Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf

Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf
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ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 women and children. 39. And having sent away the multitudes, he embarked, and came to the borders of Magdala. Whence shall any man be able to satisfy those persons with bread in this solitary place? 5. And he asked them, How many loaves have you? And they said, Seven. 6. And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground; and took the seven loaves, and, when he had given thanks, brake, and gave to his disciples to set before them, and they set them before the multitude. 7. And they had a few small fishes; and when he had blessed, he ordered these likewise to be set before them. 8. And they ate, and were satisfied; and of the fragments that remained they carried away seven baskets full. 9. And they that had eaten were about four thousand; and he sent them away. 10. And immediately embarking, he came with his disciples to the coasts of Dalmanutha. Matthew 15:29. And Jesus departing thence. Though it is unquestionably the same journey of Christ, on his return from the neighborhood of Sidon, that is related by Matthew and by Mark, yet in some points they do not quite agree. It is of little moment that the one says he came to the borders of Magdala, and the other, that he came to the coasts of Dalmanutha; for the cities were adjacent, being situated on the lake of Gennesareth, and we need not wonder that the district which lay between them received both names. 422 Decapolis was so called from its containing (δέκα πόλεις) ten cities; and as it was contiguous to Phenicia and to that part of Galilee which lay towards the sea, Christ must have passed through it, when he returned from Phenicia into Galilee of Judea. There is a greater appearance of contradiction in another part of the narrative, where Matthew says that our Lord cured many who labored under various diseases, while Mark takes no notice of any but of one deaf man. But this difficulty need not detain us; for Mark selected for description a miracle which was performed during the journey, and the report of which was no sooner circulated than it aroused the inhabitants of every part of that country to bring many persons to Christ to be cured. Now we know that the Evangelists are not anxious to relate all that Christ did, and are so far from dwelling largely on miracles, that they only glance at a few by way of example. Besides, Mark was satisfied with 422 “Est nomme maintenant de l’une, maintenant de l’autre ville;” — “was named sometimes from the one, and sometimes from the other town.” 188 John Calvin

ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 producing one instance, in which the power of Christ is as brightly displayed as in others of the same sort which followed shortly afterwards. Mark 7:32. And they bring to him one who was deaf. The reason why they implored him to lay his hands upon him may be learned from passages which we have already considered; for the laying on of hands was a solemn symbol of consecration, 423 and by means of it, the gifts of the Holy Spirit were also bestowed. And there is no doubt that this ceremony was frequently used by Christ; so that those men requested nothing but what they knew that he had been formerly in the habit of doing. On the present occasion, Christ employs other symbols; for he puts his spittle on the tongue of the dumb man, and puts his fingers into his ears. The laying on of hands would of itself have been sufficiently efficacious, and even, without moving a finger, he might have accomplished it by a single act of his will; but it is evident that he made abundant use of outward signs, when they were found to be advantageous. Thus, by touching the tongue with spittle, he intended to point out that the faculty of speech was communicated by himself alone; and by putting his finger into the ears, he showed that it belonged to his office to pierce the ears of the deaf. There is no necessity for having recourse to allegories; and we find that those who have amused themselves with ingenious discussions on this subject, are so far from bringing forward any thing of real value, that they tend rather to hold up the Scriptures to ridicule. Readers of sobriety and judgment will be satisfied with this single instruction, that we obtain from Christ, in answer to our prayers, both speech and hearing; for he pours his energy into our tongues, and pierces our ears with his fingers. 33. And when he had taken him aside from the multitude. This was done, partly to afford to those who were ignorant, and not yet sufficiently qualified for becoming witnesses, an opportunity of perceiving at a distance the glory of his Divine nature, and partly that he might have a better opportunity of pouring out earnest prayer. When he looked up to heaven and sighed, it was an expression of strong feeling; and this enables us to perceive the vehemence of his love towards men, for whose miseries he feels so much compassion. Nor can it be doubted, that by conveying the spittle from his own mouth to the mouth of another, and by putting his fingers into his ears, he intended to manifest and express the same feeling of kindness. Yet that he has supreme power to remove all our defects, and restore us to health, is proclaimed by him when he simply orders the tongue and ears to be opened; for it was not without a good reason that Mark inserted that Chaldaic word, (ἐφφαθά) Ephphatha, be opened, but to testify the divine power of Christ. Among other fooleries with which baptism has been debased by foolish men, the ceremony used by our Lord is turned into a piece of buffoonery; and this instance shows us that there is no end to licentiousness, when men wantonly change at their own pleasure the mysteries of God. 36. Then he enjoined them not to tell it to any person. Many commentators torture these injunctions to an opposite meaning, as if Christ had purposely excited them to spread abroad the fame of the miracle; but I prefer a more natural interpretation which I have formerly stated, 424 that 423 “Pour dedier et eonsacrer les personnes;” — “for dedicating and con-secrating persons.” 424 Harmony, vol. 1. p. 374. 189 John Calvin

