Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf

Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf
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ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 of a house swept and embellished is taken from men who find pleasure in the cleanness and neatness of their apartments; for to Satan no sight is beautiful but deformity itself, and no smell is sweet but filth and nastiness. The meaning therefore is, that Satan never finds a more appropriate habitation within us, than when, having parted with Christ, we receive Satan as a guest. 147 His highest delight is in that emptiness by which the neglect of divine grace is followed. 148 45. He taketh with him seven other spirits The number seven is here used indefinitely, as in many other passages. By these words Christ shows that if we fall from his grace, our subjection to Satan is doubled, so that he treats us with greater cruelty than before, and that this is the just punishment of our slothfulness. 149 Let us not then suppose that the devil has been vanquished by a single combat, because he has once gone out of us. On the contrary, let us remember that, as his lodgment within us was of old standing, ever since we were born, he has knowledge and experience of all the approaches by which he may reach us; and that, if there be no open and direct entrance, he has dexterity enough to creep in by small holes or winding crevices. 150 We must, therefore, endeavor that Christ, holding his reign within us, may block up all the entrances of his adversary. Whatever may be the fierceness or violence of Satan’s attacks, they ought not to intimidate the sons of God, whom the invincible power of the Holy Spirit preserves in safety. We know that the punishment which is here threatened is addressed to none but those who despise the grace of God, and who, by extinguishing the light of faith, and banishing the desire of godliness, 151 become profane. MATTHEW 12:46-50; MARK 3:31-35; LUKE 11:27-28; 8:19-21 Matthew 12:46-50 Mark 3:31-35 Luke 11:27-28 147 “Que quand, laissans Christ, et nous esloignans de luy, nous attirons c’est hoste a nous;” — “that when leaving Christ, and withdrawing from him, we entice this guest.” 148 “Ce qu’il aime donc le plus, et ou il prend un souverain plaisir, c’est ceste place vuide qui se fait quand l’homme ne tient conte de la grace de Dieu, et est nonchalant d’en bien user;” — “that which he loves most, and in which he takes a supreme pleasure, is the emptiness which is produced, when man sets no value on the grace of God, and is indifferent about making a good use of it.” 149 “En sorte qu’il nous tient le pied sur la gorge plus estroitement que devant: et qu’en cela nous recevons une iuste recompense et punition de nostre nonchalance;” — “so that he holds his foot upon our throat more straitly than before; and that in this we have a just reward of our indifference.” 150 “Et s’il n’y pent entrer de front et apertement, il est assez fin pour s’y fourrer secretement par dessous terre, ou par quelque fente a coste;”— “and if he cannot enter it in front and openly, he is cunning enough to dig into it secretly below ground, or by some chink in the side.” 151 “Et effacans l’amour de la crainte de Dieu;” — “and effacing the love of the fear of God.” 58 John Calvin

ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 46. And while he was still 31. And his mother and 27. And it happened while talking to the multitudes, lo, his brethren came, and standing he was saying these things, a mother and his brethren stood without, sent to him to call him. certain woman from among the 152 without, desiring to speak to 32. And the multitude was multitude, raising her voice, said him. 47. And one said to him, sitting around him, and they say to him, Blessed is the womb that Lo, thy mother and thy brethren to him, Lo, thy mother and thy bore thee, and the breasts which stand without, desiring to speak brethren without seek thee. thou hath sucked. 28. but he to thee. 48. But he answering 33. And he answered, saying to said, Nay, rather, blessed are said to him who had told him, them, Who is my mother and my they that hear the word of God, Who is my mother, or who are brethren? 34. And when he had and keep it. my brethren? 49. And stretching looked all around on the Luke 8:19-21 out his hand toward his disciples sitting around him, he 19. And his mother and his disciples, he said, Lo, my mother said, Lo, my mother and my brethren came to him, and could and my brethren. 50. For brethren. 35. For he who shall not reach him on account of the whosoever shall do the will of do the will of God is my brother, crowd. 20. And it was related my Father who is in heaven, he and my sister, and mother. and told him, Thy mother and is my brother, and sister, and thy brethren stand without, mother. desiring to see thee. 21. Who answering said to them, My mother and my brethren are those who hear the word of God, and do it. 153 Luke 11:27. Blessed is the womb. By this eulogium the woman intended to magnify the excellence of Christ; for she had no reference to Mary, 154 whom, perhaps, she had never seen. And yet it tends in a high degree to illustrate the glory of Christ, that she pronounces the womb that bore him to be noble and blessed. Nor was the blessing inappropriate, but in strict accordance with the manner of Scripture; for we know that offspring, and particularly when endued with distinguished virtues, is declared to be a remarkable gift of God, preferable to all others. It cannot even be denied that God conferred the highest honor on Mary, by choosing and appointing her to be the mother of his Son. And yet Christ’s reply is so far from assenting to this female voice, that it contains an indirect reproof. 152 “Et estans dehors envoyerent quelques uns vers luy pour l’appeler;” — “and being without, sent some persons to him to call him.” 153 “Mais luy respondant leur dit, Ceux-la sont ma mere et mes freres, qui oyent la parole de Dieu, et la mettent en effect;” — “but he answering said to them, Those are my mother and my brethren, who hear the word of God, and put it in practice.” 154 “Il ne faut pas penser qu’elle eust regard a Marie;” — “we must not suppose that she had reference to Mary.” 59 John Calvin

