Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf

Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf
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ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 suffer many things from the elders, and the chief priests, and scribes, and rise again on the elders, and the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and third day. 23. And he said to all, the scribes, and be killed, and be after three days rise again. If any man would come after raised again on the third day. 32. And he spoke that saying me, let him deny himself, and 22. And Peter, taking him aside, openly, and Peter took him, and take up hi cross daily, 457 and 452 began to rebuke him, saying, began to rebuke him. 33. But he follow me. 24. For whosoever Lord, spare thyself; turning and looking upon his 453 this shall would save his life shall lose it; not happen to thee. 23. But he disciples, rebuked Peter, saying, and whosoever shall lose his life turning said to Peter, Get thee Get thee behind me, Satan; for on my account shall save it. behind me, Satan, thou art an thou relishest not the things that 25. For what doth it profit a offense to me; for thou relishest are of God, but those that are of man, if he gain the whole world, not those things which are of men. 34. And when he had and be ruined and lost? 26. For God, but those which are of called the multitude to him along whosoever shall be ashamed of men. 24. Then Jesus said to his with his disciples, he said to me and of my saying, of him disciples, If any man chooses to them, Whosoever would follow likewise will the Son of man be come after me, let him deny me, let him deny himself, and ashamed, when he shall come in himself, and take up his cross, take up his cross, and follow me. his own majesty, and in the and follow me. 25. For 35. For whosoever would save majesty of his Father, and of the whosoever would save his life his life shall lose it; and holy angels. 27. And I say to shall lose it; and on the other whosoever shall lose his life for you, There truly are some hand, whosoever shall lose his my sake, and for the sake of the standing here who will not taste death, till they see the kingdom of God. 458 life on my account shall find it. gospel, shall save it, 36. For 26. For what doth it profit a what will it profit a man, if he man, if he shall gain the whole shall gain the whole world, and world, and lose his own soul? or lose his soul? 37. Or what shall what shall a man give, that, in a man give as a ransom for his exchange for it, he may redeem soul? 38. For whosoever shall his soul? 27. For the Son of man be ashamed of me and of my will come in the glory of his words in this adulterous and Father with his angels: and then sinful generation, of him will he render to every one likewise will the Son of man be according to his actions. ashamed, when he shall come in 28. Verily I say to you, There the glory of his Father with the holy angels. 457 “De iour en iour;” — “day by day.” 452 “L’ayant prins a part;” — “have taken him aside.” 453 “Seigneur, aye pitie de toy;” — “Lord, have pity on thyself.” 458 “Iusqu’a taut qu’ils ayent veu le regne de Dieu;” — “till they have seen the kingdom of God.” 208 John Calvin

ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 are some standing here, who will Mark 9:1 not taste death till they have seen 1. And he said to them, the Son of man coming in his Verily, I say to you, There are kingdom. some among those who stand here 455 that will not taste death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power. Having given a proof of his future glory, Christ reminds his disciples of what he must suffer, that they also may be prepared to bear the cross; for the time was at hand when they must enter into the contest, to which he knew them to be altogether unequal, if they had not been fortified by fresh courage. And first of all, it was necessary to inform them that Christ must commence his reign, not with gaudy display, not with the magnificence of riches, not with the loud applause of the world, but with an ignominious death. But nothing was harder than to rise superior to such an offense; particularly if we consider the opinion which they firmly entertained respecting their Master; for they imagined that he would procure for them earthly happiness. This unfounded expectation held them in suspense, and they eagerly looked forward to the hour when Christ would suddenly reveal the glory of his reign. So far were they from having ever adverted to the ignominy of the cross, that they considered it to be utterly unsuitable that he should be placed in any circumstances from which he did not receive honor. 459 To them it was a distressing occurrence that he should be rejected by the elders and the scribes, who held the government of the Church; and hence we may readily conclude that this admonition was highly necessary. But as the bare mention of the cross must, of necessity, have occasioned heavy distress to their weak minds, he presently heals the wound by saying, that on the third day he will rise again from the dead. And certainly, as there is nothing to be seen in the cross but the weakness of the flesh, till we come to his resurrection, in which the power of the Spirit shines brightly, our faith will find no encouragement or support. In like manner, all ministers of the Word, who desire that their preaching may be profitable, ought to be exceedingly careful that the glory of his resurrection should be always exhibited by them in connection with the ignominy of his death. But we naturally wonder why Christ refuses to accept as witnesses the Apostles, whom he had already appointed to that office; for why were they sent but to be the heralds of that redemption which depended on the coming of Christ? The answer is not difficult, if we keep in mind the explanations which I have given on this subject: first, that they were not appointed teachers for the purpose of bearing full and certain testimony to Christ, but only to procure disciples for their Master; 455 “Il y en d’aucuns de ceux qui sont ici presens;” — “there are some of those who are here present.” 459 “Que rien luy peust advenir qui ne fust honorable et magnifique;” — “that any thing should happen to him which was not honorable and magnificent.” 209 John Calvin

