Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf

Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf
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ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 advantageous for him to want a wife, and, without making any inquiry, lays upon himself an obligation to celibacy, 606 he is widely mistaken. God, who has declared it to be good that a man should have a woman to be his helper, will punish the contempt of his own appointment; for mortals take too much on themselves, when they endeavor to exempt themselves from the heavenly calling. But Christ proves that it is not free to all to make what choice they please, because the gift of continence is a special gift; for when he says that all are not capable of receiving it, but those to whom it is given, he plainly shows that it was not given to all. And this reproves the pride of those who do not hesitate to claim for themselves what Christ so manifestly refuses to them. 12. For there are eunuchs Christ distinguishes three kinds of eunuchs Those who are so by nature, or who have been castrated by men, are debarred from marriage by this defect, for they are not men. He says that there are other eunuchs, who have castrated themselves, that they may be more at liberty to serve God; and these he exempts from the obligation to marry. Hence it follows, that all others who avoid marriage fight against God with sacrilegious hardihood, after the manner of the giants. When Papists urge the word castrate, (εὐνοῦχισαν) as if at their own pleasure men might lay themselves under obligation to continence, it is too frivolous. For Christ has already declared, that God gives it to whom he chooses; and, a little afterwards, we shall find him maintaining, that it is folly in any man to choose to live unmarried, when he has not received this special gift. This castration, therefore, is not left to free will; but the plain meaning is, while some men are by nature fit to marry, though they abstain, they do not tempt God, because God grants them exemption. 607 For the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Many foolishly explain this as meaning, in order to deserve eternal life; as if celibacy contained within itself some meritorious service, as the Papists imagine that it is an angelical state. But Christ meant nothing more than that persons unmarried ought to have this for their object, that, being freed from all cares, they may apply themselves more readily to the duties of piety. It is, therefore, a foolish imagination, that celibacy is a virtue; for it is not in itself more pleasing to God than fasting, and is not entitled to be reckoned among the duties which he requires from us, but ought to have a reference to another object. Nay more, Christ expressly intended to declare that, though a man be pure from fornication, yet his celibacy is not approved by God, if he only consults his own ease and comfort, but that he is excused on this single ground, that he aims at a free and unrestrained meditation on the heavenly life. In short, Christ teaches us, that it is not enough, if unmarried men live chastely, unless they abstain from having wives, for the express purpose of devoting themselves to better employments. 608 606 “S’il s’astreigne a n’estre point marie;” — “if he bind himself not to be married.” 607 “Pource qu’il leur permet de s’en passer, et leur baille un privilege par dessus les autres;” — “because he allows them to abstain from it, and grants them a privilege above others.” 608 “Afin d’estre plus libres pour s’employer a meilleures choses a la gloire de Dieu;” — “in order to be more free for being employed in better things for the glory of God.” 272 John Calvin

ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 He that can receive it, let him receive it. By this conclusion Christ warns them, that the use of marriage is not to be despised, unless we intend, with blind rashness, to rush headlong to destruction: for it became necessary to restrain the disciples, whom he saw acting inconsiderately and without judgment. But the warning is useful to all; for, in selecting a manner of life, few consider what has been given to them, but men rush forward, without discrimination, in whatever direction inconsiderate zeal prompts them. And I wish that the warning had been attended to in past times; but men’s ears are stopped by I know not what enchantments of Satan, so that, contrary to nature, and, at it were, in spite of God, those whom God called to marriage have bound themselves by the cord of perpetual virginity 609 Next came the deadly cord of a vow, by which wretched souls were bound, 610 so that they never rose out of the ditch. MATTHEW 19:13-15; MARK 10:13-16; LUKE 18:15-17 Matthew 19:13-15 Mark 10:13-16 Luke 18:15-17 13. Then were presented to 13. And they brought to him 15. And they presented to him children, that he might lay children, that he might touch him also infants, that he might hands on them and pray; but the them; but the disciples rebuked touch them; which, when the disciples rebuked them. 14. And those who presented them. disciples saw, they rebuked Jesus said to them, Suffer 14. And when Jesus saw it, he them. 16. But Jesus, when he children, and forbid them not, to was displeased, and said to had called them to him, said, come to me; for of such is the them, Suffer children to come to Suffer children to come to me, kingdom of heaven. 15. And me, and do not forbid them; for and do not forbid them; for of when he had laid hands on them, of such is the kingdom of such is the kingdom of God. he departed thence. heaven. 15. Verily I say to you, 17. Verily I say to you, Whosoever shall not receive the Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a child shall kingdom of God as a child shall not enter into it. 16. And when not enter into it. he had taken them in his arms, he laid hands on them, and blessed them. 609 “De perpetuelle virginite, comme on dit;” — “of perpetual virginity, as it is called.” 610 “Le voeu qui a este comme un licol pour tenir les poures ames enserrees de court;” — “the vow, which was like a halter to keep poor souls firmly bound.” 273 John Calvin

