Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf

Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2.pdf
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ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 divide asunder, by the sword of the word, the thoughts and feelings, and penetrate into the souls of men, (Hebrews 4:12,) but was not a magistrate to divide inheritances This condemns the robbery of the Pope and his clergy, who, while they give themselves out to be pastors of the Church, have dared to usurp an earthly and secular jurisdiction, which is inconsistent with their office; for what is in itself lawful may be improper in certain persons. There was also in my opinion, a third reason of great weight. Christ saw that this man was neglecting doctrine, and was looking only to his private concerns. This is too common a disease. Many who profess the Gospel do not scruple to make use of it as a false pretense for advancing their private interests, and to plead the authority of Christ as an apology for their gains. From the exhortations 267 which is immediately added, we may readily draw this inference; for if that man had not availed himself of the Gospel as a pretext for his own emolument, Christ would not have taken occasion to give this warning against covetousness The context, therefore, makes it sufficiently evident, that this was a pretended disciple, whose mind was entirely occupied with lands or money. It is highly absurd in the Anabaptists to infer from this reply, that no Christian man has a right to divide inheritances, to take a part in legal decisions, or to discharge any public office. Christ does not argue from the nature of the thing itself, but from his own calling. Having been appointed by the Father for a different purpose, he declares that he is not a judge, because he has received no such command. Let us hold by this rule, that every one keep within the limits of the calling which God has given him. 15. Take heed and beware of covetousness. Christ first guards his followers against covetousness, and next, in order to cure their minds entirely of this disease, he declares, that our life consisteth not in abundance. These words point out the inward fountain and source, from which flows the mad eagerness for gain. It is because the general belief is, that a man is happy in proportion as he possesses much, and that the happiness of life is produced by riches. Hence arise those immoderate desires, which, like a fiery furnace, send forth their flames, and yet cease not to burn within. If we were convinced that riches, and any kind of abundance, are evils of the present life, which the Lord bestows upon us with his own hand, and the use of which is accompanied by his blessing, this single consideration would have a powerful influence in restraining all wicked desires; and this is what believers have come to learn from their own experience. 268 For whence comes it, that they moderate their wishes, and depend on God alone, but because they do not look upon their life as 267 “En considerant la circonstance de l’exhortation qui est ici adioustee, il est aise a iuger que cestuy-ci estoit mene d’une telle affection perverse;” —”by considering the circumstance of the exhortation which is here added, it may easily be inferred that this man was under the influence of such a wicked disposition.” 268 “Ce que les fideles experimentent ton les iours en eux-mesmes estre vray;” — “which believers every day experience in themselves to be true.” 102 John Calvin

ong>Commentaryong> on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2 necessarily connected with abundance, or dependent upon it, but rely on the providence of God, who alone upholds us by his power, and supplies us with whatever is necessary? 16. And he spoke a parable to them This parable presents to us, as in a mirror, a lively portrait of this sentiment, that men do not live by their abundance. Since the life even of the richest men is taken away in a moment, what avails it that they have accumulated great wealth? All acknowledge it to be true, so that Christ says nothing here but what is perfectly common, and what every man has constantly in his mouth. But where is the man that honestly believes it? Do not all, on the contrary, regulate their life, and arrange their schemes and employments in such a manner as to withdraw to the greatest distance from God, making their life to rest on a present abundance of good things? It is therefore necessary that all should immediately arouse themselves, lest, by imagining their happiness to consist in riches, they entangle themselves in the snares of covetousness. This parable shows us, first, that the present life is short and transitory. Secondly, it points out to us, that riches are of no avail for prolonging life. We must add a third, which is not expressed, but may easily be inferred from the other two; that it is a most excellent remedy for believers, to ask from the Lord their daily bread, and to rely on his providence alone, whether they are rich or poor. 17. What shall I do? Wicked men are driven to perplexity in their deliberations, because they do not know how any thing is to be lawfully used; 269 and, next, because they are intoxicated with a foolish confidence which makes them forget themselves. Thus we find that this rich man lengthens out his expectation of life in proportion to his large income, and drives far away from him the remembrance of death. And yet this pride is accompanied by distrust; for those men, when they have had their fill, are still agitated by insatiable desire, like this rich man, who enlarges his barns, as if his belly, which had been filled with his former barns, had not got enough. At the same time, Christ does not expressly condemn this man for acting the part of a careful householder in storing up his produce, but because his ravenous desire, like a deep whirlpool, swallows up and devours many barns; from which it follows that he does not comprehend the proper use of an abundant produce. 19. Take thine ease, eat, drink, enjoy thyself. When he exhorts himself to eat and drink, he no longer remembers that he is a man, but swells into pride by relying on his abundance. We daily perceive striking instances of this disdainful conduct 270 in irreligious men, who hold up the mass of their riches, as if it were nothing less than a brazen rampart against death. When he says, Eat, my soul, and enjoy thyself, there is an emphatic meaning in this Hebrew idiom; 271 for he addresses 269 “Pource qu’ils ne scavent point quel est le droit et legitime usage des creatures de Dieu;” — “because they know not what is the proper and lawful use of the creatures of God.” 270 “D’une telle mecognoissance et fierte;” — “of such ingratitude and pride.” 271 “En ceste locution Hebraique il y a une vehemence et proprie plus que les mots n’emportent de prime face;” — “in that Hebrew form of expression there is greater force and propriety than the words at first sight bear.” 103 John Calvin

