Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf

Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf
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ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 Jews provoked against themselves the divine vengeance. With their lips only, and by an outward profession, they made a pretense of godliness; and, next, they turned aside to modes of worship invented by men. First, then, it is wicked hypocrisy, when the honor which men render to God is only in outward appearance; for to approach to God with the mouth, and to honor him with the lips, would not be in itself evil, provided that the heart went before. The substance of what our Lord states on this subject is, that, since the worship of God is spiritual, and as nothing pleases him that is not accompanied by the inward sincerity of the heart, they who make holiness to consist in outward display are hypocrites. 9. But in vain do they worship me The words of the prophet run literally thus: their fear toward me has been taught by the precept of men. But Christ has faithfully and accurately given the meaning, that in vain is God worshipped, when the will of men is substituted in the room of doctrine. By these words, all kinds of will-worship, (ἐθελοθζησκεία,) as Paul calls it, (Colossians 2:23,) are plainly condemned. For, as we have said, since God chooses to be worshipped in no other way than according to his own appointment, he cannot endure new modes of worship to be devised. As soon as men allow themselves to wander beyond the limits of the Word of God, the more labor and anxiety they display in worshipping him, the heavier is the condemnation which they draw down upon themselves; for by such inventions religion is dishonored. Teaching doctrines, commandments of men In these words there is what is called apposition; 402 for Christ declares them to be mistaken who bring forward, in the room of doctrine, the commandments of men, or who seek to obtain from them the rule for worshipping God. Let it therefore be held as a settled principle, that, since obedience is more highly esteemed by God than sacrifices, (1 Samuel 15:22,23,) all kinds of worship invented by men are of no estimation in his sight; nay more, that, as the prophet declares, they are accursed and detestable. MATTHEW 15:10-20; MARK 7:14-23; LUKE 6:39 Matthew 15:10-20 Mark 7:14-23 Luke 6:39 39. And he spoke a parable to them, 403 10. And having called the 14. And when he had called multitudes to him, he said to to him the whole multitude, he Can a blind man lead them, Hear and understand. said to them, Listen to me, all of a blind man? Will not both fall 11. What entereth into the mouth you, and understand. 15. There into the ditch? polluteth not the man, but what is nothing from without a man 402 “C’est une figure et facon de parler que les Latins nomment Apposition;” — “it is a figure and mode of speech which the Latins call Apposition.” — “The Latin Grammarians employ the word Appositio to denote a figure, by which two words, denoting the same thing, are put in the same case, such as, Urbs Roma, Fluvius Sequana In the same sense the Greek word ἐπεξήγησις was often used. — Ed. 403 “Pareillement il leur disoit une similitude;” — “in like manner he spoke to them a parable.” 176 John Calvin

ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 goes out of the mouth polluteth which, entering into him, can the man. 12. Then his disciples pollute him; but those things approaching said to him, which come out of a man are the Knowest thou that the Pharisees things which pollute a man. were offended when they heard 16. If any man have ears to hear, that saying? 13. But he let him hear. 17. And when he answering, said, Every plant had entered into the house, and which my heavenly Father hath withdrawn from the multitude, not planted shall be rooted up. his disciples asked him 14. Let them alone: they are concerning the parable. 18. And blind leaders of the blind. And he saith to them, Are you also if a blind man shall lead a blind void of understanding? Do you man, both will fall into the ditch. not yet understand that 15. And Peter answering said to whatsoever entereth into a man him, Explain to us that parable. from without cannot pollute 16. And Jesus said, Are you also him? 19. Because it entereth not still void of understanding? into his heart, but into the belly, 17. Do you not yet understand and goeth out into the sink, that whatever entereth into the purifying all the food? 20. And mouth passeth into the belly, and he said, It is what goeth out of a is thrown into the sink? 18. But man that polluteth him. 21. For those things which proceed out from within, out of the heart of of the mouth come from the man proceed wicked thoughts, heart itself, and they pollute the adulteries, fornications, murders, man. 19. For our of the heart 22. Thefts, evil desires, frauds, proceed wicked thoughts, deceit, wantonness, an evil eye, murders, adulteries, fornications, calumnies, pride, foolishness: thefts, false testimonies, 23. All these evil things proceed calumnies. 20. These are the from within, and pollute the things which pollute the man. man. But to take food with unwashed hands polluteth not the man. Matthew 15:10. And having called the multitudes to him. Here Christ turns 404 to those who are ready to receive instruction, and explains more fully the truth at which he had formerly glanced, 404 “Christ laissant la ces orgueilleux, se retourne vers les dociles;” — “Christ, leaving there these proud men, turns towards the teachable.” 177 John Calvin

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Commentary</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong>, <strong>Mark</strong>, <strong>Luke</strong> - <strong>Volume</strong> 2<br />

goes out of the mouth polluteth which, entering into him, can<br />

the man. 12. Then his disciples pollute him; but those things<br />

approaching said to him, which come out of a man are the<br />

Knowest thou that the Pharisees things which pollute a man.<br />

were offended when they heard 16. If any man have ears to hear,<br />

that saying? 13. But he let him hear. 17. And when he<br />

answering, said, Every plant had entered into the house, and<br />

which my heavenly Father hath withdrawn from the multitude,<br />

not planted shall be rooted up. his disciples asked him<br />

14. Let them al<strong>on</strong>e: they are c<strong>on</strong>cerning the parable. 18. And<br />

blind leaders of the blind. And he saith to them, Are you also<br />

if a blind man shall lead a blind void of understanding? Do you<br />

man, both will fall into the ditch. not yet understand that<br />

15. And Peter answering said to whatsoever entereth into a man<br />

him, Explain to us that parable. from without cannot pollute<br />

16. And Jesus said, Are you also him? 19. Because it entereth not<br />

still void of understanding? into his heart, but into the belly,<br />

17. Do you not yet understand and goeth out into the sink,<br />

that whatever entereth into the purifying all the food? 20. And<br />

mouth passeth into the belly, and he said, It is what goeth out of a<br />

is thrown into the sink? 18. But man that polluteth him. 21. For<br />

those things which proceed out from within, out of the heart of<br />

of the mouth come from the man proceed wicked thoughts,<br />

heart itself, and they pollute the adulteries, fornicati<strong>on</strong>s, murders,<br />

man. 19. For our of the heart 22. Thefts, evil desires, frauds,<br />

proceed wicked thoughts, deceit, want<strong>on</strong>ness, an evil eye,<br />

murders, adulteries, fornicati<strong>on</strong>s, calumnies, pride, foolishness:<br />

thefts, false testim<strong>on</strong>ies, 23. All these evil things proceed<br />

calumnies. 20. These are the from within, and pollute the<br />

things which pollute the man. man.<br />

But to take food with unwashed<br />

hands polluteth not the man.<br />

<strong>Matthew</strong> 15:10. And having called the multitudes to him. Here Christ turns 404 to those who<br />

are ready to receive instructi<strong>on</strong>, and explains more fully the truth at which he had formerly glanced,<br />

404 “Christ laissant la ces orgueilleux, se retourne vers les dociles;” — “Christ, leaving there these proud men, turns towards<br />

the teachable.”<br />

177<br />

John Calvin

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