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Commentary</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong>, <strong>Mark</strong>, <strong>Luke</strong> - <strong>Volume</strong> 2<br />

advantageous for him to want a wife, and, without making any inquiry, lays up<strong>on</strong> himself an<br />

obligati<strong>on</strong> to celibacy, 606 he is widely mistaken. God, who has declared it to be good that a man<br />

should have a woman to be his helper, will punish the c<strong>on</strong>tempt of his own appointment; for mortals<br />

take too much <strong>on</strong> themselves, when they endeavor to exempt themselves from the heavenly calling.<br />

But Christ proves that it is not free to all to make what choice they please, because the gift of<br />

c<strong>on</strong>tinence is a special gift; for when he says that all are not capable of receiving it, but those to<br />

whom it is given, he plainly shows that it was not given to all. And this reproves the pride of those<br />

who do not hesitate to claim for themselves what Christ so manifestly refuses to them.<br />

12. For there are eunuchs Christ distinguishes three kinds of eunuchs Those who are so by<br />

nature, or who have been castrated by men, are debarred from marriage by this defect, for they are<br />

not men. He says that there are other eunuchs, who have castrated themselves, that they may be<br />

more at liberty to serve God; and these he exempts from the obligati<strong>on</strong> to marry. Hence it follows,<br />

that all others who avoid marriage fight against God with sacrilegious hardihood, after the manner<br />

of the giants. When Papists urge the word castrate, (εὐνοῦχισαν) as if at their own pleasure men<br />

might lay themselves under obligati<strong>on</strong> to c<strong>on</strong>tinence, it is too frivolous. For Christ has already<br />

declared, that God gives it to whom he chooses; and, a little afterwards, we shall find him<br />

maintaining, that it is folly in any man to choose to live unmarried, when he has not received this<br />

special gift. This castrati<strong>on</strong>, therefore, is not left to free will; but the plain meaning is, while some<br />

men are by nature fit to marry, though they abstain, they do not tempt God, because God grants<br />

them exempti<strong>on</strong>. 607<br />

For the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Many foolishly explain this as meaning, in order to<br />

deserve eternal life; as if celibacy c<strong>on</strong>tained within itself some meritorious service, as the Papists<br />

imagine that it is an angelical state. But Christ meant nothing more than that pers<strong>on</strong>s unmarried<br />

ought to have this for their object, that, being freed from all cares, they may apply themselves more<br />

readily to the duties of piety. It is, therefore, a foolish imaginati<strong>on</strong>, that celibacy is a virtue; for it<br />

is not in itself more pleasing to God than fasting, and is not entitled to be reck<strong>on</strong>ed am<strong>on</strong>g the duties<br />

which he requires from us, but ought to have a reference to another object. Nay more, Christ<br />

expressly intended to declare that, though a man be pure from fornicati<strong>on</strong>, yet his celibacy is not<br />

approved by God, if he <strong>on</strong>ly c<strong>on</strong>sults his own ease and comfort, but that he is excused <strong>on</strong> this single<br />

ground, that he aims at a free and unrestrained meditati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the heavenly life. In short, Christ<br />

teaches us, that it is not enough, if unmarried men live chastely, unless they abstain from having<br />

wives, for the express purpose of devoting themselves to better employments. 608<br />

606 “S’il s’astreigne a n’estre point marie;” — “if he bind himself not to be married.”<br />

607 “Pource qu’il leur permet de s’en passer, et leur baille un privilege par dessus les autres;” — “because he allows them to<br />

abstain from it, and grants them a privilege above others.”<br />

608 “Afin d’estre plus libres pour s’employer a meilleures choses a la gloire de Dieu;” — “in order to be more free for being<br />

employed in better things for the glory of God.”<br />

272<br />

John Calvin

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