Dissertation_A Bick_May 25 - DataSpace at Princeton University

Dissertation_A Bick_May 25 - DataSpace at Princeton University Dissertation_A Bick_May 25 - DataSpace at Princeton University

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Illustration 9. Portrait of Jacques Specx, Stichting Iconographisch Bureau, Den Haag. Specx was a Director in the Amsterdam chamber of the West India Company and, in 1645, a candidate for President of the High Council in Dutch Brazil. 

(Receiver General) of the United Provinces. Doubleth was in turn married to Geertruyd Huygens, sister of Constantijn Huygens, Secretaris to Frederik Hendrik, the Prince of Orange. This marriage therefore placed Specx firmly within the inner circles of the Dutch aristocracy. Finally, in 1642 Specx became a director of the Amsterdam chamber of the WIC and, two years later, served as the company's chief spokesman during crucial negotiations at the States of Holland over renewal of the company's charter. He thus had ties to three key constituencies: Amsterdam merchants, the financial, cultural, and political elite at The Hague, and the company itself. 47 Burgh and Baute approached Specx on April 25, but with little success: Specx indicated that he was eager to be of service to the company, and offered to conduct a review of the company's various overseas possessions, but he refused the office of President in Brazil. 48 The Heren XIX were not satisfied with this response and resolved to approach Specx again. Specx held his ground, though, and on May 2 Burch and Baute were authorized to approach the second candidate on the list, Bernard Julsinck, then Burgemeester of Groningen. Like Specx, Julsinck was a shareholder in the company, and from 1631, a director of the Groningen chamber. In the fall of 1641 and 1644 he represented Groningen at meetings of the Heren XIX. Unlike Specx, however, Julsink's experience was squarely in city government, rather than colonial affairs. He was Secretaris to the provincial Hoofdmanskamer (High Council) from 1618-1620, a representative to the Generaliteitsrekenkamer (General Accounting Office) from 1622-1624, curator of the city's academy in 1627, and either Hoofdman or Burgemeester almost every year 

 47 See Den Heijer, “Plannen voor Samenvoeging van VOC en WIC.” On Specx connections to the Huygens family, see Kees Zandvliet, ed., De 250 Rijksten van de Gouden Eeuw: Kapitaal, Macht, Familie en Levensstijl (Nieuw Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum, 2006), 46. 48 NA 1.01.07 inv.nr. 12564.17, Extract van de vergadering van de Heren XIX, 2 May 1645 en 17 Juny 1645. It appears that Specx fulfilled this promise: see his review of WIC finances in each of the conquest areas in NA 1.10.78 inv.nr. 8, fols. 115-120, treated in detail in Chapter Six of this dissertation. 

Illustr<strong>at</strong>ion 9. Portrait of Jacques Specx, Stichting Iconographisch<br />

Bureau, Den Haag. Specx was a Director in the Amsterdam chamber<br />

of the West India Company and, in 1645, a candid<strong>at</strong>e for President<br />

of the High Council in Dutch Brazil.<br />


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