Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf

Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf
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ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 to arouse believers to consider more attentively what belongs to the future life, and not to shut their eyes against the light of the Gospel, when they perceive that even the blind, amidst their darkness, see more clearly. And, indeed, the children of light ought to be more powerfully excited, when they behold the children of this world making provision against a distant period, for a life which is fading, and which passes in a moment. 9. Make to yourselves friends. As in the words which were last considered Christ did not enjoin us to offer sacrifices to God out of the fruits of extortion, so now he does not mean that we ought to search for defenders or advocates, who will throw around us the shield of their protection; but teaches us that by acts of charity we obtain favor with God, who has promised, that to the merciful he will show himself merciful, (Psalm 18:25.) It is highly foolish and absurd to infer from this passage, that the prayers or approbation of the dead are of service to us: for, on that supposition, all that is bestowed on unworthy persons would be thrown away; but the depravity of men does not prevent the Lord from placing on his records all that we have expended on the poor. The Lord looks not to the persons, but to the work itself, so that our liberality, though it may happen to be exercised towards ungrateful men, will be of avail to us in the sight of God. But then he appears to intimate that eternal life depends on our merits. I reply: it is sufficiently plain from the context that he speaks after the manner of men. One who possesses extensive influence or wealth, if he procure friends during his prosperity, has persons who will support him when he is visited by adversity. In like manner, our kindness to the poor will be a seasonable relief to us; for whatever any man may have generously bestowed on his neighbors the Lord acknowledges as if it had been done to himself. When you fail. By this word he expresses the time of death, and reminds us that the time of our administration will be short, lest the confident expectation of a longer continuance of life should make us take a firmer grasp. The greater part are sunk in slumber through their wealth; many squander what they have on superfluities; while the niggardliness of others keeps it back, and deprives both themselves and others of the benefit. Whence comes all this, but because they are led astray by an unfounded expectation of long life, and give themselves up to every kind of indulgence? Of the mammon of unrighteousness. By giving this name to riches, he intends to render them an object of our suspicion, because for the most part they involve their possessors in unrighteousness Though in themselves they are not evil, yet as it rarely happens that they are obtained without deceit, or violence, or some other unlawful expedient, or that the enjoyment of them is unaccompanied by pride, or luxury, or some other wicked disposition, Christ justly represents them as worthy of our suspicion; just as on another occasion he called them thorns, (Matthew 13:7,22.) It would appear that a contrast, though not expressed, is intended to be supplied, to this effect; that riches, which otherwise, in consequence of wicked abuse, polluted their possessors, and are almost in every ease allurements of sin, ought to be directed to a contrary object, to be the means of procuring favor for us. Let us also remember what I have formerly stated, that God does not demand 124 John Calvin

ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 sacrifice to be made from booty unjustly acquired, as if he were the partner of thieves, and that it is rather a warning given to believers to keep themselves free from unrighteousness 10. He who is faithful in that which is least. Those maxims are proverbs taken from ordinary practice and experience, and it is quite enough if they are generally true. It will sometimes happen, no doubt, that a deceiver, who had disregarded a small gain, shall display his wickedness in a matter of importance. Nay, many persons, by affecting honesty in trifling matters, are only in pursuit of an enormous gain; 298 as that author 299 says: “Fraud establishes confidence in itself in small matters, that, when a fit opportunity shall arrive, it may deceive with vast advantage.” And yet the statement of Christ is not inaccurate; for in proverbs, as I have mentioned, we attend only to what usually happens. Christ, therefore, exhorts his disciples to act faithfully in small matters, in order to prepare themselves for the exercise of fidelity in matters of the highest importance. He next applies this doctrine to the proper stewardship of spiritual graces, which the world, indeed, does not estimate according to their value, but which far surpass, beyond all question, the fading riches of this world. Those persons, he tells us, who act improperly and unfaithfully in things of small value, such as the transitory riches of the world, do not deserve that God should entrust to them the inestimable treasure of the Gospel, and of similar gifts. There is, therefore, in these words an implied threatening, that there is reason to fear lest, on account of our abuse of an earthly stewardship, we fail to obtain heavenly gifts. In this sense, what is true is contrasted with riches, as what is solid and lasting is contrasted with what is shadowy and fading. 300 12. And if you have not been faithful in what belongs to another. By the expression, what belongs to another, he means what is not within man; for God does not bestow riches upon us on condition that we shall be attached to them, but makes us stewards of them in such a manner, that they may not bind us with their chains. And, indeed, it is impossible that our minds should be free and disengaged for dwelling in heaven, if we did not look upon every thing that is in the world as belonging to another Who shall entrust to you what is your own? Spiritual riches, on the other hand, which relate to a future life, are pronounced by him to be our own, because the enjoyment of them is everlasting. But now he employs a different comparison. There is no reason, he tells us, to expect that we shall make a proper and moderate use of our own property, if we have acted improperly or unfaithfully in what belonged to another. Men usually care less about abusing, and allow themselves greater liberty in squandering, their own property, because they are not afraid that any person will find 298 “Et mesmes plusieurs sont contens d’user de simplicite et fidelite en de petites choses, a fin d’attraper puis apres un grand profit tout d’un coup;” — “and many are even willing to practice honesty and fidelity in small matters, in order afterwards to seize all at once on a large profit.” 299 Livy. 300 “D’une chose caduque, et qui n’est qu’une ombre;” — “with a fading thing, and which is only a shadow.” 125 John Calvin