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Commentary</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong>, <strong>Mark</strong>, <strong>Luke</strong> - <strong>Volume</strong> 2<br />

divide asunder, by the sword of the word, the thoughts and feelings, and penetrate into the souls<br />

of men,<br />

(Hebrews 4:12,)<br />

but was not a magistrate to divide inheritances This c<strong>on</strong>demns the robbery of the Pope and his<br />

clergy, who, while they give themselves out to be pastors of the Church, have dared to usurp an<br />

earthly and secular jurisdicti<strong>on</strong>, which is inc<strong>on</strong>sistent with their office; for what is in itself lawful<br />

may be improper in certain pers<strong>on</strong>s.<br />

There was also in my opini<strong>on</strong>, a third reas<strong>on</strong> of great weight. Christ saw that this man was<br />

neglecting doctrine, and was looking <strong>on</strong>ly to his private c<strong>on</strong>cerns. This is too comm<strong>on</strong> a disease.<br />

Many who profess the Gospel do not scruple to make use of it as a false pretense for advancing<br />

their private interests, and to plead the authority of Christ as an apology for their gains. From the<br />

exhortati<strong>on</strong>s 267 which is immediately added, we may readily draw this inference; for if that man<br />

had not availed himself of the Gospel as a pretext for his own emolument, Christ would not have<br />

taken occasi<strong>on</strong> to give this warning against covetousness The c<strong>on</strong>text, therefore, makes it sufficiently<br />

evident, that this was a pretended disciple, whose mind was entirely occupied with lands or m<strong>on</strong>ey.<br />

It is highly absurd in the Anabaptists to infer from this reply, that no Christian man has a right<br />

to divide inheritances, to take a part in legal decisi<strong>on</strong>s, or to discharge any public office. Christ<br />

does not argue from the nature of the thing itself, but from his own calling. Having been appointed<br />

by the Father for a different purpose, he declares that he is not a judge, because he has received no<br />

such command. Let us hold by this rule, that every <strong>on</strong>e keep within the limits of the calling which<br />

God has given him.<br />

15. Take heed and beware of covetousness. Christ first guards his followers against covetousness,<br />

and next, in order to cure their minds entirely of this disease, he declares, that our life c<strong>on</strong>sisteth<br />

not in abundance. These words point out the inward fountain and source, from which flows the<br />

mad eagerness for gain. It is because the general belief is, that a man is happy in proporti<strong>on</strong> as he<br />

possesses much, and that the happiness of life is produced by riches. Hence arise those immoderate<br />

desires, which, like a fiery furnace, send forth their flames, and yet cease not to burn within. If we<br />

were c<strong>on</strong>vinced that riches, and any kind of abundance, are evils of the present life, which the Lord<br />

bestows up<strong>on</strong> us with his own hand, and the use of which is accompanied by his blessing, this<br />

single c<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong> would have a powerful influence in restraining all wicked desires; and this is<br />

what believers have come to learn from their own experience. 268 For whence comes it, that they<br />

moderate their wishes, and depend <strong>on</strong> God al<strong>on</strong>e, but because they do not look up<strong>on</strong> their life as<br />

267 “En c<strong>on</strong>siderant la circ<strong>on</strong>stance de l’exhortati<strong>on</strong> qui est ici adioustee, il est aise a iuger que cestuy-ci estoit mene d’une telle<br />

affecti<strong>on</strong> perverse;” —”by c<strong>on</strong>sidering the circumstance of the exhortati<strong>on</strong> which is here added, it may easily be inferred that<br />

this man was under the influence of such a wicked dispositi<strong>on</strong>.”<br />

268 “Ce que les fideles experimentent t<strong>on</strong> les iours en eux-mesmes estre vray;” — “which believers every day experience in<br />

themselves to be true.”<br />

102<br />

John Calvin

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