Franz Brentano_The True and the Evident.pdf

Franz Brentano_The True and the Evident.pdf

Franz Brentano_The True and the Evident.pdf


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III<br />



(From <strong>the</strong> notes to Vom Ursprung sittlicher Erkenntnis, 1889)<br />

Descartes writes in <strong>the</strong> third Meditation: “It is requisite that I should here divide my<br />

thoughts (all mental acts) into certain kinds…. Of my thoughts some are, so to speak,<br />

images of <strong>the</strong> things, <strong>and</strong> to <strong>the</strong>se alone is <strong>the</strong> title ‘idea’ properly applied; examples are<br />

my thought of a man or of a chimera, of heaven, of an angel, or of God. But o<strong>the</strong>r thoughts<br />

possess o<strong>the</strong>r forms as well. For example, in willing, fearing, approving, denying, though<br />

I always perceive something as <strong>the</strong> subject of <strong>the</strong> action of my mind, yet by this action I<br />

always add something else to <strong>the</strong> idea which I have of that thing; <strong>and</strong> of <strong>the</strong> thoughts of this<br />

kind some are called volitions or affections, <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs judgements.”*<br />

Despite this clear statement, we find Windelb<strong>and</strong> saying that, according to Descartes, to<br />

judge is to will.† What misled him is Descartes’ treatment, in <strong>the</strong> fourth Meditation, of <strong>the</strong><br />

influence of <strong>the</strong> will in <strong>the</strong> formation of our judgements. After all, scholastic philosophers—<br />

Suarez, for example—have attributed too much to this influence, <strong>and</strong> Descartes himself<br />

exaggerates it to <strong>the</strong> point of considering every judgement, even those which are evident,<br />

as <strong>the</strong> product of an act of will. But it is one thing to produce <strong>the</strong> judgement <strong>and</strong> quite<br />

ano<strong>the</strong>r thing to be that judgement. <strong>The</strong> view that judgement is a product of <strong>the</strong> act of will<br />

does appear in <strong>the</strong> passage cited above, <strong>and</strong> it is probably what led Descartes to assign<br />

judgement to <strong>the</strong> third place in his classification of psychological phenomena. And yet he<br />

can add, quite consistently, concerning such phenomena, “Some are called volitions <strong>and</strong><br />

o<strong>the</strong>rs are called judgements”.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are two passages in Descartes’ later writings which are more likely to lead us astray.<br />

One of <strong>the</strong>se appeared in <strong>the</strong> Principles of Philosophy (Part I, Principle 32), written three<br />

years after <strong>the</strong> Meditations, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r three years after that, in <strong>the</strong> Notae in Programma*<br />

It is strange that Windelb<strong>and</strong> did not appeal to <strong>the</strong> passage from <strong>the</strong> Principles, instead of to<br />

* Nunc autem ordo videtur exigere, ut prius omnes meas cogitationes in certa genera distribuam….<br />

Quaedam ex his tanquam rerum imagines sunt, quibus solis proprie convenit ideae nomen, ut<br />

cum hominem, vel chimaeram, vel coelum, vel angelum, vel Deum cogito; aliae vero alias<br />

quasdam praeterea formas habent, ut cum volo, cum timeo, cum affirmo, cum nego, semper<br />

quidem aliquam rem ut subjectum meae cogitationis apprehendo, sed aliquid etiam amplius<br />

quam istius rei similitudinem cogitatione complector; et ex his aliae voluntates sive affectus,<br />

aliae autem judicia appellantur. [English trans. from <strong>the</strong> Philosophical Works of Descartes, trans.<br />

E.S.Haldane <strong>and</strong> G.R.T.Ross, Vol. I, p. 159.]<br />

† Strassburger Abh<strong>and</strong>lungen zur Philosophie, (1884), p. 171.<br />

* ”Notes directed against a Certain Programme, published in Belgium at <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> year 1647,<br />

under <strong>the</strong> title ‘An Explanation of <strong>the</strong> Human Mind or Rational Soul: What it is <strong>and</strong> What it May<br />


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