Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf

Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf
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ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 52. And he sent messengers. It is probable that our Lord was, at that time, attended by a great multitude of followers; for the messengers were not sent to prepare a splendid banquet, or to select some magnificent palace, but only to tell that a vast number of guests were approaching. They again, when excluded and repulsed, wait for their Master. Hence, too, we learn, what I remarked in the second place, 588 that when men differ among themselves about the doctrines of religion, they readily break out into hatred of each other; for it was an evidence of very bitter hatred to withhold food from the hungry, and lodging from those who were fatigued. But the Samaritans have such a dislike and enmity at the Jewish religion, that they look upon all who follow it as unworthy of any kindness. Perhaps, too, they were tormented with vexation at being despised; for they knew that their temple was detested by the Jews as profane, and that they were considered to be spurious and corrupt worshippers of God. But as the superstition once admitted kept so firm a hold of them, they strove, with wicked emulation, to maintain it to the last. At length the contention grew so hot, that it consumed both nations in one conflagration; for Josephus assures us that it was the torch which kindled the Jewish war. Now though Christ might easily have avoided that dislike, he chooses rather to profess himself to be a Jew, than by an indirect denial to procure a lodging. 53. He steadfastly set his face. By this expression Luke has informed us that Christ, when he had death before his eyes, rose above the fear of it, and went forward to meet it; but, at the same time, points out that he had a struggle, and that, having vanquished terror, 589 he boldly presented himself to die. For if no dread, no difficulty, no struggle, no anxiety, had been present to his mind, what need was there that he should set his face steadfastly? 590 But as he was neither devoid of feeling, nor under the influence of foolish hardihood, he must have been affected by the cruel and bitter death, or rather the shocking and dreadful agony, which he knew would overtake him from the rigorous judgment of God; and so far is this from obscuring or diminishing his glory, that it is a remarkable proof of his unbounded love to us; for laying aside a regard to himself that he might devote himself to our salvation, through the midst of terrors he hastened to death, the time of which he knew to be at hand. 54. And when His disciples James and John saw it. The country itself had perhaps suggested to them the desire of thundering immediately against the ungodly; for it was there that Elijah had formerly destroyed, by a fire from heaven, the king’s soldiers who had been sent to apprehend him, (2 Kings 1:10.) It therefore occurred to them that the Samaritans, who so basely rejected the Son of God, were at that time devoted to a similar destruction. And here we see to what we are driven by a foolish imitation 591 of the holy fathers. James and John plead the example of Elijah, but they do not consider how far they differ from Elijah; they do not examine properly their own intemperate 588 See our Author’s observations above on Luke 9:51. 589 “Estans victorieux par dessus ceste frayeur naturelle;” — “being victorious over that natural dread.” 590 “Quel besoin estoit il qu’il prinst sa resolution, et par maniere de dire s’obstinast en soy-mesme?” — “What need was there that he should take his resolution, and, so to speak, persist in his own mind?” 591 “Une folle et inconsideree imitation des saincts peres;” — “a foolish and ill-considered imitation of the holy fathers.” 264 John Calvin

ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 zeal, nor do they look at the calling of God. Under a pretext equally plausible did the Samaritans cloak their idolatry, our fathers worshipped in this mountain, (John 4:20.) But both were in the wrong; for, neglecting the exercise of judgment, they were apes rather than imitators of the holy fathers. Now though it is doubtful whether they think that they have the power in their own hand, or ask Christ to give it to them, I think it more probable that, elated with foolish confidence, they entertain no doubt that they are able to execute vengeance, provided that Christ give his consent. 55. You know not of what spirit you are By this reply he not only restrained the unbridled fury of the two disciples, but laid down a rule to all of us not to indulge our temper. For whoever undertakes any thing, ought to be fully aware that he has the authority and guidance of the Spirit of God, and that he is actuated by proper and holy dispositions. Many will be impelled by the warmth of their zeal, but if the spirit of prudence be wanting, their ebullitions end in foam. Frequently, too, it happens, that the impure feelings of the flesh are mingled with their zeal, and that those who appear to be the keenest zealots for the glory of God are blinded by the private feelings of the flesh. And therefore, unless our zeal be directed by the Spirit of God, it will be of no avail to plead in our behalf, that we undertook nothing but from proper zeal. But the Spirit himself will guide us by wisdom and prudence, that we may do nothing contrary to our duty, or beyond our calling, nothing, in short, but what is prudent and seasonable; and, by removing all the filth of the flesh, he may impart to our minds proper feelings, that we may desire nothing but what God shall suggest. Christ likewise blames his disciples because, though they are widely distant from the spirit of Elijah, 592 they rashly take upon themselves to do what he did. For Elijah executed the judgment of God, which had been committed to him by the Spirit; but they rush to vengeance, not by the command of God, but by the movement of the flesh. And therefore the examples of the saints are no defense to us, unless the same Spirit that directed them dwell in us. MATTHEW 19:3-9; MARK 10:2-12 Matthew 19:3-9 Mark 10:2-12 3. And the Pharisees came to him, tempting 2. And the Pharisees, coming to him, asked him, and saying to him, Is it lawful for a man to him, Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife? divorce his wife for any cause whatever? 4. Who tempting him. 3. But he answering said to them, answering said to them, Have you not read, that What did Moses command you? 4. And they said, he who made them at first, Moses permitted to write a letter of divorcement, 593 made them male and female? 5. And he said, Therefore shall a and to send her away. 5. And Jesus answering man leave his father and mother, and be joined said to them, For the hardness of your heart he to his wife; and they shall be one flesh. wrote to you this commandment. 6. But at the 592 “De l’esprit et affection d’Elie;” — “from the spirit and disposition of Elijah.” 593 “Qui feit l’homme des le commencement;” — “who made man from the beginning.” 265 John Calvin

