Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf

Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf
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ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 even speed looks like delay; but never does it hold more true, than when we are told to wait for our salvation till the coming of Christ. To support his disciples in the meantime, our Lord holds out to them, for confirmation, an intermediate period; as much as to say, “If it seem too long to wait for the day of my coming, I will provide against this in good time; for before you come to die, you will see with your eyes that kingdom of God, of which I bid you entertain a confident hope.” This is the natural import of the words; for the notion adopted by some, that they were intended to apply to John, is ridiculous. Coming in his kingdom. By the coming of the kingdom of God we are to understand the manifestation of heavenly glory, which Christ began to make at his resurrection, and which he afterwards made more fully by sending the Holy Spirit, and by the performance of miracles; for by those beginnings he gave his people a taste of the newness of the heavenly life, when they perceived, by certain and undoubted proofs, that he was sitting at the right hand of the Father. MATTHEW 17:1-8; MARK 9:2-8; LUKE 9:28-36 Matthew 17:1-8 Mark 9:2-8 Luke 9:28-36 1. And after six days Jesus 2. And after six days Jesus 28. And it happened about taketh Peter, and James, and taketh Peter, and James, and eight days after these words, and John his brother, and leadeth John, and leadeth them to a high he took Peter, and James, and them to a high mountain apart; mountain apart by themselves, John, and went up to a mountain 2. And was transfigured before and was transfigured before to pray. 29. And while he was them: and his face shone as the them. 3. And his garments praying, the appearance of his sun, and his garments became became shining, exceedingly countenance was changed, and white as the light. 3. And, lo, white as snow, so white as no his raiment became white and dazzling. 475 there appeared to them fuller on earth could make them. 30. And, lo, two 4. And there appeared to them 473 Moses and Elijah talking with him. men talked with him; who were 4. And Peter answering said to Elijah with Moses, and they Moses and Elijah; 31. Who Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to were conversing with Jesus. appeared in a majestic form, and be here: if thou wilt, let us make 5. And Peter answering said to spoke of the decease which he here three tabernacles; one for Jesus, Rabbi, it is good for us to would accomplish at Jerusalem. thee, and one for Moses, and one be here: and let us make three 32. And Peter, and they that for Elijah. 5. While he was tabernacles; one for thee, and were with him, were speaking, lo, a bright cloud one for Moses, and one for overpowered with sleep; and overshadowed them; and, lo, a Elijah. 6. For he knew not what when they awoke, they saw his voice out of the cloud, which he said; for they were terrified. glory, and the two men who 475 “Resplendissant comme un esclair;” — “dazzling like lightning.” 473 “Et voyci, ils veirent Moyse et Elie parlans avec luy;” — “and, lo, they saw Moses and Elijah talking with him.” 214 John Calvin

ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 said, This is my beloved Son, in 7. And there came a cloud that were with him. 33. And it whom I am well pleased; hear overshadowed them; and a voice happened, while they were departing from him, 476 him. 6. And having heard this, came out of the cloud, saying, Peter said the disciples fell on their face, This is my beloved Son; hear 474 to Jesus, Master, it is good for and were exceedingly afraid. him. 8. And suddenly, when they us to be here: and let us make 7. Then Jesus approaching looked around, they saw no three tabernacles; one for thee, touched them, and said, Arise, other person, but Jesus alone and one for Moses, and one for and be not afraid. 8. And when with them. Elijah: not knowing what he they had lifted up their eyes, said. 34. And while he was they saw no man but Jesus only. speaking these words, a cloud came and overshadowed them; and they were afraid as they entered into the cloud. 35. And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son; hear him. 36. And while the voice was uttered, Jesus was found alone. Matthew 17:1. And after six days. We must first inquire for what purpose Christ clothed himself with heavenly glory for a short time, and why he did not admit more than three of his disciples to be spectators. Some think that he did so, in order to fortify them against the trial which they were soon to meet with, arising from his death. That does not appear to me to be a probable reason; for why should he have deprived the rest of the same remedy, or rather, why does he expressly forbid them to make known what they had seen till after his resurrection, but because the result of the vision would be later than his death? I have no doubt whatever that Christ intended to show that he was not dragged unwillingly to death, but that he came forward of his own accord, to offer to the Father the sacrifice of obedience. The disciples were not made aware of this till Christ rose; nor was it even necessary that, at the very moment of his death, they should perceive the divine power of Christ, so as to acknowledge it to be victorious on the cross; but the instruction which they now received was intended to be useful at a future period both to themselves and to us, that no man might take offense at the weakness of Christ, as if it were by force and necessity that he 476 “Et adveint quarid ceux-la furent departis d’avec luy;” — “and it happened when those men had departed from him.” 474 “Ce qu’ayant ouy les disciples cheurent sur leur face en terre;” — “which the disciples having heard, fell on their face to the earth.” 215 John Calvin

