Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland

Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland

Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland


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140 Stanley & Irvine, warehousemen<br />

142 Charles Playfair & Co., gunmakers<br />

Union bridge.<br />

Union terrace.<br />

146 Wilsone & Duffus, advocates<br />

. . <strong>Aberdeen</strong> Sahnon Co.<br />

150 Peter Larg, music seller<br />

150a Prudential Assurance Co., Lim.;<br />

R. D. Hill, supt.<br />

150^ Alex. Campbell, cab <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

150b George Cooper, Deeside dairy<br />

Diamond street.<br />

152 Cochi-anA- Macpherson, advocates<br />

. . Royal Bank <strong>of</strong> <strong>Scotland</strong> Branch ;<br />

A. Cochran, agent<br />

. . <strong>Aberdeen</strong> Dis. Com. <strong>of</strong> County <strong>of</strong><br />

Abdn. ; Alex. Cochran, clerk<br />

. . Standard Life Assurance Co.<br />

. . Alex. Meikle, accountant<br />

154 Miss Fiddes<br />

156 L. H. Goodman, dentist<br />

. . G. & W. Miller, ironmongers<br />

158 Miss Robertson<br />

166 Miss Thompson<br />

. . James T. Jeffrey, solicitor<br />

. . W. J. Sandford-Thomson, factor<br />

. . A. M. Ironside, insur. broker<br />

T. Andrew<br />

. . Thomas<br />

168 William Andrew, druggist<br />

170 W. & J. Smith & Kelly, architects<br />

. . Alex. Milne, agent<br />

. . G. Falconer, fruiterer<br />

. . Mrs Cumming, lodgings<br />

172 Watt & Milne, silk mercers<br />

South Stiver street.<br />

Music Hall Buildings ; William<br />

Clark, attendant<br />

198 Young Men's Christian Institute<br />

. . R. Maitland, keeper<br />

. . CM. Lawrence, teacher <strong>of</strong> shorthand<br />

200 W. Smith, fruiterer<br />

204 Royal Northern Club<br />

Hv.ntly street.<br />

214 Murray, M'Combie, & Bennett,<br />

advocates<br />

. . Wm. Milne, solicitor<br />

216 A. F. Proctor, M.B.<br />

216a Wm. Kemp, flesher<br />

216b Wm. Coutts & Sons, painters<br />

218 J. Blaikie & Sons, lamp saloon<br />

220 Alf . Alexander De Lessert, dental<br />

surgeon<br />

222 Marquis & Hall, advocates<br />

224 John Rust, jun., architect<br />

226 North <strong>of</strong> Scot. Bank, West-end<br />

Branch ; G. Carmichael, agent<br />

228 George Carmichael, bank agent<br />

230 PauU & Williamsons, advocates<br />

. . R. M. Williamson, advocate<br />

Union TOW.<br />

232 Angus Fraser, M.D.<br />

234-236 Jas. Garvie & Sons, painters<br />

24i> Mrs Rust, lodgings<br />

242 Suttons (Chas. Cay), grocers<br />


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James Simpson, photographer<br />

John R. Levack, M.B., CM.<br />

David Levack, chemist<br />

C Mitchell MacQuibban, M.D.<br />

and surgeon<br />

C T. Urquhart, M.B., CM.<br />

Alexander Ogston, M.D.<br />

New Club<br />

A. Macgregor, physician<br />

G. Reid & Sons, druggists<br />

Town and County Bank (Limited)<br />

Branch<br />

Alexander Morrice, bank agent<br />

Free Gilcomston Church.<br />

Summer street.<br />

A. Burns, .}un., fruiterer<br />

Thomas Dick, ironmonger<br />

G. S. Knowles, L.R.C.P.E., &c.<br />

British Linen Company, West-end<br />

Branch<br />

Mrs D. Anderson<br />

Miss C M'Donald, confectioner<br />

Miss Falconer, stationer<br />

Edmund Geering, photogTapher<br />

Francis Buchan, baker<br />

A. Dufton, china merchant<br />

JohuRaffan, bootand shoe maker<br />

Chapel street.<br />

Wm. Cay & Sons, funeral under-<br />

Alex. Cay '<strong>of</strong> W. C. & Sons)<br />

Westbourne House Boarding<br />

Establishment ; Mrs Bruce<br />

Andrew B. Reid, draper<br />

Mitchell & Muil, Lim., bakers<br />

Miss E. L. Thomson, milliner<br />

And. W. Coutts, watchmaker<br />

Miss Craigen, dressmaker<br />

Mi's vSinclair<br />

Gordon Bros., grocers<br />

Rose street.<br />

Alex. Giles, fruiterer<br />

Miss J. L. Smith, tobacconist<br />

F. Morrison, teaclier <strong>of</strong> dancing<br />

Wm. Dickson, grocer<br />

Walter Geddes, hairdresser<br />

Mrs Clark, dressmaker<br />

Thorn & Strachan, plumbers<br />

Geo. Roberts, cabinetmaker<br />

Alex. Ferguson & Co., painters<br />

Wm. Bain, Lim., horse hirers<br />

Archibald Reith, M.D.<br />

R. Cumming, upholsterer<br />

W. P. Robertson, dentist<br />

R. B. Bateman, pr<strong>of</strong>, <strong>of</strong> music<br />

Malcolmson Morrison)<br />

Miss Morrison, teacher <strong>of</strong> music<br />

Mrs Rodger, lodgings<br />

Robert Cooper<br />

Lewis Kerr, draper<br />

John M'Mahon, artist, &c.<br />

Thomson & Co., tobacconists<br />

W. Smith, fruiterer<br />

W. Christie Crowe, physician<br />

Alex. Milne (<strong>of</strong> A. & R. M.)<br />

C King, clothier

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