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Commentary</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong>, <strong>Mark</strong>, <strong>Luke</strong> - <strong>Volume</strong> 2<br />

of a house swept and embellished is taken from men who find pleasure in the cleanness and neatness<br />

of their apartments; for to Satan no sight is beautiful but deformity itself, and no smell is sweet but<br />

filth and nastiness. The meaning therefore is, that Satan never finds a more appropriate habitati<strong>on</strong><br />

within us, than when, having parted with Christ, we receive Satan as a guest. 147 His highest delight<br />

is in that emptiness by which the neglect of divine grace is followed. 148<br />

45. He taketh with him seven other spirits The number seven is here used indefinitely, as in<br />

many other passages. By these words Christ shows that if we fall from his grace, our subjecti<strong>on</strong> to<br />

Satan is doubled, so that he treats us with greater cruelty than before, and that this is the just<br />

punishment of our slothfulness. 149 Let us not then suppose that the devil has been vanquished by<br />

a single combat, because he has <strong>on</strong>ce g<strong>on</strong>e out of us. On the c<strong>on</strong>trary, let us remember that, as his<br />

lodgment within us was of old standing, ever since we were born, he has knowledge and experience<br />

of all the approaches by which he may reach us; and that, if there be no open and direct entrance,<br />

he has dexterity enough to creep in by small holes or winding crevices. 150 We must, therefore,<br />

endeavor that Christ, holding his reign within us, may block up all the entrances of his adversary.<br />

Whatever may be the fierceness or violence of Satan’s attacks, they ought not to intimidate the<br />

s<strong>on</strong>s of God, whom the invincible power of the Holy Spirit preserves in safety. We know that the<br />

punishment which is here threatened is addressed to n<strong>on</strong>e but those who despise the grace of God,<br />

and who, by extinguishing the light of faith, and banishing the desire of godliness, 151 become<br />

profane.<br />

MATTHEW 12:46-50; MARK 3:31-35;<br />

LUKE 11:27-28; 8:19-21<br />

<strong>Matthew</strong> 12:46-50<br />

<strong>Mark</strong> 3:31-35<br />

<strong>Luke</strong> 11:27-28<br />

147 “Que quand, laissans Christ, et nous esloignans de luy, nous attir<strong>on</strong>s c’est hoste a nous;” — “that when leaving Christ, and<br />

withdrawing from him, we entice this guest.”<br />

148 “Ce qu’il aime d<strong>on</strong>c le plus, et ou il prend un souverain plaisir, c’est ceste place vuide qui se fait quand l’homme ne tient<br />

c<strong>on</strong>te de la grace de Dieu, et est n<strong>on</strong>chalant d’en bien user;” — “that which he loves most, and in which he takes a supreme<br />

pleasure, is the emptiness which is produced, when man sets no value <strong>on</strong> the grace of God, and is indifferent about making a<br />

good use of it.”<br />

149 “En sorte qu’il nous tient le pied sur la gorge plus estroitement que devant: et qu’en cela nous recev<strong>on</strong>s une iuste recompense<br />

et puniti<strong>on</strong> de nostre n<strong>on</strong>chalance;” — “so that he holds his foot up<strong>on</strong> our throat more straitly than before; and that in this we<br />

have a just reward of our indifference.”<br />

150 “Et s’il n’y pent entrer de fr<strong>on</strong>t et apertement, il est assez fin pour s’y fourrer secretement par dessous terre, ou par quelque<br />

fente a coste;”— “and if he cannot enter it in fr<strong>on</strong>t and openly, he is cunning enough to dig into it secretly below ground, or by<br />

some chink in the side.”<br />

151 “Et effacans l’amour de la crainte de Dieu;” — “and effacing the love of the fear of God.”<br />

58<br />

John Calvin

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