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Commentary</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong>, <strong>Mark</strong>, <strong>Luke</strong> - <strong>Volume</strong> 2<br />

zeal, nor do they look at the calling of God. Under a pretext equally plausible did the Samaritans<br />

cloak their idolatry, our fathers worshipped in this mountain, (John 4:20.) But both were in the<br />

wr<strong>on</strong>g; for, neglecting the exercise of judgment, they were apes rather than imitators of the holy<br />

fathers. Now though it is doubtful whether they think that they have the power in their own hand,<br />

or ask Christ to give it to them, I think it more probable that, elated with foolish c<strong>on</strong>fidence, they<br />

entertain no doubt that they are able to execute vengeance, provided that Christ give his c<strong>on</strong>sent.<br />

55. You know not of what spirit you are By this reply he not <strong>on</strong>ly restrained the unbridled fury<br />

of the two disciples, but laid down a rule to all of us not to indulge our temper. For whoever<br />

undertakes any thing, ought to be fully aware that he has the authority and guidance of the Spirit<br />

of God, and that he is actuated by proper and holy dispositi<strong>on</strong>s. Many will be impelled by the<br />

warmth of their zeal, but if the spirit of prudence be wanting, their ebulliti<strong>on</strong>s end in foam.<br />

Frequently, too, it happens, that the impure feelings of the flesh are mingled with their zeal, and<br />

that those who appear to be the keenest zealots for the glory of God are blinded by the private<br />

feelings of the flesh. And therefore, unless our zeal be directed by the Spirit of God, it will be of<br />

no avail to plead in our behalf, that we undertook nothing but from proper zeal. But the Spirit<br />

himself will guide us by wisdom and prudence, that we may do nothing c<strong>on</strong>trary to our duty, or<br />

bey<strong>on</strong>d our calling, nothing, in short, but what is prudent and seas<strong>on</strong>able; and, by removing all the<br />

filth of the flesh, he may impart to our minds proper feelings, that we may desire nothing but what<br />

God shall suggest. Christ likewise blames his disciples because, though they are widely distant<br />

from the spirit of Elijah, 592 they rashly take up<strong>on</strong> themselves to do what he did. For Elijah executed<br />

the judgment of God, which had been committed to him by the Spirit; but they rush to vengeance,<br />

not by the command of God, but by the movement of the flesh. And therefore the examples of the<br />

saints are no defense to us, unless the same Spirit that directed them dwell in us.<br />

MATTHEW 19:3-9; MARK 10:2-12<br />

<strong>Matthew</strong> 19:3-9<br />

<strong>Mark</strong> 10:2-12<br />

3. And the Pharisees came to him, tempting 2. And the Pharisees, coming to him, asked<br />

him, and saying to him, Is it lawful for a man to him, Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?<br />

divorce his wife for any cause whatever? 4. Who tempting him. 3. But he answering said to them,<br />

answering said to them, Have you not read, that What did Moses command you? 4. And they said,<br />

he who made them at first, Moses permitted to write a letter of divorcement,<br />

593 made them male<br />

and female? 5. And he said, Therefore shall a and to send her away. 5. And Jesus answering<br />

man leave his father and mother, and be joined said to them, For the hardness of your heart he<br />

to his wife; and they shall be <strong>on</strong>e flesh. wrote to you this commandment. 6. But at the<br />

592 “De l’esprit et affecti<strong>on</strong> d’Elie;” — “from the spirit and dispositi<strong>on</strong> of Elijah.”<br />

593 “Qui feit l’homme des le commencement;” — “who made man from the beginning.”<br />

265<br />

John Calvin

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