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Commentary</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong>, <strong>Mark</strong>, <strong>Luke</strong> - <strong>Volume</strong> 2<br />

suffer many things from the elders, and the chief priests, and scribes, and rise again <strong>on</strong> the<br />

elders, and the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and third day. 23. And he said to all,<br />

the scribes, and be killed, and be after three days rise again. If any man would come after<br />

raised again <strong>on</strong> the third day. 32. And he spoke that saying me, let him deny himself, and<br />

22. And Peter, taking him aside, openly, and Peter took him, and take up hi cross daily, 457 and<br />

452 began to rebuke him, saying, began to rebuke him. 33. But he follow me. 24. For whosoever<br />

Lord, spare thyself; turning and looking up<strong>on</strong> his<br />

453 this shall would save his life shall lose it;<br />

not happen to thee. 23. But he disciples, rebuked Peter, saying, and whosoever shall lose his life<br />

turning said to Peter, Get thee Get thee behind me, Satan; for <strong>on</strong> my account shall save it.<br />

behind me, Satan, thou art an thou relishest not the things that 25. For what doth it profit a<br />

offense to me; for thou relishest are of God, but those that are of man, if he gain the whole world,<br />

not those things which are of men. 34. And when he had and be ruined and lost? 26. For<br />

God, but those which are of called the multitude to him al<strong>on</strong>g whosoever shall be ashamed of<br />

men. 24. Then Jesus said to his with his disciples, he said to me and of my saying, of him<br />

disciples, If any man chooses to them, Whosoever would follow likewise will the S<strong>on</strong> of man be<br />

come after me, let him deny me, let him deny himself, and ashamed, when he shall come in<br />

himself, and take up his cross, take up his cross, and follow me. his own majesty, and in the<br />

and follow me. 25. For 35. For whosoever would save majesty of his Father, and of the<br />

whosoever would save his life his life shall lose it; and holy angels. 27. And I say to<br />

shall lose it; and <strong>on</strong> the other whosoever shall lose his life for you, There truly are some<br />

hand, whosoever shall lose his my sake, and for the sake of the standing here who will not taste<br />

death, till they see the kingdom<br />

of God. 458<br />

life <strong>on</strong> my account shall find it. gospel, shall save it, 36. For<br />

26. For what doth it profit a what will it profit a man, if he<br />

man, if he shall gain the whole shall gain the whole world, and<br />

world, and lose his own soul? or lose his soul? 37. Or what shall<br />

what shall a man give, that, in a man give as a ransom for his<br />

exchange for it, he may redeem soul? 38. For whosoever shall<br />

his soul? 27. For the S<strong>on</strong> of man be ashamed of me and of my<br />

will come in the glory of his words in this adulterous and<br />

Father with his angels: and then sinful generati<strong>on</strong>, of him<br />

will he render to every <strong>on</strong>e likewise will the S<strong>on</strong> of man be<br />

according to his acti<strong>on</strong>s. ashamed, when he shall come in<br />

28. Verily I say to you, There the glory of his Father with the<br />

holy angels.<br />

457 “De iour en iour;” — “day by day.”<br />

452 “L’ayant prins a part;” — “have taken him aside.”<br />

453 “Seigneur, aye pitie de toy;” — “Lord, have pity <strong>on</strong> thyself.”<br />

458 “Iusqu’a taut qu’ils ayent veu le regne de Dieu;” — “till they have seen the kingdom of God.”<br />

208<br />

John Calvin

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