, avalanches and landslides. Regional scenarios for climate change over the next 50 years in Norway indicate an increased risk from extreme weather. Together with a warmer climate, especially during the winter, an increased risk for intense precipitation over parts of coastal Norway and more frequent incidents of strong winds along the coast of the two northernmost counties and off the coast are estimated. These scenarios, emanating from the project ‘Regional Climate Development Under Global Warming (RegClim)’, 1 are downscaled from a global climate model run by the Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany. There are several sources of uncertainties related to both scenarios for global climate change and to the effects of global warming on regional-level climate. The regional scenarios should not be considered as ‘forecasts’, but rather as an indication on the likely range and nature of future weather scenarios (Lisø et al., 2003). Climate vulnerability and adaptive capacity Key challenges Norway’s vulnerability is likely to be influenced by impacts from global-scale climate change, even though the country is considered to have a high adaptive capacity based on macro-level indicators such as wealth, technology, information, skills, infrastructure, institutions, equity, empowerment and the ability to spread risk (McCarthy et al., 2001; Yohe and Tol, 2002; O’Brien et al., 2004). However, few studies have demonstrated that these factors will actually lead to successful adaptation in Norway (Lisø et al., 2003). Regional- and local-level assessments indicate that climate change will entail considerable challenges to some regions and social groups (O’Brien et al., 2004). Investigations carried out by the Norwegian Building Research Institute (NBI) indicate that the

cost of repairing process-induced building defects in Norway amounts to 5% of the annual capital invested in new buildings (Ingvaldsen, 1994). Ingvaldsen also found that this estimate was in good agreement with 13 corresponding investigations or sources of information in other European countries (with a mean estimate varying between 3 and 5%). Correcting faults and repairing defects in buildings during the construction process is estimated to cost roughly the same as repairing buildings in use, e.g. another 5% (Ingvaldsen, 1994). With an annual investment in refurbishment and new construction of 130 billion Norwegian kronor (as of 2003), it is therefore reasonable to estimate that up to 13 billion kronor is being spent on repairing defects or damage to buildings every year. NBI has more than 5000 process-induced building defect assignment reports in its archives, which is a considerable source of experience-based knowledge. Results from a preliminary review of assignments investigated in the decade between 1993 and 2002 (2378 building defect cases registered and described in 2045 assignment reports) show that defects related to the building envelope constitute about two-thirds of the investigated cases (Lisø et al., 2005a, b). Moisture as the main source causing the defect accounts for as much as 76% of all investigated cases in that decade. Many types of building defect cases are recurring items, which indicates a general lack of knowledge amongst the different actors in the construction industry concerning fundamental principles of building physics. These findings support earlier investigations concluding that the construction industry is unable to learn from past experience and that the exchange of knowledge in construction projects is unsatisfactory (e.g. Lisø et al., 2000). A field investigation of a random sample of 20 existing low-rise buildings with large spans (e.g. schools, sports buildings and industrial buildings) situated in areas exposed to high wind action and extreme snowfall in Norway shows that 18 of these buildings do not meet current regulatory requirements relating to safety against collapse owing to snow loads and wind action (Meløysund et al., accepted). Projected changes in climatic conditions will further enhance vulnerability within the construction industry and the built environment. Key de¢nitions At the outset of this paper, it is sensible to clarify a few key definitions to be used in further discussions on riskmanagement and decision-making instruments. ‘Risk’ is termed here as a function of the probability of undesirable events and the subsequent consequences of these (Norges offentlige utredninger (NOU), 2000), Integrated approach to risk management of future climate change impacts and in the International Standardisation Organisation (ISO)/IEC Guide No. 73:2002 (ISO, 2002), it is defined as a ‘combination of the probability of an event and its consequence’. Risk expresses the potential loss of important values as a consequence of undesirable events, e.g. adverse social, economic and technical implications of climate change in the built environment. Risk-reducing measures or activities are normally assessed with reference to quantitative risk acceptance criteria. ‘Risk management’ is defined in ISO (2002, p. 4) as ‘coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with regard to risk’. Risk management implies that undesirable outcomes can be avoided, but where they are unavoidable, they can be mitigated if connections between cause and effect are properly defined (Jaeger et al., 2001). ‘Risk analysis’ provides a basis for the evaluation of risk and is defined as ‘systematic use of information to identify sources (having a potential for a consequence) and to estimate the risk’ (ISO, 2002, p. 5). The risk of adverse impacts as a consequence of climate change is not well determined, and the riskmanagement principle adopted should be the ALARP principle: the risk should be reduced to a level that is ‘as low as reasonably practicable’. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) definitions of sensitivity, adaptability and vulnerability are as follows (McCarthy et al., 2001): ‘Sensitivity’ is the degree to which a system is affected either adversely or beneficially, by climate-related stimuli. Climate-related stimuli encompass all the elements of climate change, including mean climate characteristics, climate variability, and the frequency and magnitude of extremes. The effect may be direct (e.g. a change in crop yield in response to a change in the mean, range or variability of temperature) or indirect (e.g. damages caused by an increase in the frequency of coastal flooding due to sealevel rise). ‘Adaptive capacity’ is the ability of a system to adjust to climate change, including climate variability and extremes, to moderate potential damages, to take advantage of opportunities, or to cope with the consequences. ‘Vulnerability’ is the degree to which a system is susceptible to, or unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change, including climate variability and extremes. Vulnerability is a function of the character, magnitude and rate of climate change and variation to which a system is exposed, its sensitivity, and its adaptive capacity. 3

