Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf

Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf
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ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 30. Despised the counsel of God within themselves. The counsel of God is mentioned by way of respect, as contrasted with the wicked pride of the scribes; for the term counsel carries along with it a dignity, which protects the doctrine of God against the contempt of men. Literally, Luke says, that they despised Against Themselves: and indeed I do not disapprove of the meaning which is preferred by some, that the scribes were rebellious to their own destruction. But as Luke’s narrative is simple, and as the preposition εἰς is often used in the sense of ἐν I have chosen rather to translate it, within themselves; as meaning, that although they did not openly and expressly contradict, yet as they inwardly swelled with hidden pride, they despised within themselves 31. To what shall I compare? He does not include all the men of his age, but speaks particularly of the scribes and their followers. He charges them with this reproach, that while the Lord endeavored, by various methods, to draw them to himself, they repelled his grace with incorrigible obstinacy. He employs a comparison, which was probably taken from a common amusement of children; for there is probability in the conjecture, that the children divided themselves into two bands, and sang in that manner. And, indeed, I think that, in order to abase the pride of the scribes, Christ intentionally borrowed from children the materials of his reproof: thus declaring that, however distinguished they were, nothing more was necessary to condemn them than a song which children were wont to sing in the market-place for their amusement. 33. For John the Baptist came. Leading an austere life, he thundered out repentance and severe reproofs, and sung, as it were, a plaintive song; while the Lord endeavored, by a cheerful and sprightly song, to draw them more gently to the Father. Neither of those methods had any success, and what reason could be assigned except their hardened obstinacy? This passage also shows us, why so wide a difference existed, as to outward life, between Christ and the Baptist, though both had the same object in view. Our Lord intended, by this diversity, and by assuming as it were a variety of characters, to convict unbelievers more fully; since, while he yielded and accommodated himself to their manners, he did not bend them to himself. But if the men of that age are deprived of every excuse for repelling, with inveterate malice, a twofold invitation which God had given them, we too are held guilty in their persons; for God leaves not untried any sort of pleasing melody, or of plaintive and harsh music, to draw us to himself, and yet we remain hard as stones. They called John a demoniac, just as persons of unsound mind, or whose brain is disturbed, are usually called madmen. 34. The Son of man came. To eat and drink means here nothing more than to live in the customary way; as Christ says that John came neither eating nor drinking, because he confined himself to a peculiar diet, and even abstained from ordinary food. This is more fully expressed by the words of Luke, neither eating bread nor drinking wine. Those who think that the highest perfection consists in outward austerity of life, and who pronounce it to be an angelical life when a person is abstemious, 26 or mortifies himself by fasting, ought to attend to this passage. On this principle John would rank higher than the Son of God; but, on the contrary, we ought to maintain, that 26 “Quand un homme ne boira point de vin;” — “when a person will drink no wine.” 12 John Calvin

ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 bodily exercise profiteth little, but godliness is profitable to all things, (1 Timothy 4:8.) And yet we must not make this a pretense for giving a loose rein to the flesh, by indulging in luxuries and effeminacy: only we must beware of superstition, lest foolish men, imagining that perfection lies in matters of a purely elementary nature, neglect the spiritual worship of God. Besides, while Christ accommodated himself to the usages of ordinary life, he maintained a sobriety truly divine, and did not encourage the excesses of others by his dissimulation or by his example. 35. And Wisdom is justified This passage is variously explained by commentators. Some maintain that Wisdom was acquitted by the Jews, because, conscious of guilt, and judges of their own unbelief, they were compelled to acknowledge, that the doctrine which they rejected was good and holy. By the children of Wisdom they understand the Jews who boasted of that title. Others think that it was spoken in irony: “It is in this manner that you approve of the Wisdom of God, of which you boast that you are the children?” But as the Greek preposition ἀπό 27 does not properly relate to an agent, some explain it, that Wisdom is acquitted by her children, and is no longer under obligation to them, in the same manner as when an inheritance is transferred to another. Thus Paul says, that Christ was justified (δεδικαίωται) from sin, (Romans 6:7,) because the curse of sin had no longer any power over him. Some interpret it more harshly, and with greater excess of freedom, to mean that Wisdom is estranged from her children But granting that this were the import of the Greek preposition, I look upon the other meaning as more appropriate, that Wisdom, however wickedly she may be slandered by her own sons, loses nothing of her worth or rank, but remains unimpaired. The Jews, and particularly the scribes, gave themselves out as children of the Wisdom of God; and yet, when they trod their mother under their feet, they not only flattered themselves amidst such heinous sacrilege, but desired that Christ should fall by their decision. Christ maintains, on the contrary, that, however wicked and depraved her children may be, Wisdom remains entire, and that the malice of those who wickedly and malignantly slander her takes nothing from her authority. I have not yet brought forward that meaning which appears to my own mind the most appropriate and natural. First, the words of Christ contain an implied contrast between true children and bastards, who hold but an empty title without the reality; and they amount to this: “Let those who haughtily boast of being the children of Wisdom proceed in their obstinacy: she will, notwithstanding, retain the praise and support of her own children. Accordingly, Luke adds a term of universality, by all her children; which means, that the reluctance of the scribes will not prevent all the elect of God from remaining steadfast in the faith of the Gospel. With respect to the Greek word ἀπό, it undoubtedly has sometimes the same meaning as ὑπό. Not to mention other instances, there is a passage in Luke’s Gospel, (17:25,) where Christ says, that he must suffer many things, καὶ ἀποδοκιμασθὢναι ἀπὸ τὢς γενεᾶς ταύτης, and be rejected By this generation. Everybody will 27 “Le mot Grec que nous avons rendu par De;” — “the Greek word which we have translated by.” 13 John Calvin

