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Office : 61 John Street Camden<br />

PO Box 141 Camden NSW 2570<br />

Office Ph: 4655 9165<br />

Office Fax: 4655 3054<br />

Email: admin@mvrlpb.org.au<br />

Website: www.mvrlpb.org.au<br />


Division A<br />

Peter Williams Ian McDougall<br />

Division B<br />

Rowan Moore Rod Chevis<br />

(Deputy Chairman)<br />

Division C<br />

Tim Scott Margaret Hughes<br />

Division D<br />

Ann Turner Stuart Yeatman<br />

(Chairman)<br />

District Veterinarian<br />

Keith Hart Office: 4655 5736<br />

Mob: 0408 409 391<br />

Managing Ranger<br />

Andrew Glover Office: 4655 6273<br />

Mob: 0408 274 980<br />

Rangers<br />

A Div:Steve Parker Mob: 0408 168 809<br />

B Div:Geoff Mills Mob: 0418 210 681<br />

C Div:Charles Signorelli Mob: 0418 241 251<br />

D Div:Daniel Shaw Mob: 0418 963 808<br />

Field Offr:Lee Parker Mob: 0408 213 588<br />

Manager<br />

Graham South Office: 4655 9166<br />

Mob: 0418 424 591<br />

Customer Service Officers<br />

Pauline Downing Gail McCall<br />

Melissa Blaffert Deb Hunt<br />

Sandra Davidson<br />

Working for Rural NSW<br />

November 2006 Vol 6 issue 3<br />

<strong>FROM</strong> <strong>THE</strong> VET’S <strong>DESK</strong><br />

<strong>WHAT</strong> <strong>IS</strong> <strong>GREEN</strong> <strong>CESTRUM</strong>?<br />

A <strong>MAJOR</strong><br />

CAUSE OF<br />

SUDDEN<br />

DEATH IN<br />

CATTLE<br />

A<br />



WEED<br />

Highly poisonous to livestock, a couple of mouthfuls can kill.<br />

All parts of the plant are toxic.<br />

A perennial shrub, Cestrum parqui can grow to a height of 3 metres.<br />

Yellow­green tubular­shaped flowers in bunches. Flowers most of the year.<br />

Produces egg­shaped berries in clusters. Stems and branches are brittle and<br />

snap off easily.<br />

WHERE <strong>IS</strong> <strong>GREEN</strong> <strong>CESTRUM</strong> FOUND? Green Cestrum is<br />

mainly spread by birds eating its fruit and excreting the seeds. Plants are<br />

