Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf

Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf
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ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 fault with them; but when a thing has been entrusted to them either in charge or in loan, and of which they must afterwards render an account, they are more cautious and more timid. We thus ascertain Christ’s meaning to be, that they who are bad stewards of earthly blessings would not be faithful guardians of spiritual gifts. He next introduces a sentence: You cannot serve God and mammon; which I have explained at Matthew 6:24. There the reader will find an explanation of the word Mammon 301 14. And the Pharisees, who were covetous, heard all these things. They who imagine that Christ was ridiculed by the Pharisees, because he chose to employ a plain and familiar style, and made no use of swelling words, 302 do not sufficiently comprehend what Luke means. Haughty and disdainful men, I do acknowledge, view the doctrine of the Gospel with contempt; but Luke expressly declares the reason why Christ was the object of their derision to have been, that they were covetous Entertaining a firm and deep-seated conviction that the rich are happy, and that there is nothing better for men than to increase their wealth by every possible method, and earnestly to guard whatever they have acquired, they reject as foolish paradoxes 303 all the sayings of Christ which had a contrary tendency. And, certainly, any one that speaks of despising riches, or bestowing alms on the poor, is regarded by the covetous as a madman. Horace’s words on this subject are well known: 304 “The people hiss at me, but I am well satisfied with myself.” 305 But if, even when they are condemned by universal opinion, they continue to flatter themselves, how much more will they ridicule as a fable that philosophy of Christ which is far removed from the ordinary belief? Some other pretense, I have no doubt, was held out by the Pharisees for ridiculing and evading a doctrine which opposed their vice. But we must attend to the motive by which they were actuated; for it is a disease which almost always prevails in the world, that the greater part of men affect to despise whatever does not fall in with their corrupt morals. Hence the ridicule, and jest, and merriment, with which the word of God is frequently assailed; for every man fights in defense of his own vices, and all imagine that their witticisms will serve for a cloud to screen their criminality. 301 “Et la aussi on trouvera la signification de ce mot Mammona, lequel est ici mis, et que nous avons traduit Richesses ” — “And there will also be found the meaning of the word Mammon, which is used here, and which we have translated Riches.”—In an earlier portion of this ong>Commentaryong>, to which our author refers, (Harmony, vol. 1 p. 337,) no direct or formal explanation of the word Mammon is to be found; but a careful reader of the expository remarks on Matthew 6:24 will easily perceive that Calvin understands riches to be one of the two masters spoken of in that passage. An indirect definition of the term is afforded by his French version of the text, both in Matth. 6:24, and in Luke 16:13, “Vous ne pouvez servir a Dieu et aux richesses;” — “you cannot serve God and riches.” 302 “En affectant des termes exquis, et bien remplissans la bouehe;”— “by affecting nicely chosen words, and that fill the mouth well.” 303 “Comme choses absurdes, et contre l’opinion commune;” — “as absurd statements, and opposed to the common belief.” 304 “Horace, Poete Latin, dit parlant en la personne d’un avaricieux;” — “Horace, a Latin Poet, says, speaking in the person of a covetous man.” 305 “Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo.”— Sat. 1. 1:66. 126 John Calvin

ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 15. It is you that justify yourselves before men. We see that Christ does not give way to their disdainful conduct, but constantly maintains the authority of his doctrine in opposition to their mockery; and it is the duty of all the ministers of the Gospel to pursue the same course, by meeting ungodly despisers with the dreadful judgment of God. He declares that the hypocrisy, with which they deceive the eyes of men, will be of no avail to them at the judgment-seat of God. They were unwilling to have it thought that their mockery was intended as a defense of their covetousness. But Christ affirms that this venom breaks out from a concealed ulcer; just as if one were to tell the mitred prelates of our own day, that their hostility to the Gospel arises from the severity with which it attacks their hidden vices. But God knoweth your hearts. He says that they reckon it enough if they appear to be good in the eyes of men, and if they can boast of a pretended sanctity; but that God, who knoweth the hearts, is well acquainted with the vices which they conceal from the view of the world. And here we must attend to the distinction between the judgments of God and the judgments of men; for men bestow approbation on outward appearances, but at the judgment-seat of God nothing is approved but an upright heart. There is added a striking observation: What is highly esteemed by men is abomination in the sight of God. Not that God rejects those virtues, the approbation of which He hath engraved on the hearts of men; but that God detests whatever men are disposed, of their own accord, to applaud. Hence it is evident in what light we ought to view all pretended acts of worship which the world contrives according to its own fancy. How much soever they may please their inventors, Christ pronounces that they are not only vain and worthless, but are even detestable. LUKE 16:19-31 Luke 16:19-31 19. There was a certain rich man, who was clothed in purple and fine linen, 306 and feasted sumptuously every day: 20. And there was a certain beggar, named Lazarus, who lay at his gate, full of sores, 21. And desiring to be fed from the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table: and even the dogs came and licked his sores. 22. And it happened that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; 23. And, lifting up his eyes in hell, when he was in torments, he seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. 24. And he, crying out, said, Father Abraham, have compassion on me, and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. 25. And Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and Lazarus likewise evil things: but now he enjoys comfort, and thou art tormented. 26. And besides all these things, a vast gulf lieth between us and you; so that they who wish to pass hence to you cannot, 306 “De pourpre et de soye;” — “in purple and silk.” 127 John Calvin