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Commentary</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong>, <strong>Mark</strong>, <strong>Luke</strong> - <strong>Volume</strong> 2<br />

even speed looks like delay; but never does it hold more true, than when we are told to wait for our<br />

salvati<strong>on</strong> till the coming of Christ. To support his disciples in the meantime, our Lord holds out to<br />

them, for c<strong>on</strong>firmati<strong>on</strong>, an intermediate period; as much as to say, “If it seem too l<strong>on</strong>g to wait for<br />

the day of my coming, I will provide against this in good time; for before you come to die, you will<br />

see with your eyes that kingdom of God, of which I bid you entertain a c<strong>on</strong>fident hope.” This is<br />

the natural import of the words; for the noti<strong>on</strong> adopted by some, that they were intended to apply<br />

to John, is ridiculous.<br />

Coming in his kingdom. By the coming of the kingdom of God we are to understand the<br />

manifestati<strong>on</strong> of heavenly glory, which Christ began to make at his resurrecti<strong>on</strong>, and which he<br />

afterwards made more fully by sending the Holy Spirit, and by the performance of miracles; for<br />

by those beginnings he gave his people a taste of the newness of the heavenly life, when they<br />

perceived, by certain and undoubted proofs, that he was sitting at the right hand of the Father.<br />

MATTHEW 17:1-8; MARK 9:2-8; LUKE 9:28-36<br />

<strong>Matthew</strong> 17:1-8<br />

<strong>Mark</strong> 9:2-8<br />

<strong>Luke</strong> 9:28-36<br />

1. And after six days Jesus 2. And after six days Jesus 28. And it happened about<br />

taketh Peter, and James, and taketh Peter, and James, and eight days after these words, and<br />

John his brother, and leadeth John, and leadeth them to a high he took Peter, and James, and<br />

them to a high mountain apart; mountain apart by themselves, John, and went up to a mountain<br />

2. And was transfigured before and was transfigured before to pray. 29. And while he was<br />

them: and his face sh<strong>on</strong>e as the them. 3. And his garments praying, the appearance of his<br />

sun, and his garments became became shining, exceedingly countenance was changed, and<br />

white as the light. 3. And, lo, white as snow, so white as no his raiment became white and<br />

dazzling. 475 there appeared to them fuller <strong>on</strong> earth could make them.<br />

30. And, lo, two<br />

4. And there appeared to them<br />

473 Moses<br />

and Elijah talking with him. men talked with him; who were<br />

4. And Peter answering said to Elijah with Moses, and they Moses and Elijah; 31. Who<br />

Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to were c<strong>on</strong>versing with Jesus. appeared in a majestic form, and<br />

be here: if thou wilt, let us make 5. And Peter answering said to spoke of the decease which he<br />

here three tabernacles; <strong>on</strong>e for Jesus, Rabbi, it is good for us to would accomplish at Jerusalem.<br />

thee, and <strong>on</strong>e for Moses, and <strong>on</strong>e be here: and let us make three 32. And Peter, and they that<br />

for Elijah. 5. While he was tabernacles; <strong>on</strong>e for thee, and were with him, were<br />

speaking, lo, a bright cloud <strong>on</strong>e for Moses, and <strong>on</strong>e for overpowered with sleep; and<br />

overshadowed them; and, lo, a Elijah. 6. For he knew not what when they awoke, they saw his<br />

voice out of the cloud, which he said; for they were terrified. glory, and the two men who<br />

475 “Resplendissant comme un esclair;” — “dazzling like lightning.”<br />

473 “Et voyci, ils veirent Moyse et Elie parlans avec luy;” — “and, lo, they saw Moses and Elijah talking with him.”<br />

214<br />

John Calvin

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