often found growing under perching trees and along fence lines. Also<br />

spread by water, it grows along river flats, creeks, wetland areas and in<br />

bushland pockets where thickets predominate.<br />


Green cestrum is a major cause of cattle death in the Sydney basin.<br />

Cattle may be depressed, off feed and have abdominal pain prior to<br />

death. Death usually occurs within a few hours of ingestion. The<br />

main danger period is when plants have broken off, are treated with<br />

herbicides or during drought. As the plant dries off, it becomes<br />

more attractive to livestock. New animals put in an unfamiliar<br />

paddock may be disorientated or stressed so may graze plants they<br />

wouldn’t ordinarily touch.<br />

These yearlings died grazing on green cestrum growing on the river at Wallacia

… continued HOW DO YOU GET RID OF<br />

<strong>GREEN</strong> <strong>CESTRUM</strong>?<br />

DIG IT OUT­ Cestrum can regrow from root fragments, so<br />

follow­up control may be required.<br />

HERBICIDES ­Chemical control involves spot­spray<br />

application for heavy infestations, or scraping and<br />

painting stems with a dropper bottle.<br />

Contact your local council or DPI Richmond<br />

(phone:02 4588 2100) for further information regarding<br />

herbicides. Remove cattle from the treated area as dried out<br />

and chemically treated plants are more palatable. Select<br />

pasture species to compete with cestrum, including<br />

vigorously growing grasses such as Kikuyu.<br />

Growing native plant species along river banks and steep<br />

slopes is recommended after removal of Cestrum to reduce<br />

erosion and assist in long term control of Cestrum parqui.<br />

Working for Rural NSW<br />

~~~~~~~~~~~<br />

Exceptional Circumstances<br />

Announcement<br />

Board staff were very pleased to hear the announcement<br />

by Federal Agriculture Minister Peter McGowan on 24th<br />

October 2006 of the reintroduction of an Exceptional<br />

Circumstances (EC) Declaration for the whole of the<br />

Moss Vale Rural Lands Protection Board District. EC<br />

Relief will be available to eligible farmers from that date,<br />

and will expire on 1st March 2008.<br />

The Board requested the assistance of the NSW<br />

Minister for Primary Industries in applying for the re­<br />

instatement of EC assistance in July 2006. Helpful<br />

support was provided by staff from Goulburn office of<br />

the NSW DPI. A number of ratepayers helped the cause<br />

through active lobbying of their local Federal MPs.<br />

Farmers are encouraged to apply for EC support that is<br />

now available. There are two main contact points to<br />

access EC benefits.<br />

Centrelink—The Centrelink Drought<br />

Assistance Hotline is 132 316. Farmers can<br />

access the following services via this number ­<br />

a) Free Personal Counselling Services<br />

b) Exceptional Circumstances Relief Payment (for farm­<br />

ers, equivalent to the Newstart Allowance and subject to<br />

some income and asset tests. These have been relaxed for<br />

the latest EC relief payments)<br />

c) Other drought support measures<br />

EC Interest Rate Subsidies— These are not<br />

obtained through Centrelink, but through the NSW<br />

RURAL ASS<strong>IS</strong>TANCE AUTHORITY, based in Orange.<br />

Contact details are via the<br />

NSW Department of Primary Industries<br />

phone — 63 913 000 or<br />

FREECALL 1800 678 593<br />

...continued<br />

More information is available on the<br />

Centrelink website<br />

www.centrelink.gov.au<br />

Interest rate subsidies have been increased to a<br />

maximum of $500,000, subject to the applicant<br />

establishing their viability through an independ­<br />

ent business assessment.<br />

Farmers are strongly advised to seek the<br />

assistance of a Rural Financial Counsellor<br />

if they wish to<br />

apply for an EC Interest Rate Subsidy<br />

~ ~ ~<br />

Drought Rebate Claims:<br />

Drought Status for three divisions has been<br />

extended to November 2006 by the Depart­<br />

ment of Primary Industries.<br />

Please telephone the office to ensure you are<br />

informed of your ability to claim and to<br />

obtain claim forms. Rebates for<br />

the transport of fodder, stock and<br />

water may apply, if the agricul­<br />

tural enterprise comprises a<br />

significant portion of income to<br />

the livestock owner.<br />

Ph 46 559 165 for further information.<br />

STOP<br />

PRESS!!!<br />

The first case of Hendra virus (the virus that<br />

killed the Queensland trainer Vic Rail) has<br />

recently been confirmed in a horse from the<br />

NSW North Coast.<br />

The disease is transmitted by flying foxes and is<br />

potentially fatal to both horses and humans.<br />

Hendra virus produces symptoms of high<br />

temperature and respiratory disease in horses.<br />

Horses showing these symptoms should be<br />

notified immediately to your local Veterinarian—<br />

or to the disease hotline 1800 675 888.<br />

It is essential to prevent contamination of horse<br />

feed by flying fox body fluids.


Why is the Moss Vale Board Worrying About Cattle Ticks?<br />

• Cattle ticks are currently restricted to Northern Australia, Queensland and the north-eastern<br />

corner of NSW. They are prevented from spreading south by the regulatory activities of the NSW<br />

Board of Tick Control (DPI), assisted by Board staff in Casino, Tweed-Lismore and Grafton.<br />

