Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf

Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf
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ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 dead, he will be a prophet like Jonah. So Matthew at least says — for Mark does not mention Jonah — but the meaning is the same; for, strictly speaking, this was intended to serve as a sign to them, that Christ, when he had risen from the dead, would in every place cause the voice of his Gospel to be distinctly heard. MATTHEW 16:5-12; MARK 8:14-21; LUKE 12:1 Matthew 16:5-12 Mark 8:14-21 Luke 12:1 1. And when an innumerable multitude had assembled, 430 5. And his disciples, when 14. And they had neglected they had come to the opposite to take bread, and had not more so bank, through neglect had not than one loaf with them in the that they trod one upon another, taken bread. ship. 15. And he charged them 427 6. And Jesus said he began to say to his disciples, to them, Take heed and beware saying, Take heed and beware Above all, beware 431 of the of the leaven of the Pharisees of the leaven of the Pharisees, leaven of the Pharisees, which and of the Sadducees. 7. But and of the leaven of Herod. is hypocrisy they considered within 16. And they reasoned within themselves, saying, We have not themselves, saying, We have not 429 taken bread. bread. 17. And Jesus, 428 8. And when Jesus knew this, he said to them, perceiving this, said to them, Why do you think within Why do you reason that you yourselves, O you of little faith, have no bread? Do you not yet that you have not taken bread? consider or understand? Have 9. Do you not yet understand, you your heart yet blinded? and do you not remember those 18. Having eyes, do you not see? five loaves, when there were five and having ears, do you not thousand men, and how many hear? and do you not remember? baskets you carried away? 19. When I broke the five 10. Nor those seven loaves, thousand men, how many when there were four thousand baskets full of fragments did you men, and how many baskets you carry away? They say to him, carried away? 11. How comes it Twelve. 20. And when [I broke] 430 “Cependant une multitude s’estant assemblee a milliers;” — “mean while, a multitude having assembled by thousands.” 427 “Et quand les disciples furent venus outre, ils avoyent oublie a prendre les pains;” — “and when the disciples were come across, they had forgotten to take bread.” 431 “En premier lieu, donnez-vous garde;” — “in the first place, beware.” 429 “[C’est pource que] nous n’avons point prins de pains;” — “[it is because] we have not taken bread.” 428 “[C’est pource que] nous n’avons point prins de pains;” — “[it is because] we have not taken bread.” 194 John Calvin

ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 that you do not understand that the seven among four thousand, it was not about bread that I told how many baskets of the you to beware of the leaven of remains of the fragments did you the Pharisees and of the carry away? And they said, Sadducees? 12. Then they Seven. 21. And he said to them, understood that he did not bid How is it that you do not them beware of the doctrine of understand? the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. Matthew 16:5. And when his disciples came. Here Christ takes occasion from the circumstance that had just occurred 432 to exhort his disciples to beware of every abuse that makes an inroad on sincere piety. The Pharisees had come a little before; the Sadducees joined them; and apart from them stood Herod, a very wicked man, and an opponent and corrupter of sound doctrine. In the midst of these dangers it was very necessary to warn his disciples to be on their guard; for, since the human mind has a natural inclination towards vanity and errors, when we are surrounded by wicked inventions, spurious doctrines, and other plagues of the same sort, nothing is more easy than to depart from the true and simple purity of the word of God; and if we once become entangled in these things, it will never be possible for the true religion to hold an entire sway over us. But to make the matter more clear, let us examine closely the words of Christ. Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. Along with the Pharisees Matthew mentions the Sadducees Instead of the latter, Mark speaks of Herod Luke takes no notice of any but the Pharisees, (though it is not absolutely certain that it is the same discourse of Christ which Luke relates,) and explains the leaven to be hypocrisy In short, he glances briefly at this sentence, as if there were no ambiguity in the words. Now the metaphor of leaven, which is here applied to false doctrine, might have been employed, at another time, to denote the hypocrisy of life and conduct, or the same words might even have been repeated a second time. But there is no absurdity in saying, that those circumstances which are more copiously detailed by the other two Evangelists, in the order in which they took place, are slightly noticed by Luke in a manner somewhat different, and out of their proper place or order, but without any real contradiction. If we choose to adopt this conjecture, hypocrisy will denote here something different from a pretended and false appearance of wisdom. It will denote the very source and occasion of empty display, which, though it holds out an imposing aspect to the eyes of men, is of no estimation in the sight of God. For, as Jeremiah (5:3) tells us that the eyes of the Lord behold the truth, so they that believe in his word are instructed to maintain true godliness in such a manner as to cleave to righteousness with an honest and perfect heart; as in these words, 432 “Ici Christ prenant occasion des propos precedens;” — “here Christ taking occasion from the former discourse.” 195 John Calvin

