Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland

Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland

Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland


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33 Wm. Qibb, shoemaker<br />

35 Wm. Bowman, fleslier<br />

37 Alex. Smith, confectioner<br />

39 W. S. Fraser, baker<br />

41 J. & W. Anderson, gardeners<br />

Shuttle lane.<br />

43 Charles Robertson, grocer<br />

46 Alex. Kinnaird, gardener<br />

47 Grombie's court.<br />

49 Mrs James Hunter, grocer<br />

51 W. S. Fraser, confectioner<br />

Frederick street.<br />

55 Wm. Edwards, beadle<br />

57 Mrs Reid, proprietrix<br />

67 Mrs Gardiner, grocer<br />

Princes street.<br />

69 George Ogilvie, grocer<br />

71 A. E. Stewart, clerk<br />

. . James Kesson, commission agent<br />

73 Mrs R. M. Baxter, draper<br />

75 James Wilson, blacksmith<br />

77 Robert Robertson, grocer<br />

79 Alex. Wattie, Hesher<br />

81 Alex. Sangster, grocer<br />

83 A. Cock, inspector<br />

Stephen, sick nurse<br />

. . Mrs<br />

85 Geo. Donaldson, bootmaker<br />

Park place.<br />

91 William Archibald, shoemaker<br />

Summerjield terrace.<br />

95 Wm. Morgan, beadle<br />

. . A. Manson, painter<br />

. . W. Forbes, blacksmith<br />

.. R. Archibald jr., shoemaker<br />

. . C. Mitchell (Abeixleen Journal)<br />

139 John Shaw, shoemaker<br />

Jasmine terrace.<br />

145 John Farquharson, grocer<br />

149 George Watt, collector<br />

. . Mrs Robertson, midwife<br />

151 D. Milne it Sons, engineers<br />

153 D. Milne, iun. (<strong>of</strong> D. M. & Sons)<br />

. . James Milne (<strong>of</strong> D. M. & Sons)<br />

155 John Sti-achan, book-keeper<br />

. . D. Milne, sen. (<strong>of</strong> D. M. & Sons)<br />

. . J. Irvine, horse shoer<br />

Railivay bridge.<br />


4 David Anderson, grocer<br />

Commerce street.<br />

Albion Street Chapel.<br />

28 A. Kenn, stoneware merchant<br />

30 Mrs Florence, midwife<br />

Wales street.<br />

36 Wm. Wilson, grocer<br />

42 Alex. Ruddiman<br />

48 Thomas Kent, shoemaker<br />

S. Constitution street.<br />

52 Thos. S. Douglas, china mercht.<br />

54 John Harvey, grocer<br />

56 Wm, Edmund, draper<br />

66 Wm. Scott, inspector<br />

68 G. R. Marnoch, bookseller<br />

70-72 James Wood, baker<br />

Constitution street.<br />

82 Alex. Ross, brushmaker<br />

90 Chas. Brown, stoneware merchant<br />

Lemo7i p)lace.<br />

Lemon street.<br />

Buff street.<br />

H. Imlay & Co., envelope manfs.<br />

Railicay bridge.<br />

J. Taylor & Co., manufacturers<br />

City Hospital<br />

Wm. Murdoch, gatekeeper<br />

Miss Both well, matron<br />

Erskine & Co., rope and twine<br />

manufacturers<br />

Park Place.<br />

Off Park street.<br />


5 George Beaton, grocer<br />

7 Joseph Cooper, shore porter<br />

9 A. Sangster, Park House<br />

11 Jas. Cruickshank, P.O.,Park Ho.<br />


4 Wm. Pressly, joiner<br />

16 Mrs Ross<br />

20 Mrs Sim, proprietrix<br />

22 Alex. Wattie, flesher<br />

Paterson's Court.<br />

90 GalloAvgate.<br />

Peacock's Close.<br />

24 Castle street.<br />

Pilot's Square.<br />

End <strong>of</strong> Pocra pier.<br />

6 R. Walker, fish merchant<br />

13 Wm. Mitchell Kay, grocer<br />

Pirie's Court.<br />

50 Castle street.<br />

Plasterer's Court.<br />

70 Gallowgate.<br />

Pocra Pier.<br />

From York street to New pier.<br />

1 L. Findlay & Son, fishcurers<br />

2 John Davidson, assis. pilot master<br />

3 W. A. Crombie, pilot master<br />

4 T. Walker, fishcurer<br />

5 Wm. Walker (<strong>of</strong> R. & W. W).<br />

Point Law.<br />

Reclaimed Ground, Inches.<br />

J. T. Kindness, fishcurer<br />

Henry Farquharson, fishcurer<br />

14 J. & G. Michie, fishcurers<br />

John Lews, boat-builder

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