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Commentary</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong>, <strong>Mark</strong>, <strong>Luke</strong> - <strong>Volume</strong> 2<br />

women and children. 39. And having sent away<br />

the multitudes, he embarked, and came to the<br />

borders of Magdala.<br />

Whence shall any man be able to satisfy those<br />

pers<strong>on</strong>s with bread in this solitary place? 5. And<br />

he asked them, How many loaves have you? And<br />

they said, Seven. 6. And he commanded the<br />

multitude to sit down <strong>on</strong> the ground; and took<br />

the seven loaves, and, when he had given thanks,<br />

brake, and gave to his disciples to set before<br />

them, and they set them before the multitude.<br />

7. And they had a few small fishes; and when he<br />

had blessed, he ordered these likewise to be set<br />

before them. 8. And they ate, and were satisfied;<br />

and of the fragments that remained they carried<br />

away seven baskets full. 9. And they that had<br />

eaten were about four thousand; and he sent them<br />

away. 10. And immediately embarking, he came<br />

with his disciples to the coasts of Dalmanutha.<br />

<strong>Matthew</strong> 15:29. And Jesus departing thence. Though it is unquesti<strong>on</strong>ably the same journey of<br />

Christ, <strong>on</strong> his return from the neighborhood of Sid<strong>on</strong>, that is related by <strong>Matthew</strong> and by <strong>Mark</strong>, yet<br />

in some points they do not quite agree. It is of little moment that the <strong>on</strong>e says he came to the borders<br />

of Magdala, and the other, that he came to the coasts of Dalmanutha; for the cities were adjacent,<br />

being situated <strong>on</strong> the lake of Gennesareth, and we need not w<strong>on</strong>der that the district which lay<br />

between them received both names. 422<br />

Decapolis was so called from its c<strong>on</strong>taining (δέκα πόλεις) ten cities; and as it was c<strong>on</strong>tiguous<br />

to Phenicia and to that part of Galilee which lay towards the sea, Christ must have passed through<br />

it, when he returned from Phenicia into Galilee of Judea. There is a greater appearance of<br />

c<strong>on</strong>tradicti<strong>on</strong> in another part of the narrative, where <strong>Matthew</strong> says that our Lord cured many who<br />

labored under various diseases, while <strong>Mark</strong> takes no notice of any but of <strong>on</strong>e deaf man. But this<br />

difficulty need not detain us; for <strong>Mark</strong> selected for descripti<strong>on</strong> a miracle which was performed<br />

during the journey, and the report of which was no so<strong>on</strong>er circulated than it aroused the inhabitants<br />

of every part of that country to bring many pers<strong>on</strong>s to Christ to be cured. Now we know that the<br />

Evangelists are not anxious to relate all that Christ did, and are so far from dwelling largely <strong>on</strong><br />

miracles, that they <strong>on</strong>ly glance at a few by way of example. Besides, <strong>Mark</strong> was satisfied with<br />

422 “Est nomme maintenant de l’une, maintenant de l’autre ville;” — “was named sometimes from the <strong>on</strong>e, and sometimes<br />

from the other town.”<br />

188<br />

John Calvin

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