Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf

Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf
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ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 precious in his sight (Psalm 116:15.) Herodias is delighted with the thought of having gained her wicked purpose, and cruelly triumphs over her reprover; but when afterwards, stripped of her wealth, and not only deprived of the title of queen, but driven from her native country, and destitute of all means of support, she dragged out a wretched life in poverty and banishment, she presented a spectacle gratifying to angels and to all good people. When we perceive that the guests are compelled to pollute their eyes by beholding this detestable exhibition, let us learn from it, that those who sit at the tables of kings are often involved in many crimes; for, granting that the table is not stained by murder, every thing partakes so largely of all sorts of wickedness, that they who approach to it must be at least given up to debauchery. 29. His disciples came. One thing only remained to complete the woman’s cruelty. It was, to leave the corpse of the holy man unburied; for there is reason to believe that, when his disciples performed this duty, the attendants of the tyrant had thrown out the corpse. Though the honor of burial is of no importance to the dead, yet it is the will of the Lord that we should observe this ceremony as a token of the last resurrection; and therefore God was pleased with the carefulness which was manifested by the disciples, when they came to commit to the tomb the body of their master. Moreover, it was an attestation of their piety; for in this way they declared that the doctrine of their master continued to have a firm hold of their hearts after his death. This confession was therefore worthy of praise, more especially as it was not without danger; for they could not do honor to a man who had been put to death by the executioner without exciting against themselves the rage of the tyrant. MATTHEW 14:13-21; MARK 6:30-44; LUKE 9:10-17 Matthew 14:13-21 Mark 6:30-44 Luke 9:10-17 10. And the Apostles, having returned, 375 13. When Jesus heard this, 30. And the Apostles he departed thence to a ship to a assembled to Jesus, and related related to him all desert place apart; and when the to him all things, both what they that they had done. And he took multitudes heard it, they had done and what they had them, and withdrew apart into a taught. 372 followed him on foot out of the 31. And he said to desert place, near a city which cities. 14. And Jesus, when them, Come you apart into a is called Bethsaida. 11. And leaving (the ship,) saw a great desert place, and rest for a little. when the multitudes knew it, multitude, and was moved with For there were many who were they followed him; and he compassion towards them, and coming and going, so that there received them, and spoke to healed of such of them as were was not even leisure to take them about the kingdom of God, 375 “Quand les Apostres furent retournez;” — “when the Apostles were returned.” 372 “Tout ce qu’ils avoyent fait et enseigne;” — “all that they had done and taught.” 158 John Calvin

ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 food. 373 diseased. 15. And when the . 32. And he went into and healed those who needed evening was drawing on, his a desert place by ship apart. healing. 12. And the day began disciples came to him, saying, It 33. And the multitude saw them to decline; and the twelve is a desert place, and the time is departing, and many recognized approached and said to him, now past: send the multitudes him, and ran hither on foot out Send away the multitudes, that away, that they may go into the of all the cities, and went before they may go into the village, and purchase victuals for them, and came together to him. neighboring towns and villages, themselves. 16. And Jesus said 34. And Jesus, as he was leaving and procure food; for we are to them, It is not necessary that (the ship,) saw a great multitude, here in a desert place. 13. And they should go away: give you and was moved with compassion he said to them, Give you to to them something to eat. towards them, because they were them something to eat. And they 17. And they say to him, We as sheep not having a shepherd, said, We have no more than five have nothing here but five and he began to teach them loaves and two fishes; unless we loaves and two fishes. 18. And many things. 35. And when a go and buy food for all this he said, Bring them hither to me. great part of the day was already people. 14. Now they were about 19. And he commanded the past, his disciples came to him, five thousand men. And he saith multitudes to sit down on the saying, It is a desert place, and to his disciples, Make them sit grass, and, taking the five loaves the day is now far advanced. down, fifty in each division. and the two fishes, and raising 36. Send them away, that they 15. And they did so, and made his eyes to heaven, he blessed. may go into the surrounding them all sit down. 16. And, 370 And when he had broken the towns and villages and purchase taking the five loaves and the loaves, he gave them to the bread for themselves; for they two fishes, he raised his eyes to disciples, and the disciples to the having nothing to eat. 37. And heaven, and blessed them, and broke them, 376 multitudes. 20. And they all ate, he answering said to them, Give and gave them to and were satisfied, and carried you to them something to eat. the disciples to set before the away what remained of the And they said to him Shall we multitude. 17. And they all ate, fragments go and purchase bread for two 371 twelve baskets full. and were satisfied; and there was 21. And they who had eaten hundred pence, and give them carried away what was left of the were nearly five thousand men, something to eat? 38. And he fragments twelve baskets. besides women and children. said to them, How many loaves have you? Go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes. 39. And he 373 “Tellement qu’ils n’avoyent pas mesmes loisir de manger;” — “so that they had not even leisure to eat.” 370 “Rendit graces;” — “gave thanks.” 376 “Les benit, et les rompit.” 371 “Puis recueillerent le residu des pieces des pains;” — “then gathered what was left of the pieces of bread.” 159 John Calvin