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Commentary</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong>, <strong>Mark</strong>, <strong>Luke</strong> - <strong>Volume</strong> 2<br />

sacrifice to be made from booty unjustly acquired, as if he were the partner of thieves, and that it<br />

is rather a warning given to believers to keep themselves free from unrighteousness<br />

10. He who is faithful in that which is least. Those maxims are proverbs taken from ordinary<br />

practice and experience, and it is quite enough if they are generally true. It will sometimes happen,<br />

no doubt, that a deceiver, who had disregarded a small gain, shall display his wickedness in a matter<br />

of importance. Nay, many pers<strong>on</strong>s, by affecting h<strong>on</strong>esty in trifling matters, are <strong>on</strong>ly in pursuit of<br />

an enormous gain; 298 as that author 299 says: “Fraud establishes c<strong>on</strong>fidence in itself in small matters,<br />

that, when a fit opportunity shall arrive, it may deceive with vast advantage.” And yet the statement<br />

of Christ is not inaccurate; for in proverbs, as I have menti<strong>on</strong>ed, we attend <strong>on</strong>ly to what usually<br />

happens.<br />

Christ, therefore, exhorts his disciples to act faithfully in small matters, in order to prepare<br />

themselves for the exercise of fidelity in matters of the highest importance. He next applies this<br />

doctrine to the proper stewardship of spiritual graces, which the world, indeed, does not estimate<br />

according to their value, but which far surpass, bey<strong>on</strong>d all questi<strong>on</strong>, the fading riches of this world.<br />

Those pers<strong>on</strong>s, he tells us, who act improperly and unfaithfully in things of small value, such as<br />

the transitory riches of the world, do not deserve that God should entrust to them the inestimable<br />

treasure of the Gospel, and of similar gifts. There is, therefore, in these words an implied threatening,<br />

that there is reas<strong>on</strong> to fear lest, <strong>on</strong> account of our abuse of an earthly stewardship, we fail to obtain<br />

heavenly gifts. In this sense, what is true is c<strong>on</strong>trasted with riches, as what is solid and lasting is<br />

c<strong>on</strong>trasted with what is shadowy and fading. 300<br />

12. And if you have not been faithful in what bel<strong>on</strong>gs to another. By the expressi<strong>on</strong>, what bel<strong>on</strong>gs<br />

to another, he means what is not within man; for God does not bestow riches up<strong>on</strong> us <strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong><br />

that we shall be attached to them, but makes us stewards of them in such a manner, that they may<br />

not bind us with their chains. And, indeed, it is impossible that our minds should be free and<br />

disengaged for dwelling in heaven, if we did not look up<strong>on</strong> every thing that is in the world as<br />

bel<strong>on</strong>ging to another<br />

Who shall entrust to you what is your own? Spiritual riches, <strong>on</strong> the other hand, which relate to<br />

a future life, are pr<strong>on</strong>ounced by him to be our own, because the enjoyment of them is everlasting.<br />

But now he employs a different comparis<strong>on</strong>. There is no reas<strong>on</strong>, he tells us, to expect that we shall<br />

make a proper and moderate use of our own property, if we have acted improperly or unfaithfully<br />

in what bel<strong>on</strong>ged to another. Men usually care less about abusing, and allow themselves greater<br />

liberty in squandering, their own property, because they are not afraid that any pers<strong>on</strong> will find<br />

298 “Et mesmes plusieurs s<strong>on</strong>t c<strong>on</strong>tens d’user de simplicite et fidelite en de petites choses, a fin d’attraper puis apres un grand<br />

profit tout d’un coup;” — “and many are even willing to practice h<strong>on</strong>esty and fidelity in small matters, in order afterwards to<br />

seize all at <strong>on</strong>ce <strong>on</strong> a large profit.”<br />

299 Livy.<br />

300 “D’une chose caduque, et qui n’est qu’une ombre;” — “with a fading thing, and which is <strong>on</strong>ly a shadow.”<br />

125<br />

John Calvin

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