Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland

Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland

Post Office Aberdeen directory - National Library of Scotland


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446 STREET DiRECTOtlt.<br />

27 Mrs D. Patrick<br />

29 George Glennie, late baker<br />

31 James Davidson, agent<br />

. . John Gray, piano tuner<br />

35 Wm. King, clerk <strong>of</strong> works<br />

. . Edmund Ross, photographer<br />

. . Geo. Collie, photo, portrait painter<br />


2 Neil Buchan, shoemaker<br />

4 G. Gordon, foreman stonecutter<br />

. . Miss Leys<br />

6 Miss Calder, music teacher<br />

Claremont Street.<br />

From Great Western road to<br />

Ashley road.<br />


13 Peter G. Pope, stonecutter<br />

15 John Mackie<br />

39 Walker & Ross, house carpenters<br />

George Monro, general carter<br />

81 George Watt, joiner<br />

. . John Walsh, market <strong>of</strong>ficer<br />

Pope, gardener<br />

. . John Dow, cab hirer<br />

. . Wm.<br />

83 John A. Ashton (H.M.C.)<br />

85 James Park, carpenter<br />

87 James M. Ogg, painter<br />

. . G. S, Michie, watchmaker<br />

. . Robert Masson, job. gardener<br />

89 Charles Douglas, joiner<br />

. . James Hossack, clerk<br />

91 Alex. Lamb, mason<br />

93 John Walker (<strong>of</strong> W. & R.)<br />

. . Neil Buchan, shoemaker<br />

95 Miss Bruce, dressmaker<br />

97 Alex. Duguid, merchant<br />

Chattan place.<br />

99 John Barron, commission agent<br />

101 P. Davidson, book-keeper, Claremont<br />

House<br />

. . J. Grant (H.M.C.)<br />


Charles Gauld, com. trav.<br />

10 Gerrie & Nicol, stonecutters<br />

. . Wm. Clark, blacksmith<br />

12 John Milne (<strong>of</strong> M. & H.)<br />

14 Jas. J. Mackenzie, writer<br />

16 A. Harper, draper<br />

20 N. Cook, shipmaster<br />

24-26 George Philip, grocer<br />

Granton place.<br />

28 Arch. Forbes, merchant<br />

34 Nazareth House<br />

40 Abdn. Steam Laundry Co., Ltd.<br />

Miss Maclean, manageress<br />

46 Thos. Scorgie, job. gai'dener<br />

48 James Barber, builder<br />

50 Charles Ross (<strong>of</strong> W. & R.)<br />

. . David W. Dewar, postman<br />

52 George Cranna, cabinetmaker<br />

54 Mrs M 'Donald, milliner<br />

Claremont place.<br />

;<br />

56 Alex. Grant, grocer<br />

58 Mrs Nicol, sick nurse<br />

64 F. Durward<br />

66 A. L. Dawson, grocer<br />

68-70 John Sangster, baker<br />

Clark's Court.<br />

2 Upperkirkgate.<br />

Clayhills.<br />

Between Affleck street and Portland<br />

street.<br />

C. Lyon, timber merchant<br />

Alex. Carnie, monumental works<br />

James Simpson, plasterer<br />

James Shepherd, wheelwright<br />

John S. Chisholm, carter<br />

Cluny Place.<br />

17 Ann street.<br />

College Bounds, O. A.<br />

From Spital to High street.<br />


2 Wm. Ritchie, carter<br />

11 Wm. M. Ramsay, M.A.<br />

13 J. M'Donald, blacksmith<br />

31 Rev. Henry Cowan, D.D.<br />

Misses Leslie, Powis<br />

John Jameson, Powis Lodge<br />

College road.<br />


1 Mrs Hay<br />

7 Miss Lawrence, grocer<br />

. . Wm. Knight, house factor<br />

10 H. Lawrence, S. B. <strong>of</strong>ficer<br />

. . Miss Sinclair, lodgings<br />

12 Wra. Cromar<br />

14 Mrs Gall, lodgings<br />

15 Misses Gumming, lodgings<br />

16 John Burnett, overseer<br />

23 Miss R. Smith, grocer<br />

28 David Murray<br />

29 George Milne, joiner<br />

University road.<br />

32 John narrower, M.A.<br />

33 Rev. George Pirie, M.A.<br />

King's College<br />

C. H. Dancaster, sacrist<br />

Rev. Alex. Stewart, D.D.<br />

University Manse.<br />

College Court.<br />

82 Broad street.<br />

College Road, O.A.<br />

From High street to Hermitage.<br />

2 Mrs Buchan, Hermitage Cottage

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