Dissertation_A Bick_May 25 - DataSpace at Princeton University

Dissertation_A Bick_May 25 - DataSpace at Princeton University Dissertation_A Bick_May 25 - DataSpace at Princeton University

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of the Heren XVII to manage the company's shipping and trade. 27 This body would be elected from among the chief shareholders in each of the chambers. But weightier decisions relating to war, colonization, and justice Usselincx reserved for the Raedt van Indien. He described the council's purpose in Article 36: And so that the Company may be provided with the necessary and appropriate authority, and the directors saved from considerable trouble and expense from soliciting our assistance and support, and so that they may be able to attend to their trade and the outfitting of ships, as little as possible bothered with problems of state, so should there be elected [after the directors and representatives of the chief participants] a certain number of qualified persons, from among the noblemen as well as others, to form a Council of the Indies, whom we will recognize with appropriate authority and instructions, in our name to provide assistance and support to the company, raise armies, appoint governors, make laws, administer justice, and consult with the directors concerning the means necessary for the preservation of the company. 28 This Raedt van Indien would consist of approximately eight to ten members. Anyone investing more than 800,000 guilders in the company would automatically receive one seat; the remaining seats would be filled by election from amongst the chief investors. The Prince of Orange would serve as the council's chair and the meetings would take place in The Hague, rather than in 

 27 NA 1.01.07 inv.nr. 12564.1, fol. 123. A transcription of Usselincx's draft is also available as Appendix II in the second volume of Rees, Geschiedenis der Staathuishoudkunde in Nederland tot het Einde der Achttiende Eeuw, 2:384-408. 28 NA 1.01.07 inv.nr. 12564.1, fol. 121. “Ende op dat deze Comp. soude mogen worden versien van noodige, behoorlycke, ende wettige autoriteyt ende ansien, ende de Bewindhebbers ontlast van veel moeyten, ende oncosten, die by haer souden moghen gedaen worden int soliciteren om noodige hulpe ende bystandt, ende andere saecken, die sy met ons souden mogen te behandelen ende voor te dragen habben, ende op dat sy haer te beter souden mogen besigh houden met de saecken, haeren Coophandel ende vuytrustinge betreffende, ende oock om haer met de saecken van Staet, die hier aen nootwendelyck zyn hangende, soo weynich te bemoyen als het doenlyck is, Soo sullen wy nae t’ verkiesen vande Bewindhebbers ende deelgenoten, verkiesen seecker getal van gequalificeerde persoonen, soo van adel als andere, tot eenen Raedt van Indien, die wy sullen verkiesen met behoorlycke Authoriteyt ende Instructie, om vuyt onsen twegen achtinge te nemen op het verleenen van hulpe ende bystandt, aenneminge van krygsvolck, stellen van Gouverneurs, t’ maecken van wetten, keuren ende ordonnantien tot onderhoudinge van t’ recht ende alle borgerlycke eendracht, met de Bewinderhebbers te beraedtslagen over de middelen tot haerder bescherminge noodich, ende waer men die met de minste beswaringe, soo van t’ landt als vande compaignie sal becomen ende te wege brengen, als oock om alle verschillen, die onder de deelgenoten van dese Comp. souden mogen risen, vuyt eenige oorsaecken deselve Compagnie betreffende, de plano sonder eenige forme van proces te mogen afdoen.” 

Amsterdam or Middelburg. 29 In this way Usselincx imagined a partially aristocratic, partially elected structure, with pride of place reserved for Maurits of Nassau and the possibility open for foreign princes—the group best able to invest the requisite sum—to purchase an important office and thereby contribute to the Protestant cause and the war against Spain. 30 Usselincx spelled out the logic for his proposal in a number of subsequent letters to the States General, composed after it had become clear that his idea faced considerable opposition. 31 In his view, the responsibility for trade and that for war and colonial administration should never be vested in the same institution; nor should social groups be asked to perform functions for which they were not qualified. His draft proposed that the company’s directors be selected by the chief investors, rather than city or provincial magistrates, as Van Oldenbarnavelt had advocated, since no one could know a merchant's business better than other merchants. 32 To permit magistrates to interfere in trade on a daily business would undermine the company’s profitability and discourage investors. Likewise, merchants should be relieved from responsibility for tasks that fell outside their sphere of competence. It was both inappropriate and dangerous to involve merchants—whom he characterized as “tak[ing] profit as their North Star and desire as their 

