Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland

Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland

Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland


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{/).) The terra "parcel" means a postal packet which is posted as a<br />

parcel in accordance with the Pai-cel <strong>Post</strong> Regulations for the tim<br />

being.<br />

Money Order <strong>Office</strong>, Government Insurance and Annuity<br />

<strong>Office</strong>, and <strong>Post</strong>-<strong>Office</strong> Savings Bank.<br />

Commission on Inland Money Orders.<br />

For sums not exceeding £1 2d.<br />

,, above £1 and not exceeding £2 3d<br />

„ ,. £2 and not exceeding £4 4d.<br />

,, „ £4 and not exceeding £7 5d.<br />

„ „ SI and not exceeding £10 6d.<br />

Telegrapli MoneiJ Orders (Inland).<br />

Money may be transmitted by Telegraph Money Order between all <strong>Post</strong><br />

<strong>Office</strong>s in the United Kingdom authorised to transact Telegraph and<br />

Money Order business.<br />

The commission is<br />

For sums not exceeding £1 4d.<br />

,, above £1 and not exceeding £2 6d.<br />

„ £2 „ „ £4 8d.<br />

„ £4 „ „ £7 lOd.<br />

„ £7 „ „ £10 is.<br />

In addition to the Commission, a charge is made at the ordinary Inland<br />

rate for the Official Telegram authorising payment at the <strong>Office</strong> <strong>of</strong> Payment<br />

and for the repetition there<strong>of</strong>, the minimum being 9d. The telegraph<br />

charges only cover the cost <strong>of</strong> transmitting the Official Telegram <strong>of</strong> Advice<br />

to the <strong>Post</strong>master <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Office</strong> <strong>of</strong> Payment and its repetition. Any telegraphic<br />

communication which the Remitter may wish to despatch to the<br />

Payee must be paid for at the ordinary Inland rate, the minimum being 6d.<br />

Commission on Colonial or Foreign Orders.<br />

For sums not exceeding £2 £-5 £7 £10<br />

S. D.<br />

6<br />

S. D.<br />

1<br />

s. n.<br />

1 (3<br />

S. D.<br />

2<br />

Money Orders do not require a receipt stamp.<br />

Although at the end <strong>of</strong> twelve months from that in which it was issued, a<br />

Money Order, if still unpaid, becomes legally void, nevertheless, when a good<br />

reason can be given for the delay in presenting it, an ai:)phcation for payment,<br />

subject to a certain deduction, is entertained.<br />

No application can be entertained for compensation for alleged injuiy from<br />

the non-payment <strong>of</strong> a Money Order at the expected time.<br />

After once paying a Money Order, by whomsoever presented, the <strong>Office</strong> is<br />

not liable to any further claim.<br />

<strong>Post</strong>al Orders.<br />

<strong>Post</strong>al Orders for certain fixed sums from Is. up to £1 are now issued at<br />

all Money Order <strong>Office</strong>s in the United Kingdom, at the British <strong>Post</strong> <strong>Office</strong><br />

at Constantinople, and in Malta, Gibraltar, India, Straits Settlements,<br />

Hong Kong, and Newfoundland. Such <strong>Post</strong>al Orders are paid at all Money

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