LisÖ<br />

Introduction<br />

At present, building design codes, standards and operational<br />

procedures are based on historic weather data.<br />

The existing building stock in the next few decades is<br />

likely to be exposed to significantly different climatic<br />

strains compared with today due to climate change.<br />

We are venturing into the unknown with climate,<br />

and its associated impacts could be quite disruptive.<br />

(Karl and Trenberth, 2003, p. 1719)<br />

The present paper discusses the use of modern riskmanagement<br />

theories as a basis for the development<br />

of cross-disciplinary strategies to meet the challenges<br />

of future climate change within the built environment.<br />

First, climate vulnerability and adaptation are discussed<br />

in general. Next, a point of departure for the<br />

support of decision-making aimed at reducing climate<br />

vulnerability in the built environment is suggested<br />

using established risk-management strategies and<br />

Norway as a starting point. Finally, possible ways of<br />

supporting decision-making aimed at ensuring sustainable<br />

buildings are suggested by applying a flexible combination<br />

of risk-based, precautionary and discursive<br />

risk-management strategies.<br />

Climate change<br />

Modern climate change is now dominated by human<br />

influences large enough to be compared with the<br />

bounds of natural variability, the main source of<br />

global climate change being human-induced changes<br />

in atmospheric composition (Karl and Trenberth,<br />

2003). Man-induced climate change can be avoided<br />

in the long-term only by reducing global emissions of<br />

greenhouse gases to a fraction of present levels within<br />

one or two centuries (Hasselmann et al., 2003).<br />

Regional changes in climate, particularly increases in<br />

temperature, have already affected several physical<br />

and biological systems in many parts of the world,<br />

e.g. the shrinkage of glaciers, the thawing of the permafrost,<br />

and the lengthening of mid- to high-latitude<br />

growing seasons (McCarthy et al., 2001). Measures<br />

aimed at halting global climate change through greenhouse<br />

gas mitigation options need to overcome many<br />

technical, economic, political, cultural, social, behavioural<br />

and/or institutional barriers that prevent the<br />

full exploitation of the technical, economic and social<br />

opportunities of these mitigation options (Metz et al.,<br />

2001).<br />

The possible effects of climate change, and the subject<br />

of risk management, adaptation and mitigation, are<br />

now being addressed in several parts of the world.<br />

Challenges confronting the built environment in<br />

responding to the potential impacts of climate change<br />

were one of the main themes in a special issue of<br />

2<br />

Building Research &Information (31[3–4]; 2003)<br />

(Du Plessis et al., 2003; Hertin et al., 2003; Larsson,<br />

2003; <strong>Lisø</strong> et al., 2003; Mills, 2003; Sanders and Phillipson,<br />

2003; Shimoda, 2003; Steemers, 2003). An<br />

overview of Norwegian climate policies, climate<br />

change scenarios, potential impacts (including<br />

impacts on building performance) and practical implications<br />

of preparing Norway for climate change is<br />

presented by <strong>Lisø</strong> et al. (2003) and O’Brien et al.<br />

(2004). Another special issue of Building Research<br />

&Information (32[5]; 2004) presents new research<br />

on managing risks from natural hazards (Comerio,<br />

2004; Spence, 2004; Spence and Kelman, 2004;<br />

White, 2004).<br />

Norway’s climate is extremely varied, the rugged topography<br />

being one of the main reasons for large local<br />

differences in temperature, precipitation and wind<br />

speed over short distances. The country’s long coastline<br />

and steep topography make it particularly prone to<br />

extreme events such as coastal storms, avalanches<br />

and landslides. Regional scenarios for climate change<br />

over the next 50 years in Norway indicate an increased<br />

risk from extreme weather. Together with a warmer<br />

climate, especially during the winter, an increased<br />

risk for intense precipitation over parts of coastal<br />

Norway and more frequent incidents of strong winds<br />

along the coast of the two northernmost counties and<br />

off the coast are estimated. These scenarios, emanating<br />

from the project ‘Regional Climate Development<br />

Under Global Warming (RegClim)’, 1 are downscaled<br />

from a global climate model run by the Max-Planck<br />

Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany.<br />

There are several sources of uncertainties related to<br />

both scenarios for global climate change and to the<br />

effects of global warming on regional-level climate.<br />

The regional scenarios should not be considered as<br />

‘forecasts’, but rather as an indication on the likely<br />

range and nature of future weather scenarios (<strong>Lisø</strong><br />

et al., 2003).<br />

Climate vulnerability and adaptive capacity<br />

Key challenges<br />

Norway’s vulnerability is likely to be influenced by<br />

impacts from global-scale climate change, even<br />

though the country is considered to have a high adaptive<br />

capacity based on macro-level indicators such as<br />

wealth, technology, information, skills, infrastructure,<br />

institutions, equity, empowerment and the ability to<br />

spread risk (McCarthy et al., 2001; Yohe and Tol,<br />

2002; O’Brien et al., 2004). However, few studies<br />

have demonstrated that these factors will actually<br />

lead to successful adaptation in Norway (<strong>Lisø</strong> et al.,<br />

2003). Regional- and local-level assessments indicate<br />

that climate change will entail considerable challenges<br />

to some regions and social groups (O’Brien et al.,<br />

2004). Investigations carried out by the Norwegian<br />

Building Research Institute (NBI) indicate that the

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