Organ Specific Guide - Raintree Nutrition, Inc

Organ Specific Guide - Raintree Nutrition, Inc

Organ Specific Guide - Raintree Nutrition, Inc


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Description: A soothing glycerine extract formula which combines the plants traditionally used in South<br />

America for coughing and sore throats. This formula is suitable for both children and adults.<br />

Traditional uses by organ or system: Respiratory Tract: As an antitussive and expectorant for coughs,<br />

sore throats, tonsilitis, and bronchitis.<br />

Ingredients: A proprietary blend of embauba (Cecropia peltata), guaco (Mikania guaco), culen (Otholobium<br />

glandulosum), amor seco (Desmodium adscendens), bellaco caspi (Himatanthus sucuuba), ayapana<br />

(Ayapana triplinervis), matico (Piper aduncum), and canchalagua (Schkuhria pinnata) extracted in distilled<br />

water, vegetable glycerine, and honey.<br />

Suggested Use: For adults: Take 60 drops (2 ml) every 3 - 4 hours as needed. For children, take 10 drops<br />

for every 25 pounds of body weight every 4-6 hours.<br />

Contraindications:<br />

• Not to be used during pregnancy or while breast-feeding.<br />

• This formula is contraindicated for hemophiliacs or those with bleeding disorders.<br />

Drug Interactions: Guaco contains a large amount of natural coumarin. As such, it may enhance or<br />

increase the effect of coumadin (blood thinning) drugs.<br />

Other Practitioner Observations and Possible Precautions: None.<br />

Synopsis of research: (Please the online Tropical Plant Database for all cited research.)<br />

• Embauba is traditionally used in Brazilian herbal medicine for all types of respiratory complaints such as<br />

asthma, bronchitis, coughs, whooping cough, and pneumonia. Animal studies (with mice, rats, and<br />

guinea pigs) have shown that embauba has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic activities<br />

which may explain, in part, its widespread traditional use in respiratory disorders.<br />

• Guaco is well known in Brazil as a natural cough remedy. In 1870, a Brazilian herbal drug called<br />

Opodeldo de Guaco was made from guaco that was considered a "Saint's remedy" to treat bronchitis,<br />

coughs and rheumatism. In clinical studies guaco has demonstrated bronchodilator, cough suppressant,<br />

expectorant, antihistamine, anti-anaphylactic, and anti-inflammatory actions in animals and humans. It<br />

was also shown active against Mutans streptococci in another study.<br />

• Culen is traditionally used in Chile as a bronchodilator and in Brazil it is traditionally used for asthma.<br />

In research over the years culen has been documented with antibacterial, antifungal, antihyperlipemic,<br />

anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, antioxidant, antipsoriatic, antitumorous, antiviral, cytotoxic, febrifuge,<br />

and hepatoprotective actions.<br />

• In ten different studies, researchers found that amor seco interfered with the production of many of the<br />

chemicals normally produced during an asthma attack: spasmogens that cause contractions in the lung;<br />

histamines; as well as and leukotrienes that are known to stimulate bronchoconstriction and increase<br />

mucus production in the airway. Amor seco has also been shown to activate potassium maxi-K channels<br />

which play an important role in regulating the tone of airway smooth muscle and the release of constrictive<br />

substances in the lungs. One of amor seco's chemicals, dehydrosoyasaponin I, was cited as being<br />

"the most potent known potassium (maxi-K) channel opener."<br />

• Bellaco caspi is traditionally used in Peru to relieve pain, inflammation, and fever. Scientists have<br />

confirmed its analgesic, antibacterial, smooth muscle relaxant, and vulnerary actions in research.<br />

• Ayapana is traditionally used in Brazilian herbal medicine for coughs and sore throats. Scientists over<br />

the years have reported that ayapana possesses analgesic, antibacterial, anticoagulant, antifungal,<br />

antiparasitic, anthelminitic, CNS depressant, and sedative action in various animal and laboratory<br />

studies.<br />

• Matico is traditionally used for various upper respiratory conditions such as bronchitis, pulmonary hemorrhages,<br />

pleurisy, pneumonia, colds and flu, tonsilitis, and sore throats. In vitro research reports the<br />

broad-spectrum antimicrobial actions of matico.<br />

• Canchalagua is traditionally used in Argentina and Peru for coughing and upper respiratory infections.<br />

Scientists have reported that canchalagua has antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimalarial,<br />

antispasmodic, and anti-yeast actions.

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