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Commentary</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong>, <strong>Mark</strong>, <strong>Luke</strong> - <strong>Volume</strong> 2<br />

fault with them; but when a thing has been entrusted to them either in charge or in loan, and of<br />

which they must afterwards render an account, they are more cautious and more timid.<br />

We thus ascertain Christ’s meaning to be, that they who are bad stewards of earthly blessings<br />

would not be faithful guardians of spiritual gifts. He next introduces a sentence: You cannot serve<br />

God and mamm<strong>on</strong>; which I have explained at <strong>Matthew</strong> 6:24. There the reader will find an explanati<strong>on</strong><br />

of the word Mamm<strong>on</strong> 301<br />

14. And the Pharisees, who were covetous, heard all these things. They who imagine that Christ<br />

was ridiculed by the Pharisees, because he chose to employ a plain and familiar style, and made<br />

no use of swelling words, 302 do not sufficiently comprehend what <strong>Luke</strong> means. Haughty and<br />

disdainful men, I do acknowledge, view the doctrine of the Gospel with c<strong>on</strong>tempt; but <strong>Luke</strong> expressly<br />

declares the reas<strong>on</strong> why Christ was the object of their derisi<strong>on</strong> to have been, that they were covetous<br />

Entertaining a firm and deep-seated c<strong>on</strong>victi<strong>on</strong> that the rich are happy, and that there is nothing<br />

better for men than to increase their wealth by every possible method, and earnestly to guard<br />

whatever they have acquired, they reject as foolish paradoxes 303 all the sayings of Christ which<br />

had a c<strong>on</strong>trary tendency. And, certainly, any <strong>on</strong>e that speaks of despising riches, or bestowing alms<br />

<strong>on</strong> the poor, is regarded by the covetous as a madman. Horace’s words <strong>on</strong> this subject are well<br />

known: 304 “The people hiss at me, but I am well satisfied with myself.” 305 But if, even when they<br />

are c<strong>on</strong>demned by universal opini<strong>on</strong>, they c<strong>on</strong>tinue to flatter themselves, how much more will they<br />

ridicule as a fable that philosophy of Christ which is far removed from the ordinary belief?<br />

Some other pretense, I have no doubt, was held out by the Pharisees for ridiculing and evading<br />

a doctrine which opposed their vice. But we must attend to the motive by which they were actuated;<br />

for it is a disease which almost always prevails in the world, that the greater part of men affect to<br />

despise whatever does not fall in with their corrupt morals. Hence the ridicule, and jest, and<br />

merriment, with which the word of God is frequently assailed; for every man fights in defense of<br />

his own vices, and all imagine that their witticisms will serve for a cloud to screen their criminality.<br />

301 “Et la aussi <strong>on</strong> trouvera la significati<strong>on</strong> de ce mot Mamm<strong>on</strong>a, lequel est ici mis, et que nous av<strong>on</strong>s traduit Richesses ” —<br />

“And there will also be found the meaning of the word Mamm<strong>on</strong>, which is used here, and which we have translated Riches.”—In<br />

an earlier porti<strong>on</strong> of this <str<strong>on</strong>g>Commentary</str<strong>on</strong>g>, to which our author refers, (Harm<strong>on</strong>y, vol. 1 p. 337,) no direct or formal explanati<strong>on</strong> of<br />

the word Mamm<strong>on</strong> is to be found; but a careful reader of the expository remarks <strong>on</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong> 6:24 will easily perceive that Calvin<br />

understands riches to be <strong>on</strong>e of the two masters spoken of in that passage. An indirect definiti<strong>on</strong> of the term is afforded by his<br />

French versi<strong>on</strong> of the text, both in Matth. 6:24, and in <strong>Luke</strong> 16:13, “Vous ne pouvez servir a Dieu et aux richesses;” — “you<br />

cannot serve God and riches.”<br />

302 “En affectant des termes exquis, et bien remplissans la bouehe;”— “by affecting nicely chosen words, and that fill the<br />

mouth well.”<br />

303 “Comme choses absurdes, et c<strong>on</strong>tre l’opini<strong>on</strong> commune;” — “as absurd statements, and opposed to the comm<strong>on</strong> belief.”<br />

304 “Horace, Poete Latin, dit parlant en la pers<strong>on</strong>ne d’un avaricieux;” — “Horace, a Latin Poet, says, speaking in the pers<strong>on</strong><br />

of a covetous man.”<br />

305 “Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo.”— Sat. 1. 1:66.<br />

126<br />

John Calvin

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