Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland

Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland

Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland


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45 P. Clark, Shetland hosier<br />

57 Milne & Carry, watchmakers<br />

61 J. Ironside & Co. , wine merchts.<br />

63 The Skene Dairy<br />

65 Wm. J. JMilne<br />

73 Robert Coiitts, clothier<br />


<strong>Aberdeen</strong> Machine Firewood Co.<br />

96 J. & J. S. Anderson, house<br />

furnishers<br />

98 James S. Anderson<br />

.. James Cooper, cashier<br />

Robertson, shore porter<br />

. . Wm.<br />

100 P. Thomson, draper<br />

10-1 Wm. Smith, fruiterer<br />

101 M. Conway, stationer<br />

106 George Murray, shoemaker<br />

108 M. Conway, stationer<br />

. . Mrs. H. Gait, lodgings<br />

. . Mrs. W. Dunbar<br />

110-112 James Strathdee, baker<br />

114 Alex. Reid, tailor and clothier<br />

116 George Gordon, flesher<br />

120 Wm. Salter, grocer<br />

1<br />

3<br />

Roslin Terrace.<br />

From King street eastward.<br />

Miss Henry<br />

Wm. Boddie, stonecutter<br />

4 Alex. Fiddes, grocer<br />

5 Mrs D. Mackie<br />

6 Daniel Ross, spirit dealer<br />

.. D. P. Ross, photographer<br />

7 J. Michie, grocer<br />

8 Charles Coutts, druggist<br />

9 D. B. M'Coss, S. B. <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

10 Mrs Andrew Ross<br />

11 Wm. Ritchie, engineer<br />

11^ G. Ironside, bookseller<br />

12 Wm. Gray, draper<br />

13 Alex. Forbes com. trav.<br />

14 G. Bisset, blacksmith<br />

. . George<br />

Robb (<strong>of</strong> A. A. & Co.)<br />

15 John Guthrie, feuar<br />

Entrance to Hmothom terrace.<br />

16 John Fowler, com. agent<br />

. . Wm.<br />

Anderson, spirit dealer<br />

17 John B. Cairns, manager<br />

IS Geo. M. Stalker, stonecutter<br />

19 John M'Robb, overseer<br />

20 Mrs James Hunter<br />

21 James Buchan<br />

. . Joseph H. Smith, manager<br />

22 Wm. Wilkie, provision curer<br />

. . A. Baxter, cashier<br />

23 J. G. Robertson, cashier<br />

24 Wm. Norrie, restaurateur<br />

25 F. Coutts, engineer<br />

26 Wm. C. Milne (<strong>Aberdeen</strong> Journal)<br />

. . George Shand, printer<br />

Ross's Court.<br />

22 SchoolhiU.<br />

Ross's Court.<br />

6 Upperkirkgate.<br />

<strong>Aberdeen</strong> University Press, A.<br />

King & Co.<br />

Rubislaw Place.<br />

From Albyn pi. to Waverley pi.<br />

1 Mrs James Brown<br />

2 James S. Duncan<br />

3 Mrs Smith<br />

4 Jas. Ross, advocate (<strong>of</strong> A., T. & R.)<br />

5 Miss Abernethy<br />

6 James Marshall, M.D.<br />

Rubislaw Terrace.<br />

From Rubislaw pi. to Queen's ter.<br />

1 J. Davidson, paper manufacturer<br />

2 Rev. G. Webster Thomson<br />

3 Wm. Stephenson, M. D.<br />

4 F. T. Garden, advocate<br />

5 James Rose (<strong>of</strong> D. Rose & Co.)<br />

6 Miss Adam<br />

7 Rev. John Fyfe, M.A.<br />

8 Miss Westland<br />

9 David Littlejohn, advocate<br />

10 Miss Milne<br />

11 Mrs James A. Murray<br />

12 Wm. Clements Good, manuf. (<strong>of</strong><br />

R. C. & Co., Lim.)<br />

13 James Will, M.D. (<strong>of</strong> Woodside)<br />

15 J. W. Abernethy (<strong>of</strong> J. A. A Co.)<br />

16 Mrs Farquhar<br />

17 John Dove Wilson, LL.D., adv.<br />

18 Alex. Edmond, jr., advocate<br />

19 George W. W. Barclay<br />

20 Miss Eddie<br />

21 A. Forbes Wight, advocate<br />

22 Charles Ruxton, advocate<br />

23 James Spence, banker<br />

24 John Johnston (<strong>of</strong> G. Reid & Sons)<br />

25 Wm. Leslie (<strong>of</strong> W. L. & Co.)<br />

26 Wm. Gordon, Town Clerk<br />

Ruthrieston Terrace.<br />

Alex. Meffet, advocate<br />

St. Andrew Street.<br />

From Loch street to Woolmanhill.<br />


16 Robert Bruce, spirit dealer<br />

18 Wm. Young, contractor<br />

George street.<br />

38 Wm. Mearns & Co., plasterers<br />

Crooked lane.<br />

Blackfriars street.<br />

77 James Bryce (<strong>of</strong> H. & J. B.)<br />

79 Joseph Kynoch, tailor<br />


1 Alex. Mackie, grocer<br />

9 Mrs Smith, gi'ocer

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