Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf

Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf
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ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 the Law; because to them was exhibited, under shadows and figures only, what is now openly manifested in the shining face of Christ. The veil of the temple being rent, (Matthew 27:51,) we enter by faith into the heavenly sanctuary, and are freely permitted to approach to God. Although the fathers were satisfied with their lot, and enjoyed a blessed peace in their own minds, yet this did not prevent their desires from extending farther. Thus, Abraham saw the day of Christ afar off, and rejoice, (John 8:56,) and yet longed to enjoy a nearer view, but did not obtain his wish. Simeon spoke the sentiments of all, 191 when he said, Now thou sendest thy servant away in peace, (Luke 2:29.) And indeed it was impossible that, under the burden of that curse by which the human race is crushed, they should be otherwise than altogether inflamed with the desire of a promised deliverance. 192 Let us therefore learn, that they breathed after Christ, like hungry persons, and yet possessed a serene faith; so that they did not murmur against God, but kept their minds in patient expectation till the full time of revelation. MATTHEW 13:18-23; MARK 4:13-20; LUKE 8:11-15 Matthew 13:18-23 Mark 4:13-20 Luke 8:11-15 18. Hear therefore the 13. And he said to them, 11. Now the parable is this: parable of the sower. 19. When Know you not this parable? and The seed is the word of God. any one heareth the word of the how shall you know all 12. And they that (received the kingdom, and understandeth not, parables? 14. The sower is he seed) near the road are those that wicked one cometh, and that soweth the word. 15. And who hear: afterwards cometh the taketh away what was sown in there are some that (receive the devil, and taketh the word out of the heart. This is he who seed) near the road, in whom the their heart, that they may not received seed near the road. word is sown; and when they believe and be saved. 13. For 20. But he that received the seed have heard, immediately Satan they that are on the rock are thrown into stony places, is he cometh, and taketh away the those who, when they have that heareth the word, and word which was sown in their heard, receive the word with joy: immediately receiveth it with hearts. 16. And in like manner but these have not roots, who for joy: 21. But hath not root in there are others who receive the a time believe, and in the time himself, but is of short duration: seed into stony places, who, of temptation fall away. 14. And when affliction or persecution when they have heard the word, what fell among thorns are those ariseth on account of the word, immediately receive it with joy; who have heard, and, going immediately he is offended. 17. And have not root in away, are choked by the 191 “Simeon disoit selon l’affection de tours les Peres;” — “Simeon spoke according to the feeling of all the Fathers.” 192 “Et de faict, il ne se pouvoit faire que ces bons personnages ne fussent tous ravis, et comme enflambez d’un grand desir de la delivrance promise.” — “And indeed it was impossible that those good men should not be altogether transported, and as it were inflamed with a great desire of the promised deliverance.” 76 John Calvin

ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 22. And he that received the themselves, but are of short anxieties, and riches, and seed among thorns is he that duration: afterwards, when pleasures of life, and do not heareth the word, and the care affliction or persecution ariseth yield fruit. 15. And what fell into of this life, and the deceitfulness on account of the words, a good soil are those who, with of riches, choke the word, and it immediately they are offended. a good and upright heart, keep becometh unfruitful. 23. But he 18. And there are others who it, and yield fruit with patience. who receiveth seed into a good receive the seed among thorns: soil is he that heareth the word these are they that hear the word, and understandeth it, and who 19. And the anxieties of this life, afterwards yieldeth and and the deceitfulness of riches, 193 produceth fruit, some a and the desires of other things, hundred-fold, some sixty-fold, entering in, choke the word, and and some thirty-fold. it is rendered unfruitful. 20. There are others who have received the seed into a good soil, who hear the word, and receive it, and bear fruit, some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred. According to Matthew and Luke, Christ explains the parable to his disciples simply, and unaccompanied by a reproof; but according to Mark, he indirectly blames them for being slow of apprehension, because those who were to be the teachers of all did not run before others. 194 The general truth conveyed is, that the doctrine of the Gospel, when it is scattered like seed, 195 is not everywhere fruitful; because it does not always meet with a fertile and well cultivated soil. He enumerates four kinds of hearers: the first of which do not receive the seed; 196 the second appear, indeed, to receive it, 197 but in such a manner that it does not take deep root; in the third, the corn 193 “Celuy qui oit la Parole, et l’entend, a scavoir celuy qui porte et produit fruict;” — “he who heareth the word, and understandeth it, that is he who beareth and produceth fruit.” 194 “Ne passent autrement les autres pour leur monstrer le chemin;”— “did not go beyond others to show them the road.” 195 “Estant espandue ca et la comme le b1e qu’on iette en terre;”— “being scattered here and there, like the corn which is thrown into the earth.” 196 “Desquels les premiers ne retienent pas la semence en leurs coeurs pour germer;” — “the first of which do not retain the seed in their hearts so as to spring up.” 197 “Les seconds semblent bien l’avoir gardee iusques a venir a germer;” — “the second appear to have kept it till it came to spring up.” 77 John Calvin