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Commentary</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong>, <strong>Mark</strong>, <strong>Luke</strong> - <strong>Volume</strong> 2<br />

bodily exercise profiteth little, but godliness<br />

is profitable to all things, (1 Timothy 4:8.)<br />

And yet we must not make this a pretense for giving a loose rein to the flesh, by indulging in<br />

luxuries and effeminacy: <strong>on</strong>ly we must beware of superstiti<strong>on</strong>, lest foolish men, imagining that<br />

perfecti<strong>on</strong> lies in matters of a purely elementary nature, neglect the spiritual worship of God.<br />

Besides, while Christ accommodated himself to the usages of ordinary life, he maintained a sobriety<br />

truly divine, and did not encourage the excesses of others by his dissimulati<strong>on</strong> or by his example.<br />

35. And Wisdom is justified This passage is variously explained by commentators. Some maintain<br />

that Wisdom was acquitted by the Jews, because, c<strong>on</strong>scious of guilt, and judges of their own unbelief,<br />

they were compelled to acknowledge, that the doctrine which they rejected was good and holy. By<br />

the children of Wisdom they understand the Jews who boasted of that title. Others think that it was<br />

spoken in ir<strong>on</strong>y: “It is in this manner that you approve of the Wisdom of God, of which you boast<br />

that you are the children?” But as the Greek prepositi<strong>on</strong> ἀπό 27 does not properly relate to an agent,<br />

some explain it, that Wisdom is acquitted by her children, and is no l<strong>on</strong>ger under obligati<strong>on</strong> to them,<br />

in the same manner as when an inheritance is transferred to another. Thus Paul says, that Christ<br />

was justified (δεδικαίωται) from sin, (Romans 6:7,) because the curse of sin had no l<strong>on</strong>ger any<br />

power over him.<br />

Some interpret it more harshly, and with greater excess of freedom, to mean that Wisdom is<br />

estranged from her children But granting that this were the import of the Greek prepositi<strong>on</strong>, I look<br />

up<strong>on</strong> the other meaning as more appropriate, that Wisdom, however wickedly she may be slandered<br />

by her own s<strong>on</strong>s, loses nothing of her worth or rank, but remains unimpaired. The Jews, and<br />

particularly the scribes, gave themselves out as children of the Wisdom of God; and yet, when they<br />

trod their mother under their feet, they not <strong>on</strong>ly flattered themselves amidst such heinous sacrilege,<br />

but desired that Christ should fall by their decisi<strong>on</strong>. Christ maintains, <strong>on</strong> the c<strong>on</strong>trary, that, however<br />

wicked and depraved her children may be, Wisdom remains entire, and that the malice of those<br />

who wickedly and malignantly slander her takes nothing from her authority.<br />

I have not yet brought forward that meaning which appears to my own mind the most appropriate<br />

and natural. First, the words of Christ c<strong>on</strong>tain an implied c<strong>on</strong>trast between true children and bastards,<br />

who hold but an empty title without the reality; and they amount to this: “Let those who haughtily<br />

boast of being the children of Wisdom proceed in their obstinacy: she will, notwithstanding, retain<br />

the praise and support of her own children. Accordingly, <strong>Luke</strong> adds a term of universality, by all<br />

her children; which means, that the reluctance of the scribes will not prevent all the elect of God<br />

from remaining steadfast in the faith of the Gospel. With respect to the Greek word ἀπό, it<br />

undoubtedly has sometimes the same meaning as ὑπό. Not to menti<strong>on</strong> other instances, there is a<br />

passage in <strong>Luke</strong>’s Gospel, (17:25,) where Christ says, that he must suffer many things, καὶ<br />

ἀποδοκιμασθὢναι ἀπὸ τὢς γενεᾶς ταύτης, and be rejected By this generati<strong>on</strong>. Everybody will<br />

27 “Le mot Grec que nous av<strong>on</strong>s rendu par De;” — “the Greek word which we have translated by.”<br />

13<br />

John Calvin

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