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Commentary</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong>, <strong>Mark</strong>, <strong>Luke</strong> - <strong>Volume</strong> 2<br />

dead, he will be a prophet like J<strong>on</strong>ah. So <strong>Matthew</strong> at least says — for <strong>Mark</strong> does not menti<strong>on</strong> J<strong>on</strong>ah<br />

— but the meaning is the same; for, strictly speaking, this was intended to serve as a sign to them,<br />

that Christ, when he had risen from the dead, would in every place cause the voice of his Gospel<br />

to be distinctly heard.<br />

MATTHEW 16:5-12; MARK 8:14-21; LUKE 12:1<br />

<strong>Matthew</strong> 16:5-12<br />

<strong>Mark</strong> 8:14-21<br />

<strong>Luke</strong> 12:1<br />

1. And when an innumerable<br />

multitude had assembled, 430 5. And his disciples, when 14. And they had neglected<br />

they had come to the opposite to take bread, and had not more<br />

so<br />

bank, through neglect had not than <strong>on</strong>e loaf with them in the that they trod <strong>on</strong>e up<strong>on</strong> another,<br />

taken bread. ship. 15. And he charged them<br />

427 6. And Jesus said he began to say to his disciples,<br />

to them, Take heed and beware saying, Take heed and beware Above all, beware 431 of the<br />

of the leaven of the Pharisees of the leaven of the Pharisees, leaven of the Pharisees, which<br />

and of the Sadducees. 7. But and of the leaven of Herod. is hypocrisy<br />

they c<strong>on</strong>sidered within 16. And they reas<strong>on</strong>ed within<br />

themselves, saying, We have not themselves, saying, We have not<br />

429<br />

taken bread. bread. 17. And Jesus,<br />

428 8. And when<br />

Jesus knew this, he said to them, perceiving this, said to them,<br />

Why do you think within Why do you reas<strong>on</strong> that you<br />

yourselves, O you of little faith, have no bread? Do you not yet<br />

that you have not taken bread? c<strong>on</strong>sider or understand? Have<br />

9. Do you not yet understand, you your heart yet blinded?<br />

and do you not remember those 18. Having eyes, do you not see?<br />

five loaves, when there were five and having ears, do you not<br />

thousand men, and how many hear? and do you not remember?<br />

baskets you carried away? 19. When I broke the five<br />

10. Nor those seven loaves, thousand men, how many<br />

when there were four thousand baskets full of fragments did you<br />

men, and how many baskets you carry away? They say to him,<br />

carried away? 11. How comes it Twelve. 20. And when [I broke]<br />

430 “Cependant une multitude s’estant assemblee a milliers;” — “mean while, a multitude having assembled by thousands.”<br />

427 “Et quand les disciples furent venus outre, ils avoyent oublie a prendre les pains;” — “and when the disciples were come<br />

across, they had forgotten to take bread.”<br />

431 “En premier lieu, d<strong>on</strong>nez-vous garde;” — “in the first place, beware.”<br />

429 “[C’est pource que] nous n’av<strong>on</strong>s point prins de pains;” — “[it is because] we have not taken bread.”<br />

428 “[C’est pource que] nous n’av<strong>on</strong>s point prins de pains;” — “[it is because] we have not taken bread.”<br />

194<br />

John Calvin

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