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Commentary</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong>, <strong>Mark</strong>, <strong>Luke</strong> - <strong>Volume</strong> 2<br />

the Law; because to them was exhibited, under shadows and figures <strong>on</strong>ly, what is now openly<br />

manifested in the shining face of Christ. The veil of the temple being rent, (<strong>Matthew</strong> 27:51,) we<br />

enter by faith into the heavenly sanctuary, and are freely permitted to approach to God. Although<br />

the fathers were satisfied with their lot, and enjoyed a blessed peace in their own minds, yet this<br />

did not prevent their desires from extending farther. Thus, Abraham saw the day of Christ afar off,<br />

and rejoice, (John 8:56,) and yet l<strong>on</strong>ged to enjoy a nearer view, but did not obtain his wish. Sime<strong>on</strong><br />

spoke the sentiments of all, 191 when he said, Now thou sendest thy servant away in peace, (<strong>Luke</strong><br />

2:29.) And indeed it was impossible that, under the burden of that curse by which the human race<br />

is crushed, they should be otherwise than altogether inflamed with the desire of a promised<br />

deliverance. 192 Let us therefore learn, that they breathed after Christ, like hungry pers<strong>on</strong>s, and yet<br />

possessed a serene faith; so that they did not murmur against God, but kept their minds in patient<br />

expectati<strong>on</strong> till the full time of revelati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

MATTHEW 13:18-23; MARK 4:13-20; LUKE 8:11-15<br />

<strong>Matthew</strong> 13:18-23<br />

<strong>Mark</strong> 4:13-20<br />

<strong>Luke</strong> 8:11-15<br />

18. Hear therefore the 13. And he said to them, 11. Now the parable is this:<br />

parable of the sower. 19. When Know you not this parable? and The seed is the word of God.<br />

any <strong>on</strong>e heareth the word of the how shall you know all 12. And they that (received the<br />

kingdom, and understandeth not, parables? 14. The sower is he seed) near the road are those<br />

that wicked <strong>on</strong>e cometh, and that soweth the word. 15. And who hear: afterwards cometh the<br />

taketh away what was sown in there are some that (receive the devil, and taketh the word out of<br />

the heart. This is he who seed) near the road, in whom the their heart, that they may not<br />

received seed near the road. word is sown; and when they believe and be saved. 13. For<br />

20. But he that received the seed have heard, immediately Satan they that are <strong>on</strong> the rock are<br />

thrown into st<strong>on</strong>y places, is he cometh, and taketh away the those who, when they have<br />

that heareth the word, and word which was sown in their heard, receive the word with joy:<br />

immediately receiveth it with hearts. 16. And in like manner but these have not roots, who for<br />

joy: 21. But hath not root in there are others who receive the a time believe, and in the time<br />

himself, but is of short durati<strong>on</strong>: seed into st<strong>on</strong>y places, who, of temptati<strong>on</strong> fall away. 14. And<br />

when afflicti<strong>on</strong> or persecuti<strong>on</strong> when they have heard the word, what fell am<strong>on</strong>g thorns are those<br />

ariseth <strong>on</strong> account of the word, immediately receive it with joy; who have heard, and, going<br />

immediately he is offended. 17. And have not root in away, are choked by the<br />

191 “Sime<strong>on</strong> disoit sel<strong>on</strong> l’affecti<strong>on</strong> de tours les Peres;” — “Sime<strong>on</strong> spoke according to the feeling of all the Fathers.”<br />

192 “Et de faict, il ne se pouvoit faire que ces b<strong>on</strong>s pers<strong>on</strong>nages ne fussent tous ravis, et comme enflambez d’un grand desir de<br />

la delivrance promise.” — “And indeed it was impossible that those good men should not be altogether transported, and as it<br />

were inflamed with a great desire of the promised deliverance.”<br />

76<br />

John Calvin

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