However, we know from CSIRO data that cattle ticks could survive and over-winter in most of<br />

the Board district—and that’s before we factor in the effects of global warming!<br />

• A particular problem we have here is the widespread distribution of deer throughout this Board<br />

district wherever there is suitable habitat for them. The Board has discovered that cattle ticks can<br />

survive on deer, which could then carry the ticks into tick free areas where they may be trans-<br />

ferred to tick free cattle. Because of the concern about deer being a ‘reservoir herd’ for cattle tick,<br />

the NSW Government has banned the keeping of deer in the north-east portion of NSW.<br />

• This means that a careless or illegal movement of cattle, horses or even dogs from Queensland to<br />

this area has the potential to introduce cattle tick, unless your animals are properly treated against<br />

cattle tick before they cross the NSW border.<br />

We already have Bush Ticks, Why Should we Worry about Cattle Ticks?<br />

There are two reasons why cattle ticks are a much bigger concern then than the local bush ticks.<br />

• 1. Tick Worry: Cattle are much more susceptible to the effects of cattle ticks, which cause anae-<br />

mia, unthriftiness, poor milk production and even death in cases of severe infestation.<br />

• 2. Tick Fever: Cattle tick can carry disease organisms which cause the disease Babesiosis or tick<br />

fever. This can be a very severe disease—mortalities of 60-80% have been recorded when tick<br />

fever has been introduced to susceptible cattle populations like ours. Symptoms include fever,<br />

anaemia, jaundice, blood-stained urine , nervous symptoms and death.<br />

• Under the Stock Diseases Act, suspicion of cattle tick or tick fever must be reported to the<br />

District Veterinarian or your local Ranger. The diagrams below show the main features which dis-<br />

tinguish the local bush tick from the foreign cattle tick (they were originally introduced by accident<br />

from Indonesia). If you are unsure, put the ticks in a small container with some methylated spirits,<br />

and drop it in at the Board office or give it to your local Ranger at the saleyards. We will need your<br />

contact details and the property location and type of animal on which the tick was found.<br />

• We are happy to provide this free tick identification service and you will be complying with your<br />

legal obligations.<br />

Actual size<br />

Working for Rural NSW

50% of<br />



<strong>FROM</strong> HEARING<br />

LOSS<br />

Even mild hearing loss can<br />

affect your communication and<br />

relationships. You can reduce your susceptibility by:<br />

1. Always using earmuffs or plugs when<br />

working with noisy machinery or tools<br />

2. Wearing earplugs in both ears when<br />

shooting<br />

3. Visit your GP if you think you have a<br />

hearing problem<br />

4. Contact your local Australian Hearing<br />

Centre (an Australian Government Agency)<br />

on 13 1797 or www.hearing.com.au<br />

Ref: Rural News Spring 2006<br />

PROfarm<br />

NSW DPI has courses to assist producers to boost<br />

productivity—Courses in Off Road 4WD Training—<br />

Identification and Management of Native Grass pastures—<br />

Safe Tractor Operation and Management– Weeds and their<br />

Control– All Terrain Vehicle Training—Prograze–<br />

Smarttrain AQF4 Chemical Risk Management<br />

Contact Camden 4640 6333<br />

Agriculture Today November 2006<br />

Telecommunications Industry<br />

Ombudsman<br />

If you have an ongoing and unresolved complaint about telephone or<br />

internet services and have attempted to<br />

resolve the problem with the provider approach the<br />

Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) to<br />

investigate such complaints as:<br />

• Fault repair<br />

• Privacy<br />

• Land access<br />

• Breaches of the Customer Service Guarantee<br />

• Industry codes of practice<br />

• Delays in connections<br />

• Payphones<br />

• Internet access<br />

• Printed and electronic White Pages<br />

• Standard telephone service<br />

Freecall: 1800 062 058<br />

Post: PO Box 276 Collins St West Vic 8007<br />

Fax: Freefax 1800 630 614<br />

Email: tio@tio.com.au<br />

www.tio.com.au Rural News Spring 2006<br />


a series of work­<br />

shops for those<br />

who manage<br />

pastures<br />

LANDSCAN is a course developed by<br />

NSW Dept Primary Industries : (DPI) that<br />

teaches skills including how to<br />

interpret landscapes and prioritise inputs, such as<br />

fertiliser. LANDSCAN is held over one full day<br />

and five half days around a month apart on the<br />

farms of participants.<br />

This course will cost only $100 per farm<br />

enterprise (either one or two people).<br />

A LANDSCAN course will begin in the<br />

Windsor/Hawkesbury area very soon.<br />

The first two sessions will be held on Mon 6th<br />

November and Mon 27th November<br />

12.30­4.30pm at a venue to be advised.<br />

To register your interest please contact:<br />

Ashley Senn, District Agronomist NSW DPI<br />

Richmond Phone: 4588 2100<br />

~~~~<br />


Stories from inspirational rural<br />

women.<br />

NEW in 2006<br />

A tribute to many women from<br />

rural, regional and remote<br />

backgrounds…<br />

120 page full colour book.<br />

Includes 27 stories of leading<br />

women…<br />

A great gift ONLY $11.00<br />

Telephone 1800 028 374<br />




Working for Rural NSW

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