 29 The Prince of Orange's role in the Raedt van Indien is only implicit in Usselincx draft charter, but is stated clearly in his subsequent clarifications between 1619-1622. See, for example, NA 1.01.05 inv.nr. 9409, Corte aenwysinge van de voor meeste verschillen tusschen t' Concept van Octroy op Westindien dat by de ho: mo: heeren, Myn heeren de Staten Generael inde Maent van februario anno 1619 aende respective provincien is gesonden, ende tgene daerna by de Gecommitteerde wt de groote zee steden van hollandt ende Westvrieslandt is beraemt..., April 13, 1620. 30 The resolutions of the States General reveal a number of inquiries that were transmitted via Dutch diplomats serving in Geneva, Heidelberg, and Paris. See for example Brederode's letters in the Resolutien der Staten Generael, April 30, 1620 and September 28, 1621. The most important foreign investor in the Amsterdam chamber of the company was the Prince of Anhalt, who subscribed 36,000 guilders via his agent, Adolf van Borstel (NA inv.nr. 18). See also the British National Archives in Kew, SP 84/104, fol. 217. Cort Verhael van de Redenen ende oorsaecken waerom dat over den Handel van de Westindien benevens de Cameren can de Bewindhebberen eenen Raedt van Indien behoort te wesen, Waerom dat aen naburighe vorsten ende Republicquen die hier met groote sommen incomen, moet toe gelaten worden eenen Raetheer te moghen stellen. 31 NA 1.01.05 inv.nr. 9409. 32 Ibid. Corte aenwysinge van de voor meeste verschillen tusschen t' Concept van Octroy op Westindien dat by de ho: mo: heeren, Myn heeren de Staten Generael inde Maent van februario anno 1619 aende respectiv provincien is gesonden, ende tgene daerna by de Gecommitteerde wt de groote zee steden van hollandt ende Westvrieslandt is beraemt, April 13, 1620. 

Amsterdam or Middelburg. 29 In this way Usselincx imagined a partially aristocr<strong>at</strong>ic, partially<br />

elected structure, with pride of place reserved for Maurits of Nassau and the possibility open for<br />

foreign princes—the group best able to invest the requisite sum—to purchase an important office<br />

and thereby contribute to the Protestant cause and the war against Spain. 30<br />

Usselincx spelled out the logic for his proposal in a number of subsequent letters to the<br />

St<strong>at</strong>es General, composed after it had become clear th<strong>at</strong> his idea faced considerable opposition. 31<br />

In his view, the responsibility for trade and th<strong>at</strong> for war and colonial administr<strong>at</strong>ion should never<br />

be vested in the same institution; nor should social groups be asked to perform functions for<br />

which they were not qualified. His draft proposed th<strong>at</strong> the company’s directors be selected by the<br />

chief investors, r<strong>at</strong>her than city or provincial magistr<strong>at</strong>es, as Van Oldenbarnavelt had advoc<strong>at</strong>ed,<br />

since no one could know a merchant's business better than other merchants. 32 To permit<br />

magistr<strong>at</strong>es to interfere in trade on a daily business would undermine the company’s profitability<br />

and discourage investors. Likewise, merchants should be relieved from responsibility for tasks<br />

th<strong>at</strong> fell outside their sphere of competence. It was both inappropri<strong>at</strong>e and dangerous to involve<br />

merchants—whom he characterized as “tak[ing] profit as their North Star and desire as their<br />

<br />

29 The Prince of Orange's role in the Raedt van Indien is only implicit in Usselincx draft charter, but is st<strong>at</strong>ed clearly<br />

in his subsequent clarific<strong>at</strong>ions between 1619-1622. See, for example, NA 1.01.05 inv.nr. 9409, Corte aenwysinge<br />

van de voor meeste verschillen tusschen t' Concept van Octroy op Westindien d<strong>at</strong> by de ho: mo: heeren, Myn heeren<br />

de St<strong>at</strong>en Generael inde Maent van februario anno 1619 aende respective provincien is gesonden, ende tgene<br />

daerna by de Gecommitteerde wt de groote zee steden van hollandt ende Westvrieslandt is beraemt..., April 13,<br />

1620.<br />

30 The resolutions of the St<strong>at</strong>es General reveal a number of inquiries th<strong>at</strong> were transmitted via Dutch diplom<strong>at</strong>s<br />

serving in Geneva, Heidelberg, and Paris. See for example Brederode's letters in the Resolutien der St<strong>at</strong>en Generael,<br />

April 30, 1620 and September 28, 1621. The most important foreign investor in the Amsterdam chamber of the<br />

company was the Prince of Anhalt, who subscribed 36,000 guilders via his agent, Adolf van Borstel (NA<br />

inv.nr. 18). See also the British N<strong>at</strong>ional Archives in Kew, SP 84/104, fol. 217. Cort Verhael van de Redenen ende<br />

oorsaecken waerom d<strong>at</strong> over den Handel van de Westindien benevens de Cameren can de Bewindhebberen eenen<br />

Raedt van Indien behoort te wesen, Waerom d<strong>at</strong> aen naburighe vorsten ende Republicquen die hier met groote<br />

sommen incomen, moet toe gel<strong>at</strong>en worden eenen Raetheer te moghen stellen.<br />

31 NA 1.01.05 inv.nr. 9409.<br />

32 Ibid. Corte aenwysinge van de voor meeste verschillen tusschen t' Concept van Octroy op Westindien d<strong>at</strong> by de<br />

ho: mo: heeren, Myn heeren de St<strong>at</strong>en Generael inde Maent van februario anno 1619 aende respectiv provincien is<br />

gesonden, ende tgene daerna by de Gecommitteerde wt de groote zee steden van hollandt ende Westvrieslandt is<br />

beraemt, April 13, 1620.<br />


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