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Commentary</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong>, <strong>Mark</strong>, <strong>Luke</strong> - <strong>Volume</strong> 2<br />

food. 373 diseased. 15. And when the . 32. And he went into and healed those who needed<br />

evening was drawing <strong>on</strong>, his a desert place by ship apart. healing. 12. And the day began<br />

disciples came to him, saying, It 33. And the multitude saw them to decline; and the twelve<br />

is a desert place, and the time is departing, and many recognized approached and said to him,<br />

now past: send the multitudes him, and ran hither <strong>on</strong> foot out Send away the multitudes, that<br />

away, that they may go into the of all the cities, and went before they may go into the<br />

village, and purchase victuals for them, and came together to him. neighboring towns and villages,<br />

themselves. 16. And Jesus said 34. And Jesus, as he was leaving and procure food; for we are<br />

to them, It is not necessary that (the ship,) saw a great multitude, here in a desert place. 13. And<br />

they should go away: give you and was moved with compassi<strong>on</strong> he said to them, Give you to<br />

to them something to eat. towards them, because they were them something to eat. And they<br />

17. And they say to him, We as sheep not having a shepherd, said, We have no more than five<br />

have nothing here but five and he began to teach them loaves and two fishes; unless we<br />

loaves and two fishes. 18. And many things. 35. And when a go and buy food for all this<br />

he said, Bring them hither to me. great part of the day was already people. 14. Now they were about<br />

19. And he commanded the past, his disciples came to him, five thousand men. And he saith<br />

multitudes to sit down <strong>on</strong> the saying, It is a desert place, and to his disciples, Make them sit<br />

grass, and, taking the five loaves the day is now far advanced. down, fifty in each divisi<strong>on</strong>.<br />

and the two fishes, and raising 36. Send them away, that they 15. And they did so, and made<br />

his eyes to heaven, he blessed. may go into the surrounding them all sit down. 16. And,<br />

370 And when he had broken the towns and villages and purchase taking the five loaves and the<br />

loaves, he gave them to the bread for themselves; for they two fishes, he raised his eyes to<br />

disciples, and the disciples to the having nothing to eat. 37. And heaven, and blessed them, and<br />

broke them, 376 multitudes. 20. And they all ate, he answering said to them, Give<br />

and gave them to<br />

and were satisfied, and carried you to them something to eat. the disciples to set before the<br />

away what remained of the And they said to him Shall we multitude. 17. And they all ate,<br />

fragments go and purchase bread for two<br />

371 twelve baskets full. and were satisfied; and there was<br />

21. And they who had eaten hundred pence, and give them carried away what was left of the<br />

were nearly five thousand men, something to eat? 38. And he fragments twelve baskets.<br />

besides women and children. said to them, How many loaves<br />

have you? Go and see. And<br />

when they knew, they say, Five,<br />

and two fishes. 39. And he<br />

373 “Tellement qu’ils n’avoyent pas mesmes loisir de manger;” — “so that they had not even leisure to eat.”<br />

370 “Rendit graces;” — “gave thanks.”<br />

376 “Les benit, et les rompit.”<br />

371 “Puis recueillerent le residu des pieces des pains;” — “then gathered what was left of the pieces of bread.”<br />

159<br />

John Calvin

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